#her goodbye here is an attempt at leaving a clean slate between them
ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
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kill-your-authors · 4 years
Hundred Year Exile Thoughts
I’m really torn on everyone’s interpretations of who suggested a hundred year exile for Booker and how likely everyone is of holding to that hundred years. 
On the one hand, I’m pretty sure in the bar scene at the end of the movie, the only dialogue we hear over the sound of the music playing is Joe saying, “I’m at one,” (and I never see anyone else discussing this so I’m half-convinced I’ve made it up) which I interpreted as shorthand for one hundred, and therefore initially believed that Joe suggested the one hundred year exile. 
And I guess on the surface, it appears to make the most sense, because Joe is the most outspoken about Booker’s betrayal while they’re still in the lab, and it’s Nicky who is trying to calm Joe down and stop him from saying harsh things to Booker. 
However, someone more observant than me (and again I reliably have no post to link to give proper credit, but know that I didn’t notice this) pointed out that once Booker’s betrayal is exposed, Nicky is the only one who cuts communication off completely. With everyone else, we see something happen between them. Booker and Nile talk about her family and we know from what Andy says Nile wouldn’t have even punished him. Booker also says goodbye to Andy, who leaves him on an ambiguously hopeful note of “Have a little faith.” And of course there’s Joe and Booker arguing in the lab over his betrayal. But Nicky never says anything to Booker, never even looks at him. 
And the thing is I can see Nicky expressing anger and hurt in this way. I can’t see him being the type when angry or upset to throw low-blows at the person he’s mad at, or try to escalate the argument by yelling at or insulting the person. I think it’s very true to his character to be angry with someone and on principle, not fuel that anger with an argument. I think he’s probably very much the type of person, who, when angry, leaves the room or house or whatever to cool off, and is probably the type to not confront that anger until he knows he can do so calmly and peacefully. He doesn’t want to make things worse, he doesn’t want to say things he doesn’t mean, and he doesn’t see the point in trying to argue when the damage is done and can’t be repaired any time soon regardless of how much he and the person he’s angry with talk about what that person’s done. 
While Joe on the other hand, I think is quite the opposite. We see very clearly that he’s the type to wear his heart on his sleeve and he’s a very impassioned man who I don’t think holds back what he’s feeling at any given moment. When he’s happy he’s very visibly happy, when his love for Nicky is challenged he’s very openly romantic, and when a friend has hurt him he is visibly hurt. That being said, Joe, by definition of his origin story with Nicky, literally can’t be a grudge-holder. He literally can’t be the type to “Forgive but never forget”. How could he be with Nicky if he was? Both he and Nicky fought in the Crusades but Nicky was undeniably on the wrong side of that war. His side of the war was completely unjustified and Joe, if it was in his nature, would have every right to never forgive Nicky for what he did. But Joe is obviously not that person. He’s obviously not someone who can hold on to anger, even if it’s justified, and even if the wrongdoing was outright evil (Like Nicky was before changing his ways), let alone if that wrongdoing was a misguided decision someone in pain made in an attempt to end that pain. 
And on the other side of that coin, is Nicky, who we can clearly see has established some sort of moral code since the crusades, and very likely because he knows he was on the wrong side of that war. He doesn’t tell Nile, “We do what’s right,” he says, “We do what we think is right,” acknowledging that sometimes, someone can be doing something they think is right that is in fact very very wrong. 
There’s no way Nicky isn’t talking about himself, and isn’t talking about the crusades. The same thing appears to be happening when the doctor testing on them tells Nicky that what she’s doing can change the world, and Nicky says, “A fine justification. I’ve heard it so many times before.” Here, he could easily be referring to himself again. He’s acknowledging that doing something you believe will better the world is a fine justification, but he’s clearly implying that doesn’t make it right. It’s still immoral, as he says it. And between his Catholic upbringing which would have taught him that people need to do penance for their sins, and Nicky establishing a moral code of sorts for himself that he undoubtedly wouldn’t hesitate to apply to himself, it makes a lot of sense that Nicky sooner than Joe, Andy or Nile would hold out for that one hundred years.
Not just because he’s the type to step away when he’s upset to cool off and collect himself before attempting to talk to the person he’s upset with and give them the opportunity to apologize and make up for it in some kind of way, but also because he believes more devoutly than any of the others, due to his history of being on the wrong side, that people have to make up for what they’ve done wrong. There needs to be penance. Nicky believes that in order for someone to be forgiven they have to do more than ask forgiveness. They have to earn it. 
Which is why that line I swear I hear Joe say in the bar, “I’m at one,” confuses the shit out of me. The only way I can think to explain it is either A) at some point in their discussion, a lot more years were on the table than one hundred, and Joe is talking the others - Nicky - down, or B) Joe isn’t suggesting one hundred, but seconding it, after Nicky says it first. If Nicky says it first, and Nile and Andy are opposed, that’s two against one. So Joe seconds it, on Nicky’s side regardless of what he personally feels is necessary in that moment, because he knows Nicky needs it to be that much in order for him to ever wipe the slate clean with Booker, which naturally, Joe - the man capable of not only forgiving someone who fought to slaughter his people, but capable of loving that man once he changed his ways - would want for Nicky and Booker. 
Personally, I headcanon the second theory. 
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yeojaa · 4 years
SUGAR HIGH, chapter i. (w. JJK)
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You're not entirely sure when it happened, though you'd come to terms with it. You'd counted the days, waiting for the inevitable. You'd truly thought you'd be okay, but by the broken, half-beating thing in your chest - you knew you'd never really been prepared.
alt summary.  You thought you’d known real love and maybe you had - it just wasn’t with who you thought.
pairing.  jeon jungkook.  mentions/involvement of ot7.
tags.  angst, break up, post-break up, comfort, OT7, slow burn, friendship, moving on, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, emotional bagge, fluff, canon compliant, jeon jungkook is bad at feelings, jeon jungkook is a good friend, jeon jungkook is a sweetheart. 
rating.  general (for now?)
word count.  ~2000
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chapter 1.  This Is Not a Love Song
Endings are never easy and rarely are they simple.  But when the person you once loved feels more like a stranger, isn't it better you say goodbye?  You're not quite sure.
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Had it been days?  Weeks?  Months?
You truly tried to remember, to recall what the feeling of his hands felt like, the soft ache of his voice in the early morning.  You tried to piece together the memory of his I love you's and attempted to recall whether the emptiness had always felt like this - suffocating.  
Had his stare always been so lackluster?  You'd sworn you could've once been swept up in the depths of his emotion, happy to sink beneath the tumultuous waves.  You would've died happy, curled around the treasure that you'd found there within the cavern of his chest.  You'd found a home in him -- or so you thought.
You wondered idly whether it was normal for this to happen, for love to settle into half-baked embers.  Perhaps this was just how things were.  Perhaps the intensity of your love - like a kerosene rag soaked in gasoline - had skewed your perspective.  Maybe this was okay.  (Not great, but okay.)  
"Soomi-ah, are you okay?"
The concern tore you from your reverie, snapping you back to reality.
Something like a smile arranges itself on your face - but he can tell it's strained.  There's too much weight in the jut of your bottom lip, tension hugging the curve of your small jaw.  He sees it - or the lack thereof - in your eyes, the warmth of your amusement hardly reaching the honeyed depths.  
Though he's miles away, connected only by the quickest connection the hotel can muster, he wonders what your hands look like.  Would they be coiled together, knuckles blown white?
"I'm fine, Jungkook-ah."  Your expression falters, dips just barely, before returning in full force.  Laughter sounds in what's meant to be reassurance and you breath in sharply through your nose, willing the sudden wetness from your eyes.  You silently thank yourself for having gotten talked into a haircut earlier this week, the softened strands at your crown casting a safety net across your features.
"You don't seem fine."
It's not accusatory - only concerned.  
What did you do to deserve someone like him?
There's another inhale, this time masked beneath a quiet clearing of your throat.  Could you lie to him?  Did you even have reason to?  He was your best friend (and you were one of his seven).  You knew you could tell him anything.
And so you did.
"I think... things are over.  Or they're going to be over.  I don't really know.  It's like I'm all alone."  You're rambling, tripping over your own words in your haste to get them all out before they're steeled once again behind the cage of your teeth.  "I mean, I know I'm not. I have you. I have Minji and Yejin and... everyone else, but he feels so far away."
You want to explain how you'd thought you'd be together for- no, not ever, but a long time.  You thought you'd have years ahead of you, two puzzle pieces haphazardly thrown together that somehow worked despite the awkward edges.  
You thought you'd loved enough for the both of you.
"We haven't spoken in days."  This draws a noise of surprise from the figure on the screen, whose arms fold neatly over his drawn-up legs, bottom lip bruised under the ministrations of his teeth.  He says nothing more though - simply nods and continues to listen.
"It's like I'm living with a roommate.  A really, really quiet roommate."
"I wish mine were quiet."  You know he's trying to cheer you up and it works - a flutter of laughter dropping off your tongue.  
Then silence returns, filling the spaces you don't know how to, and he sees more than hears the way you squeeze your fingers in your lap.  You've always done this - some sort of defense mechanism in place to prevent you from feeling too much.  You'd adopted it from him, honestly, so he couldn't fault you.  When you spent so much time with someone, you were bound to steal the best and worst of them.
"I'm here for you,"  he finally breaks the quiet, leaning forward in his chair, head cocking to the side in that way you love so much.  "I'll be home next Wednesday and we can figure things out together."
His words carry weight to them, as if he could anchor you there with him, keeping you from drifting under the current of your sadness.  And maybe he can.
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You'd promised you would let him know if anything changed, wiggled your pinky finger at him through the FaceTime screen as he'd done the same.  He'd laughed when you'd rolled your eyes, aware that deep down these little things were what helped get you through the harder days.
You'd lied - but you were sure this was for the best.  After all, he was busy.  It came with the territory of being an idol.
He didn't have time for all of your little problems.
(He did - you knew he did.  He'd drop the world if it meant anything to you.)  
So you packed your things with the help of Minji, carefully tucking clothes into boxes and stripping all indications of you from the slate grey walls.  You smoothed the faded pink fur of your Cooky plush against your cheek, breathing in the familiar scent - a mixture of his cologne and something distinctly him.
Across the room, Minji hums as she slips yet another pair of shoes into a box.  "Do you really need this many?"  
You tear your attention from the handful of stuffed animals on the edge of the bed, Cooky still snuggled happily in the crook of your elbow.  A hand flies to your throat, feigned affront evident in the width of your stare and garbled gasp.  "Of course I do.  What else will I wear when..."
There are a pair of Converse staring you down, what was once pure as snow now a muddy off-white.  They're identical to the other pair in Minji's hands, though significantly more dirty.
"I wore those to DisneySEA!  Namjoon-oppa nearly broke my ankle in them.  I can't throw them away!"
You were a dreamer, a romanticist, someone who held onto everything from ticket stubs to sticky notes.  You kept every stuffed animal you won (or was won for you).  You never threw away anything so long as they held some sort of sentimental value.  Even if it hurt, you held onto it.
Minji had noticed this when you packed up the photos of you and Seunghoon, meticulously arranging the frames within the brown box.  She would've thrown them against the wall and left it for him to clean up, if it had been up to her.
She knew not to push you, though.  She knew this was hard enough already.
"Okay, okay," she relents with a pronounced roll of her eyes, hands none-too-gently shoving the second pair of sneakers away.  "But you seriously have too much stuff.  I've put away at least fifteen white shirts and they all looked the exact same!"
You say nothing in response, a small little smile quirking the edge of your mouth as you tape the box closed, inspecting your handiwork.
"Yah - I'm serious!  We're roping the boys in and Marie Kondo-ing your apartment."
"Good luck with that.  Kookie will vote to keep all the shirts."  After all, it was his fault.  Another habit borrowed from your best friend - collecting a million plain tee shirts.  "And none of the other boys will care enough to make me toss them."
Behind your back, Minji scowls albeit playfully and tosses a pair of fluffy white slippers at your head. "You're the worst."
"And you love it," you singsong back, setting the slippers in question back into the box she's working on.
"I do."
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"I'm sorry."  
You're not quite sure why you're apologizing, why the words trickle off your tongue like tears.  You'd meant to stray strong, to bury the sadness among the cobwebs and forget about them.  You believed you'd be able to ignore the gaping, Seunghoon-shaped hole in your chest.
He's sitting by the front door, ankle resting casually against his knee.  Fingers curl together and you fight the desire to interrogate him - ask him why he seems so unaffected.
(You know the answer.)
Still, you can't help but feel what you imagine is the second breaking of your heart.
What you'd thought would be a golden happily ever after is anything but, sunshine giving way to a dull Sunday afternoon and rain that comes heavy enough to drown you.  
"It happens."  The words are like a jagged edge, slipping between your rattling rib cage and slotting itself exactly where your heart shudders.  The way he meets your gaze, stares right through you, is like a twist of his hand, and you momentarily forget how to breathe.  How could this be so easy for him?
In, out.  Just in and out.
You stand feeling small in the massive doorway, hands balled into fists at your side.  You can feel Minji's eyes on your back as she waits by the car.  You know if she made any indication, she'd be there in a moment, gathering you up in her arms and whisking you away.
But you need to do this by yourself - for yourself.
When you turn away from him, from his half-empty expression, you can feel the remnants of his love buried beneath your skin.  They're little splinters of better memories, of rose-coloured glass.  You know they'll leave scars.
"Goodbye," you muster up the courage to murmur the words before you're gone, taking the steps as quickly as you can.
You try not to wish, to hope - but you do anyway.  Just one sign this is tearing him apart like it is you.
He says nothing.
You've made the right choice.
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In your old bed, with your old sheets, you drift.  You're not sure what time it is or when you last ate, but you remember.
You remembered coffee after you'd left what was no longer your home, wrapped up in the comforting embrace of your friend.  You'd felt the way she'd come apart alongside you, holding you as you'd cried yourself hoarse in the parking lot.
You remembered the way she and Yejin had appeared on your doorstep the next night, an assortment of goodies carried between three bags.  Among other things, they'd brought pickled radish and mandu and a giant bottle of your favourite lemon tea.  They'd hugged you when you'd started sobbing quietly, shoulders curved inwards as you attempted to stifle the noise.  (They'd regretted choosing a romcom to watch.)
You remembered last night when Jungkook had called, clearly concerned by the lack of response to his adorable selca and short video of Jimin wrestling a half-asleep Taehyung.  He'd sounded tired and you could tell by the way he exhaled and the rustle of blankets that he was settling in for the night.
You'd felt bad, guilt gnawing at the column of your throat, when you told him you were fine.  "I'm just tired," you'd murmured, cheek pressed to the cool silk of your pillowcase.  You'd tried to still your breathing, regulate the ache that weighed in your chest.  He always knew when you were lying.
"Me too," Jungkook had returned with a yawn.  You'd imagined his big doe-eyes in the dark, the little mole beneath his lip in full view as he pouted.  Such a little bunny.
"Then hang up."
You hadn't meant it as dismissively as you're sure it had come across but you'd certainly felt it when he exhaled, the sound amplified within the quiet of his room and the cocoon of his blankets.
"I just wanted to check up on you."  He'd spoken softly, as if he was the one hurting you, and your vision had blurred.  The heaviness on your shoulders had twisted and turned, coloured this time by shame, sinking into your spine and drawing you deeper into your bed.  
You were such an asshole.
"I'm sorry, Kookie."  
He'd hummed in response and then you'd drifted into silence - the quiet bringing comfort in the still night.  You'd continued to lie there, un-moving, phone screen a dimmed light as you thanked your lucky stars for someone like him.  
When his breathing had evened out, you'd remained on the line until sleep came calling.  Only now could you happily drift beneath sandman's dust, finding solace in your best friend on the other line.  "Thank you."
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notes.   thank you for reading! 
this is my first fic in... forever, and i haven't written anything in about 3-4 years. please bear with me on this journey.  i was inspired by the incredible people on this site (and AO3, where I'm @makotako) and couldn't help jumping in. 
i wasn't really sure what this story would be like, so i apologize if it's a bit all over the place. this is largely based off of (recent) personal experience, so i'm hoping i've conveyed all my emotion the best i can. lauv's "who" really inspired me to put everything into words and honestly, listening to the song on repeat (and screeching about JK and jimin) was the easiest task in the world. 
i would really appreciate any and all feedback. <3
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Michael Gray: Better Man pt 13
When Ada was successfully out of the apartment probably giving herself a pat on the back, Olivia and Michael were left still in the living room, just trying to wait and see who'd ask whom first.
"So..." Olivia started.
"Are we sharing my room or yours?" Michael asked. He didn't even sound hesitant to ask.
"I uh... was thinking that maybe whose room would Ada take would just sleep here on the living room couch." Her cheeks were getting hot again.
"Nonsense, Livy. It's not like we've never shared a bed before." He chuckled.
"W-we were dating then!" She objected, trying to hide how what he said made her insides turn.
"And? There were instances that we'd only sleep the entire night." Michael crossed his arms together, amused at her reactions.
"Let's just talk about this on our way to the office." She stated, now walking towards her coat.
Today was a cold day. The two of them were now walking side by side to the office, with hands in their coat pockets.
They passed by an elderly lady who was trying to open her apartment door, while carrying a bag of fruits.
Michael being the gentleman that he is, approached to help. After helping her place them down on her kitchen table, she turned to him.
"Oh, thank you so much, dear. It's so rare to have gentlemen like you in New York these days."
"Well I'm not from here ma'am. And it's no problem." He smiled at her.
"You're a handsome young man." She commented, and tilted her head to look at Olivia standing by her doorway. "And you have a lovely wife."
"Oh no ma'am, that's Olivia." He turned to her, and she offered the lady a smile. Facing the old lady again, he whispered "She's not my wife yet" with a wink, which made her giggle.
"Well, I don't want to keep you long from wherever you two have planned. Thank you again, dear. It was nice meeting the two of you."
After exchanging goodbyes to the nice lady, they were both out on the streets again, and Olivia was giving Michael a questioning look.
"Flowers for your thoughts?" He asked her.
"What did you say that made her giggle so much?"
"Livy, you can't be jealous of a sweet old lady, right?" He teased her, laughing. Earning a slap on his arm.
"In your dreams, Michael.'" She defended.
"Well it's a secret between the sweet lady and I."
She scoffed. "You don't even know each other's her names."
"Nope. But she knows yours." He grinned.
Arriving in front her office, she turned to him when he didn't get inside.
"Are you just going to stand there and wait for other ladies to share secrets to?"
He laughed at what she said. "No, but I am going to get something first. I'll be right back." he told her, and she nodded in response.
Olivia was already halfway through her paperwork when Michael came back, with his right arm behind him, seeming to be holding something.
"Here." And when he finally presented to her what he went out to get, she was faced with a bunch of apple blossom flowers, wrapped with garden ties.
"Is that for me?" She was almost embarrassed to ask.
"Well I did tell you I'd give you flowers for your thoughts earlier." He gave her a full-blown smile.
"Sneaky. Where'd you even get them?" she smiled, taking it from him to admire.
"I took it from someone's garden." He casually answered.
"You stole this???"
"I was going to, but the man who owned them caught me, and when I told him who they're for, he helped me cut them."
"What did you tell him?"
"Young man, giving someone apple blossoms mean that you prefer them before all. So, if you're going to get them to someone you'd treat as temporary, I'd consider this as stealing."
A large man was on his doorway, looking at him while he was holding three flowers on his left hand, while the right was on the process of picking another one.
"I know that sir, which is why I chose this particular kind. The flower shop nearby didn't have 'em. And I really want to give them to the woman I'm pursuing again."
"Again?" The man furrowed his brows, intrigued at what he said.
"I was younger then and did some stupid things."
"Well alright, I'll get my clippers and ties."
"Oh, that it was for a sweet old lady." he lied, shrugging. "Anyway, I've been thinking about the Ada situation."
"I'm listening" she answered, still admiring the flowers.
"How about this... " Michael said, seeming to be in deep thought. "Ada said she'd be home by the time we're back at the apartment, right?"
"Yeah, what about it then?"
"Let's place bets on what time do we think she'd actually get back. Winner gets to keep their room, and decide where the loser sleeps." He suggested.
Olivia was thinking about his proposition. And since Ada is her best friend, she knows her damn well that she'd probably be back before dinner. She's used to Tommy making her go home early. This brought a smile to her lips.
"Okay. If I win, you sleep downstairs on the couch. I'd say she'll be back by six." She declared confidently.
Michael grinned and nodded at her. "I'd take my chances on her arriving at seven. And if I win, we sleep in my room, my bed."
And they shook on it.
Both of them were now back at the apartment, sitting across from each other in the kitchen, just staring at each other and listening to the clock tick.
"It's 6:55" Michael smirked at her.
"That 5 minutes is longer than you think, Michael." She cocked an eyebrow at him, but deep inside she was begging for Ada to hurry the fuck up.
A few minutes more of just staring, Michael stood up from his seat.
"Where are you going?" She asked, an eyebrow raised at him.
"Well I figured I might as well just tidy up my room by now." He turned to leave and head upstairs.
She checked the clock: 6:58pm
Groaning, she stood up to head to her room and get the stuff she needs for the night.
When Ada got back, it was 15 minutes past seven.
"Where the hell were you? I was worried sick!" Olivia exclaimed to her friend, which was followed by a snort by someone in the background.
"I told you I was sightseeing." Ada shrugged casually.
"Have you eaten?" Michael asked his cousin.
"Yeah I think I had too much food actually." She pats her tummy. "Anyway, have you guys decided yet?"
"Why yes, Ada, we most certainly have." Michael answered, playfulness lacing his voice.
"You're getting my room. And I'm going to have to stay with him." Olivia explained.
"Perfect! Now if you two would excuse me, I'd like to rest now." She grinned at them, just making a quick pause by Olivia, and whispered go get some before giggling like she was in her teens again.
"Come on, Livy, we're just going to sleep." Michael huffed, slightly annoyed and amused at her.
She had been stalling by brushing her hair in-front of his mirror. And it's been fifteen minutes.
Sighing, she placed the brush down and approached the bed.
"By the way, try to keep your hands to yourself, Livy." Michael teased her.
"Oh, you should be worried, Michael. My hands just might find their way up and squeeze your neck." She looked at him with a dead expression, which made him chuckle.
"Now come on, I won't bite." He pulled the covers to let her settle in.
Finally getting under the covers, she was laying straight, just staring up the ceiling. If someone would've told them months ago that they'd get to spend a night together in a bed again, Michael would've literally slapped them with a thick wad of cash, and she would've laughed at their face.
"Are you all settled?" Michael turned to face her.
"Yeah..." She answered, keeping her gaze straight to the ceiling. "Good night, Michael."
"Good night, Livy." he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, making her turn red again.
At least for the past few nights when he did that to her, she could easily just enter her room the moment she turned crimson. But now that he's right next to her, she has never cursed blushing so easily as she did now.
Michael was about to turn the other side to turn off the lamp, when he shook his head and faced her again, this time, resting his head on his hand.
"Alright, I promised Ada I'd talk to you after she leaves, but I guess now's a good time because we both need it, and it's too damn early to sleep."
She finally faced him, and asked "What are you talking about?"
"Look, Livy, it was amusing at first - you getting all red and confused when I do something sweet. But then I realized that this ordeal may be fun, but it won't do us any good if we keep it this way without talking about labels."
"I see..." she replied, not really sure what to say to him.
"So, I'm just going to be upfront about it." And before she could even ask what he was on to, he cupped her cheek with his free hand and said "Your forgiveness isn't the only thing I'm after, Olivia. I want you back." He declared, looking at her.
Her breath hitched at his sudden declaration. "Oh." That was all she could muster.
"Now I just want to know how you'd want me to go about it. Normally I wouldn't ask, but it's you. Would you rather us start over with a clean slate? or keep the history and make up for what I messed up?" He asked, now gently caressing her cheek with his thumb.
She hadn't realized how this was making her emotional until she felt a tear run down her eye. Wiping it with his fingers, she nodded at him. "Fuck starting over, Michael. Out history brought us here, and we both grew from it." She smiled at him.
"Now I don't want you to say it back until you're sure about it, but I love you, Olivia. I know I fucked up in the past, but please believe me when I say that I hadn't stopped doing so. I thought I did, until one day I realized that I hadn't been able to feel the way that I did when you were still there. There were countless attempts from my end to fill that void. But I could never. Not when you were here all along."
She nodded. "Okay, Michael. But let's try not to fuck it up again this time, yeah?" She smiled at him through the tears.
Michael wiped her tears away, and pulled her close to his chest.
They spent the night just holding each other, both thinking about how they've missed things as simple as this, until they finally fell asleep.
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Unforseen Chasm (part 22)
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Part 22 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 1024 Warnings: mentions of torture and brainwashing Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Loki stepped around the corner of the bedroom, his arms behind his back. “Was that Shannon I heard?” he asked, your back was still to him as you stared where she just left. 
Finally, you turned to face him. 
“Yeah,” you said. “She took the letters, but she wasn’t looking too good. I think Tony upset her… She said she wants to come back and sit down and have a chat with me?” you informed, the hope snaking its way into your voice without your permission. 
“That sounds promising,” he said with a positive tone. 
“Maybe. She might just be telling me to fuck off,” you noted offhandedly.
“Or, she wants to start fresh,” he said, coming closer and soothingly rubbing your arms. “Maybe a clean slate?” 
“I hope so, but I don’t know. We did so much damage to each other.”
Loki leaned forward and kissed your forehead. “Darling, you explained all of that in your letter. If she really cared for you, and if she reads the letters, she’ll understand.”
“I truly hope you’re right.”
“I do too. Nothing would make me happier than to see you two be friends again,” he softly said, holding you in a gentle embrace.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and sighed. “Me too.”
Waking up at the Med Bay, Shannon was a little confused as to what happened. The last thing she remembered was seeing you then everything blacked out. She turned her head to see if anyone is around to help her. She noticed Bruce at the table nearby working, she attempted to speak but her voice was rough. 
“Shannon, you’re awake, that's good. Let me check to see how your doing,” he said, walking over to read her vitals. “Looks like your almost back to normal. Do you remember anything?” he asked while taking out the oxygen tube out of her nose.
“Yeah I remember being with Steve and Y/N and then nothing after that.” Her voice cracked. “How long have I been out?”
He handed her a cup with water. “It's been a few hours but you’re fine now. Seems your fight with Tony took a toll on you when you powers went out of control.” He waited for her to drink. “You may have to visit Charles soon about this,” he suggested. “For now, just take things easy and use that time to get better.”
“Thank you for the water and keeping an eye on me while I was out,” she responded, getting out of bed and taking out the tubes from her arms. “I think I’ll follow your suggestions and take that time off to do some stuff on my own.” She walked out of the Bay and headed to the elevator. 
“JARVIS, where is Tony at the moment?” she asked while heading to her room. 
“He happens to be in his lab, Ms. Shannon. Would you like me to tell him something?” the Al asked.
“No, JARVIS, that's all I needed to know.” She made her way to the shared room she and Tony had and made her way to the closet looking for her bag. 
“Sir, I’ve been informed by Dr. Banner that Ms.Shannon is awake and heading to your room,” the voice told Tony. He immediately stopped what he was doing and headed straight to her. 
“Thank you!” was all Tony said.
Upon getting to the room he saw that her back was turned to the door and was packing up some clothes. Seeing her getting ready to leave hurt more than he ever expected.
“Babe… babe, what are you doing?” He was cautious not to upset her as he walked in. “Why are you packing up your clothes?” The look on her face was unreadable and it scared him. He’d always been able to read her emotions. 
“I’ll be gone for a few days, don’t know when exactly I’ll be back.” Her voice was cold. He didn't know what to do. He stood there silently watching her pack with his eyes beginning to water. 
“Babe, listen to me, you don’t have to go. We can work this out together.” He tried getting closer but she only moved to the side. “Babe… baby, stop for a moment… please?” he said the last word with a plea. 
“It’s okay. I won’t be gone long, you won't even notice I'm not here,” she said closing up her bag and heading out of the room. 
“Where are you going? Will you take Happy with you? Is anyone else going with you?” He shot question after question at her as he followed her into the elevator.
“Somewhere. That’s none of your concern though. As for Happy, no, I told him he could go on vacation,” she said without looking at him. She walked out of the elevator and had the driver put her bag in the back. 
“Will you at least call me to let me know when you get there?” He sounded like a kicked puppy. She hated seeing him like this but she also couldn’t deal with him at the moment. 
“Goodbye, Tony.” She waved her hand and got in the car. 
For the next few days Tony was a complete mess with out Shannon around, he couldn’t sleep, and no one could get him to eat. Not even Lucky could get Tony to leave the lab to play ball for a bit.  
She, on the other hand, had finally gotten her mind back in order and had read through your letters and re-read them. She stayed in contact with Steve via flip phone so Tony wouldn’t be able to track her. 
He’d kept his promise to Shannon to keep you updated on her and let him know that she would be back soon. This had given both him and you peace of mind that she would soon be at the tower again. 
The day Shannon came back to the tower she had asked JARVIS only inform Steve she’d returned, and that she’d be down with you. The Al had been adamant about telling Tony but she said she’d personally go see Tony after her talk.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @weclassygirl @adefectivedetective
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @georgialouisea @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek  @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo @expecteddifferent​​ 
@fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​
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hotcocosharing · 6 years
Double Troubles - the reunion. Part 6
Recap or familiarize with what happened click here
Picking up a little further ahead than where it was left off; the cast of Glory Days 20 years later have come back together for a college reunion; with life experiences, maturity (we hope) and are all hoping, for the least to have a good time. Let the magic unfold.
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Midori’s POV
An offhand, un-thought through witticism is about to skim a sweet escape from my lips yet it’s stopped tersely by the sound of my phone pinging that I’ve got tucked away in my purse along with some cigarettes and a lighter; the holy trinityI carry everywhere with me regardless of the occasion or circumstances. Plucking it out; I ignore the drink which gets placed down in front of me – for once, highly concerned about something that doesn’t involve alcohol yet does bring a past I’d rather keep concealed up to the surface and in a split second, I excuse myself with nothing more than a mumbled announcement of ‘I’ll be right back.’
The text reads no more than ‘Outside. Now.’ and from the sender, it shows up from – I know better than to waste time dawdling.
Out front of the gymnasium; the sight of a black stretch vehicle sends my heart into a rattled race of dread as a repulsive bile begins to nauseatingly coat the back of my throat. The familiar sound of ‘mommy’ kick starts my maternal instincts into overdrive of which I swore years ago I’d never have and in the blink of an eye, I’ve crouched down to scoop up and cradle a tiny crying pre-schooler. “What’s wrong princess? Why are there tears? Mommy doesn’t like it when you’re upset Sakura.”
It’s an incoherent response as sniffles and a head of hair bury into the crook of my neck as my ex-fiancé comes into view – his usual cocky expression and carelessness demeanor. “She wanted to see you - acts and behaves just like her god damn mother.” Eyes rolling and lips pursing into a thin line of hindrance, I ask Ryoichi to leave and attempt my best at balancing a child in hand whilst calling a cab. He’s a man of few actions and even fewer words – huffing that he’ll be away on business book release for a while now that he doesn’t have to take care of a child, our interaction ends promptly with the slam of a car door before wheels squeal off into the distance.
So much for enjoying a night out to reminisce. “Sakura, baby; Mommy needs to put you down so that she can make a phone call, is that ok?”, I ask with a smile whilst wiping tears from her tiny red raw eyes. Not having Shunichiro’s number to ask for advice and not that I’m sure that I’d want him to see me like this; I message Yukihisa instead, aware – fully – that he’s got the kind of mouth that can open and blurt out just about anything.
Aki’s POV (New Character Alert)
There’s no reason for me to be hanging around this reunion amongst older folk apart from the fact that I’m helping to assist with the catering for the night when an older woman manages to catch my eye with some kind of allure and draw that I can’t explain. Never one for being afraid to get knocked back, knocked down or plain ignored for starting any kind of conversation; as soon as I’ve made the connection of acuity and observation that she isn’t with anything; although the men’s jacket that she has draped over her shoulders may prove otherwise, I’m over like a moth to a flame. Not afraid – at all – to be hurt or burnt.
“Excuse me ma’am – pardon me if this is too forward but if I’m allowed to say, you look absolutely exquisite this evening.”
Glancing all over for a smirk, a blush, the rise of an eyebrow or even a carefree chuckle at how ‘naïve’ or ‘juvenile’ I must seem; the woman doesn’t give off any hint of how she feels or makes of my words. Way to make a horrible first impression – I think to myself before stepping in closer to close any gap of personal space between the both of us. “Beautiful woman like you must have a name to match – so how about we start with the formalities?”, I ask, reaching out to brush some hair neatly behind her ear, “Fujishima, Aki Fujishima”, I introduce myself with a boyish grin, “…and you?”
Mission one – become acquainted.
Maki’s POV
Blasé is how I feel as a deep breath sighs from deep within my chest to see Eriko with another man //boy// this one, definitely half her age… maybe a student even with how baby-faced he seems yet my indifference comes to a primary halt as a text comes through from Midori that I’m not expecting asking for help. Not bothering to read the entire thing, I announce quietly to Tachibana that there’s an issue out front and finish my drink before beginning to pace outside.
Shinich Kagari’s POV
The problem with staying sober gets in the way of distracting myself from the uncomfortable atmosphere with the doctor of mischief. Slightly older but probably not any wiser, by the looks of it- the boys from twenty years ago haven’t exactly gone far, we still react pretty much the same way in her presence.
Eriko Sato, the woman I often refer as “the one who got away” though I was actually the one who walked out the door. Turning my back when her supposedly dead brother came to life, leaving her alone in a foreign country when she needed to be in my arms but I had problems of my own, my sister- someone else who needed me more and there was no doubt that Eriko would manage, she could take every man down with a snap of her fingers.
A puzzled expression comes and go before the tipsy doctor could notice as the lady of the hour returns into view – grateful, elegant yet still sexy as heck.
Eriko Sato’s POV
Neither impressed nor flattered at the additional attention from a caterer who’s far too young to even interact with me.
“I am too old to be your acquaintance.” I absently say, lips curling but eyes tracing after Yukihisa who stands up and abruptly leaves the party.
Whatever the universe has in store for us, I’m keen to find out. With only few steps behind, two dark figures are outside the gymnasiums, two and a half to be exact. A tiny little girl hides behind a long champagne colored dress but couldn’t conceal the beautiful green eyes she has inherited from her mother- a ghost of my past, an old friend I once treasured and adored to bits then to realize none of it was real. Midori Katayani, the same woman who wasted my drink and stormed off without an apology or acknowledge my presence.
“Hi,” Down on one knee with a hand out to introduce myself, now that is an acquaintance I would like to make. “My name is Eriko, an old friend of your mama. Nice to meet you.” The shy little one steals a glance at her mother for approval before joining our hands and mumbling her own name. “Sakura, what a beautiful name.” Eyes widen at the surprise in her palm, I ensure both mother and daughter that it’s a very healthy treat.
There is no hug or smile exchange as I get onto my feet and face Midori, “What? We are nearly forty, why is it even shocking that I’ve dealt with kids before? Or is she supposed to be a secret?” Head swaying back and forth at the two dropped jaws but the jacket dripping over my shoulders remind me I’m still wanted inside, “Thought I’d help but guess I’ll leave you two then.”
Answers- I couldn’t have come expecting for answers, hoping one of them would explain their absence in my life, what had I done so wrong to deserved to be cut off and forgotten. Twenty years is a long time and perhaps it is time to put it all behind me, burying it along with memories and trash that I had no recollection and use of.  
A do-over, a clean slate- whatever the term shall be, the idea of rekindling or picking up where Yukihisa and I have left off has become a preposterous joke. Tonight is supposed to be fun and pain-free but the string of history is getting overwhelmed. I’m better off inside, among the crowd, within the men who spoil me. God, twenty fucking years and I’m still that little princess at heart- eager to be loved and cherished, yet is that so wrong?
With a wave and spin, I say goodbye and leave this odd pair of old friends be.
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 10/05 NXT 10/07 NXT UK 10/08 Smackdown 10/09 + Main Event 10/08
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“This Asuka reign has been spectacular thus far,” d e b a t a b l e
Is Asuka continuing her feud with Zelina? If so, why? If not, why is this 6 woman match happening? Just spinning your wheels some more?
It’s been an interesting experience watching Dana grow throughout the years. Also nice flip by Nattie off of Dana’s headscissors takedown.
Love to see Dana and Mandy matching colors. Tag teams matching gear is my jam. Next is a theme song/name.
Lovely delayed double suplex by Dandy.
Small mistake in Mandy nearly falling over, but I mostly want to compliment the slide her boots did against the mat lmao. That was probably unintended, but looked super smooth.
I actually like Mandy now that she’s not imitating a stripper, but I’d really appreciate it if she could learn new trash talk that isn’t just, “who do you think you are,” repeated ad nauseam.
I don’t watch Main Event, but they should consider having Mandy and Dana wrestle more on there if they don’t already. Those are 2 that can use the consistent practice.
There’s so many minor things Natalya does to keep matches together with greener women. She deserves more respect.
Man these women work incredibly well together. Asuka, Nattie, Dana, Lana, Mandy... so cohesive. Loved that entire ending sequence from the moment Lana and Asuka tagged in. Lana has really increased her speed as well.
I am here to dole out positive praise for the blondes that nobody gives any credit to. Remembering where Dana was in 2016, Lana was in 2017, or even Mandy was in 2018, and seeing them all now? They get my applause. The midcard on Raw is entertaining, sue me. Fun match.
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pppfffftttttt love how Zelina just slowly slinks outta the ring like, “yeahhhh have fun with that, this ain’t my fight peace.”
Alright ngl, I am now starting to get sad that Lana is getting rekt nearly every week. rip. First match of the night btw and the commentators are losing their desk lmao.
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Does KO have to spell out everything happening in wrestling? Sir I actually pay attention to the stories y’all be telling me. Can I get a condensed version?
“He’s everywhere,” Alexa is creepy and compelling, I’m gonna keep singing her praises til she gives me a reason not to.
I personally just hope Fiend uses new gloves for every new victim, what with covid and all.
“Bury a body together in the woods,” SIR.
I like that Alexa is kept separate from Bray and is solely attached to Fiend. I know that’s going to change, but for now, I like that line being drawn in the sand.
Omg he shed tears. Whew.
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Why y’all allergic to showcasing Bianca against people who I fucking recognize lmao.
Again, I know she’s a college graduate. I know she’s smart on some fucking level. Telling me why the sky is blue (cept not really as it just appears that way) AIN’T IT THOUGH.
Put her in a match, that’s where she needs the most work. Jesus.
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Oh good we get to hear Nia’s music on the way to the ring. She has the superior theme.
Nia body checking Ruby in the corner. I felt that.
I like Shayna’s joint manipulation, I only wish she’d wear down her opponents before she started in on it, cuz it drastically slows down the pacing of the match. There’s a spot for it if you get the momentum of the match going first, but she almost always just jumps straight into this. 
Ruby getting rekt. What Riott Squad need is a good showing. Not to be damn near demolished. I doubt anyone actually expected them to win this match, but come on.
At least Shayna sold the tornado ddt well.
Meh could’ve been a better showing for RS. Kind of disappointing. Liv didn’t even use any offense to break the Kirifuda Clutch, just yelled dramatically af. Tears galore.
Highlight: Seeing Lana/Mandy/Dana improve & work cohesively with veterans in Nattie & Asuka
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Isn’t nxt supposed to be the brand that hides a performer’s weakness? Why does Ember Moon have a mic in the middle of the ring? Have her do a quick interview in the back, or better yet wrestle. Hello??
Don’t thank them, they are your coworkers, and only one of them even said welcome back. sigh.
This is why Ember Moon will never be a champion on the main roster jfc. At least she can get away with being nxt champ if she refrains from speaking.
Well damn I was actually interested in Rhea’s promo, thanks a lot Raquel smh.
Io’s like “...nah, I’m good right here.”
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Io is a woman of few words, but they are always flawlessly spoken and drenched in logic. Still a huge fan of her as champion.
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Storytime. Becky Lynch has named 2 people as potential break out stars that could reach (close to) the heights she has reached. Sonya Deville was one, whom I believe Becky was right on the money with, and Toni Storm was the other. Now I don’t see whatever the hell Becky sees in Toni, but damn it if she was right about Sonya, I want her to be right about Toni as well. So I hope this heel turn actually brings the fire, decent acting, and passable promos from her.
Toni has a swagger you can’t teach; she has an aura and confidence to her. There are just some pieces that have been missing. We’ll see though, I’ll give her a clean slate to win me over.
*The Garganos receive a gift* No.
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I kind of like that there’s an unspoken agreement between Raquel and Dakota that Dakota is the star who should win the title, with no lingering feelings of animosity or resentment between them.
Anyway Dakota you lost to Io, plz lol.
*The Garganos see potential in Indi Hartwell* No.
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I hate Shotzi’s entrance and dialogue so damn much lmao. She’s so annoying, I’m not sorry. I’ll give her props in the ring where I see fit, but her personality is such a turn off to me.
Such a short match that I have nothing to say about it. Good for Shotzi gaining some momentum. Still waiting to see where Xia Li goes with these losses amounting.
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Cool one of the best themes has been changed :/ rip Ember’s og theme.
Sloppy, sloppy attempt at a standing crucifix by Ember. oof.
Ember is short but she can sure jump high, this is true.
Ember plz sell.
Jeeze I nearly forgot how good Ember’s suicide dive is. One of the best, truly.
Great bump onto the floor by Rhea.
Flat landing by Dakota. Bravo. Love how Dakota bumps Rhea’s bench press.
No excuse for Dakota not tagging in when Ember got the tag. Awkward.
Looked more like a modified flatliner rather than a uranage, but sure. 
Love watching Dakota and Rhea work together. They have great chemistry.
LOVE Dakota’s Kairopractor. One of my favorite moves in nxt.
Great save by Raquel, great ddt taken by Raquel.
Sloppy “powerbomb” from Ember to Dakota... that’s a yikes. Ember indeed has ring rust. Eclipse is still a thing of beauty though, so there’s that.
I just want to say, I really like Rhea as a babyface and I hope wwe doesn’t turn her heel when she moves to the MR.
Highlight: Dakota & Rhea working together is always a treat
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Tell me why the beginning of Dani’s theme reminded me of White Wedding by Billy Joel? The lack of lighting in her entrance does her song a disservice.
Really like Nina’s theme... irritating how they cut off Amale’s theme so quickly to introduce her, though.
HAHA Xia tried kipping up out of the leg scissors and she got popped on the midsection.
Lovely escape...? Alright well, fill the dead air with meaningless comments I guess. No, don’t pipe in applause for that.
Twisting her arms in reverse and then forward accomplished nothing.
I appreciate Dani’s underrated strength.
Decent reverse suplex by Nina.
Deadweight suplex by Dani. Nice.
Amale is... abysmally green.
Took a beautiful German suplex, though.
Do not like Xia’s finisher.
This match wasn’t a mistake, but man talk about lower card.
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Much like I did with Toni Storm, all I see when I look at Piper now, is when she cried during the match with KLR lmao. Round of applause for KLR making all of her opponents cry kekekek.
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“[KLR] better watch what she says, or else..” or else what? More of y’all gonna cry in her direction? oof your champ is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above everyone else on that roster, plz.
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Sure she’s held the title for a year cuz of the pandemic, but if we remove all of that time UK spent isolated, she should still hold that title for a year minimum. Whenever someone wants to exhibit possessing the full package she has, they can step up. Even on the mic, KLR is untouchable.
Lol y’all can waltz out pissy all you want. I laugh.
“We've got witches that can't cast spells, Valkyries that can't fly, and these two can't even get along long enough to challenge me. And here she is, the worst of them all, the ultimate letdown... a piper that plays to my tune.” LMFAOOO. This is such a good promo, I can’t.
Knowing NXT, they’ll throw them in a battle royal to decide Kay Lee’s next opponent. Should run a tournament though.
KLR makes that title prestigious, goodbye.
Highlight: Fantastic KLR promo
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Alright real talk, why did Sasha get a title shot here? Why would Bayley give it to her without a struggle when she damn well knows Sasha could easily be the one to take it from her? When was it even accepted by Bayley?
Tbh I kind of hate this feud unless they’re in the same room/arena together. They work magic together, truly, but all of the inbetween stuff was garbage.
Love how Sasha just wants to beat the crap out of Bayley. Solid stuff.
Lol Bayley goes to leave lololol.
These are some clean counters and roll throughs. Always give props to Sasha for her counters.
See, cool, Sasha and Becky’s hiac match was set up with a chair, too... cept they had a great match for 15 mins and then brawled all over the arena. This could’ve all been set up SO much better. Then again tbf, it doesn’t even make sense for Bayley to accept this match with her to begin with, so I get the intentional dq as quickly as possibly on Bayley’s behalf. Would’ve been better if a gm had set this match up instead.
Great acting by Sasha.
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How long til KO just pops Bliss across the face? No I’m kidding, wwe would never do that. Setting fire to someone, on the other hand...
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Nothing about this promo felt genuine to me; the delivery was subpar.
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When does Alexa receive an upgrade from ‘supportive mistress’ to ‘queen that helps fuck up Fiend’s victims’? I do appreciate them taking their time with her arc, it’s rare to see them do such a slow burn and not drop the ball with it.
Highlight: Sasha’s aggression in the ring
Main Event:
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The sheer hatred I have for Peyton’s theme. Awful.
Peyton vs Billie matches reminds me of the type of stuff I used to skip back in the late 2000s.
You watch best friends Sasha/Bayley, and you see some innovative, impactful moves. You watch best friends Becky/Charlotte, and you see 2 people beating the absolute shit out of each other with vitriol. You watch best friends Billie/Peyton, and you see 2 people who are afraid of hurting one another :/
Nice roll through pin by Billie.
Positive: there’s no crowd to boo them.
Just noticed the bottom row of monitors are behind the barricade, and I just want to know why tf they exist lmao.
Oh perfect, the second I began to regret turning this on, it ended. Okay anyway.
*NXT shined the brightest. Love how they utilized their women’s division, even if some of it was a hit or miss. Also love seeing Dakota and Rhea work together.
0 notes
kir-kerr · 7 years
Ren Fair Advantage
Chapter 4:
Summary: Ren Fair AU. Marinette and Alya are belly dancers at a Renaissance Fair. Adrien and Nino were one day pass holders that’ll now do anything, even wear brightly colored tights, to stick around as long as they can.
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3
“Say it.”
“Not happening, bro.”
“C’moooon, say it. You know I’ll keep bugging you til you do.” “A’right. A’right! …I guess the gnarly onslaught of men in tights was sorta definitely worth it.” Adrien grinned from his spot on the floor at his buddy’s grudging admission. “How do those words you’re eating taste, dude?” Nino didn’t move his gaze from the ceiling and continued tossing his hat in the air and catching it. The grin that twitched at his lips was twinged with a slight grimace at the insufferable smugness in his best friend’s voice. “About as salty as I feel sayin’ them.” The blond chortled softly before going back to the task at hand. The two were back in their hotel room after their surprisingly eventful day at the faire. Adrien was spending this downtime sat on the floor, digging through his suitcase in an attempt to find the perfect outfit for the following day. A fact Nino had already teased the model about. To which Adrien retorted that it was his job to make himself look good.
And if things went his way, he’d be seeing someone tomorrow that he wanted to look his best for.
Nino’s face was set in deep concentration as the two sat in comfortable silence for a good few minutes. Finally he paused in his idle hat tossing and spoke what was currently consuming his thoughts.
“Hey, bro?”
Nino pursed his lips and his dark brows furrowed before he finally came out with it.
“We really sticking around this place for a week or whatever… just on the off chance we might get to hook up with a couple of hotties we just met?”
Adrien paused in his attempts at finding a matching shirt for the pants he’d decided on, and considered what his friend was saying. After a heavy pause he turned and fixed his buddy with a questioning gaze.
“I dunno… are we? You are the one who told those ‘hotties’ we’d be staying that long. I told you we’d only stay one day unless you wanted to stick around a while more.”
Adrien turned back to his mess of a suitcase and kept his tone even and casual, but kept his back turned to keep his knowing smirk hidden from his ‘conflicted’ friend.
“So? You wanna stay here and hang out with some seriously cool beauties? Or do you wanna head back to Paris in the morning and go back to hanging around club girls?”
Nino frowned deeply at the beige paint of the ceiling but finally gave an amused snort and continued tossing his hat about.
“None of those drunk party chicks have anything on these babes’ moves.” he stated finally.
That had Adrien laughing. The blond chucked a balled up take out wrapper at his friend’s head and laughed harder when Nino threw it back at him after an indignant sputter. The two fell back into their companionable silence as they finally went back to their previous activities. It was a full fifteen minutes before Adrien spoke again.
“And who knows, maybe you’ll actually have stuff in common with Alya. Ya know, aside from both of you thinking she’s hot.”
Nino scoffed in good humor and gave an undeniably smitten grin to the ceiling.
“Oho, let’s hope not. I dunno if I could keep my cool if that girl is a rockin’ person as well as being that hot. If she is I might never wanna leave.”
The tawny male finally lolled his head against the soft comforter to look at his friend from his spot at the foot of the bed, his bare feet propped on the downy pillows at the top. He considered the back of Adrien’s head with a cheeky grin as he prepared to turn this conversation towards the other reason they were staying.
“But, I gotta feeling that wouldn’t be so bad for you, would it, Romeo? You’ve never really been the vacation fling type. So what’s goin’ on in that bleach blond head of yours? You got big plans for you ‘n’ miss dressmaker?”
Adrien’s face turned just as smitten as his friend’s. But he made sure he was still facing away from the DJ so he couldn’t see the irrepressible gooey grin.
“Please, my hair is all natural and you know it. And this may shock you, buddy, but… I don’t really have a plan.”
His mind wandered back to the events of that day, and Adrien couldn’t help the small cringe that crept between his broad shoulders. He didn’t feel like he’d made the smoothest of first impressions on the belly-dancing beauty. The ice cream incident was the happy accident that led to his first meeting her. But being covered in gooey vanilla ice cream and cinnamon crust bits like a sticky toddler who didn’t know how to eat his frozen treat… Was about as far from smooth as he could get. He thanked every star in the sky that at least he hadn’t met her by spilling the treat on her instead.
Yeah, definitely be thankful for the small things.
Like the fact that he wasn’t literally drooling all over himself during the girls’ snake dance like he most assuredly was in his head. And he prayed that in that brief moment when their eyes met during the performance that he wasn’t gawking like an idiot…. But, he was pretty sure he was. And after the short, but amazing time chatting with girls after the show, they’d shared an awkward piece of silence because the guys didn’t want to go yet, but didn’t want to come across too pushy and ask to hang out with girls a while longer. Needless to say, the goodbye was about as smooth as the first meeting.
Adrien shook off the embarrassed regret the crawled up his back and finally turned to offer his friend an awkward smile.
“Besides trying to be less of an idiot in front of her than I was today, that is.”
Nino gave an exaggerated solemn nod from where his head dangled over the side of the bed and the sight caused a short chortle to escape Adrien’s lips. The DJ pointed a finger at his friend and waggled it meaningfully as he pointed out.
“Hey, ‘least she’s seeing what a goob you are from the get-go. Can’t hide behind the Agreste shield of money and connections now.” Something else occurred to Nino as he spoke and it caused him to grin cheekily. “And bro, you met her at a Ren Faire. So, she’ll probably dig what a nerd you are.”
Adrien laughed but still threw the take-out paper ball at his friend’s face once more. “Shut up, dude. You know I don’t use the rich kid angle if I can help it.”
Light blond lashes shaded Adrien’s eyes as his gaze turned downcast and he considered his friend’s words. A smile slowly curled wide as he realized how right Nino’s observation was. Adrien had gone his whole life with girls taking an interest in only his looks and family prestige, only to have them scoff and dismiss his interests if he ever decided to open up even a little bit to any potential love interest.
But, Marinette didn’t even know his last name yet. She knew he was a model, but that wasn’t something she knew right off the bat either. He wouldn’t have to put up any professional fronts for the sake of preserving his family’s good name. He’d have to win her over with nothing but his natural charm, and… admittedly quirky personality. And Marinette’s blatantly alternative interests both intrigued the model, and like his friend said, probably worked in his favor.
But, a clean slate like this excited him more than anything.
Adrien let a soft chuckle shake his shoulders before he shrugged at his buddy. “Guess I’ll just have to get to know her better and find out if you’re right, huh?”
Nino righted himself so he was laying on his stomach and supporting his body with his forearms, that teasing grin still in place on his face.
“Sounds like you do have a plan after all, bro.”
Adrien snorted “If you call ‘not looking like a doofus and hopefully getting to know her’ a plan…”
“Hey bro, nobody said a plan needs to be super complicated.”
The blond’s lips curled into a positively cheshire-like grin before he turned back to his suitcase to continue the task at hand.
“Then I guess I have a plan, then.”
“Come on, Marinette! Please?”
The dressmaker in question groaned from her spot atop the step ladder in her clothing packed shoppe. She fixed the petite blonde pleading to her with a reprimanding pout.
“Rose, for the last time I’m not taking the morning off! It’s the weekend rush, and I’d feel terrible leaving you to fend against the crowds by yourself.”
The young stall owner turned back to the display she was working on and pausing briefly before she tacked on a half-promise she hoped would get her concerned partner off her back, “Maybe I’ll take tomorrow morning off. It’s a Monday so it won’t be that busy, okay?”
It was her partner’s turn to pout, this ‘compromise’ did not satisfy the pink-clad blonde in the least. She knew how her friend was. While her work ethic was admirable, as was her concern for everyone’s well-being, more often than not it was hazardous to her health and Rose knew her partner would find a way to not take that break for one reason or another.  
Rose may be sweet and kind to anyone and everyone she meets, but she knew when somebody needed some tough love. And Marinette was seriously overdue.
“Marinette, I’m worried! You haven’t even come to any of the nightly staff get-togethers since the first night! If you don’t take even a few hours off I’m afraid you’re gonna pass out during work! Or even totally conk out during a performance!”
The pixie-esc girl clasped her hands together and pulled the best puppy dog look she could manage, which was easy enough with her large baby blue eyes.
“Just for a few hours? I can take care of the shoppe for that long on my own. And if things get too crazy Jule is just across the way and you know she’ll help out if I really need her!”
Marinette turned back towards her concerned friend and nibbled at her lip in deep consideration. Rose did have a point.
Their mutual friend Juleka worked with her father at a metal working booth just on the other side of the dirt road all the shops were located on. Juleka herself worked in making unique jewelry pieces sometimes out of refurbished knick-knacks, mirrors, and watches. While her father worked in classic blacksmith style next to the booth as a small show for the tourists, making knives and short swords that were purely for costume use only.
Juleka and Rose were nearly inseparable when neither were working, and even visited each other when one was still in the middle of their shift. And when both were on the job they’d share silly faces, warm smiles and a wave or two whenever they caught each others’ eye from across the way.
There was no doubt Juleka would watch out for the petite blonde while Marinette was away from the shop.
But still…
“…I promise I’ll take the whole morning off tomorrow okay? I’ll sleep in and everything! Deal?”
Marinette couldn’t risk taking even a few hours off on the last day of the weekend when all the tourists who only came for a three-day weekend trip bought any last minute items they absolutely ‘had to have’ before leaving. She offered her dear friend a sympathetic grin and hoped Rose would accept this compromise. Even if keeping her word of taking a whole morning off may be hard for the go-getter to keep.
Though she lamented the fact that after working together for so long Marinette had become immune to Rose’s persuasive puppy eyes, the blonde blew out her lips in reluctant acceptance to this scenario. She finally offered a teasing grin to the dark haired workaholic and waggled a sparkly pink manicured finger in Marinette’s direction.
“You sleep in just about every day anyway. Even when you’re not taking time off, sweetie.”
Marinette was relieved that the topic was dropped but still offered a wincing grin at the tiny blonde’s chastising.
“Hey, I’ve gotten better! I’ve only been a few minutes late the past few days instead of like the hour and a half I was late the first day of the faire. I’d call that progress!”
The two shoppe workers shared a friendly giggle before they both went back to their work of getting the displays ready before the faire opened for the day. But even as dainty hands smoothed out any stray wrinkles from a cotton over-skirt, Rose was still scheming in her mind some way to get her friend to take a breather this very day. And she came up with an extremely obvious solution.
She’d have to get Alya involved in this well-meaning plot.
Even for such method actors as all the faire workers were, forgoing technology completely while on the job was nearly impossible for some. Especially one such as Alya. Though she always had a valid excuse for why she’d be backstage at one of the troupe’s performances, in full belly-dancer attire, tip-tapping on her phone nonstop. As the editor of the faire’s website, and also the admin of a popular travel blog as her main source of income, Alya was always updating one of her sites at most points of the day. Even if seeing someone in full costume wear a very modern set of horn rimmed glasses, fully immersed in something on her glowing touchscreen phone may look pretty funny to any tourists wandering by, any faire workers who knew Alya were quite used to the sight.
So it wasn’t odd to anyone that Alya was currently frowning at her phone, a few scant minutes before her next dance performance. However, she was not on one of her websites at this moment. Instead she was currently reading the string of texts sent to her by her dear friend’s co-worker Rose. And what she read, of course, was very concerning to the protective young woman.
Alya knew Marinette worked herself too hard, either for herself or for anyone who needed help. She was a little too selfless for her own health sometimes. And after receiving information from Rose that their dear over-worked friend had tactfully avoided yet another well deserved break, Alya knew it was time to do a little intervening.
The fiery blogger peered over at the girl in question who was currently helping a fellow dancer with their flowery headpiece. Alya knew that simply dragging the workaholic off for a break wouldn’t actually make her relax. Without a good excuse to relax for an extended period, (aside from her friends’ insistence that she needed it), Marinette would make an excuse to go back to work one way or another.
So the usual direct approach Alya preferred wouldn’t work in this case. She’d have to go the more sneaky underhanded route and find something to distract her friend long enough that she can properly de-stress, hopefully for the extent of the afternoon if Alya could help it.
Alya was still trying to develop some kind of plan as she proceeded to switch out her glasses for her slightly irritating contacts for the performance that was to start in just a few minutes. As she blinked the watery tears from her eyes that came from placing tiny pieces of plastic on her eyes, her blurred vision adjusted just in time to see a certain pair of tourists coming down the hill towards the performing space. Her wide eyes blinked rapidly as the cogs of her brain began to turn into overtime, and a wicked smile curled at her full lips.
She just found the ‘something’ that could possibly distract her dear friend for more than just a few minutes. And that something was a someone. A someone with blond hair and a dazzling smile.
It came as no surprise to Alya that just like during yesterday’s performance, the charming model boy had his eyes glued solely on Marinette the entire show. If Alya was less versed in the different ways men stared at attractive women, she’d think the model was being creepy with his razor focused attention. However, Adrien wasn’t looking at the bare-midriff Marinette with hungry or lecherous eyes, but rather he stared at her with awe and pure reverence at the pale beauty’s sensual dancing.
Alya prided herself on her strong intuition and good judge of character, and she was pretty dang sure this boy was just as repressed and pure hearted as the girl he was obviously taken with. And it just strengthened Alya’s resolve to be the ultimate wing-woman and get her friend to let loose and hook up with the cute guy. And as soon as the show ended, Alya wasn’t going to let her friend run off back to her stall before getting another chance to talk to said cute guy.
Like the true conniving woman she was, Alya purposely took longer than usual to gather her things after the show ended. With a sly flick of the wrist, Alya managed to tangle one of the chains connected to her bindi in a lock of her hair and whined to Marinette to help her de-tangle the accessory before the workaholic got a chance to run off. And that small task took just long enough for a familiar duo to round the corner of the billowing stage backdrop and tentatively approach the girls with wide friendly grins.
Alya managed to hide her sly smirk before she exclaimed in an over-exaggeratedly bubbly tone, “Well, look who it is~! Not satisfied with just one performance, gentlemen?”
The sneaky woman bit back an amused snort as she saw her friend visibly tense before turning to see who her friend, who was never this perky, was addressing. The need to laugh only grew as Alya saw both repressed young adults straighten completely upright upon locking eyes. It only lasted a moment before they both relaxed into polite smiles to mask their obvious awkwardness around one another.
It was actually the lanky DJ who finally spoke first, but not before playfully jabbing his friend in the ribs in an attempt to bring the blond back down to earth from what ever la la land just looking at the belly-dancing young woman had sent him.
“Well, with a show like that, you ladies just keep the audience beggin’ for more every time. Right, dude?”
The blond jolted from his extended eye contact with Marinette, which had honestly been making the young woman he was staring at a little self conscious and uncomfortable. A hand immediately came up to rub at the nape of his neck in justified embarrassment at his open gawking and the young man had to clear his throat before speaking.
“You guys are pretty spellbinding when you dance, makes it pretty hard to look away.”
Alya caught that flattered blush dusting her friend’s freckled cheeks and the adorable exchange was almost too sweet to handle. Mirroring the tawny male’s previous actions, Alya elbowed her friend to remind her to talk as well.
“A-ah, well… Thank you. We all try our best. I’m glad you guys enjoyed it… Again.”
The blond chuckled softly and fixed the fidgety dressmaker with a gentle smile and earnest gaze.
“You’re welcome. I can tell you guys have a lot of fun dancing. And it shows that you put a lot of effort into your performance, too.”
Something about the honesty in the young man’s tone and how that honesty shone in his brilliant green eyes as well made Marinette’s heart clench for a moment before fluttering pleasantly. Like a butterfly that had been swiftly trapped in someone’s tight grip only to be released just as quickly. When she smiled again it was quirked awkwardly as she let loose a slightly nervous giggle.
“Yeah… it’s so fun that it makes all that hard work not… Uh, seem so hard! I guess.”
As this rather slow and oddly innocent exchange between two grown adults was kinda adorable to watch, both of the onlooking friends realized this conversation was going nowhere productive fast. The two supportive wing-people shared a knowing look, surprising each other that it seemed they were on the same page in this scenario, and they themselves had to snap out of an impromptu mutual ogling. Alya was the first to take initiative and clear her throat loudly to insert her presence back into this conversation before addressing both men at once.
“So have you two gotten to see all of the faire yet? I know there’s a whole lot of ground to cover.”
It was Adrien who responded, “Oh, not yet. We’ve been to a couple shops and saw a few shows but, heh, I have to admit even with a map it’s easy to get lost around here.”
Nino added on in agreement, “Yeah, this place is a serious labyrinth. All the buildings look pretty much the same,” his golden eyes flicked over to meet Alya’s with a meaningful look.
“Pretty easy to get lost if you don’t know your way around, ya know?”
The curvier of the two girls cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at Nino’s subtle hinting. Alya was definitely intrigued that this laidback DJ seemed to be on the same wavelength as herself, and she had a feeling she was about to have a fair amount of time investigating how that could be.
Grasping the slightly dazed Marinette from behind by both arms, Alya nudged her forward a step and gave her confused friend a meaningful smile as she spoke.
“Well you know, nobody knows this place better than my girl here. She’s been coming to this faire since she was in medieval diapers.”
Marinette’s entire face became panicked as she finally realized her conniving friend’s scheme. She was discreetly mouthing ‘No!’ multiple times even as Alya continued on in her devious plan.
“We were going to take the afternoon off anyway, so if you two need a couple of gorgeous tour guides… I’m sure Marinette and I could show you guys around the faire for a while~.”
Marinette’s frantic silent pleas increased at the decision her dear friend had just made for her, and she was fully intent on correcting this statement and politely telling the two males that she was actually desperately needed back at her shoppe.
But any negative correction died on her lips as she turned back to the two men and caught the full force of the blond male’s dazzling smile that managed to reach his eyes that were blown wide in pure boyish hope. It was only made worse at the adorably earnest way Adrien tilted his head towards her as he spoke in such a humble manner.
“I’d hate to put you guys out if you’re on your break. You ladies deserve every second you can get off and ya know, I’d hate to impose. Even if that does sound like the coolest afternoon pretty much ever.”
As if the unfairly adorable face Adrien was making wasn’t enough, something about the way he spoke, and even his wording made the unrelentingly helpful aspect of Marinette’s personality switch on immediately. And it was that part of her brain that took over and made her blurt out-
“You’re not imposing! We were going to wander around during our break anyway! A-and you know, the more the merrier… And stuff, right? We’d be more than happy to give you guys the grand tour i-if you really want!”
Unbeknownst to the blue eyed beauty, the other three people in this small group were simultaneously fist pumping in their minds at her admission. But on the outside they all simply shared brilliant smiles before Adrien took it upon himself to reply to Marinette’s invitation.
“Great! Uh, I mean, as long as it’s cool with you we’d be honored to tag along and learn more about this place!”
Marinette released a shaky yet relieved breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding and bobbed her head in agreement.
“It’s definitely cool with me.”
Adrien was right back to smiling boyishly, “Cool.”
From over their friends’ shoulders Alya and Nino shared knowing grins as they echoed in unison,
“Step lively, gentlemen! We’ve got a lot of ground to cover if you want to see all of the very best our fine faire has to offer~.” Alya crowed dramatically as she sashayed ahead of the other three, her multicolored skirts swishing with every movement.
Nino’s eyes tracked every one of those movements, the small smirk on his face betraying his new discovery that he liked the way she walked. Even in those heavy skirts Alya strutted a diva on a mission, confident and sensual yet purposeful with every step. Her body language just screamed ‘Yeah, I look good but don’t you dare get in my way’. Nino had a bit of a weak spot for ladies who took charge in general, and the confidence oozing off the fiery belly dancer was seriously ticking a good number of his boxes.
A fond giggle bubbled out of the petite girl who was still walking alongside Nino and his blond friend. “Alya! It’s not much of a tour if you’re just rushing ahead of the people you’re guiding.” Marinette chastised with a teasing smile.
The speed-walking friend in question finally stopped and turned to face the rest of the group, setting her hands squarely on her round hips as she proceeded to sass Marinette in return.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are slow as little turtles.”
As the three finally joined Alya where she’d stopped the spectacled young woman playful smirk broadened into an excitable smile. The sight made a certain DJ’s heart clench and just ticked another box for him. The fiery dancer jutted her thumb in the direction just behind her to make her point.
“Besides, I figure the best place to start the tour at was Brawldily Harm show! And the thing starts in like 15 minutes, so we better hurry!”
Even though Marinette was standing between the two, she was shorter than two males enough so that they could share a confused look over her head. Nino was the one to speak what they were both thinking.
“Uuuuh, Brawl-didy what now?”
Nino had to hold back a knowing smirk as the blue eyed girl giggled again, and the sound made Adrien’s face melt into a smitten little grin as his attention shifted back to her.
“Brawldily Harm! It’s a performance troop that do these comedy/action skits! They pretty much just crack jokes and do a bunch of sword-fighting. It’s a great show!” Marinette explained with an elated smile. She fixed her friend with a chastising yet playful look and gestured to her with her hands. It seemed talking with her hands was something she and Adrien had in common, Nino noted.
“But, we really don’t have to rush to get there in time. Pirate’s Cove is just up the hill. We’ll probably still get there with like, five minutes to spare!”
Though no sooner did Marinette point this out did that timid streak of hers make another appearance. She shifted her attention back and forth between the two guys on either side of her bashfully before settling her gaze on Adrien.
“Um, that is, as long as that sounds okay to you guys, o-of course.”
The young seamstress had gotten so caught up bantering with her friend like she always did, that she had seemingly forgotten why they were heading there in first place. And more importantly, who it was they were taking around. Don’t think the DJ didn’t notice how she answered his question without a second thought or hesitation, but once she started talking to Adrien her awkwardness made a comeback. The definite switch in behavior was a good sign that a hookup between the girl and Nino’s best bud was clearly possible.
Nino shrugged his shoulders casually but maintained a crooked friendly smile as he replied, “Sounds like a totally killer time to me. How ‘bout you, bro?” he directed his question pointedly at his currently distracted friend, pulling him from the mini gooey eyed staring contest he’d been having with the pretty shop owner.
A bright boyish smile split across both cheeks as Adrien gave an affirming nod. “Hey! Anything with swords and jokes sounds like an awesome time to me!”
The beaded shawl Alya had donned for a modest covering swished softly as she raised her arm with a flourish.
“Well then, what are we waiting for sword fans? Let’s get a move on!”
This time around Alya walked with the group, and with no small amount of satisfaction on his part, walked right alongside Nino in their little line up. His satisfaction grew even greater when the voluptuous young woman put her hand on his arm and promptly yoinked him back a pace or two away from the other couple. Nino gave a soft yelp as Alya yanked him backwards but he recovered quick enough to fix her with a questioning raise of his brow and a small smirk.
“Hey, if you wanted to get me alone all you had to do was ask.”
His flirtatious comment was met with rolling eyes from Alya. The belly dancer waggled a finger back and forth as a playful smirk played at her lips.
“Easy there, disk jockey. Get too hot for me and you’ll fog up your glasses.”
The sassy comeback earned a chuckle from the lanky male.
“Wouldn’t want that, then I wouldn’t be able to see how good you look in your glasses.”
This line actually seemed to hit the mark as Alya’s smile quirked in surprise and she subconsciously reached up to adjust said glasses.
“Alright, Mr. Smooth. Maybe we can talk eyewear another time. Right now I have bigger things on my mind.”
Ninos’ grin widened triumphantly at his flirtation success and he crossed his arms confidently as he leaned in closer to the fiery girl.
“Oh yeah? And what might that be?”
Alya’s own smile turned sly as she leaned closer as well. Nino’s heartbeat picked up the closer she got. He couldn’t believe this was going so well already! And just when Alya got a good six inches away from his face…. she squished his cheeks between her forefinger and thumb as she cupped the surprised boy’s chin and forced his head to turn and face the couple in front of them.
“Getting my super repressed bestie and your smitten lil model friend to hookup before you two head back to Paris.”
That sharp turn in their flirtatious conversation left Nino blinking stupidly at his own best friend’s back. His cheeks were still squished between Alya’s fingers so his reply was slightly muffled.
Alya turned his head back to facing her, her eyes looking as fiery as her hair “Yes, seriously! What, do you think she’s not good enough for him or something?”
Okay, this was so not where he thought this conversation was headed but he’ll roll with it.
Nino placed a hand on the girl’s wrist and pried himself free so he could stand up fully once more. He held up the hand that wasn’t currently holding Alya’s wrist in a gesture of surrender.
“Whoa-ho-ho, easy there, hot stuff. I want my man Adrien to hook up with your girl as much as you do.”
His gaze shifted back to his best friend. From what he could see the blonde was still wearing those lovesick puppy dog eyes as the fair skinned dancer pointed out multiple interesting attractions as they walked. Nino shook his head fondly and let go of Alya’s wrist so he could cross his arms at the sight.
“And if Marinette’s even half as bad as he is, I got a feeling those two’ll need all the helpful pushes they can get.”
Alya looked the DJ over with a new found intrigue. After all, a guy who’s willing to put his focus on making sure his friend is happy above flirting with a hot girl was hard to come by. But having a partner in matchmaking helping on the other side was even harder to come by. And these newly discovered attributes just gained the tawny male major kudos in Alya’s book. After another moment taken to look the guy over as she gathered her thoughts, she finally gave him triumphant smile and held out her hand as if to strike a deal.
“Good! Then what do you say we do a little team up? After all, the more hands there are the easier it is to give a little push.”
Nino raised a single dark brow as he considered the driven woman’s hand. His eyes flitted between her hand, her determined expression and finally the back of his best friend’s head as he continued to walk farther ahead of them with the pretty blue-eyed dancer. A sly smirk of his own played at his lips as he finally reached forward to take the offered hand in his own. He couldn’t help but notice how his long nimble fingers nearly engulfed the dancer’s entire dainty hand as they proceeded to shake on their new little deal.
“Oh, I’d team up with you any day. Plus, anything to help out my bro.”
Alya rolled her eyes with a small chuckle at the flirtation but went right back to being completely excited. It was about time she finally got her friend to unwind and leave her sewing station for a while.
“Good to hear, ‘cause I’m gonna need all the deets on your boy over there. I figure if we swap intel and know what makes our friends’ crushes go all gooey, then we can make sure to drop just the right advise to get these two crazy kids all up on each other before the end of the week!”
The two spectacled adults turn their attention the the potential couple in question just in time to see the two share a little laugh at something the two matchmakers couldn’t quite hear from where they stood. The darker skinned pair shared equally confident grins as Nino gave a little chuckle of his own.
“Sounds like we got a plan then.”
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