#her name is arsenia c:
sudoscience · 4 years
New In Town: Plot Outlines
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I think I actually followed these pretty closely, so most of the commentary I'll add is going to be in the "Later Stuff" section.
Also, even though the end result will probably be pretty different from what's written here, it does include my plans for what's next. So, consider this a spoiler warning in case I do end up finishing the story.
Chapter 1 (Probably)
Chapter 2 (Probably)
Later Stuff
Master Post
Chapter 1 (Probably)
Rudy arrives in Hometown, and starts to settle into Arsenia's apartment. Seeing how bare it is, he decides to visit the florist whose shop he passed. Maybe he can send some flowers to Remkis, too. Asgore shocks Rudy by mentioning his adopted child Kris; Rudy didn't realize he was actually the second human to live in Hometown. Asgore tells Rudy that Kris hasn't been themselves lately, and he hopes Rudy can help Kris, even though Rudy is at least 10 years Kris's senior. As the only human in a town full of monsters, Kris has never really fit in, and their problems have only gotten worse following Asgore and Toriel's separation, and Asriel moving away to college. Rudy obviously knows something about being an outcast. Maybe he'll see the parallel between his relationship to Remkis and Kris's relationship with Asriel, too. Kris comes in briefly, but doesn't say anything. It's not clear if they even notice Rudy. They quickly leave, but not before Asgore hands them a floral arrangement for Toriel. Kris knows Toriel will just throw the flowers away as always, but they don't have the heart to tell their father this, nor do they want to tell their father that every time they go through this routine, it brings up the bad memories of when Asgore and Toriel first separated. [I don't think this part made it into the published chapter, since it's kind of hard to convey that information from Rudy's perspective.]
Rudy realizes he'll need a job, and asks Asgore if he knows anyone who's hiring. Asgore, being the fuzzy pushover that he is, hires Rudy on the spot, even though Rudy doesn't know the first thing about horticulture. Rudy probably needs a bit of time to think about this. He hasn't met Sans yet, but he would also probably hire Rudy pretty quickly if it meant less work for himself. Rudy would also probably have an easier time working a grocery store than a flower shop, but who knows if that's actually what Sans is doing. Asgore is taken aback by Rudy's deferral, but realizes the hastiness of his decision, and says Rudy can take as much time as he needs. Rudy eventually ends up working for Asgore when he learns that his shop is about to be foreclosed on. [Sans doesn't appear, but Rudy implies that he's familiar enough with him to know that he's lazy and likes puns. Also, Rudy doesn't end up officially taking the job until Chapter 2, and doesn't learn the store is insolvent until after accepting the job.]
Chapter 2 (Probably)
After briefly considering working for Sans, but deciding the skeleton is too weird, Rudy agrees to work for Asgore. Rudy doesn't yet realize that Asgore is flat broke and won't be able to pay him. Rudy is on register. It's a slow day, as most days are, but they eventually get their first customer. Maybe it's Noelle buying flowers for her dad, or maybe for Susie. Or maybe it's Comedian Dad buying flowers for his wife's grave. Whoever it is [Comedian Dad], Rudy tries to ring them up, but he doesn't know what to charge; Asgore has not written prices on any of his arrangements ("I guess that means it's free."). Rudy calls out for Asgore, but nobody came. [I really hope I remembered to include that line.] He goes upstairs and sees the note from C. Rudy makes up a price, and the customer agrees, after some haggling.
Asgore returns from wherever he was, and Rudy tells him about the customer. They get into an argument. Asgore knows his business model is unsustainable, but he doesn't want to upset his customers by charging them. Rudy reminds him that he's here for a paycheck. Asgore relents, but he's doubtful he'll make enough money to pay both Rudy and C.
[This is the main part I'm unsure about when it comes to this chapter. I know he's supposed to be a big fuzzy pushover, but I feel like it's not interesting if it's too easy for Rudy to convince Asgore. I don't want Rudy to be a Marty Stu, if you know what I mean.]
At some point, Kris enters. They're surprised to see Rudy, and perhaps a little amused. They know their dad won't be able to pay Rudy. Rudy asks Kris if they have any ideas to help Asgore's business; maybe Kris can draw some advertisements. Kris is dismissive of the idea that they could help. Asriel's the perfect one, so Rudy should ask him and leave Kris alone. Rudy senses the tension, but decides not to press the matter any further. He'll ask Asgore about it later, though. [Narrator: He didn't.]
Rudy begins to reconsider whether he made the right call working for Asgore. Asgore needs his help, but Rudy is going to need money at some point. Maybe he could be a delivery driver instead and work for tips ("Here's a tip: stay in school." "I have a bachelor's.") He decides to stick with it for the time being.
Later Stuff
Rudy helps Asgore get his shop in order, but it's not quite enough. He needs to convince C to keep giving Asgore mercy. Kris and Rudy don't actually get along that well, but Rudy keeps trying because he wants to help Asgore. Meanwhile, Arsenia gets caught using magic in Twin Falls. Word of her disappearance gets back to Rudy, who now has to decide if he's willing to go back on his decision to leave. He's never met Arsenia, barely knows her name, and only has a vague idea of what she looks like, but he has been living in her apartment for a while, and she's his best friend's cousin. Maybe Remkis calls him, and somehow tips Rudy off to the fact that Arsenia was using magic. Maybe Kris helps. Asriel and Susie probably show up at some point, too. [So, this will probably have to change, because I'm pretty sure I wrote it before I wrote the new background information. Like, if Arsenia actually manages to use magic, it would legitimately be a big fucking deal, because practically no one believes magic really exists (AEU members notwithstanding).]
[Also, one of the ideas I had was that, despite their best efforts, Flower King still goes out of business. I don't know what comes after that. Hopefully, it's something good, because that would be kind of a downer if the story ended there.]
I don't know, I haven't actually thought the plot out that far. I kinda think we'll just see how it goes.
One of the problems Rudy initially encounters is that many of Asgore's "customers" are reluctant to pay for the flowers, having grown accustomed to receiving them for free. A few of them are also uncomfortable with the fact that a human is the one asking them to pay. [This is basically Chapter 2, but I'm pretty sure I wrote this before I'd even finished writing Chapter 1.]
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