#hermitcraft just feels like more of a complete story and is just entirely less frustrating to watch
pinecoats · 3 years
i think the way hermitcraft formats storylines works functionally better than the way the dsmp does it.
the way wilbur was talking about it when he was the main writer is similar to how hermitcraft runs in that u need to give ppl causes to fight for or like a big world changing issue and then ppl try to tackle it in different ways is just, format wise, the easiest way to collectively tell stories and also easy and interesting to consume.
and it works bc everyone's doing something different, so if u wanna get the whole story u should really watch multiple perspectives, but u dont have to bc everyone's individual storylines are all unified by the Thing thats happening and they're complete on their own.
whereas if you look at the dsmp now, it's just individual characters telling their own stories that can and do contradict each other, and there's no single Unifying Server Wide event.
like the closest thing recently was the egg plot and ppl got to pick sides and play that out and that worked
but with like las nevadas unless u have specifically coordinated with quackity theres like nothing interesting you can really Do or anything to really work with that isn't just entirely separate.
with hermitcraft like "oh no! the shopping district's getting taken over by mycelium! what is my character gonna do about it!" and then you go from there Works on an individual character level and it works on a content level because the story is structured around how individuals react to the big events that are happening, so people tune into the characters and creators they care about.
with the dsmp uve got "hmm everyone split off to make their own countries bc the one big country's gone now what does my character do now and why is it not just live happy and content in my new country that has nothing happening in it." and it's kind of stagnant. there are obviously people who wanna watch the 10th grinding or building stream and there is value in that but it doesn't really move the overall story forward.
i think at its core, the dsmp needs a dm bc it just feels disorganized and from what ive heard from content creators talking about lore and trying to plan it it just is disorganized. unless things change massively or someone steps up snd goes Im Dming Now Organize Your Plots With Me its gonna stay that way and the dsmp will keep kind of fizzling into relative obscurity
like hermitcraft's gotta good thing going with like total resets every now and then once plot points have wrapped up and ppl are ready to move on, but i think the dsmp is to tied to its own history to dare to pull a complete reset.
anyway thats my backburner essay for today. please forward your comments, complaints, and declarations of war to my inbox or the notes
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