#here i am waiting for skitch to get with the program
inkblot-inc · 2 years
I imagine Jeweler!Wanda to still be so stressed and caring when Skitch gets sick even with just the common cold!! But like,, what if it’s The Flu or something spicy and Skitch is all “Wanda I’m fine please don’t come over you’ll get sick too” and that’s like the last thing wanda ever wants to hear yk???
Skitch is definitely the type to make light of how sick they actually are so they don't have Wanda "worrying about them needlessly". I can see this happening when Skitch got sick earlier on in their relationship with Wanda.
Skitch is so used to taking care of themselves just because of how they grew up. Their mindset is very much "I can do this on my own, just give me the time to do so/figure it out". Seeing how they deal with their work injuries, it's a very rudimentary treatment: Aspirin, and NyQuil to actually knock them out because you know Skitch is still tryna work through the sick days 😑
It's not necessarily recklessness, but it's a lonely way of thinking that they can just "do everything", especially when Skitch doesn't have to think that way all the time, I can see them readjusting that mindset after dating Wanda and seeing just how involved she is in their life.
Looking back, Skitch definitely gets the point that that shit was counterproductive because it's Wanda and she's going to be concerned regardless, but hindsight is always 20/20 y'know 😅
Of course Wanda doesn't like Skitch sick or hurt, but she will always want to look after them to make sure they're recovering properly. I can see Wanda taking time off work when Skitch has any sort of spicy sick to take care of them, otherwise (common cold, light migraine, etc.) Wanda's definitely sending reminders and checking in while she's away.
Wanda makes sure a quick lunch is set aside for skitch in the fridge so they just have to heat it up, tea and tissues are stocked, and she'll queue up one of Skitch's favorite shows on the TV before she leaves if their still asleep so Skitch doesn't wake up to a quiet house.
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