#her website is a bit. fidgity? for me so you may have issues accessing it at first
genderkoolaid · 1 year
your defense of raceplay is fucking weird because you're claiming people shouldn't have any problems with the people who are into it, and you're assuming that anyone who has problems with minorities that are into bigoted/self destructive kinks are acting out of some form of bigotry (re: you saying people viewing minorities as less of an ethnicity, etc.)
yes, people have these kinks. no, the existence of them and the occurrence of them in peoples lives is not an dxcuse to say "well you shouldn't give a fuck because if you do you're on the same side as ~the kinkphobic fascists~ (ugh.)" people would be a lot less angry with you if you said "don't attack or degrade minorities that have these fetishes," because there is so much more nuance to be had there, rather than "you shouldn't care." yes, minorities can and do carry harmful sentiments and can absolutely spread and project them onto others. the fact that these kinks exist at all - whether you agree or disagree with me - is an example of that.
we all know you're white and it's obvious you're not a fan of critical thought into how things Even You Enjoy can be harmful but can you be so real and stop pretending "kinkphobia" is above the mental and material well being of minorities. none of these fetishes have ever existed in a vacuum and the argument that we just shouldn't care is what enables abuse behind the scenes.
I could write a response to this, but frankly once you start overriding people's autonomy with "its self harm!" & making sweeping assumptions about every single sub who engages in a kink, I don't think its worth it for me personally. We are coming at this issue from two very different perspectives and I don't think anything will be gained from arguing with you.
So, instead, I'm just gonna link some of Mollena William-Haas' stuff, as she is a Black woman who is highly educated in BDSM and has discussed raceplay in her relationship.
Consent, Control, Compassion, and Why I am Fucking Tired of Explaining Why "Race Play" is Different From Racism. (highly recommend this one for you, anon)
When Prejudice Is Sexy: Inside the Kinky World of Race-Play
Mollena Williams on Kinky Roleplay, Race Play, Taboo Fantasies, and Being a Slave (podcast, unfortunately no transcript)
Race Play Interview
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