#her ass is definitely still sleeping. fuckin slug
Reject Yakuza… play persona 5
gotta bust my friend's door down to steal her playstation real quick brb
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stolyas · 4 years
I did it :3
Title: What are friends for?
Category: Hazbin Hotel
Chapter: 1/?
Summary:  Angel is supposed to cut back on sex. Cherri helps him break the rules.
Angel threw himself on Cherri's couch with a dramatic sigh.
"Long day, babe?" she asked, as she closed her apartment's door behind her.
Angel usually came over when he was feeling overwhelmed. It used to be when he wanted to party particularly hard too, but he was doing less of that nowadays. She didn't mind. She'd seen him way too miserable while working for Valentino, and since going to the hotel, they had somehow managed to free him from their contact. So if the price for that was Angel having to go clean (or cleaner, at least), Cherri was all for it. She encouraged him to do it, even. Sure, she still opened a bottle or two of wine for them to share when he came over, but she didn't offer anything harder than that anymore. Maybe a joint every once in a while, but that's it. She was pretty sure he still did those things without her, anyway. Oh, and he always carried cigarettes, which she appreciated, cause she was terrible at remembering to buy her own. But Cherri definitely didn't ask him to join her at bombing Pent's ass anymore, for example. She was doing her best at being a supportive friend.
"Like ya' wouldn't believe. Those bitches at da hotel are crazier every day."
Cherri walked over to the kitchen to get them their drinks. "What do they want now?"
"They're givin' me shit 'bout sex now. Which I don't get, cause since leavin' Val I've cut back significantly. Like a lot..." he paused for a second, and ran a hand through his hair. "Still gotta make money somehow, ya' know?"
She came back and sat down with him. He was all sprawled out, but she made him lift his legs for her to shuffle in and sit underneath them. "Didn't they say they'd support you financially while you found something else to do?"
"Well, yeah, but... I doan wanna do somethin' else, not now dat I'm freelance!" he huffed. "Besides, dick is a fuckin' human right! And if I'm good at it, why shoun't I charge fawh it? Also!" and at this he sat up to look at her in the eye. "It's not just ackshul sex dey want me tuh cut back on. It's also jackin' off."
He looked so shook she had to contain a laugh. Oh, poor thing. They were going all in on him. Well, he was their only 'patient' so far after all...
"That's really fucking stupid, baby, you are right" she said, trying to be comforting. "But you've done such badass things so far, I'd be surprised if you couldn't manage with this one."
Angel shot her a death glare. "I could, but I doan fuckin' wanna." Cherri actually laughed this time. "Ok, fair enough. Are they gonna follow you to the shower or something, then? Make sure you don't wrestle your eel?"
"I doan tink so, but dey did confiscate all of my sex toys. And I'm not supposed tuh go out alone anymawh. Except here, I guess." That gave her an idea. It wouldn't be their first time, either. She turned her head to the side to look at him and dedicated him a devious smirk.
"What?" he asked, completely oblivious at first. "Oh. Oh! Bitch! You'd do dat fawh me?"
"What are friends for? Besides, I got a bunch of toys I know you like. And we've had fun together before, I don't see why we can't do it again. You can just come over when the celibate life gets a bit too unbearable and I'll give a helping hand." She would have winked at him, alas...
He bit his lower lip with a sly smile on his face. "You're a lifesavuh. I mean, it's not ackshul dick, but..."
"Oh, save it. You know I'm better than most of the assholes you sleep with anyway. Or would you prefer to tug your slug in your hotel bedroom, in silence so you won't get caught?"
"Please, stop usin' euphemisms. And no, I'd not radder do dat at all, you're right, please fuck me?"
"But they are so funny!" she said, just to annoy him. "Of course I will, baby, any time you want."
"Now?" he ventured, with puppy dog eyes.
Cherri couldn't contain an amused giggle. "Last one to the bedroom is a sober virgin!"
They both tried to stand faster than the other, getting tangled in each other's limbs, and somehow ending up holding hands and running into the bedroom together, closing the door with a slam.
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 3
Read Ch. 2 |  Masterlist
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Read Ch. 2 | Masterlist 
 “We’re heading out, senpai!” the girls and guys greeted as they headed out. “Wish us luck!” “Kick some ass and we’ll celebrate when you return,” Ren shouted back.
She felt like a mom while watching the remaining straggling students quickly say their byes to her before running out; she couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What’re you laughin’ at this early?” a familiar voice gruffly muttered out. “Nothing of importance,” she replied back coolly. “Good luck today, Bakugou-kun.” “Tch, I don’t need luck,” he scoffed. “I’m gonna get it. Just remember our deal.” “I’m a person of my word.”
“Eh? What deal we talkin’ ‘bout here?” Kirishima enthusiastically asked.
“Where Bakugou would treat everyone nicer if he failed the exam today,” she joked. “Go to hell, fuckin’ idiot,” he angrily barked out and trekked away with his hands shoved into his pant pockets.
“Oi, don’t say somethin’ like that to a girl!” the spiky redhead shouted at his friend and turned to Ren. “Sorry, senpai. He didn’t mean it.” “I know,” she replied with a reassuring smile. “You should go before they leave you behind.”
Ren couldn’t help but feel anxious for 1-A. From what she heard, they’re up against some tough students this year, especially from Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu. This year is definitely a unique time to get a hero license with the recent shift in the pro-hero’s world.
Even though she has hers, she’s been hesitant in applying for agencies. Her quirk isn’t exactly the strongest and decided to dedicate her time in strengthening it before trying. Her freshman internship was with Hawks; she learned to constantly be aware of her surroundings and not let any small detail go unnoticed. He even let her tag along and help subdue a criminal trying to rob a convenience store once she proved herself to be useful.
Shaking her head to rid the worry in her head, she had to finish getting ready and get to class. The day dragged on as her mind wandered back and forth between class and how everyone else was doing during the exams.
Her main concern was her ballsy bet with Bakugou.
She didn’t mind telling him about her quirk; it was the former proposal that’s got her riled up. Inwardly groaning for rising up to his bait, she’s had to lay in the bed she made.
Why did she do that? It wasn’t like her to take such a gamble.
She’s barely been at the dorms with them for a month and they’ve already influenced her this much? What horrifying charisma they have, she thought.
As the bell rang for the last class of the day, everyone in 2-A chatted among themselves. Tomoe and Seri made their way over to Ren’s desk, to which she paid no attention to. Seri waved her hand in front of her face, trying to catch her attention.
“Ren-Ren, you okay there?”
“Hm?” Her head jolted up with wide eyes. “Y-yeah. What’s up?”
“You don’t look okay...” Tomoe replied and sat on the corner of her desk. “The babies got their exam today, right? You worried?”
“W-what? Of course not!” Ren huffed. “I’m sure they all passed.”
“Is that so? Then what’s this?”
Seri plucked her notebook from her desk and looked at it with Tomoe. She tried to get it back but the girls grabbed it just out of her reach. What was supposed to be her class notes were replaced with statistical data of each of 1-A’s student’s success rates depending on the exam scenario.
“Y’know, if you actually put as much effort into Intro to Hero Law as you did with this, you’d actually be higher ranked in class,” Tomoe teased and cocked her head sideways.
Quickly snatching her notebook from Seri’s grasp successfully, she hastily shoved it into her bag.
“It’s… whatever, okay?” Ren disregarded her friends’ comments with a tint of pink on her cheeks and looked away, rubbing the back of her head; her other hand drummed impatiently on the desk.
“Aw, she’s gettin’ all shy on us,” Tomoe gushed. “How cute.”
“Oh my God. Shut it before I shove your quills up your ass.”
“Speakin’ of 1-A,” her classmate, Ito chimed in. “Are they as troublesome as their reputation says?”
“Not yet, thankfully. I think they’ve been too busy to get in trouble lately,” Ren chuckled.
“The day is still young, Takahiro,” her classmate pointed out with a knowing look.
“I’m sure they’re all too tired to do anything after those exams. Remember what happened with us?”
“I slept like the dead that night,” Tomoe reminisced. “Even though I barely passed.”
“Shiketsu’s tactics in trying to take us out was dirty,” Ito remembered with a bitter scowl on his face.
“But highly effective,” Ren added. “We passed that phase by the skin of our teeth.”
Making their ways out the classroom, 1-A’s R.A. had to make a run to the canteen; she figured she’d whip up something tasty to celebrate their exam.
“Lunch-Rush!” she called from the entrance of the kitchen.
“Yo, Takahiro,” the robot greeted. “You made it.” “Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it,” she said with a small smile and looked down at the bags of ingredients. “This is what’s left over from today?”
“It was a little more than I expected since the first years from the hero course aren’t here.”
“This should be more than enough. Thanks!”
Ren grabbed the heavy bags of produce, slugging half a bag of potatoes on her back.
“Ah, w-wait! Takahiro!” Lunch-Rush called. “Are you sure you can handle this?”
She turned and gave him a smirk with a cocked eyebrow.
“Who do you think I am?”
Within a second, both her and the ingredients disappeared without a trace.
The silence of the Alliance Dorm was temporarily disturbed with a small zip in the air at the entrance to the dorm. Ren set the items down on and floor and stretched out her back.
“I forgot how much longer it takes doin’ that with items in hand,” she groaned out and proceeded to stretch out her arms. “I need to practice more.”
Ren’s quirk, Flicker, allows her to teleport short distances, with a maximum radius of 2.5m. The accuracy of the teleportation depend on whether she knows the location in her head or can see where she’s going to. If she teleports beyond her current radius, she’ll have a 5-minute cooldown. While that may seem like a short time, five minutes in a fight can mean life or death. Her ability fluctuates depending on her physical status.
Class 1-A managed to make it back to the dorms around early evening. They were tired, sweaty and very, very hungry. The moment they entered, their noses were greeted with tantalizing aromatic spices coming from the kitchen.
“What’s that amazin’ smell?” Kaminari squeaked out, his eyes beginning to roll up into his head in bliss. “Is it food? I hope it’s food.”
“Ah, it’s Takahiro-senpai!” Shoji exclaimed with one of his mouths. “She’s cooking.”
The R.A. could be seen busily tending to a pot of simmering goodness, humming to herself. The front part of her hair was clipped up and the rest hid her undercut. She was wearing an all black ensemble consisting of an over-sized t-shirt with a sports bra peeking underneath and a pair of drop crotch harem pants. Huge platters of already completed food sat on the kitchen island.
Her attention was then diverted by excited chatter from the doorway of the common room as they hurriedly removed their outside shoes before running to the kitchen.
“Senpaaiiii!!!!” Some of the boys shouted with tears of joy running down their cheeks. “You’re amazing!!!!!”
“Oh welcome back.”
“Wow, this looks like a feast!” Yaoyorozu gushed with a hand to her cheek. “You made all this?”
Ren nodded with a small smile. “I got the leftover ingredients from the school kitchen. Can’t let ‘em go to waste.”
She turned the stove fire off and removed the pot from the hot part of the stove to let the contents cool down. The chef then turned her attention to the class and propped her elbow up on the counter top.
“So how’d it go?”
She looked up to see beaming smiles from all but two people: Bakugou and Todoroki. Given their personalities and fighting styles, she had a feeling something like this would happen.
“Well, you can tell me all about it over food.” “Everyone!” Iida’s voice boomed aloud while stiffly moving his arms in an up and down motion. “Please wash your hands and change first before we eat!”
“Go, I got some final touches to do anyway,” their senpai huffed with a grin.
A short moment later, everyone filed back down in their own clothes and made their way to the dining area. Huge platters of freshly fried potato croquettes, salad, chicken katsu, a huge pot of Japanese curry and a giant bucket of white rice waited to be re-homed into class 1-A’s stomachs.
Ren wipe some sweat from her forehead with her arm and sighed.
“This was all I was able to manage given the time.”
“It’s still a lot considering...” Jiro stared at the spread in amazement.
“She’s a goddess! An actual goddess!” Mineta shouted with tears streaming down as he stuffed his face with croquettes.
Everyone was eating to their heart’s content, some even grabbing a second serving. Among all the happy chatter and laughter, she noticed two lone wolves to the side keeping to themselves, not wanting to spoil the mood. She walked up to where Todoroki was sitting and placed a hand on his shoulder, lulling his mind back from his thoughts.
As the boy turned his head to meet her gaze, Ren quickly leaned into his ear and whispered, “Find me here after everyone’s gone to sleep.”
And just like that, she walked away from him like nothing happened. A glint of curiosity stirred about his hetero-chromatic eyes.
“I’m so full,” Ochaco drawled up with a content sigh, patting her stomach. “Everything was so yummy.”
“I hope you guys got room for dessert though.”
“Senpai, you’re spoiling us,” Kaminari declared and sighed. “I might just fall in love with you.”
One by one, the class filed into the kitchen to see Ren’s plating demonstration. Cutting a sizable portion of the castella, she laid it down on the plate with a knife and then generously drizzled something on top of it with a squeeze bottle.
“Sato-kun,” she called the tall muscular boy. “Give it a try.”
“You’re the sweets guy.”
Accepting the plate, the burly boy thanked her and took a bite of cake. Within milliseconds, his eyes bulged out wide, as if he had an epiphany about something.
“It’s… sweet! But spicy!” he declared with twinkling eyes. “Two flavor profiles melded together like magic! It’s bliss!”
“Ehhh?” the class exclaimed.
“Oh good. It worked,” the R.A. happily commented and continued plating to serve. “Here. Try for yourselves.”
Bite by bite, each student got hooked.
“Oh my… This is delicious! How did you make this?!” Hagakure excitedly inquired with sparkles in her eyes, if they could be seen.
“I ground up a little candied ginger with the brown sugar at the bottom when I was baking it off,” Ren explained. “I felt like something was missing when I tried it, so I decided to make some hot honey for garnish. And since you’re such a big tea fan, Yaoyorozu, this cake will go well with an Earls Grey.”
“Wow, you really thought of everything!” Ochaco happily chimed in and took another bite. “Senpai’s so amazing.”
“Not really,” she shyly chuckled and scratched her chin. “I just like to eat and often cooked with my mom.”
“Yo, Bakugou!” Kirishima shouted with an extra plate in his hand. “You’ll wanna eat this!”
“The hell is that, cake? I don’t like sweet stuff,” the gloomy blond boy gruffly responded from the couch.
“Dude, you’ll like it. Trust me.”
The redhead set the plate beside him and cut off a piece to feed him.
“The fuck are you, my mom?” he barked out and snatched the fork from Kirishima. “I can feed myself!”
“C’mon Bakugou. Chill out,” Sero chimed in and sat across from the explosive blond. “I get you’re pissed you failed, but at least you have the provisional classes coming up for it.”
“That’s right!” Mina added and flopped on the backside of the couch between the two boys. “And Ren-senpai went through the trouble in making this for us. The least you could do is show your gratitude!”
Even though he knew his friends were right, he didn’t want them to know. He was also bitter about losing his bet with Ren. Yet here she was, putting in all of her efforts for them. Win or lose, he thought she would’ve done this for them. Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he shoved the piece of cake into his mouth and chewed. It was sweet, but the spice packed in was enough to satisfy his palette.
“It’s good, isn’t it?” the pink girl excitedly spewed out.
“… It’s edible.”
“Bakugou! There you go again!” his rocky friend exasperatingly scolded and face palmed. “Ya gotta get better ‘bout that attitude of yours, man.”
“Ren-senpai, we’re really sorry about Kacchan,” Midoriya apologized on Bakugou’s behalf. “He’s just really hot-headed.”
“Don’t sweat it,” their upperclassman disregarded and teased. “I can handle brats like him.”
“The hell you say over there?!” he barked aloud from the couch. A vein could be seen protruding from his temple.
In an instant, Ren went from the kitchen area to sitting to the right of Bakugou on the couch. She proceeded to poke his cheek with her index finger. His head immediately turned in shock, as did the rest of the class. She just felt like flexing her quirk at that moment for some reason.
“I said you were being a brat,” she repeated and rested her chin on her knuckles. “Are you always this pleasant to be around?”
Scoffing aloud, he swatted her hand away, her eyes not leaving his scowling side profile.
“Y’know, it’s not very plus ultra of you to be the way you are right now,” she pointed out as a matter-of-factly.
The ash blond boy scoffed again and stood up from the couch to walk away.
“Fuck this shit. I’m goin’ to sleep!” he yelled as he retreated to the elevator.
“And that’s as close to an apology I’ll get this time around huh,” Ren remarked with a smirk, watching him leave the common area.
“Pretty much,” Sero sheepishly replied, rubbing the back of his head. “Just give him some time. He’ll come around.”
“Never mind Bakugou. That’s just how he is,” Ashino disregarded. “What was that you just did before, senpai?! That ‘zip!’ thing you did! Was that your quirk?”
She proceeded to explain Flicker to everyone, with the green-haired boy air writing notes on the side, not letting one single detail go to waste.
“It’s good for defensive maneuvers, but I’m still playing around with a fighting style that best works for me.”
“That seems like a tough quirk to have,” Tokoyami commented. “To have to know where you’re going first before moving. It’s almost as hard as me controlling Dark Shadow.”
“It’s very draining on stamina if I overuse it,” she admitted. “Which is why I’ve do a lot of training so I can prolong and strengthen my quirk.”
“What kind of training did you do?” Midoriya immediately asked, his eyes completely focused on Ren. His hands were still in the position of holding an air pen and notebook.
“Lots of stuff: Running, boxing, aikido, dancing, basically anything that got my heart rate up and tired me out by the end of it. Come to think of it, I think an endurance exercise would be benefit you all. It’d definitely help you control your quirks better and have you last longer in fights.”
“Quirkless exercises?” Todoroki suddenly asked. “Do you think it’d work?”
“I mean, quirks are a part of us like a muscle, right? The more you train your body, the better it’ll be. It’s like building up a tolerance to something if you break it down to its bare bones.”
Majority of the class agreed to that statement.
“Uwah, I dunno if I could do somethin’ like that,” Jiro groaned out. “My body’s not built for that kinda thing.”
“Well, if you guys ever need any advice on this, you can always swing by my room whenever and we can have a one-on-one ‘bout it,” Ren suggested.
With the idea in agreement, everyone hung out in the common area a bit longer before turning in for the night. As the lights went out in the 1-A dorms, Ren stealthily made her way out of her room, holding her slip on shoes and teleported down to the common room.
She turned to see Todoroki waiting by the courtyard windows, holding his outside shoes in his right hand.
“Oh good. You remembered,” she whispered with a small smile and slipped on her shoes.
“Did you need something from me, Takahiro-senpai?”
“I wanna take you somewhere.”
“But we’re not allowed to leave the dorms. There’s security drones–”
Ren gave the boy a look and tilted her head.
“Little trust, please. We’re not gonna get caught.”
She held her hand out for him to grab on. He hesitantly did so; only because he didn’t know what she was thinking.
“Hold on tight, okay?”
Ren took a small breath and the two disappeared from the dorm. The sensation of being teleported was weird; It was like you were falling and floating at the same time as you felt the ebb and flow of time pass by what felt like an eternity, when it was merely seconds.
With a small zip in the air, she and Todoroki landed in a dark wooded area. Cricket chirps and hoots from owls could be heard from the lush darkness; their path only lit by scattered fireflies flying past. The mid-summer breeze strongly whipped through the night. It took both of them a few minutes for their eyes to adjust to the darkness. Before he could ask anything, he saw the R.A. already walking and followed her.
“Oh good. I didn’t screw it up this time,” she huffed out in relief. “Come on.”
“Where… are we exactly?”
“Still on U.A.’s campus. By foot, we’re probably… 20 minutes out? Look.” She pointed in the northeast direction, where the dimly lit side profile of U.A.’s campus could be seen.
The two came up to a small secluded area with a fallen log as a seat. A used campfire set up could be found nearby with some firewood to the far side of the small space.
“Whenever my friends and I need a breather, we’d come up here to hang,” Ren shared and proceeded to sit down on the log and turned to him with a small smile. “It’s kinda like our secret base.”
She invited him to sit down next to her, to which he did stiffly.
“So… why did you invite me up here?” Todoroki hesitantly asked.
“You look like you needed a place like this to clear your head from all the noise.”
His head slowly turned to meet her sympathetic gaze. Even in the dark, he was able to see her hazel green eyes shine.
“Do you have a mind reading quirk too?” “I wish,” she chuckled and crossed her legs. She propped her arm up on her knee and proceeded to rest her chin in her hand. “I’ve just learned how to read people better, is all.”
“Some would say that is a quirk.”
A comfortable silence sat between the two, with the light sound of wind filling the gaps in between.
“Do you ever think...” Todoroki broke the silence. “What you’ve done in the past will come back full circle at you?”
“You mean like karma?”
“I guess…” He sighed heavily with slumped shoulders before continuing on. “Since I’ve been here, I thought rejecting one side of me was the correct answer to go about doing things. Because of that, I got tunnel-visioned and didn’t realize how many people I’ve hurt in the process.”
He looked down at his left hand and clenched it into a soft fist.
“But after meeting everyone, my views begun to change bit by bit… I thought I changed, up until this exam. I was once again reminded my past mistakes will never leave me because of who I am.”
“Because of who you are?”
“You know the pro-hero Endeavor?” He swallowed the lump in his throat as if he was holding down vomit. “I’m… his son. But I’m sure you knew that already.”
“And why do you say that?”
“If I were Aizawa-sensei and bringing in someone new to be his assistant, I’d give them all the information I know so they’re on the same page.”
As expected of Todoroki Shouto, she mentally praised. He’s analytic, calm and collected. He has great leadership qualities but like Bakugou, has a tendency to go off on his own in fights. There are times he gets into his own head too much and ends up affecting his performance, like what happened during the Sports Festival.
“Todoroki-kun,” Ren turned to face him and spoke in a soft but serious tone. “We all make mistakes, big and small. The difference lies in how we face and fix them.”
The boy looked down and slowly nodded, still feeling the weight from his shameful interaction with Inasa today.
“If I can offer you one more small piece of advice to you...”
She scooted closer to the red and white hair colored boy and flicked him on his forehead. His upper body flinched backward from the pain and let out a small hiss of pain; he pouted and rubbed the area his forehead got flicked.
“You’re too young to be this serious and worrying about over-existential stuff you got no control over. You’re gonna drive yourself nuts thinking in circles,” she playfully scolded. “Just focus on the you that’s here right now; the you who wants to right these wrongs. The rest’ll fall into place.”
She flashed him a small, calming smile and all he could do was nod because he knew she was right.
“Ah...” Ren looked up at the clearing sky. “There it is.”
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She uncrossed her legs and leaned back with her arms supporting her; her face wearing a content and peaceful grin. Todoroki’s curious gaze followed suit and saw a heavenly body of twinkling stars above them. Even without the moon tonight, they were particularly bright.
“This is the main reason why I took you up here,” she revealed, pointing upward. “For perspective. And the view’s nice.”
“If you think about it, we’re like these stars: each a different shape, size and brightness; each with their own story and struggles,” she explained. “On its own, it’s just a random speck in the sky. But when you see the bigger picture, it’s much more beautiful and you realize we’re not so different, after all.”
She looked back down at Todoroki again.
“And the fact you’re already aware of the other stars means you’ve made that step forward in changing your ways. So why are you still beating yourself up?”
“My pride and ego, I guess...”
“That’s always a killer,” she offhandedly commented. “It won’t make you an efficient hero.”
“I’ll work on that so that I will be.”
“I know you will.”
A short beat of silence filled the void.
“Senpai…” the boy hesitated for a second. “Can I ask a question?”
“This has been bothering me for a bit, but your last name… it sounds familiar.”
“Does it? It’s pretty common.”
“But is it your real one?”
Ren’s eyes widened and flickered in the dark, staring straight into Todoroki’s bi-colored ones. The sound of the wind suddenly picked up again, as if to create a barrier between the two.
No one was supposed to know.
So how did he? No, she had to play it cool rather than react.
“Why do you think it isn’t?” “Just something I remembered reading a news article in passing a while ago...” He put his hand up to his chin and suddenly remembered. “Ah, it was–”
Ren immediately lunged and put her hand over his mouth, her face shadowed over by her short rose-gold hair. Todoroki felt no animosity from her, but what was this pressure squeezing from his lungs? In that short moment, he heard his own heart beating from his ears.
“Not another word if you value your life,” she whispered dangerously low, her breath shaky. The girl held on for a short moment before gingerly removing her hand, allowing him to breathe normally again. Ren’s trembling limb slowly descended, trying to get a grip on her stirred up emotions and clenched it into a fist.
“I won’t say it but… may I ask why?”
“The last person who said it...” her voice shook nervously. “… Killed my dad and brother.”
Todoroki’s eyes widened in shock, unable to say anything and realized he overstepped his boundaries with his upperclassman. The wind lightly whipped past the two, hoping to cool the two bodies down from this explosive revelation.
He decided to ask, “Is that why you decided to be a hero? For revenge?” out of both concern and curiosity considering what happened with Iida when his brother got injured by Stain.
“Please,” she scoffed and turned away. “I would’ve been a vigilante were it for something that petty. I’m actually insulted you’d think so little of me, Todo-kun.”
“My apologies, senpai.”
“I’m kidding,” Ren quickly replied with a lopsided smirk that never reached her eyes. “You really can’t take a joke, can you?”
“I’ll… also work on that.”
She lightly chuckled and sighed, trying to lighten up the mood.
“My brother wanted to be one when we were kids,” she divulged. “I’m just fulfilling something he can’t.”
“And what did you want to be?”
Ren shrugged. “I was really indecisive as a kid. One day, I wanted to be a chef, the next I wanted to be a mermaid and another day, a dog.”
He couldn’t help but let out a small laugh and covered his mouth as his shoulders shook.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh,” he apologized between his stifling giggles.
“It’s fine,” she waved it off with a small chuckle. “But somewhere along the way, I thought...”She paused for a moment. “I might be a halfway decent hero with this quirk. It’s not the flashiest, but I feel like I can save a lot of people in crisis.”
“I know you will,” Todoroki repeated the same words back to her.
The two gave each other a meaningful look and softly chuckled before gazing back up at the night sky, the breeze lightly passing by to calm both their hearts.
“Guess we should head back before someone notices we’re gone,” she suggested and stood up from the makeshift bench, brushing off any loose debris from the log; Todoroki followed suit.
“Senpai...” he uttered out and looked down at his shifting feet. “… Thank you.”
“You don’t need to do that.” She turned around and shoved her hands into her pockets. “When I saw you sulking, I just… wanted to help, is all.”
“Spoken like a true hero.”
Ren turned back around and held her hand out, with Todoroki taking it this time without fear. Feeling the same sensation from before, the two made it back to the dorms; they were on the 5th floor this time. Before he could ask, she quickly whispered her answer: “Less of a chance for us to get caught.”
Letting go of his hand, she took off her shoes and held them in one hand; the other waving him good night and popped down to her room one floor below. Letting out a long sigh, she put her shoes on the small rack by her room door and saw her mobile phone blinking from her peripheral.
Waking the screen up, she unlocked it to see two missed calls and a text message from Aizawa. Ren clicked on the text message icon to read the note. Her eyes immediately widened.
Midoriya and Bakugou snuck out and fought each other at Ground Beta. They’re currently at the nurse’s office on campus being treated for their injuries. Bakugou is under house arrest for 4 days; Midoriya for 3. She was to make sure no one from 1-A were to tell them what is going on during classes as punishment.
“These freaking idiots...” she hissed out with knitted eyebrows of anger, gripping the side of her phones with force.
Last night’s commotion created an even bigger one in the dorms and on campus. Ren was absolutely livid this even happened. Making her way down to the common area, she saw the two boys vacuuming while the rest of the class got ready to leave for the opening ceremony.
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“Ah, good morn–” the small freckled boy started to greet only to stop in a state of fear and panic when he met Ren’s menacing death glare; it radiated an intense kill aura. There were many words she’d like to exchange to those two, but she’s sure Aizawa already pounded it into them.
“U-um, senpai...” the small green haired boy nervously muttered out. “We’re sor–”
“You’re only sorry you got caught,” she harshly interrupted and crossed her arms.
The two stood there quietly and looked down and to the side, guilt written all over their faces. The rest of the class who were getting ready to leave froze in place.
“I’m not even mad. Just disappointed,” she continued with a glower from her angry hazel green eyes. “So don’t apologize to me, apologize to them.” She pointed to the rest of 1-A. “You’re the ones who have to earn back their trust.”
As she walked away, she uttered, “Fucking morons,” under her breath in English.
Read Ch. 4
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Ranking of the Assassin’s Creed main games
A personal ranking of the main story games of the Assassin’s Creed series. I will be putting ten eleven twelve spots, as there are ten eleven twelve games (one being released soon), and I will just leave the spots open and move them around as I play the games. Please note that I strive to get 100% synchronization so any optional stuff that isn’t necessary does affect my opinion.
Updated: 12/25/2020
Warning: There is spoilers, cursing and opinions below.
12 - Assassin’s Creed: Unity - This game took the longest for me to complete. Literal years to finish. I can’t even remember when I started playing this game (I’m guessing somewhere around late 2017 or early 2018, since I finished III in 2017 and finished Rogue not too long after that) but I had about 70% already done when I picked it back up these last couple weeks and powered through it as much as possible. What really ruined the game experience was the co op missions. I’m shite at the games, so I’m not going to actually try to play with other people. Soloing each of those three times to get all the armor was a nightmare. I’d much rather play the first game again because at least its shorter than this one. The controls are a bit buggy and because the free run system changed, I definitely had a hard time adjusting to it. I didn’t have many opinions about the clothes and weapons, and I never even took much of a look at the color options. Overall game time: I actually don’t know. It doesn’t record the time in game like it has in previous games, but it records it through the Ubisoft site, and mine didn’t sync up I guess. I’m assuming it has a similar game time at Black Flag, so maybe around 60-70 hours? It’s hard to tell because I’ve been playing it off and on for like 2-ish years with loooong breaks in between.
11 - Assassin’s Creed - Fuck this game and its monotonous game play. Fuck its collectibles and not being able to ride horses ANYWHERE. Couldn’t ride my horse in the open fuckin fields or I’d get chased by guards. God dammit I hate this game so much. I hated it so much, I had to take a year break halfway through the game. I hated it that much. Altair is the blandest character in this series and yet they don’t let go of him until Revelations. Even then, there’s still some stuff about him in later games. Altair was a boring character and I didn’t want to hear about him after this game. Overall game time: I don’t fucking know because I can’t find where it would be listed but this game sucks anyway so fuck it. Who cares?
10 - Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey - (This is gonna be long, sorry not sorry.) I played as Kassandra! This game is just a complete monster all on it’s own. I actually made a bullet point list about the things to mention here and I haven’t done that for any of the other games. Major talking points about this game. It’s just too big. The map is too big; there are too many weird, small locations to visit; there are too many tiny fetch quests, too many kill quests. I miss when there was a map with like, maybe 20-40 extra places to visit and some side quests. Most of this game is filler, if you’re trying to 100%. And because the world is just so large, the fast travel points don’t actually help. I could have a quest point that is a minimum of 500m from any kind of fast travel point. That’s not really any help. Along with the large map, some exploratory areas are just too big. The forts are a regularly occurring type of location in the game. These tend to be huge with something like 20-40 bad guys in them. Every time I happened to come upon these, I would groan, save, and then slug through it. Of course, when you have that many baddies, you think it should be easy. But no, it’s just another tedious task because instant assassination is no more! If you happen to do enough damage or the baddie is a low enough level, you can instant assassinate. But if they’re an elite or brute, you’re out of luck. Another major downer for people is the general rpg-like feel of this game. Origins, I think anyway, handled the rpg element much better than Odyssey. Origins gave you an established character, Bayek, and you did not get to change his character in any way. You play as Bayek. Odyssey, however, gives you dialogue and moral choices. They try to give you a half established character and then you take over from there. So you can either try to make decisions you think would align with Kassandra/Alexios, or you can make decisions on your usual play through of an rpg. This was definitely a bad way to handle this game. I think it would’ve been much better if they had given us little to no dialogue/moral choices. Like, for example, for one of the Tales from Greece DLC quests, you help find Barnabas’ daughter. You try to convince her to leave her mother’s farm to join you on your ship with Barnabas. She declines, which is reasonable as she wants to care for her family farm. Weeelllll, with out any kind of input from me, Kassandra burns down the farm and tries to play it off as helping the daughter in the end. I was horrified that the game just did that for me without at least giving me the choice. And these aren’t the only kind of choices that suck. The romance options! They are all basically one time flings that you seduce with a few flirty sentences (what is this, the Sims?) and then they most likely will join your ship. Now it was amusing at first to bang anyone who would let me, but then it got a bit frustrating. Why couldn’t I have a solid relationship? I just wanted to pick someone and date them the whole time and have cute scenes together. Why are they so many women romance options and little men options? I mean, I am a straight woman, but I will romance who I want in games because fuck it, am I right? And the one male romance option I did genuinely enjoy was a bit of a let down, cause it was between two brothers. See, I helped two brothers and I noticed a could romance them both. Now, dummy me I guess, romanced them both and then hoped maybe a little menage a trois would happen. Nooooooo, I couldn’t have both at once, and because I had slept with both of them before at separate times, I couldn’t even get to choose one later! Let me have the threesome cowards. You put statues with dicks everywhere and let me sleep with almost anyone. Give me the threesome. Also, about romancing anyone, did you know you can romance the leader of the big bad at the end of the game?? I sure didn’t until I got to that point. I did it for the shits and giggles but really what reasoning is there behind it? She’s someone who you previously trusted and was previously betrayed by. You never show ANY romantic interest in her before the very end of the game. Like it doesn’t make any sense for them to smooch. Talking about the cult, why are they sooo boring? Except for the few that are integral to the main story line, all the side cult member are boring looking and don’t have interesting reasons for being in the cult. The Order members from Origins were 100x more interesting. They had reasons for being part of The Order. They had interesting character designs. I just wish the cult members had been more like the members in Origins. Uh let’s see more points to hate on the game. I have no idea if this was a problem for other people, but fairly often, characters dialogue would overlap. It didn’t bother me much, as around 100 hrs I started skimming and skipping dialogue. I know this was definitely a problem for others: my game kept freezing and crashing. Comparing my last save time and my time on the Uplay site, I lost about 2 hrs and 20-ish minutes from freezing and crashing. The armor is this game is either subpar or down right ugly. I liked the armor upgrade system in Origins because the armor naturally fit with Bayek and his setting. Where as Kassandra could be running around in Athens wearing Spartan armor because the was made me the most powerful at the time. Now, I realized super late into the game that you could basically change the outlook of your armor to look like any piece you had looted to that point. But, like, why even have the ugly armor to begin with? Ships are a thing. Almost like Black Flag ships, but not quite as good. I’m not sure why they didn’t just recycle the ship system from Black Flag, but they didn’t. The ships feel so much slower and clunkier, and the upgrades start feeling like they do nothing when you get into the higher ones. And in certain parts of the sea, it’s crawling with pirates that aggro you almost immediately. I just wanted to get to that island that was like 1000m away, but I guess I have to battle some pirate ships now. And to finish off for the main game: Layla sucks major ass and I hate her as the modern day protagonist. So, my parents happened to have bought the seasons pass version of Odyssey when they got it for me for Christmas, so that means I got the play some AC DLC for the first time ever! Wooooooo.... yeah I wish this wasn’t the first game I played the DLC for. I’m gonna talk about the Fate of Atlantis DLC first. I didn’t really enjoy this DLC. It starts off with a disturbing scene of Alexios/Kassandra/Deimos torturing a man for information. It made me uncomfortable. I can handle most stuff that make people squeamish, but this one got me, boys. Elysium, which is basically heaven, is very pretty realm and pleases my aesthetic. But, the Isu guards there drain my adrenaline and I am a very heavy user the the adrenaline. About the prettiness of Elysium, Odyssey can be very beautiful. I never did take pictures in Origins, but I did once for funsies in Odyssey, and then I just kept taking more when I thought the scenery was pretty enough. I am pretty proud of some of the photos I took. It’s not much, but one of my pictures got 27 likes! Now back to the Isu! I absolutely adore that fact that all the Isu are taller than Kassandra. Most often, Kassndra is taller than everyone, excepting elites and brutes. But all the Isu were taller than Kassandra and that made me want to fuck them. Ubisoft, stop being cowards and let me fuck the gods, especially Hades because he gives me big MCU Loki vibes and I wanted that, so bad. To get away from fucking Isu gods, Ros, a dog later to be revealed as Cerberus, is Persephone’s dog that wanders around Elysium and I was always delighted to find him hanging out somewhere. I’m pretty sure I even took  a “selfie” with him, as much as you can take a selfie in this game. Persephone gave me a real hard moral choice that I did not enjoy making. She made me choose between my grandfather, or a spy I previously helped infiltrate her own army. I did not like making any choice at all. If I could have, I would’ve just booked it and never looked back. I don’t really have much to say about the Underworld. It’s hell. I wanted to fuck Hades bad. That’s about it. I don’t have much to say about Atlantis either exCEPT HOLY SHIT THE FINAL BOSS IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE I WAS FREAKING OUT THE WHOLE TIME HOLY SHIT. Ahem- anyway the boss was scary and I was having a mental crisis trying to beat it without actually dying in real life from fright. Fate of Atlantis DLC done, woohoo! I don’t have much thought for The Hidden Blade DLC. It was short and sweet. I didn’t mind getting locked into a straight romance and having a child. I’m a straight woman and if a game gives me the choice to marry, have a child, and still be an adventurer, I’m gonna do it. Finished basically all of it in a day and that finished off the whole game. Boy was it a relief to finally beat everything. Overall game time: 133 hours and 45 minutes to beat the main game with one part of The Hidden Blade DLC done, and 167 hours and 55 minutes to beat the DLC, excluding the one part from The Hidden Blade DLC. Now if you count all the time I lost from crashing, it’s 170 hours and 16 minutes.
9 - Assassin’s Creed: Revelations - By this point, I’ve played three of the games in a row and I was very tired of playing Ezio. It doesn’t help that this game is basically II and Brotherhood but with smaller features added. Also, the colors you could dye your clothes SUCKED. Overall game time: 22 hours and 25 minutes. It felt longer than that and I was surprised to see this was the shortest time so far. Thank god though because I did not like this game.
7 - Assassin’s Creed III - Writing this as the credits role. So, heads up, I’ve played this game before so I knew some things that were going to happen, but I forgot most of the game. I’ve read that a lot of people hate this game and I can see why, especially if it’s the first game you play of this series. The game changes quite a bit from the previous games. It has a new free run system, the running is a little more fluid, new weapons, new side missions, etc. I’m giving III a huge bonus for changing the old system in the hopes of something better... it’s not completely better, but better none the less. The downside to all these new things is that they are buggy as hell. The running can be amusing sometimes, but it is a horrible experience if you need to catch someone or stay within a certain distance. The side missions are also super buggy. Many times the icons do not appear on the map (and they tend to be in the areas that the viewpoints do not open up) and just seem not to work entirely right. Currently for one of the delivery requests, I have all the items and I can find the guy I need to turn them into, but can not talk to him for whatever reason. (If you know how to fix this, please tell me because every method I’ve tried hasn’t worked). This may be fixed after the credits, but I think I’m going to have to live with 99% synch and move on to Rogue. To bring up the viewpoint thing again, the viewpoints do not cover the whole map and you manually have to clear up parts of the map, which sucks. Thank god they didn’t do that again. Moving on from game play points, I’ve seen a lot of hate for Connor, which I personally don’t understand. I don’t love Connor, but I like his stoic character who showed moments of true kindness and sadness with friends and family. This review is getting to long now so I’ll just stop here and add more once I complete the game as much as I can. Also, fuck any of the naval stuff. Complete bullshit. Overall game time: First time (2013?) 41 hours and 55 minutes. Second time (2017) 38 hours and 33 minutes.
6 - Assassin’s Creed: Rogue - Well. It took me forever to finish this game, mostly because you can only play so much of the same game. So this game was nice. All of it’s little connections to III, IV and Unity is fun to see and connect the dots. Seeing Shay ultimately shaping what Unity will be was such a great thing to me. This game was such a breath of fresh air. I was sort of dreading having to do anything with ships since III is a disaster and IV had its mistakes, but I was pleasantly surprised. Except for a few ship related missions, you can almost completely avoid sailing. Of course I didn’t because I need to 100% this game. Still pissed I technically didn’t 100% III because of a god damn glitch. Naval related stuff overall was much easier than previous games, including the legendary battles. I took out the first three legendary ships in one try and took down the fourth one on my second try. I had actually planned to use a whole day to beat the legendary ships but I very happy I didn’t have to do that. The game itself is very short, with only six sequences that hold anywhere between two to five memories. That’s the shortest a game has ever been in this series. But they pad the game with millions of locations to explore and millions of collectibles to get. Even though over half of my time spent playing this game was getting collectibles, it was fun. One thing I really enjoyed was Shay’s outfits. This is the first game where I like almost all of the main character’s outfit options. I particularly enjoyed the arctic explorer outfit. I also really liked the Templar outfit you got after defeating the epic legendary ship. This was a good game and in the future, I could consider playing it again, along with II. Overall game time: 31 hours and 55 minutes.
5 - Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood - It wasn’t a super bad game, but it was basically II with some new things and now you’re only stuck in one place. Also guild challenges. Fuck those guild challenges. ALSO. There’s that mission where you get the apple and can lay waste to the guards in your way, but it uses your health to harm them... and the optional objective is don’t lose any health. Fuck you Ubisoft. Or the mission where you destroy Leonardo’s war machines. Those sucked. The only good thing about this game is the colors you can dye your clothes. Those. Those are good. Overall game time: 35 hours and 3 minutes.
4 - Assassin’s Creed: Origins - Took me about a month and a half to complete this game. It’s very different from the previous game titles and I can definitely see why some people wouldn’t like it. I went into it knowing it would be different and I genuinely enjoyed the game. Just as a heads up, I’ve only got 97% synchronization and I’m not totally sure what will get me to 100%. There’s no definitive list of what to do to 100% the game. I’ve read from some people that you need to do all the hippodrome races and arena fights, and I’ve read from others that you don’t. I’m not going to do the races because they’re garbage and not fun. I’ve finished one of the arena’s fights and I just don’t really want to do the other so I think I’m fine sitting at 97%. Now, this game is very different from previous games. Origins is more like an rpg, but not really. There is like, a bunch more exploration areas. Maybe somewhere between 150-300? I’m bad at estimating but it is a lot. There are side quests too. There wasn’t many side quests in previous games, but including the main quests with the side quests, I did a total of 129 quests. There is a lot of gameplay and exploration. Not much of a challenge, though. If you don’t select the auto-level enemies to your level, you reach a point where you’re about 5-10 levels above the area you’re in because all the landmarks and side quests give you xp. At that point, many enemies are 1-3 shots depending on your weapon loadout. There are a couple of locations early in the game that for some reason have higher level enemies than the area calls for. For example, in Alexandria, you should be around level 12-16. Enemies will be around that same level range. Except, there is one location in the middle of Alexandria that has about 5-6 enemies that are above level 20. Now, it’s easy enough to just come back later when you are also that level, but when I was exploring the area, I had no idea they’d be that level and immediately got killed because my weapons did nothing to them. So that wasn’t fun. The game has couple more “challenging” locations if you do them at the right level. Similar to Black Flag and Rogue, Origins has some legendary battles. This time it’s elephants. The are four different elephants, and one them is actually two, like the ship battles from Black Flag and Rogue. The first couple were a bit of a challenge for me because I wasn’t the cap level and I didn’t have a strategy figured out yet. I saved the double elephants for last because I thought they’d be super hard like the double ship battle from Black Flag. However, before I fought them, I reached the level cap, upgraded my best legendary weapons, had a strategy, and also got multiple level points in skills that would boost my bow and arrow and sword damage. The double elephants actually ended up being the easiest at that point. One thing, though, was around 40-ish hours in, my game randomly lost about 7-8 hours of progress. I lost about 3 large map areas of exploration, 6 levels and 10-20 quests. It made me pretty angry and it took me a few extra days to get back to where I was before lost the progress. Aaannyyywaaayy, enough about that. Bayek is a nice character to play as. He is a serious, dedicated, loving man who can have moments of humor. I loved his relationship with his wife Aya, and I was sad to see them mutually decide to break up at the end of the game. They clearly still cared for each other even after deciding that their paths were not going the same way. Sometimes I would have a very similar mind set as Bayek and it would be pretty funny when I would make a comment and then a couple moments later he’d say something along the same line. And, of course, it was interesting to see the origin stories of The Creed of the Assassin’s. I don’t know if I’ll ever actually play this game again but I enjoyed my experience with it. Overall game time: 82 hours and 22 minutes counting the extra time that I had to make up for lost progress and 75 hours not counting the hours I got from making up the lost progress.
3 - Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate - So it’s been about five months since I finished Unity, and I actually beat this game like maybe a week before updating this. I think it’s because the game didn’t have any credits for me? I don’t know why I didn’t have credits, but I just didn’t. Anyway, wow, what a breath of fresh air, after the nightmare that was Unity. This game takes some elements I wasn’t too fond of in the previous game and improves them greatly. The fighting style of wailing on enemies until you get upgrades to one shot is easier to handle. It also looks way more fun. Evie and Jacob just move so fast when they’re throwing punches and shooting people, it doesn’t feel like I’m taking all that long to kill the baddies. The associate quests were fun and simple, they didn’t require much thought or effort. The main game was also on the simpler side compared to previous installments of this game series. Jacob and Evie were fun characters, I never really got tired of them. The main sequence memories were mostly on the short side, so the game felt like it passed in no time. The only long part was getting all the collectibles, which is unavoidable to 100% the game. All the upgrades and weapon choices were fun to choose from, and it was always cool to get a new weapon that drastically did more damage. Having a gang that slowly got better as I upgraded them, and that would back me up in fights was also super fun. There really isn’t anything that should change from this game. If I changed something, it’d probably be the romance between Evie and Henry Green, also named Jayadeep Mir. It felt kind of forced, and really, romances are always boring in Assassin’s Creed. Anyway, fun game, might play again one day. Overall game time: 37 hours and 37 minutes.
2 - Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - It’s been a couple years since I’ve played this game, so it’s very possible this will bounce around in my list as I play the later games, but I remember enjoying a good part of the game. It was nice to have some variety, especially in the form of PIRATES. Some of my favorite parts were sailing to no where specific and singing shanties with my crew in my suped-up ship. Which brings me to the bad parts of the game; the ship missions. Honestly hated any story/side mission that involved my ship, especially if I had to be sneaky. I’m in a giant ass ship trying to remain in this circle filled with other giant ass ships looking for me. So yeah, fuck that part of the game. But even though it’s been awhile, I remember enjoying this game. Overall game time: 66 hours and 50 minutes.
1 - Assassin’s Creed II - Thank the gods for this game. This is a good goddamn game. Ezio is a fresh breath of air after Altair and being in Italy is honestly great. Upgrading the villa he lives in is great. Leonardo is great. Venice and it’s carnival is great. Only thing that sucked was the Ezio didn’t kill the goddamn Spaniard and then has to chase after him and his offspring in the next game. All in all, my favorite game so far. Overall game time: 28 hours and 37 minutes.
So the game(s) I need to play:
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
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multifandombitxh · 7 years
Title: Devil in the Details (ch. 6) Pairing: Cassian Andor x Fem!Reader Genre: Angst Warnings: Reader gets real fuckin’ sassy, physical violence, doctor visits(? is that a warning?), K-2SO takes NO SHIT A/N: Cassian isn’t actually in this one, it’s a lot of plot and character development. I mapped out like the next six chapters the other night, hopefully I’ll be able to follow them easily and keep this going for a long time since you all seem to love it so much lol. I TAKE THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY AIGHT YA GIRL GOES HARD IN THE MOTHAFUCKIN FIC I’VE NEVER BEEN ONE TO HALF ASS FANFICTION. Fun lil factoid about Carolyn: I actually had a developing stomach ulcer when I was 15 so writing about the whole experience was pretty easy lmao. Tag list: @badwolfandtimelords @geeky-girl-394 @princeofsassgard @the-glasses-are-my-disguise @wisestydia14 @seargantbcky @swviolinlorei @jedishrubbery (If you would like to be added or removed from the list please let me know!) Chapters 1-5: tumblr AO3
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VI: Worried Sick
“I’ll never get it right,” you groaned, tossing the blaster to the side. The sound it made when it hit the concrete and skidded to a stop made you wince.
“These things take time,” your father replied, picking the gun up off the floor. At least you knew how the safety worked. “You’ll get the hang of it.”
“Dad, I thought we gave up on this stuff,” you sighed, “I’ve never been good at this, and I like working with the doctors. I don’t want to be a soldier.”
“I just want to sleep better knowing you can protect yourself, that’s all,” he replied, ruffling your hair. “I won’t always be around to kill the Space Slug under your bed.”
“Okay, I was five, and there was definitely something under there,” you laughed.
“I know there was, I killed it every night for two years,” he smiled, pulling you into a hug and planting a kiss to the side of your head. “Keep trying. It’s important to your mother and I that you can take care of yourself.”
You rolled your eyes and returned the hug, grimacing against the rough material of his jacket. No matter how many times you and your mother told him it looked ridiculous, he continued to wear it. In his head, powder blue was his color, and worn-out leather looked great on anybody. He was terribly mistaken.
“Sir?” someone said from the other end of the training room. “We’re ready for you now.”
“I’ll be right there,” your father replied, releasing you. “I’ll see you around, kiddo.”
It suddenly hit you that this was the last you would ever see of him. You tried to scream, to tell him to stop and stay, but no sound came out. Your lungs felt like they were filling with cotton, preventing you from speaking and suffocating you. He continued to walk away from you, having no idea that he would never see you again. You tried to run to him, but your legs felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and you couldn’t catch up to him. The moment the doors closed behind him with a loud thud, everything went dark.
You woke with a start, your instant reaction to reach for Cassian, but all you found was empty space. Your chest rose and fell at an alarming rate as you tried to come back into reality. The sheets had tangled themselves around your feet like boa constrictors and you kicked them away angrily, fully sitting up and pulling your knees into your chest.
It was always the same dream. It never changed, every single details stayed exactly as it had been that day. The only difference from the real thing was the realization toward the end, the moment when you try to stop him and can’t. That was the worst part; it was always the worst part.
Angry and saddened tears rolled down your cheeks, but you stayed silent. You were too drained to have a good sobbing session at the moment. All you wanted to do was let it all out through a few tears, then try to find a way to distract yourself. If Cassian had been there, he would have known exactly what to do to help.
He’d been gone for a week, no word on where he was or when he would be back. No one knew anything, or at least, that’s what they claimed. During your time apart, you’d begun to seriously worry about him, even if you were still upset with him. Because of your stress, your nightmares began coming back in full force.
If that wasn’t enough to deal with, you were also seriously convinced that you were pregnant. When you weren’t emptying the contents of your stomach, you were extremely agitated and on edge, and all you ever wanted to do was sleep. It could have been nothing, you figured, but it also could have been something, and you needed answers.
But first, you needed to take a walk.
Once you fully grasped reality, you crawled out of bed, your bare feet hitting the cold floor and sending a chill up your legs. You pulled on your shoes and slung your jacket over your shoulder then exited your room, walking down the hall as quietly as you could.
It had to have been early in the morning, because the temple was basically a ghost town. Only a few people were awake, mostly those whose jobs started earlier than others, and then there was you. A group was sitting at a table in the cafeteria when you entered, steam rising from the mugs of coffee in front of them. They glanced over at you when you walked in and grabbed an apple, placed it in your mouth, and pulled on your jacket. You were too tired to care about how silly you looked with an entire apple hanging out of your mouth; it was cold and you just wanted to go for a walk.
“Hey,” someone in the group said, “Where’s your boy at?”
With your back turned to them, you let your shoulders slump and you took the apple out of your mouth. Your exchange from the previous week flashed through your mind, causing an uneasy feeling to settle in the pit of your stomach. You turned on your heel and faced the group, striding over as casually as you could.
“Haven’t seen him since last week, I don’t know where he is,” you said, taking a bite from your apple. Maybe you should have looked as you did, you thought, because you bit straight into a bruise.
“That’s too bad,” he replied with a smirk, “Which one of you broke it off? Was the sex getting bad?”
You narrowed your eyes at his comment, your blood boiling in your veins. “Do you think that’s funny?”
“I take it that’s a yes,” he chuckled, nudging the person next to him. They didn’t respond, their eyes trained forward.
“Knock it off, man,” one of the others said, shooting him a warning glance. “She’s Cassian’s girl, he’d skin you alive if he heard you talking to her like that.”
“I’m no one’s ‘girl’,” you spat, “I’m my own person, Cassian doesn’t fucking own me.”
They all exchanged glances, but not the guy from before. He had his head held high, like he had something to be proud of. You wanted to punch the smirk right off of his face.
“Not the first time Andor’s had a hard time keeping a girl around,” he said under his breath, taking a sip from his coffee. “I guess the sex is that bad.”
“Like you could do any better,” you scoffed, shifting your weight. “How often are you getting laid, exactly? Because I’m getting laid twice a week, and I’m pretty sure Cass is better at giving head than twelve of you combined.”
You must have struck a nerve, because he stood from his seat, his expression having gone sour. He moved in front of you and towered over you, looking down at you like a bug. Refusing to let him intimidate you, you held your ground, mirroring his glare. Without warning, his fist connected with your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. You doubled over and stumbled back, holding your abdomen and trying to get your bearings.
He came at you and you looked up just in time to react, holding out your arms and shoving him back before he could come any closer. As he tried to register what had happened, you punched him in the gut as hard as you possibly could, and when he doubled over, you cracked him across the jaw.
Caught up in the shock of your own actions, and the throbbing in your hand, you didn’t have time to notice that he’d gotten up quickly and was already going for another hit. Luck was on your side, it seemed, when K-2SO appeared out of thin air to save the day.
He caught the man’s wrist mid-air and lifted him off of the ground with ease, looking him over curiously. “Cassian isn’t here, so I’ll have to take care of you myself,” he said, holding him up with iron grasp as he wiggled.
You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand at the sound of bones crushing and screams of anguish as K2 broke the man’s wrist and dropped him to the floor where he landed in a heap.  “If you’d like for the rest of your bones to remain in tact, I’d ask that you keep your distance.”
Members of the group were at his side, helping him up and starting to pull him away before he could do anymore damage. You watched with wide eyes as the scene unfolded, then turned your attention to K.
“Dude,” you said in a breathless voice.
“I know that you have your reasons for distancing yourself from Cassian,” he said, turning to face you. “But he’s asked me to look after you during his absence, and I intend to.”
“You knew he was going to leave?” you asked in disbelief, “Where did he go? When is he coming back?”
“I’m afraid I can’t say,” he said, “He refused to tell me.”
You groaned as your stomach made a noise of discomfort and you leaned over, anchoring yourself on a nearby table with your hand. Without even looking you could tell there was already a bruise forming.
“You’re going to need medical assistance,” he said, “Follow me.”
You sat impatiently, bouncing your leg as you waited for the doctor to return with the results of your pregnancy test. It was agony; sitting there in silence, not knowing how much longer you had to wait before you were given an answer. You wondered what Cassian would have been doing if he was there with you.
The doctor entered the room with a clipboard in his hands, looking up at you and the droid sitting next to you.
“The good news is, you’re not pregnant, and you didn’t break your hand,” he said, shooting you a friendly smile.
The words rang in your ears and angels sang. You weren’t pregnant.
“The bad news is, you’ve worried yourself sick,” he went on, “The bruise will disappear with time, but that’s the least of your problems. An ulcer is forming on the inner lining of your stomach. Nothing some antacids can’t help, but you need to stop stressing yourself out so much if you want it to go away. Take some time off to decompress so your body can heal.”
“I can’t just abandon my responsibilities because of a stomach ache,” you protested, moving to the edge of your seat.
“It isn’t just a stomach ache, it’s much more serious than that. Take time off. Doctor’s orders.”
He left the room and sighed in relief, leaning back in your chair. Okay, no baby, but you were sick. Sick because you were worried about Cassian. To be fair, the last time someone you loved left without saying goodbye, they didn’t come back, so you had every right to worry about him.
And you did love him, even after everything. When you love someone like you loved Cassian, those feelings don’t just disappear when something goes wrong. While part of you wanted to punch him in the face, the more rational part of you knew that it wouldn’t make you feel any better. The only thing that would make you feel better was sorting things out, even if you were the one who told him to stay away.
You could fix things, you knew you could. He just needed to get his ass home.
“Unfortunate,” K said as the doctor left, “Cassian’s always wanted to be a father.”
“I never really pegged him as a family man,” you chuckled.
“It’s one of his biggest aspirations, actually,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, “He’s always liked the idea of having children, as long as I’ve known him, at least.”
An image of Cassian cradling an infant crossed your mind and you found yourself smiling. You could see him doing all kinds of things, from singing a baby to sleep, to rough-housing with a toddler, to patting a teenager on the back with pride. The warm feeling in your chest was replaced by an ache and you forced the images out of your mind.
The two of you left the medbay, but not before passing the man from that morning. He was sitting in the waiting room, cradling his wrist and glaring up at you both as you walked by. K took a moment to lock eyes with him before continuing on his way, making you smile. At least you had K to look after you, even if it was on Cassian’s orders.
You stopped at the top of the staircase leading into the living quarters and turned to K. “I think I’m gonna go for a walk, actually,” you said, “I’m not very tired.”
“The doctor insisted that you rest,” he replied.
“I will,” you said, backing away. “Just... later.”
Without waiting for him to respond, you turned and walked away, ending the conversation with a small wave. You weren’t dying, just in a bit of pain. You could take a walk; it was what you were originally trying to do before Captain Dickhead ruined your day. It wouldn’t kill you.
Granted, it was more of a hike than a walk. But you would manage.
Luckily, it was still pretty early in the morning, so the humidity hadn’t quite set in yet. A thin mist covered the ground and the sun still hadn’t come up yet, but judging by the pale blue color of the sky, you knew it wouldn’t be long before dawn broke.
You snuck into the forest and began your walk, taking your time to keep track of your surroundings and enjoy the early morning air. It was always so fresh and cool in the mornings. Since it was still early, most of the wildlife was sleeping, so it was eerily silent aside from the occasional chirp or squawk from the treetops.
When you reached the clearing, you sat in your usual spot beside the water atop the boulder, fiddling with the dirt and pebbles that covered the stone. The sound of running water helped you to zone out, letting your mind wander aimlessly.
You turned over a particularly round and smooth stone in your hand, running your fingers over its surface absentmindedly as you stared into the waterfall. There was a myriad of things on your mind, but Cassian seemed to be front and center, just like always. It was beginning to annoy you, just how often he infiltrated your thoughts.
The longer you thought of him, the more frustrated you became. The way he always smiled just before his lips met yours, his voice after waking up in the morning, all of the times he made sure you knew he loved you by saying it every other sentence, all of it made you angry; angry with him and angry with yourself. Your heart was telling you that he meant it all, that he really had been in love with you, but your head was telling you the opposite. The two were engaged in an uphill battle that neither was winning.
You flung the rock into the pond indignantly and dropped your head into your hands.
This was going to be harder than you expected.
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