#her dad and grandfather and great grandfather all have some problems with grandiose delusions
inmydrcams · 4 years
14 is too young for a schizophrenia onset. it’s rare for someone younger than 13 to be diagnosed and women tend to have a latter onset and azula doesn’t really show symptoms of early onset schizophrenia hence why, despite how the comics portray her, I am very reluctant to go in that direction. azula clearly has an episode of psychosis but in the context of the show I wouldn’t say it lasts longer than a couple of days max so it’s perfectly possible that it’s an isolated episode brought on by trauma and stress especially cause at no point in the rest of the show does she show signs of any sort of mental illness. she has trouble relating to others and is a perfectionist which can be explained by low empathy and her upbringing as a gifted child.
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