#her bimbini even
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my pitaya is hollyberrys weird cat dog thing propaganda
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shinmiyovvi · 11 months
「Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Oc Trivia: Primis Valena」
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Note: This trivia will be updated when another tidbit is added on the list.
Lena is a kind-hearted soul like her mother Lumina. She was considered an angel by anyone around her and she got the nickname "Anghel".
She learned how to play the guitar from Tulio and they would try to sing as many songs as they wanted during their time.
Lena and her uncle Felipe had a strained relationship together when her parents were still alive. Felipe would get scolded by his wife Rosalina if he ever tries to make her cry since Felipe hates hearing Lena whimper or even begging him to buy her sorbetes (an ice cream that is made from water buffalo/carabao's milk)
Regarding types of men, she likes a guy who would help her out in the house rather than being a couch potato. Lena adopted her mother's death stare at some point so she may use it as an advantage to threaten their partner if they ever try to be lazy. She loves getting affection so expect to see her very clingy when sleeping with her partner or even just sitting on a couch while looking at the sky through the window. Lena is a sucker for getting smooches on her face or even returning the favor to her loved one. If her loved one confesses their feelings to her or gives her a kiss on the cheek/lips, she will freeze and turn into a cute tomato.
Lena keeps her hair in a ponytail or in a bun. There is only a rare moment where Lena cuts her hair short when she recalls it, she ends up feeling like she looks like Licia if she ends up giving herself a boy cut.
The pendant she is wearing is a birthday gift from her late lover Sgt. George Huxley.
She has a slight crush on Dempsey during Origins but she shakes off that feeling and ends up slowly falling in love with Nikolai due to how his personality resembles a lot of her late lover.
Lena loves to collect flowers, mostly sampaguitas which she would make into a necklace (Which is very popular in small businesses in the country), roses, tulips, dandelions, and lavender.
Since Lena resembles a bit of her mother, there is no doubt that she has the same smile as Lumina does. Every man would find her beautiful and angelic as her smile can instantly melt their hearts.
Like her Ultimis counterpart, she usually draws on her journal to pass the time. If you ever have the chance to look at her journal, you will see some portraits of herself, the crew, and her family and friends.
Her uncle taught her how to fight and use a rifle while her aunt taught her how to speak Russian, German, Japanese, and English.
Lena considered Felipe and Rosalina as her own parents while Marcelo and Dolores were considered as her siblings since she was the only child of her family.
Lena has the most cutest giggles. Whether is just a small chuckle or a sudden burst of laughter, you can imagine how she could make a man go head over heels for her.
Pouting is one of her habits whenever she tries to disagree with something.
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Lena tends to overthink a lot which causes her to stare into the abyss and stay silent.
She doubts herself if she begins to feel pressured by someone, especially if the situation is crucial and needs her full attention.
She got a graze under her right eye from Ji Eun which she accidentally mentioned about her father as she observed that Ji Eun has a grudge against her father. Nikolai got angry at Ji Eun for grazing her face which she scoffed and left the two alone.
Lena tends to blame herself if something wrong happens, even if she didn't do it.
She is the type of person who keeps apologizing for the simplest thing in existence as people keep telling her to stop apologizing but she doesn't.
Lena constantly gets nightmares about her parents' deaths which weighed her shoulders a lot. She would often tell the others how lucky they are to have their own parents seeing them grow up and achieve their dreams to make them proud.
There is a time when Lena loses her temper and shouts at Nikolai during the events of BoTD where she also hits his face out of anger but later apologizes and the two make up with each other.
Lena mostly bottles up her emotions but during the events of Revelations, she breaks down in tears after Dr. Monty mentions her parents which he told everyone how much they loved Licia and cherished her.
After the death of her parents, Lena goes through the 5 stages of Grief which she starts to lose hope in her life until she slowly accepts it and moves on to be happy. It happens again as she begins to sulk and mourn George's death. She then continues to accept the reality, trying to fulfill George's wish by letting her move on and find someone who would love her better than him.
Lena considers herself a personification of Death to her loved ones as she often tries to distance herself from them for their own safety.
Lena would sometimes act like she's not being herself which concerns the others. She reassures the crew that she is fine and feels tired on their journey but in reality, she is NOT fine and needs someone's comfort.
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keiitopop · 2 years
so sorry but im in a pusheen kinda mood and i GOTTA talk to this with someone. so i'm exposing everyone who sees this to torture.
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REALLY bad pic, her colors are better irl, BUT,
this gal right here, who is one of my oldest plushies that i still own, was bought many years ago. i like to call her Pushini Bimbini.
sadly, she lost her shape over the years, ESPECIALLY because when i was younger i used to put her under my pillow and sleep on her because i thought that sleeping with something i like close would bring me good dreams (???). she was loved by me and my dogs :) pushini was one of my comfort plushies for a loooong while and, being honest, i still love her to bits. even though she's now a bit wonky and not as soft as she used to be, and she also has a tiny chocolate milk stain on her face, which is not noticeable in the pic. but i think she's still very lovely.
i bought her more than five years ago if i remember correctly? i might be remembering wrong. not completely sure when this plush model came out, but i bought her before my country had an inflation problem, so, a long while ago! she still has that really cool tag that moves if you tilt it.
very loved many years ago, and victim of many cuddles, she now occasionally sits on my desk while i draw to keep me company :)
Pushini Bimbini my beloved <3
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shinmiyovvi · 10 months
「Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Oc Information: Salvatorix Crew」
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NAME: Marcelito Gonzalez
FULL NAME: Marcelito Crisanto E. Gonzales
AGE: 38
HEIGHT: 6'0"
PLACE OF BIRTH: Talisay, Cebu, Philippines
Bisaya (Dialect)
Marcelito (By Nicholas and Florina)
Lito (By Valena)
Cel (By Armando)
Crisanto (By Romulo and Ermelinda)
Tinyente Gonzales
Tol/Pare/Pre (By Javier)
Marci/Cris/Mahal/Sinta (By Leonora)
Marchel (By Lorenzo)
Farmer (formerly)
Carpenter (formerly)
Radio operator (formerly)
Lieutenant from the Philippine Scouts Tamaraw Unit
US Army, Philippine Scouts, Tamaraw Unit, Salvatorix Crew
(Note: The names that are crossed out are considered deceased)
Nicholas Gonzalez (Father)
Florina Evangelista (Mother)
Romulo Gonzalez (Uncle)
Ermelinda Gonzalez (Aunt)
Sgt. Armando Gonzalez (Cousin)
Cpl. Javier Serrano (Childhood friend)
Valena Villanueva (Childhood friend)
Agatha Villanueva (Childhood friend)
Leonora Sanchez (Childhood friend, ex lover)
Ramil Belmonte (Rival)
Dr. Stefan von Hoffmann (Ally)
Cmdr. Elliott Rousseau (Ally)
Capt. Gavrilo Petrović (Ally, best friend)
Sgm. Lorenzo Beneventi (Ally, best friend)
Lt. Ryuji Tanaka (Ally, best friend)
Rochelle Levesque (Ally)
Mirabelle Hawkins (Ally, potential love interest)
Marcel is an easygoing man who is relaxed and laid back. He rarely gets angry and always finds a way to solve a problem. He is the breadwinner of his family and a caring person towards his loved ones. Marcel likes to spend time with his friends and his cousin Armando as he is also one of the heartthrobs of the village but his heart belongs to Leonora only. He may not be the smartest but at least he is on average. Marcel is known for being the guy who you could always count on and the friend that everyone wanted to be with. He is skilled in Arnis which he and Licia usually spar together as he learned along the way with the help of his friend's guidance. But once you get him into his bad side, he will never let you slide. Only a few people know what Marcel looks like when he's angry and it's best to keep him sane and relaxed.
Marcel was born in Talisay, Cebu, Philippines from a low-income family. He was the only son of Nicholas and Florina Gonzalez and he felt alone and his mother couldn't bear a child anymore due to some complications. They moved to Tondo, Manila where his uncle Romulo let them stay at their second house, which was now handed to them. He and his cousin Armando don't get along that well which makes Ermelinda, his aunt, scold the two daily. He works with his parents at the farm and at the carpentry shop with Romulo and Armando to earn money at such an early age. He met Licia and her younger sister Agatha when they were spending time reading under the tree when Licia saw him getting a mango before falling on the ground, causing him to have some scars on his face due to his recklessness. Licia went to treat his wounds as Armando spotted the two together. Both cousins fight not just for their usual quarrels, but to get Licia's attention. As years pass by, he and Armando are on good terms as he befriends Javier Serrano, the son of a businessman who lives in a rich household but is a down-to-earth person. The four went to the same school as Marcel fell in love with a beautiful woman named Leonora Sanchez. He began to learn how to play the guitar with the help of his father who used to sing songs for his mother when he was courting Florina before. Marcel then goes to Leonora's house and sings love songs as a way of courting her and showing his feelings towards his soon-to-be lover. As he finished his studies and became a radio operator, he was reunited with Leonora as the two confessed their feelings and became lovebirds. When Marcel plans to marry her, the news strikes him when he finds out Leonora is being arranged with his high school rival and the son of a rich family, Ramil Belmonte who is Javier's acquaintance. Leonora doesn't like Ramil but her mother forces her to marry him, which Marcel doesn't want to cause any problems, and simply lets go of Leonora to follow her mother's wishes. Of course, it was a gut-wrenching decision as he could feel the guilt building inside him. Instead of fighting for his love, he lets that person he loves go.
He attends Leonora and Ramil's wedding, smiling a bit to see Leonora one last time before leaving the chapel. When WW2 came in, he joined the Philippine Scouts together with Armando and reunited with Javier soon after their deployment. When he heard about Licia's parents being held captive during the Bataan Death March, the three went after to look for her parents as he met Licia who was also trying to save her parents, and Agatha who became a comfort woman for the Japanese. They got separated when their plan of saving Ernesto and Lumina failed as Armando went with Licia and Marcel went with Javier. During their time in the jungle, Marcel and Javier see Leonora who is now a guerilla fighter which worries the two. He quickly goes up to Leonora, begging her to leave the Philippines for her own safety, but Leonora declines and she vows to herself that she will fight the war until her last breath. Marcel then got involved in a gunfight as he grabbed Leonora's hand and handed her to Javier, telling him to protect her while he and the other soldiers tried to repel the Japanese soldiers. As the IJA began to advance within the country, Marcel was now lost within the tropical forest where he met an American woman named Mirabelle Hawkins, a member of the US Army Nurse Corps who was seeking refuge in a nearby village outside the forest. The two stayed in an abandoned house as they hid from the Japanese soldiers. Mirabelle and Marcel began to have an exchange conversation with each other as Mirabelle felt pity for what he had been through, comforting him as she could. Her smile and sweet voice make Marcel feel like he's with Leonora, talking to him as they face this chaos together. This is where Marcel begins to have feelings for Mirabelle but he knows it will end up drastically for him so he keeps it to himself.
The two were spotted by the Japanese soldiers as they began to escape them, Marcel lost sight of Mirabelle but got reunited with Javier and his other comrades. Javier told Marcel that Leonora was in safe hands, meaning she was now with an American soldier he said that Leonora would still continue to fight until the war was over, which frustrated Marcel a bit but he calmed down soon after. Marcel found out that Armando died protecting Licia but she was later captured by the IJA as Marcel was starting to lose hope. As the years go by, Marcel becomes sick and gets fatigued while fighting the Japanese. As he was looking for an abandoned house for medicine, a portal suddenly opened and Marcel lost his balance and entered the portal. He was now inside a bunker where he saw Dr. Stefan von Hoffman and his assistant Dr. Alfred Fischer who was the one opening the portal. He also saw three men, that being Sgm. Lorenzo Beneventi, Cmdr. Elliott Rousseau, and Capt. Gavrilo Petrović. He was too sick to identify those people around him as he didn't realize that Mirabelle was there. Marcel slowly stood up while holding his rifle in a fragile manner before losing consciousness and dropping to the floor Gavrilo and Mirabelle quickly helped the unconscious lieutenant. As he was recovering from his sickness and fatigue, Stefan told him that he would need his help and the others for something crucial: Stopping Richtofen from his plans and retrieving the test subjects from his grasp. Stefan also told Marcel about a woman; implying that maybe Marcel knew about her until the doctor showed him a photo of Licia, which he quickly tells him that he knew her and is indeed her friend. As the other chosen people are being welcomed by the two German doctors, Marcel agrees to help them save Licia and go back to the Philippines together and live a normal life as the group, now called Salvatorix Crew, begins their chaotic journey into the lands of Aether.
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
CoD Zombies Salvatorix Crew Face Claims
I know I haven't talked about them for months now but this is the opportunity to give time for these bimbinis to shine again! Took me a bit but it was worth the try to find good face claims of the crew. Without further a do...
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Louis Hofmann for Stefan von Hoffmann
Yes, they have the same last name but with a different spelling. I was looking for German actors on the internet just for starters to look for potential candidates until I saw Louis Hofmann. He caught my attention and went to look for other photos of him, observing and imagining him being Stefan's face claim so I quickly didn't choose any candidates. His face looks very calm and gives off an intelligent and calculating vibe to it which the two are one of Stefan's traits as a person and also a team leader to his crew.
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Grigory Dobyrin for Gavrilo Petrović
Huge thanks to @maninthebox242 for showing me pictures of this man, he is so fine to look at 👉👈 Anyways, he may be Russian but who cares, saw his green eyes and his sexy beard and I was like "Fuck it, we ballin." and went to make him as Gavi's face claim. Now I cannot stay silent whenever I draw Gavi because I will daydream about him having Grigory as his fc.
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Jericho Rosales for Marcelito Gonzalez
This struck me while thinking of some potential face claims for the crew and the first thing I was thinking about was for Marcel. As I was spacing out, my brain just went to remember that time I watched Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo and remember Jose Rizal was played by Jericho Rosales. My mind just clicked and quickly made him as Marcel's fc with no other candidates available but only for Jericho. I chose him because of how I grew up just seeing him from any telenovela series that I binged watch every afternoon or every evening, depending on the series' schedule.
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Adrien Brody for Lorenzo Beneventi
I mentioned this from the Main Ocs that Adrien was the first one that I had on mind for Dragomir but I disregarded it and make it for Lorenzo's. His facial structure was the driving force of me to make him as Lorenzo's face claim and also the fact that I watched Peaky Blinders and remembered him makes me think about a Mafia Au for our Italian boi.
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Junichi Okada for Ryuji Tanaka
This was a very hard decision I had since I chose three candidates for Ryuji's face claim, that being Shun Oguri, Joe Odagiri, and Junichi Okada. I turned Shun as a reserve for now until I am left with Joe and Junichi. Both are present in war movies that I've watched before (Junichi was a Japanese pilot in The Eternal Zero while Joe was an IJA officer in the movie My Way). Both played their roles phenomenally but Junichi begins to grow in me considering that he has a similar facial hair with Ryuji.
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Stacy Martin for Rochelle Levesque
The very first actress I laid my eyes on while searching for French actresses and I gotta say, her facial structure is what I wanted Rochelle to have. She has that cute yet beautiful face of hers and how her eyes looks very dreamy and elegant to look at. This will also apply to Primis Rochelle but since her Ultimis counterpart is a member of the Salvatorix Crew so I had to put it here.
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Anna Kendrick for Mirabelle Hawkins
I have some other candidates with me like Elizabeth Olsen, Emma Stone, and Scarlet Johnson but I stumbled upon Anna Kendrick and went to search about her on the interest. I never imagine she was part of the Pitch Perfect series and the one who sang Cups (Where everyone uses a cup while singing it and it was a thing before). Her eyes was the key factor of making her as Mira's face claim as it has a slight dark bluish shade on her eyes.
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