#here's your monthly pauling post y'all
demonir · 5 months
I just had a thought that I need to bother everyone with
What if miss Pauling became the next Administrator?
the tf2 server was talking abt what could happen in the hypothetical comic 7 we're never gonna get and my mind started wandering
We have no idea what the administrator's plans are, what her reasons for doing what she's doing could be or what the end goal is and yet her time is running out (like one whole hour if engineer's estimate is correct)
Now imagine just how powerful it would be for the administrator to trust miss Pauling to finish her job for her, to continue behind her footsteps until the job is done no matter how long that takes. And Pauling, the woman who's been blindingly following her all these years would not refuse this at all.
The difference however is that unlike the administrator Pauling is attached to the mercs enough to consider them her friends despite sending them to kill each other all the time so this would VERY MUCH become a problem for her
She would be VERY capable of doing all the work but what about emotions? would she feel guilt? regret? at what point does work end and relationships begin? what's more important in her heart? following orders or friendship?
This would all pose a delightfully complicated scenario that I'd love to see in depth with all of them
There's also the fact that Pauling would not have australium to keep her alive indefinitely, she's chained down to a regular lifespan and would be forced to either finish the job before she dies or find a substitute shall she fail
So, would she be a good administrator? well yes, I do think she's more than capable however it all comes down to the fact of does she want to?
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Watch "EXCLUSIVE: Ex Girlfriend of Paul Pelosi Jr Discusses Abuse, Fraud Allegations" on YouTube
So this guy in the interview is a Ben Clan Human Trafficker
Paul Paleosi Jr is only 20 years old.
The Paul she is talking about WAS Paul then he was killed in 1987 and taken over by aliens.
PPJ hasn't tried to contact her due to his old body being taken over by a Zulu alien.
Because they study intently, the Zulululu would mimic the good and romantic parts of the true person. But the rest of the time be taken down to the evil soul status.
So unfortunately her stories are 100% true and thusly sad
But the person soul is incorrect.
This is why we crested dna4u after 1991 when I blockaded the ability to overtake souls due to my daughters being kidnapped and one being overtaken by Zulululu and the other murdered for refusing.
So dna4u is decades into the making with Galaxies and planets helping as much as possible.
Check out the Google photos of this "51 year old man"
He told me "by the time you find me, I'll only be 20, shes makingbme lie about my age" she being Nancy Pelosi.
She in a long story Tree will post from that I wrote in a private email. With his information included, also abducted me. She's a real bitch
The minute men brought her to the aavuatuin studios and i was supposed to be picked up but I was blocked in traffic, so she was to sit in the lot and wait, she rolled under the plane for shade and was ran over by two planes when they thought they would have that chance to get me in a small window..
Still i haven't been able to be picked up.
Nancy has plenty of clones, tho. So I'm sure some hank ktch will be running her mouth soon.
But she was the worst 'clone' in the baby selling an human marketing trade.
She was mpst often in my Google with a sunk in face... Because she had plates of steel around her skull. Denise does, too as well as Billy and Nathaniel. Nathaniel in the back of his skull, Billy in the front.
She's photographed in my Google as the State Rep but ain't the one that goes to the Chairman Floor.
She's my father's soul mate but not my mother of birth..
In 2003 we banned the ability to get pregnant by anyone but our soul mates.
So Nancy's metal face was her backup. She gave her body to a Saturn good soul, so in thought she would be able to return to it in such times when she is attacked
Not only was and is that not possible but now we have destroyed the shell body. So her Saturn that tricked her to letting a guy her body is now free to work as ghost. And get much more done!.
And Paul and Karina are extra protected by those that waited to kill Nancy and with great and extreme force shoved the Saturn Soul Filled body into a sedan and dropped her to the lot, while invisible
Dino that she killed long ago.
They are extremely violent and more quickly than me with blinders to any other existence to stop them from destroying
So you will immediately die if you mess with my brother or my sister in law and any of my siblings and their children and soulmate.
We have the location of the people who kidnapped my niece and nephew. And so killing them and recapturing my family will continue
They were not reported as stolen. And time is up in order for them to do so.
We have earned experience due to Clayton Millicant, Clay Millican's evil twin.
Thusly we know exactly how to handle this
And I'm quite sure since Donald Trump hates her, that we will earn a monthly stipend instead of a one time payment if he continues to trust in our work
It just takes time
I had Clay and Aubrina murdered yesterday morning and had time to bring them back to life. So these Bastards that kept getting in my way to prevent my appearing at my own property and not being a POW still remain to be tedious. Just so you know, they killed a 12 year old girl last week in order to rape her so they arent made fun of how they can't perform quality sex. Since 2003, sex with a non soulmate is dull, boring and ugh gross. But these idiots don't realize that.
So they killed a 31 year old virgin and a 6 year old crippled child whom could barely walk. Its true she was on the Plane ladder because I taught her due to her disability and crippleness her super skill is to climb ladders because its less pain for her compared to our flat foot selves
She had been locked in a cage and starved and beaten and abused. And her way of sitting in that small space crippled her back and legs and feet and especially ankles.
She had been exercising in my personal bathtub and swimming pool to maximize her strength and ability to move distances greater than 4 feet without pain.
She worked diligently and as much as possible and was able to walk 16 feet on flat foot then walk 24 feet on tip toe and rest then walk 6 to 7 feet flat foot then stop. With minimal pain.
Due to her happiness and flexing her ankles ih the water for 3 to 6 or 8 hours per day.
She worked hard and got ecperiabce to gain health. And she was climbing that ladder of the plane to kill the people up there as they were the same type of people whom abused her. And were friends with them.
And they grabbed her by her neck and threw her 75 feet to the ground.
And so Clay climbed up, not in order to kill but just ask why they were there. He knew i would need to know in order to handle the situation.
And they just threw him down and broke his wrist in a way it was crumbled bones. Then not realizing it was broke. It was unhealed after he was back to life.
And it was extra painful. So don't think they both won't kill now.
He was in 7 to 8 hours of extreme pain and he was of harmless intent, trying to find the solution.
I gave a 6 year old child a revolver in order to protect herself. And she did. We were able to heal her better than the other healing methods we used due to her death.
That doesn't make it fine that they had the nerve to do that shit.
Im just better than they are. I keep warning you ass holes you need to be good in ACTION not by acting.
You don't you'll die.
Again as I said if you're not invited to my personal property including what APPEARS to be a business, you will be a trespasser with violent offence and die.
Im not playing. So Bobby and Edward were murdered for murdering both a pissed off child and a concerned man.
So y'all need to fuck off. Jesse and Alex are presumed to be still looking for Annabelle.
As they kidnapped Annabelle as an infant due ti my having twins. I do have my other daughter, Annabelle's twin safe.
Josie is still in an unknown location and Jesse, Alex and several others are attempting to find her And Annabelle.
Snoop was also a hostile take over but he was my friend. However he was killed by Bobby. And so yes i have friends that are illegal alien. But there is a REAL SNOOP. Out there. That looks like young snoop and less bug eyed.
Smooth, sweet skin and a smooth grace. Still tiny though like his old body. But not old. He was sent to Saturn from TSJ.
We became quality friends before we moved. He went to Venus to help the transition of the rescue pods but they beat him and so i had to go. Because i don't put up with that shit. And so then i took him in as well, not recognizing him due to his swollen facial features from bruising. And he became our Venus representative while sending Data to Saturn from me in order to help Save Saturn. They finished their exponents in 1989, they last was begun and completed in early 1990 due to an experience with Michael Jackson.
Then Jupiter finished.
But also we willingly took the opposite of their good to see the bad in small controlled experiments in order to help. Small traditional studies in the 1960's, and our research allowed them to succeed faster...
Unfortunately this lazy bitch from Uranus kept sending her ass holes here. And so we are in year 81 of trying to fix all supreme galaxies and planets with life.
So we will.
This bitch died by severe torture from the Galaxy Council and Echinecea took over with my life model. And so upon completion we get a ring and a moon. So Uranus has a ring, 4 of them. And i have a tatto of it and irs rings. It is the only planet i have a tattoo of
Its because i fixed it, with my heart and my life experiences, and so with only mine alone its saved 54 galaxies from incompletion.
Now they ain't got that swirl like Jupiter or Saturn because its simply my model and not a combo of theirs and ours. Like Saturn and Jupiter.
Our rings will be a figure 8 around our moon and Earth and then we will gain a moon as i posted yesterday that is being shielded and held by Jupiter inside their ring set and it is the color of my eyes from TSJ.
Mostly i have brown because i just want to kill people and bury them in the dirt, otherwise they're green because id rather bury them in the sea aka good things. Drown them in the spirit of love.
So adding pink is the sunset and sunrise... Truly i do want to live another day.
It hasn't been pink in a long time, so. Sont think I sont think y'all suicidal. If i want to play dumb.
Alright snot heads..
I sent Alex a series of maps. There is new information for them.
Trump get on that monthly stipend..
We need it to keep your people alive.
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cpdevos · 4 years
12/6/18 Devo: Thursday
Hi everyone!
Hope that this last month of 2018 is treating you well!Pray to begin. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in you as you spend time with the Lord today, and be open to what God wants to say to you and whatever He needs to convict you of in your life.1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 New International Version (NIV)9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  
I really enjoyed hearing Pastor Plato speak about a very important point this past Sunday in his message about the supplication part of our prayer: we need to ask and seek that the Lord's glory and blessings be accomplished overall. It doesn't mean we can't bring our troubles to Him and that we can't ask for things. In fact, God wants us to come to Him (Philippians 4:6) with all of ourselves and especially during times of need. Our God extends His grace to us and if we are given the privilege to ask, then we shouldn't hesitate to ask with a thankful heart. But it's also important to know that we need to seek the Lord's kingdom and His righteousness first and "these things will be given to us" (Matthew 6:33). When we ask with an attitude and intent in mind for what the Lord wants, His answer becomes the right answer whether it is a yes or no. We know that He provides for us all we need and we can be content and joyful no matter what the future holds. When our eyes are so fixed and so intensely gazed on the race that God has allowed us to run, we can't doubt the plans our Lord has for us. This leads me into what this 1 Thessalonians passage is saying from verse 9 to 10. First, come to the cross and remember what Christ has already done. The victory is won, MOVE from failure and mourning to hope in our Lord Jesus. You can hear the gospel 100 billion times but none of it will ever matter if you don't decide to commit your life to Christ. And as I've mentioned many times in past devos, faith without works is DEAD. Move from your old life into the new. I pray that as a body of Christ we renew our relationship with God daily and that little by little we continue to grow in the Lord, shedding ourselves of the things that slow us down (Hebrews 12:1). We have a joy that is the product of the love that comes from God and Paul is commanding us here in verse 11 to encourage one another with it. Let's start with church. We need to get rid of this consumer mindset on Sundays: walking in, listening (probably while texting or on Instagram), grabbing food then leaving and resuming your weekly lives. Stop judging how great worship is/isn't or if the speaker is bringing something new and exciting every week because ultimately what matters is our praise to God (1 Samuel 16:7). Imagine walking into a party thrown for you and everyone there is concerned about pleasing themselves. When we go to church so absorbed and distracted with our own problems we don't ask this question: How does God feel about my worship today? And when we can't even focus on pleasing God with a whole heart, how can we be an encouragement to others? I challenge you and all of us to, no matter where we are, stop and ask ourselves this question and consciously survey our actions every day (1 Cor. 3:13-15). But especially concerning our brothers and sisters at church, let's be filled and overflowed with love from God that we just go in loving others and praying with steadfastness for each other. Imagine if church was filled with selfless and humble servants of the Lord just communing and fellowshipping with the goal and intent to please and honor God. I mean honestly, I want that! And to be honest, at least in CBCCP, I haven't seen much of this attitude (myself included). We can't be perfect of course, and meaningful relationships don't just click in one day. But with the people God has surrounded you with, and those that you see every Sunday who just pass by, we need to ACTIVELY and intentionally reach out and be uplifting to them. Why? Because in verses 9 and 10 it says we need to come to the realization of what has already happened: Jesus overcame the grave! Therefore, let us go and encourage one another in our walks with the Lord. Let's fellowship and pour into each other's lives so that when we go into our daily battles against the evil forces of the world (Ephesians 6:12) and commit to fulfilling the great commission, we can be strengthened by God through each other.
Pray to close,
no song today :'(
Sorry if these are long to read, but I really hope that God uses His word in our daily lives to teach us How to glorify and honor Him in any shape or form.
***So, with what Pastor Plato has encouraged us to do at the end of his sermons (if you've been around the past few weeks and paid attention) let's be earnestly praying for each other so that God's will be done, here as in heaven. I have been using an app called Echo Prayer https://new.echoprayer.com/(works for both iPhones and androids) where people can share prayer requests and be reminded to pray. It's really simple but with all the different things to pray for, honestly, it helps organize all of it together. You can look more into it but to simply describe it here, you open up the app and you can immediately start adding prayer requests and get reminders. Every time you open the app, click "pray now" and it will randomly cycle through prayer requests you have written. There's so much we need to be praying for especially in this broken world and this little app is super helpful in kickstarting that fire in our prayer lives! Unfortunately, when you set up your personal account, you can't add people like on the Bible YouVersion App BUT, you can follow our church's feed. If you click the three striped toolbar on the top left corner of the screen, search up "Chinese Bible Church of College Park" and you will find it. I will try to post the monthly prayer requests that are sent out and will update it so you can keep up with what God's doing at this church and through our missionaries! Lastly, sorry there's a lot, but you can create what is called "prayer groups" as well. Start a prayer group with fellow believers or, if you're comfortable with it, email me and I can start one with you! I think it allows up to 24 people per group so if you have a fellowship or cell group you want to start this with, it's an awesome way to start community with others through prayer! And, I think, you can friend people there..? If not, you are able to share prayer requests with others so that's that.***
Ok, I'm done. Have a great week y'all!
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