#here i am reviewing a +20 year old cartoon series like a fucking psycho
renpimpiblog · 8 months
Hello, sorry for the short break, I forgot I had Tumblr again
The next episode is....
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This one....ohh man this one..
I really, really, REALLY WANT TO LIKE THIS ONE, it's about two stupid ass cowboys looking for someone to hang, so they get Ren and Stimpy (who, in this scenario, wear some cute cowboy styled clothes as well) to do some bad guy stuff to hang them (I like the idea of Ren being so skinny and Stimpy being so fat that both of them literally can't be hanged), THEN COMES THE SONG, OH MY GOD THE SONG, I LOVE IT SO MUCH, AND YET AT THE SAME TIME I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW IT GOT APPROVED TO AIR, IT'S A MYSTERY BECAUSE I REALLY DO THINK SOMETHING LIKE THIS WOULD NEVER NEVER EVER GET APPROVED TO AIR ON A KIDS SHOW.....and yet, I don't really like the episode as is, what a mystery right?
I don't know man, the animation is PRETTY good on this one, the visual aspect is all around fantastic, but the humor (or rather, timing of it?) on this one is so..BORING I DON'T KNOW, it reminds me of fkinggg Chris Savino style humour, where a dumb joke just DRAGS ON FOREVER, the main ""joke"" of the cowboys is that they're dumb as hell, and that's not a bad concept on itself, they're funny sometimes, but THEY SPEND HALF THE RUNTIME OF THE EPISODE JUST BLINKING WITH A STATIC FACE AND YOU JUST SIT THERE THINKING "OK I GET THE JOKE, GO ON" I'm sorry if this may be some """hot take""" or some shit like that, but it really brings the episode down for me, like, to make room for that dumbass joke, not much really happens before the song at the end? I feel like they could've made so much more with the concept rather than spend half the episode watching how two idiots blink, the song is catchy, the designs of all the characters overall are pretty nice with the animation itself being amazing, but the pacing it's the real problem
I give this episode a 6/10, I believe that the song literally saves this episode from being forgettable, even with the good animation provided by carbunkle
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There you have it, join us (just me) next time where we'll be watching and discussing "Rubber nipple salesmen" ooooo it's going to be great teehee
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renpimpiblog · 7 months
Hi there, long time no see, I was on vacation sorry
The next episode we'll be talking about iiiiiis......
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Yep, this one, it's like the second most well known episode of the series? Alongside Stimpy's invention that is (also, the episode is """"double length""" since it's just a slightly longer episode with fake commercials on both ends..I never liked those tbh BUT ENOUGH OF THIS, ONTO THE ACTUAL EPISODE ALREADY!!!)
This episode is pretty fantastic ngl, it's about Ren's cousin, Sven höek (like the title of the episode hrmmmm how crazy!!!) visiting the duo while Ren goes completely insane due to Sven and Stimpy's shared stupidity, the episode is MOSTLY buildup to Ren's freakout, since he goes to work on the ""middle act"" of the episode meanwhile Sven and Stimpy wreck the whole house with dumb games,and it's all pretty nice looking with good visuals, pretty good scenes throughout "all" the episode, all good all nice etc etc.......
But....BUT.. while Ren's whole "I'm going to fking kill both of you" scene it's VERY memorable, I dunno, looking back at it, I think they spent a little too much time on not-so-memorable scenes, like, I watched this episode recently to jug my memory of it and I genuinely don't remember anything besides the very beginning and the ending part (Ren's freakout included of course), all the middle it's just mmmmmehh.
Also, I don't like how they ended up with this "not really double length" episode???, like, I have the feeling that they just went a little too over the time limit and instead of trimming off the boring, uninteresting parts OR going all out and adding more interesting or potentially good scenes, they just filled it up with the fake commercials and a goodbye scene of R&S, leaving the episode as is, I don't know if this is a just "me problem" or if I'm over reaching for problems, but I always felt like this about this episode.
Anyhow, this episodes gets a 9.5/10 from me, it's got amazing animation, pretty memorable scenes, but I just think it doesn't quite use all the runtime of the episode to it's fullest potential
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Tune in next time where we'll be talking about "Haunted House", a shame that I didn't time it to talk about it on halloween times..it doesn't make much sense to talk about a spoooooky scaaaaary episode on the middle of fking summer but oh well
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renpimpiblog · 8 months
Oy, midnight post here, I may as well use the time I lose trying to sleep with this awful heat shit weather DOING ANOTHER REVIEW
The next episode iiiiits....
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Yup, tooth teeth time!!!!!!!
Now, I'm going to be completely and honestly..uh..honest ok?
This episode may be, BY FAR, the only episode where the gross out aspect TRULY GROSSES ME OUT, in a good way, bc I like this episode, BUT STILL ITS SO- EUGH IT'S SO- YUCK!!! ok now into the episode itself
The premise of this episode it's actually really simple, as the title says, Ren gets a toothache, the frickin fool doesn't take care of his teeth and loses them all, so then after SEVERAL, AND I MEAN SEVERAL close up scenes, Ren gets the idea (thanks to Stimpy) to USE HIS NERVE ENDINGS to attract the nerve ending fairy to give him money to get new teeth, the premise it's so short that the episode itself takes place like, in the same 2-3 background scenes? Bedroom-bathroom-near the end in the kitchen (?, this isn't a bad thing, or at least I wouldn't count it as such, but I want to point light to this "flaw" of the episode to connect it to my next point.
this episode I would say it gets carried by the visual aspects alone.
if it wasn't for the amazing visuals (like the drawing style provided by Chris Reccardi's storyboards) and gross aesthetic of the episode itself, the short story, limited variety of backgrounds and the short amount of jokes would've made the episode pretty lackluster, I love this episode as gross as it is, I don't remember if I've said it before, but the gross out aspect of R&S as a whole it's the aspect I care the least really? Like, it has their good moments of course (like in this episode, duuuhhh) but sometimes it feels a bit forced or it doesn't really build up to anything, so it feels like cheap shock value, BUT, back to the episode at hand, I think the gross out aspect in this episode it's done wonderfully, the ABSOLUTELY AGONIZING SCENE OF REN PULLING HIS FREAKING NERVE ENDINGS, THE SOUND THEY MAKE????? I remember the very first time I watched this episode I PHYSICALLY FLINCHED, and I really haven't had the same reaction to any other episode in that way, so I respect it that way.
I give this episode a 8/10, I really like this one, BUT, I wouldn't recommend it if you don't like gross out that much, sorry
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Next episode it's out west, I'll now put out this part specifically to announce the next one bc I always forget and I HATE CHECKING WIKIPEDIA EVERY GODDAMN TIME URGH!!!!!
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renpimpiblog · 8 months
Yello..how are you guys doing today?
The next episode iisssss....
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The one where they say nipple a lot, that is almost like, the entire point of the episode??? I'm not complaining either way, It's funny
I really like this one, the premise is pretty simple, Ren and Stimpy try another idea to get rich, they become door to door salesmen of rubber nipples, encountering a good part of the supporting characters, like the fire chief, Mr horse, and others, even though the idea of the episode is pretty mundane, they use it to twist and stretch the crazyness and insanity that characterizes the show so much, so many bizarre things happen, and it all encapsulates so well in Vincent Waller's artstyle, which is my favorite artstyle from these episodes from season 2 (you know, before him and others ended up quitting alongside John K's firing..buh)
Despite all, I think that the ONLY bad point this episode has is the ending, I get that it's supposed to be a reference to the Three stooges??? So it's supposed to be nonsensical and out of place, but I don't knooooowwww, maybe the could've made a ending that blended a lot better with the episode itself and still maintaining the reference?, but overall I really love this episode (bonus POSITIVE points goes to the Latin American dub..I love how Ren sounds so pissed off there)
I give this episode a 9/10, amazing episode, I recommend it greatly teehee
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Join us next time where we'll be taking a look at "Sven Hoek" ooohohohohohhhh that one it's pretty well known so...I hope you're looking forward to it
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renpimpiblog · 11 months
Alright, hello you silly willies, it's time for the LAST episode of season one, HOORAYYYY, now, the episode we all have been waiting fooorrrrrrr...
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Yeah I know, you knew, we all knew that this episode would eventually come, it's pretty obvious
I mean, what CAN I SAY about this episode that hasn't been said already? This legendary and iconic episode has everything, excellent animation, a pretty funny and twisted plot about Stimpy wanting to make Ren forcibly happy with a mind-controlling helmet until Ren snaps, crazy psychological moments with Ren and sheer stupidity from Stimpy, the HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY SONG??, this is pretty much THE episode of Ren and Stimpy, the one that took an entire year to make, the one that held a standard to all episodes to come, it may sound like I'm exaggerating and painting this episode as the next art piece of history or whatever (and maybe I am, I know people that don't like this episode bc it makes them uncomfortable idk) but I love this episode to absolute death, every single thing about this episode hits and marks it one of the best of the season and the series overall, I sincerely hope we have something AT LEAST CLOSE TO IT in the upcoming (and...unnecessary, and I mean it with total honesty being a fan of this series) reboot of R&S, because this is, at least to me, the best way a R&S episode can be, funny, dark and twisted but silly nonetheless. Like a psychodrama or something, I remember hearing someone calling it that, people are crazy
Obviously, this episode gets a straight 10/10, duuuh, like, what other score would I give it???
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Alright, so that's that, GOODBYE FOREVER
ok I'm kidding, I'll start with season 2 soon, from that season forward I started, like, ACTUALLY WATCHING IT SERIOUSLY, LEARNING THE DIFFERENT DIRECTORS AND CURIOUS FACTS and shit, remember I had all this prewritten beforehand and I watched all of season one in a single day, that was a pretty awful mistake, whoopsie daysies
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
Alright, uhh, hello
Dear lord I never know how to start these text commentaries thingies
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(I always forget this episode in particular, not because it's bad or anything, but idk, it just never seemed like a "big deal" compared to the others)
Ok so this episode is about Ren and Stimpy scamming a couple, with Ren dressing like a mouse and Stimpy trying to catch him as a paid service, funnies ensues
This episode it's alright, I feel it's kinda unfair to pair this one with the previous, since it's very noticeable the enormous difference between quality and..."funnies" that both episodes provide, it's not a bad episode per se, it reminds me a bit of Tom and Jerry in some parts by the cat-mouse chase, and the ending part it's pretty dumb but funny, although I personally wished they did more with the idea, I get the feeling that they linger a liiiitle too much on some scenes, but it doesn't ruin the episode or nothing
Still, it's a funny episode, and one I may come back to if I suddenly remember it or something
I give this episode a solid 7/10, it's good, and just good, yeah
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Idk what else to say rn, I dunno if you'll notice but I'll start COLOR CODING some things, blue for personal opinions, orange to present each episode, pink for scores, and default for regular descriptions and whatever else idk I don't want to make it too saturated with color
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renpimpiblog · 9 months
Hiiii, what? You didn't expect me to come back so soon eh? Teehee teeheeheeeeeeeOk LETS START WITH THE NEXT ONE
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CHACHACHA tkktktktktkt CHACHACHA I like the song of the title card
In the Army eh?, I have a love for this one (and other ones of season 2) since it's one of the first episodes I ever saw of R&S, so I'll try to not give any "favoritisms" to this one and a couple others.
This episode is about Ren and Stimpy joining the army because....I dunno, because they can, or because they got called in to it, Ren being a stupid and lazy jerk and Stimpy being a respectful and obedient soldier, hilarity ensues, and I think I already said that on one of these ""reviews"" whoops
It's pretty simple and funny, it's not like a AMAZING episode, but the simple setting, beautiful drawings and really """cozy""" (to name it in a particular way without sounding like a nnnnnerrrd) color palette makes this episode a pretty sweet watch (I even would go as far to say that this episode one of the best looking episodes of season 2, or even the entire series, it's just so GOOD MAN, UGH ITS AMAZING ITS ok you get my point) , Ren going insane by how strict the military is a nice touch to make a all around nice episode, me like it very mucho.
So this episode receives a 7.5/10, like I said, it's not a AMAZING episode or anything, but it's pretty enjoyable as is, I recommend it either way
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Remember that you're welcome to comment on these things, say your opinion on this episode, do you like it? Do you dislike it? Do you find this (or other) review incorrect compared to your own personal opinion?? WELL SAY IT , COMMENT IT HERE, PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
OK SO HI UHHH..I forgot I made this Tumblr thingy and thought "well..nobody will ever see this so whatevs" but turns out NO, people do want to see it, so OK YEAH LETS START ALREADY DAMNIT, starting with the two first episodes of the show "Stimpy's big day" and "the big shot" so this episode is about Stimpy winning a opportunity to work with his idol, the stupid fucking fish, what's his name? Muddy mudskipper? While Ren is left alone on their tiny trailer house, it manages to be a solid episode, although I personally feel that future episodes portray better the dynamic between the main duo, either way, it fulfills the purpose of being a first episode (even if TEEEECHNICALLY it's two but fuck that, it's one made into two segments) a "negative" aspect of the first episode (and season one as a whole) is the questionable animation quality, but I'm mostly going to gloss over that since it's understandable and it doesn't really ruin the fun and enjoyment of the episode, it only really makes it stand out of the rest of the series coming forward
I'll give it a solid 6.5/10, it's nothing really groundbreaking but it sets the basic points of the dynamic of the duo for future episodes
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renpimpiblog · 8 months
Hellooo, I'm currently sweating buckets rn, I hate summer, alright that's enough daily/weekly/monthly/whateverly report, the next episode iiiiiis.....
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yeahp, it's time for the first non-R&S-centric episode, this one focusses instead on a NEW character, powdered toast man, this big stupid heroic dumbo, who's mission is to help resolve problems around the world, with more and more agreessive and stupid means, to be honest I didn't really had that much faith on this episode, I was never a fan of episodes where they shift focus on another character other than the main duo (even if they appear on a short segment of the episode itself, compared to another one that comes way later that... doesn't feature them at all...), but I was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining this episode was, just seeing this enormous dumbass shouting his name everywhere he goes, causing happiness and destruction at the same time, it's pretty fun..buuuuut as I said, I don't really care for these "supporting characters" episodes (and why do I make such a distinction with these types of episodes? Well it's because there's more of this type, and I don't really enjoy any of them BUT WE'LL GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE) with all of that said, I don't think this episode is bad by any means, I enjoyed it for what it is and I'm sure you guys will enjoy it as well or even more than I did, I dunno
I give this episode a 5.5/10, not my type of episode but for what it is, it's enjoyable
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I'm picking up the pace baby, yeah yeah, far are the days when I posted once a month YEAH!!!!!!!!
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renpimpiblog · 9 months
HIIIII, HAPPY NEW YEAR, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, whatever other Holiday I missed, it's good to be back!!! Let's continue on where I left of, shall we?
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Yeah, now, you might say "oy you goofy dumdum, that's not the season premiere!, get your facts checked you imbecile" and you would be right..
I prefer to leave this one at the ""start"" of season two and then go properly into the season itself because this one got put into season two aaaand it's not a "new" episode per se (besides, this one aired in place of "Man's best friend, another season 2 episode...and I won't indulge into THAT one until I get to APC so...enjoy the wait), ALRIGHT ENOUGH NONSENSE, LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS EPISODE
This, as some of you know, it's the pilot episode, the one that started it all, and I must say I LOVE THE DESIGNS OF REN AND STIMPY HERE, they look so dumb and cute, the plot it's pretty simple, and one that I feel it doesn't got explored that much outside of the early seasons and a few other episodes: Ren and Stimpy being stray animals, they get put in a dog pound, they almost get "the big sleep" (I love that scene so much) and they end up adopted, it's pretty simple but it does its job well to demonstrate the main characters, I'm surprised to say it's also a little lighthearted??? Like, I think the chemistry of both R&S having each other's backs feels really nice and cute, a certain feel that I think it gets a little "to the side" to make room for more zany and "funnier" plots, and I get that, but a little heartfelt story doesn't do any harm right? I love this pilot, and sometimes a part of me wishes the rest of the series looked like this, at least design-wise (I'm a huge fan of how Ren looks in this one, seriously)
I give this episode a 8/10, it's not as funny compared to other episodes, but what it lacks in humour it compensates on amazing visuals and overall "cuteness", idk how else to describe it, the "R&S chemistry lighthearted-ness" you know, yeah, ok
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Sorry for leaving..again, I lost some of the R&S fixation somewheres along October and the recent leaks of the reboot sparked my interest once again, teehee
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
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YES, THAT ONE, thank you editor (also me)
Ok, so this episode is about Ren and Stimpy having to adapt to a alien planet after their spaceship crashes into it by mistake, this one I feel that, even with the weird alien stuff and..general Ren and Stimpy weirdness, it's the most "normal" of the space-themed episodes, since it's just them stranded on a planet trying to survive, it doesn't mean that it's a bad episode, far from it in fact, but I personally don't resonate with it THAAT much, I like it a lot because it's a space-themed one, and I like all of them, I like the space astethics, me likey very mucho
(also, there's a ask Dr stupid segment at the end, I liked a lot those segments and I was disappointed that they never brought it back after the first seasons..whoops)
I give this episode a 7/10, good one still, let's hope the next one is good too!
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
Yello, it's been a hot minute, or rather, a cold minute, I'm freezing brr
The next episode I'm gonna talk about iiiits
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A cartoon!
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Untamed world, that's the name I'm choosing for this one, "A cartoon" it's just lame sorry
Ok so the episode itself, it's pretty unique compared to the rest of season one and I dare say as a whole with the entire show, it's about Ren and Stimpy talking about different species of animals and environments as sort of nature documentary, and they show a variety of different animals based around Ren and Stimpy
I have to say, I thought this episode wasn't going to make any sort of impact on me, the premise at the start seemed boring (at least to me) but they found a pretty creative and funny way to link something as normal as a documentary about nature and put Ren and Stimpy all over it while still making it entertaining and unique, and it's kind of a shame to me that only "two" episodes of this type were made in the entire show (the second episode being rather...ehh, but I'm skipping ahead on this one sorry) but as is, it's a nice and welcoming surprise to season one
I give this rather interesting episode an 7/10, pretty good stuff I'll tell you hwhat
Not going to apologize for the whole disappearing thing anymore, get used to it dummiezzzz!!!!!!!!!!
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
Welcome once again
To the one person liking each post, thank u <33
Ok sooooo the next episode iiiiiisssss...
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Apparently (by some sources I have, said sources being...a friend of mine that knows way more than me) this episode was written on an afternoon just to replace another episode that was never made? Dunno why I said that, just a curious fact is all
The episode is about Ren and Stimpy working as fireman (or rather, fireDOGS yyhuck yyhuck) and...idk, the plot it's pretty simple, they paint themselves with dalmatian paint, which fits them real nice even if one of them isn't even a dog, I thought the background to be pretty nice looking, it's a funny episode, the fireman is pretty crazy but entertaining, it's a pretty well rounded episode in terms of quality
I can see why they thought making a direct sequel to it was a good idea (said sequel being... interesting at best.. we'll get there..eventually) but nevertheless, I can see why it's considered a solid good episode, it really doesn't have any kind of negative aspect to it other than the "shortness" of the general plot, but like, WHEN has the plot ever been the main part of Ren and Stimpy?? It's just a minor nitpick of mine
I give this one a 8/10, pretty good I must say, jolly good show mhm yes si
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
Time for the next thingy
Today's episode isssss:
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Yeah, so uhh that one
I love this episode, it's all about Ren going insane while Stimpy tries to calm him down, resulting in both of them being erased from history itself, don't ask how those two things are related, because I don't really want to ruin the surprised for those who haven't watched it yet
I think this episode perfectly illustrates the personalities of both Ren and Stimpy, far more than simple description of "Ren angry" or "Stimpy stupid" this episode it's really unsettling on the ending too, idk man, I always loved the space-themed episodes, and it's such a shame they stopped doing them for literally half the series when season 1 finished (spoilers I guess?) And then this kind of episode came back again...only once
Whatever the case is, I love this episode with my soul, it's funny, it's slightly disturbing, it's well animated and expressive, it's everything I love in a R&S episode, this one is a solid 10/10 and I recommend it to anyone wanting to start watching the series (or just, idk, anyone who's thinking of doing a rewatch, do it, it's a funny)
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(I, kind of, apologize for the small amount of screenshots posted here, or, season 1 as a whole, I took these ones WAAAY WAY back, later I began taking more photos so don't worry for..that..i suppose idk)
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renpimpiblog · 1 year
Helloooo, continuing with this account once more, let's go to the next episode, shall we???
Even though
No one may be reading this...
Meh, whatevs, the next one is....
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THAT'S RIGHT, nurse Stimpy, another creation made by Raymond Spum, what? You don't know him?
Ok stupidity aside, I find this episode decent really, it's about Stimpy taking care of Ren, who's very sick, hilarity ensues and such
I think this episode is pretty..ugly? Not in a sense of like, disgustingness (that there is, mind you), but there's a weird amount of strange drawings, poses, even color choices, the whole episode kind of like, feels dark or gloomy in a sense, doesn't make it bad or anything like that, but I wanted to talk about it, another weird thing to me it's the ending, at the last second, Ren gets cured from his sickness but Stimpy catches it by all the time they spent together, and Ren promises to do the same thing to help Stimpy, and he just, looks at the camera with a worried face? Idk maybe I'm sounding like a complete and utter nitwit but I didn't really see why the ending is like that, doesn't make much sense
Whatever the case, I give this R&S episode a 5/10, decent like I said, it does have some thing I like, but the weird ambience and ending make me take point away from the episode, I'm excited for the next one, so I hope the 0 people out there still watching this blog thingy are as well!!!
Ok so I just found out you can PAINT THE TEXT??? WHAT THE FCK WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TOLD ME???
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