#herobrine is god in Minecraft and everyone fears him
dianititties · 7 months
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so i haven't been able to stop thinking about AvM mianite crossover au. take my random doodles while i was thinking about it, varying in quality. my ramblings are under the cut >:3
purple is SO fucking andor esque. like. got the gender swag for it, the wings, the princely aesthetic, the tragic balance, the fuckin DADDY ISSUES--
*coughs* okay so uh. here we go.
out of the color gang, here's their godly alignments:
Green - Ex-Mianitee, now Ianitee. not because of anything bad happening, they just eventually found their own balance and that was right for them. (plus it does not hurt that their bestie is an ianitee but shhhhhh that's not why they switched) though i am tempted to give them wizard status on principal alone. but the Aesthetic.
Blue - i honestly couldn't think of an alignment for blue? like. i get mianitee vibes from her. but not in the way that any of the canon mianitees acted. except maybe like, dec, but less priestly. blue's just vibing out here!! though it will DEFINITELY be challenged by s2 mianite.
Yellow - Also Mianitee- though she's definitely more into it than Blue. redstone is tricky business and follows many rules and yellow knows the bounds and sticks to them, like in the nether sleeping short. unlike a certain someone...
Red - Dianitee, but only in s2. I cannot see Red willfully siding with Dianite in s1? I think Red would prefer to be godless- though aligned with the Mianitee and Ianitee sides in s1. also he probably got FUCKED UP in some way, relating to divinity? because herobrine analogous thing? maybe the tank of judgement taken to the extreme? idk.
Orange/TSC - Ianitee but vibes from both mianite and dianite. Got main character energy, they've gotta! Plus relating to how TSC was prepared to stay hidden from Alan out of fear until meeting the CG, and upon seeing them get deleted, went OFF- that is ianitee divine retribution right there if i've ever seen it. ianitees aren't just balance, they are justice.
Okay moving onto the misc. others-
King - Miantee, but like, that gets tested at the end of s2 of mianite. He can't say that he's upset to lose his faith, but it feels like something he can't fill back up has been ripped out of him. He's done horrible things for his god, for himself, to others. also i gave him a fun custom variant of his staff for this au because i think the significance of killing the wither as a test of strength in s1 was very neat and should be explored more. though he wouldn't be in s1 world probably. hm. ANYWAY--
Chosen/TCO - Godless. So fucking godless. And proud of it. Well, not proud to be godless necessarily, but vehemently against forming bonds with the gods. Ex-Mianitee, then joined Dianite during the time he was with Dark, but then left Dianite's side after realizing "oh wow we're using this to justify violence and hurting people, using our own pain as reason to give other innocents more, that's kinda fucked up." Has been godless since, and has no sway to try out worshipping Ianite either.
Dark/TDL - DIANITEE. DIANITEE. DIANITEE. Always from Conception has been a Dianitee. Chaos flows through her veins, corrupting every inch of him. Destruction follows, taking a deep hold in him. Dark will have what she wants, and what she wants is for the ones who hurt him and Chosen to pay. What, she's hurting other innocent people in the process? They should have just gotten out of the way. ...Maybe one day, she can see the other side of chaos- the kinder, simpler side. Maybe one day. But that day isn't today, as much as Chosen wishes it was. (Also has a hair clip given to him by Chosen. Hasn't stopped wearing it since.)
Victim, who's not in this PICTURE - Mianitee. Like. No doubt given Rocket Corp. He may have a long strike of cruelty in him, but he's going to go about it in the most efficient, orderly way possible, instilling it in everyone who follows him.
What would be the plot here? Uhhhhh who knows! I don't even know if the gods would stay like, minecraft gods, or stick figures or smth. The mianite in the picture was just for funnies.
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pianosmp · 3 years
Who was Pandora’s Vault originally for
(Because I have been thinking about this for far too long)
(Sorry if some of these are a little old, I forgot I made this like a month ago so I cleaned it up and here we are)
This list will go from most likely to least likely character.
- Technoblade (arguably the most likely option simply because when you mention “powerful enough to be a problem” the first thing you think of is Techno. He’s notoriously strong and unafraid to oppose Dream. Also seeing as the prison ‘changed purpose’ it implies Dream no longer saw the original intended prisoner as a threat, or at least as much of a threat, as Tommy)
- BBH (Dream’s old friend, implied more powerful then a regular human. Plus by this point the egg plot on the Dream SMP had already started. There may have been ‘good intentions’ originally. As dumb as it sounds, I’d also count putting the egg itself in jail here)
- Wilbur Soot (revived, of course. It’s been established that a revived Wilbur would be more dangerous then ever, and if Dream had any inking of this beforehand the prison would be the best way to fully utilize his power. Those not in the know would be blackmailed to keep him safe, and Wilbur could also provide some added chaos to the SMP as a whole, which may end up working in Dream’s favor. And now that he is revived by Dream, we know he’s a threat in some capacity, though seemingly not to Dream himself. Don’t forget, anyone who tries to break out Dream may be hunted down and placed in the prison themselves (or, as in the contract for visiting, “killed until they’re completely dead”))
- Ranboo (Ranboo is tied to Dream in some significant way, seeing as he was used by Dream in some of his plans in some capacity. While a help, I’m sure it could also have been turned into a threat of the wrong things were to get out. Also for meta gaming purposes that get him higher on this list, Dream and Ranboo have collaborated with lore in the past and clearly trust each other to carry the torch. Furthermore, with current Ranboo Enderwalk lore, we’ve learned that rather then just being a servant for Dream, there’s a chance the Enderwalk state was manipulated by Dream who perhaps claimed he was doing it for the greater good of the server. But more introspection on the Enderwalk state is a post for another day)
- Karl Jacob (time travel implies two things. Power and unpredictable nature. Seeing as Karl keeps most changes to himself though and seems to be self destructing either the prison is no longer needed for him or he was never considered a real threat in the first place)
- Philza Minecraft (Phil is notably dangerous, though less then Technoblade. He’s got big hostage potential due to his one life predicament and big use potential due to his knowledge in Minecraft)
- Foolish__Gamers (a literal god, and has recently shown godly powers. This would either involve pre planning on someone’s part though, which the Dream SMP isn’t particularly known for, or making this the original prisoner in a retcon “we’ll figure it out later” manner. It would be interesting though, as the prison may have been repurposed after Dream realized Foolish was at this point in time a big pacifist)
- Quackity (he’s dangerous with his tongue, but I don’t think his physical strength is enough for there to be a whole prison containing him. Not to say he doesn’t play to his other strengths- I bet he’d have an easier time convincing someone to break him out then most. And if anything else, Dream’s worries about him as a threat are now justified due to the whole ‘torture every day’ thing)
- Shlatt (a similar situation as Wilbur, but at the bottom because he’s useless as a hostage and currently still dead)
- Dream Himself (okay, so his reluctance to be in the prison makes it seem like he wouldn’t want it to be for him, but if he’s playing like the super long con somehow and the Prison is either to keep threats like the egg out or to make it seem like he��s powerless...)
- Dream XD (wild, and like Foolish, Dream XD wasn’t a lore concept until later in the prison’s development, back when Techno and Phil were building their Anarchy Table, but it would be an interesting twist. Especially because we don’t know if the two have any connection beyond their names)
- Jack Manifold (yeah he died and came back, but that doesn’t change the fact that he died in the first place. Plus he just hasn’t really gotten to Dream with any of his antagonistic attempts)
- Captain Puffy (mysterious past pog. But in all seriousness, she’s seen as being likable and just, doing her best to do the right thing even when making the decision to become a Villain later on with the Eggpire arc. And while she started as a ‘janitor’, she did join the server before the prison began its construction)
- Niki (she’s dangerous now but not to Dream whose locked away and gone from her ire. Also again wasn’t a threat before the prison was planned, though who knows how much Dream knew of everyone’s mental states back when he was planning)
- Fundy (also doubtful, but coder man do be coding, especially with mods now allowed on the SMP. And now with the revelation of his prophetic dreams, there’s a chance this may be the power Dream feared, especially if said powers were in the works beforehand)
- Hbomb (idk he’s got good strategy as seen with Vault Hunters and MCC and stuff but he doesn’t really use it on the Dream SMP as he prefers parkour challenges or just chillin. Perhaps would only be locked up because the Maidbomb is too powerful)
- Eret (yeah they are a monarch who doesn’t like Dream but they really do have no control and no one on their side so unless the Herobrine thing comes into play this one doesn’t make much sense either)
- Ponk (like Eret he doesn’t have much influence over others. More importantly though, all the trouble he’s made so far has been just annoying at worst. His biggest strength is probably how stubborn he is, and how long he’s been around. To quote Eret, “He’s like the John Wick of the Dream SMP.”)
- Antfrost (only if the manhunt series is cannon in the Dream SMPand Dream has flashbacks to when cat boy killed him with a potion like a chump. Though I will say there’s a non zero chance Manhunt is cannon from the comments all the hunters have made during lore bits)
- Hannah Rose and Purpled (TBH both of them are grouped here since they’re most notably physically strong due to their Bedwars experience. But Purpled is rarely ever on, and Hannah joined after prison construction had already started)
- Punz (the only reason the prison would be for him when he knew explicitly about it and could have won is Dream was threatened by his speedrun skills)
- Sapnap (objection your honor that’s too sad. For real, this is probably higher on the Mabye list due to being a big threat, as seen by the ‘I’ll hunt you down if you escape’ exchange he had while visiting Dream. Sapnap makes his decisions based of what he feels is fair, rather then loyalty (a majority of the time anyways) and furthermore he’s one of the people that knows the most about Dream. However, it’s this low because if it’s Sapnap I’d simply cry maybe)
- Mexican Dream (Dream did dislike the guy. However, he lost all his canon lives in the span of one afternoon so how much of a threat was he really?)
For sure not
- Tommy (confirmed by Dream it wasn’t originally for him during the final disk confrontation)
- Tubbo (also confirmed by Dream it wasn’t originally for him during the same confrontation)
- Skeppy (why would he have a prison in Dream’s funky dungeon if he had a better prison elsewhere?)
- Conner, Slime, Lazar, Vikk (simply not on enough for an intense prison lore stream)
- George (too pretty)
- Callahan (too cool. Also part-time is the server)
- Awesamdude (he was recruited to build the prison and be its warden when the time came. Literally the worst person to put in the prison)
- Michaelmcchill (bro he was added today)
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #167
“Doc Gets Ditched, A Fairy for Hyrule”
[Jeb] Whoah! - is grabbed- I said you could have it! Fuck I'll pay you for doing that! How much? Name it!
[CP] Growls and focus' his powers, he knows exactly where Jeb is sitting- I have no need for your money!- Using the avatar, he pulls Jeb in before kicking him right in the gut
[Jeb] Doubles over in pain. He's taller then Doc but skinny, with an unruly mop of ginger hair. He slumps to the ground and then looks down at his hands before screaming in confusion and fear.
[CP] Grins- Boo
[Jeb] Looks up at Cp and falls silent in obvious terror.
[CP] Stalks closer- You honestly think you can order us around?
[Lie] Makes her way over, more than a little wobbly from energy usage-
[Doc] Um... Cp just FYI, it wasn't an order so much as blackmail. But I let it stand because I wanted to kill that fucking NOTCH anyway for what it did to my friends.
[CP] - So in a way he threatened both you and my mate?
[Doc] Actually he threatened everyone who lives here. If we didn't care we could have just said fuck you and left them to die.
[CP] - Just tell me something that gives me justification to kill him
[Doc] Mentally loud - Please don't kill him. Feel free to kick the crap out of him if you want though.
[Jeb] Would saying sorry help anything?
[CP] Growls and kicks Jeb in the nuts, hard-
[Jeb] Curls over in agony-
[Doc] Thank you for showing some restraint Cp.
[Jeb] Is just gasping for air-
[CP] - We're not taking him with us...  He can rot here
[Doc] I wasn't proposing we take him at all. One person connected to Minecraft vanishing is one thing, two might get unwanted attention. Just put him back. But explain to him first why he should keep his mouth shut about what he's seen.
[CP] - Fuck no, he can stay right here for eternity!
[Doc] You know that's not a good idea Cp... we might need the information he can provide.
[CP] - Don't care- Gives Jeb another kick
[Jeb] Is whimpering in pain- Please.... I won't tell a soul, I swear...
[CP] - As I just said- I don't give a damn
[Lie] - CP...
[Jeb] I have a family... please... don't kill me...
[Lie] Gently rubs CP's arm- CP please, just send him back...  Or do you want him living with us?  Because that's probably what will happen since he'll probably want to stay with Markus
[CP] Groans- Sometimes I hate not being able to go through with my old habits
[Jeb] Is crying now. His thoughts are strong; it's his wife Jenny holding  their infant son.
[Lie] - Please CP...
[CP] - Fine- He grabs Jeb and disappears with him, reappearing in front of Jeb's computer
[Jeb] Falls to the floor in a heap and tries to crawl away from Cp.
[CP] Steps on him a little- I'm warning you right now, you do anything to fuck this up and I will not hesitate to drag you back in and throw you in lava.
[Jeb] I won't.... oh god... Just take the computer... anything...
[CP] Rolls his eyes and takes the computer- However, feel free to annoy Notch as much as you want-  He teleports the closest electronic and exits through it
[Jeb] Faints out of sheer relief.
[CP] Returns to where Doc and the others are. The little wither has returned to it's smaller side and is exhausted-
[Doc] Is so fired up xe excuses hirself to dart behind a rocky outcrop and there's the distinct sound of peeing that goes on for some time.
[Splender] Is calm now- Is everything happy now?
[Doc] Returns with a satisified air - I claim this seed for the Herobrines.
[CP] Is not impressed-
[Doc] Plucks the CPU gently from under his arm with hir teeth and puts it away. - Thank you.
[CP] - So how much chaos could we cause with that?
[Doc] I don't know? I guess it depends on what's on it. But for now lets go home. I'm going to pause the seed at the hub and reopen it in the cage.
[CP] - I'll take the others back- He picks Lie up and keeps Splender and the little wither close to him before teleporting back to the other seed
[Doc] Huffs - Thanks for nothing.... - Xe cuts hir own way out and heads back through the statick and void to look for home.
[Splender] - Why isn't Doc with us?
[CP] - Because I'm irritated and they need more practice making their way home
[Doc] Is already lost and wanders sullenly into a copy of Pac-man on some forgotten emulator. Xe hunkers down and munches on an overlarge banana with an angry pout.
[Lie] - CP... Go get Doc
[CP] - Why?  It's not as if they haven't made their way here from that seed before
[Doc] Gets irritated with the noise and moves on. Xe stops in intentionally to an older pokemon game and doesn't even bother to change forms before barging into a shop and buying a few berries and potions for later.
[Lie] Sighs- At least go tell TLOT the good news?
[CP] - Why?
[Doc] Makes hir way back out again and just hovers in the darkness. It's not just being lost. They're feeling rather hard done by, since it was obvious they were ditched.
[BEN] Pops out of the server to jump into his game briefly.  He flies towards it and happens to spot Doc-  Doc?
[Doc] Hmm? Oh BEN! I'm glad to see you!
[BEN] - What are you doing out here?
[Doc] Cp ditched me... feeling a little blue...
[BEN] - He ditched you?
[Doc] Yeah... we'd just beat a ridiculiously powerful NOTCH to death and he tped with everyone but me.
[BEN] - How many people did he teleport?
[Doc] Two plus the baby wither.
[BEN] - Well it does take more energy to teleport more people...  Even more if there was a slender.  Plus didn't you make you're way back to the server by yourself before?
[Doc] Yeah... I would have happily carried them all though...
[BEN] - Eh, you know how CP is
[Doc] I know... Still hurts though....
[BEN] - Well, server is back that way, I'm heading to one of my games
[Doc] Thank you. Unless? You want some company? It would serve him right if Lie got mad at him.
[BEN] - Well I'm just popping over there real quick to get something for Hyrule...
[Doc] Anything. I'll even carry you if you want.
[BEN] - No need, come on- He heads towards a game and slips inside.  They come out in Ocarina of time in the hidden forest village
[Doc] Follows him - What a lovely forest. Your game has lots of magic stuff doesn't it?
[BEN] - Yeah- He takes off through a large hollow tree trunk laying on it's side, ignoring the child trying to guard it's entrance
[Doc] Gives the child a huge grin just to be mischevious.
[BEN] Is in the Lost Woods and starts looking around-  Come on, where are you?
[Doc] Clambers over the log and follows BEN - I might be able to help if you tell me what you're looking for?
[BEN] Takes a breath- Hyrule would be considered a child of these woods since this game is the direct prequel to mine.  Each child born here is given a fairy which is their companion their whole life
[Doc] Practically melts, hir sappy smile is ear to ear. - As the parent do you have to catch one for them?
[BEN] - Usually they're given by the Deku tree, but I doubt it will be of any help to me...  And there are no parents in this village...  It's entirely composed of children
[Doc] How odd... do you want me to... try and sniff one out for you?
[BEN] - No, because I don't want one like Navi...  Besides I don't know where to look for one...  In my game Navi has been taken from me, but I have help from a different fairy
[Doc] Could we talk to the tree anyway? The worst it can do is tell us to get bent right?
[BEN] Groans- But it talks forever!
[Doc] What's the alternative?
[BEN] - Searching on our own
[Doc] Whatever you want to do. Though the prospect of a talking tree does have me curious.
[BEN] - No
[Doc] Okay. I defer to the expert then. - Sits down at attention.
[BEN] Is searching everywhere he can think of-
[Doc] Starts just nosing around in the plants. There's a lot to see and smell.
[BEN] Grumbles and throws a stick- STUPID FUCKING DEKU STICKS!
[Doc] Are they supposed to do something?
[BEN] - You set them on fire to light torches...  That's it
[Doc] Pulls out a Minecraft torch and offers it to him. The glow is softly yellow and makes a decent pool of light around them.
[BEN] - Wrong torch
[Doc] Sorry, I thought you just wanted the light.
[BEN] Points up at the sun clearly shining above- And if it does get dark, I can just change the time to day again
[Doc] Sheepish - Okay. For all I knew faries were like those little bugs that are drawn to candles, and the torch would attract them.
[BEN] - Nope- He's getting frustrated at finding no fairies
[Doc] I know a chant for faries, Dawn taught me. It's kinda silly but it works for elementals. I'll try it if you promise not to laugh.
[BEN] - No promises
[Doc] Curls hir lip and sticks the torch down on the ground in front of hir since xe has no candles. Xe takes a few slow breaths to calm hir breathing like Dawn explained and uses hir tail to draw a circle around hir in the dirt. Xe clears hir throat before speaking lightly
little people everywhere your fun and love I seek to share. Gronkydoddles hear my call Leprechauns come one and all. Leader, Gob, of gnome and troll come and share your humor droll. Neckna and your undines, bold play with me your games of old. Paralda, zephyrs of the air caress me while my skin is bare. Salamanders led by djin the candle flames you may play in. Nature spirits of all sort in friendship let us now cavort. a child of love for you I'll be my mood is light as you can see. And always as you sing and play I feel my problems fade away. your laughter love and fun come through and help me feel alive like you.
-The game around them almost seems to shiver and  a hush falls over them before BEN bursts out laughing-
[Doc] Small voice- A witch taught me. It works in the real world.
-The sound of feet running through the grass can be heard as a few of the children's fairies come to investigate with their children-
[BEN] - Shit, we need to get out of here...  We do not need these kids knowing we're here
[Doc] See? It did work though!
[BEN] - Yeah yeah, whatever
[Doc] whats wrong with the kids?
[BEN] - They're annoying!
[Doc] Then lead on.
[BEN] Darts along the maze like paths, ignoring the ones which have music coming from them-
[Doc] Scampers along behind him with a stealthiness not to be expected from a large yellow and purple dragon.
[BEN] Pauses, having caught sight of something-
[Doc] Bunches up behind him with hir feet all together.
[BEN] Ignores Doc and floats towards a corner and starts grinning- Hello there
[Doc] Peeks around him curiously without getting in the way.
-There's a small rose colored fairy, almost trembling down by the ground-
[Doc] Oh, it's okay little fairy. We won't hurt you. We're searching for someone to protect a baby boy. Newly born.
[BEN] Puts his hand down, the fairy cautiously hops into it-  There you go, I'm a child of the forest which means my son is too, and he needs a fairy-
[Fairy] There's a soft jingling- But I'm not suitable to be a companion fairy...  I'm to absent minded
[Doc] Nobodies perfect.
[Fairy] - But I was never assigned to a child by the Great Deku tree...
[Doc] So? We're going to a different game anyway.
[Fairy] - What does that mean?
[Doc] Um, it's a place where everything looks and works a little differently? And it's less rigid and organized.
[Fairy] - Is unsure
[Doc] It's less dangerous too. Hyrule is mainly going to be playing like kids do and need an extra babysitter. He's not gonna be fighting Gannondorf or whatever.
[Fairy] - He's scary...
[BEN] - Come on, you'll be fulfilling your duty as a fairy and living somewhere peaceful
[Doc] Smiles -We have pizza.
[Fairy] - What is pizza?
[Doc] Just good food I bet you've never had before. It'll be fun, and you'll have plenty of time to chill because he's still in his crib and I bet won't even be walking for a while.
[Fairy] - O...  Okay...
[BEN] - Good, come on, we'll take you there now
[Doc] Grab on my mane so we don't get seperated.
[BEN] - Fine- Grabs onto Doc while cradling the fairy
[Doc] Makes a hole back out and heads back the direction BEN came from-
[Lie] - CP GO GET DOC!
[CP] - No, they need to know how to get back on their own!
[Doc] Grumbles softly- nobody around... I'm still upset no one came looking for me...
[BEN] - Come on, I wanna get this fairy to Hyrule as soon as possible
[Doc] I'm going, I'm going. - Manages to find the server with some difficulty and slips inside near Lie's giant tree.
[CP] - See!  Xe made it back fine!
[Doc] Trots towards Gem's house, passing some mammoths as they go.
[BEN] Takes off as they approach- Aven?
[aven] -is holding hyrule- yes ben?
[BEN] - Sorry I ran out so quickly but I remembered something for Hyrule
[Doc] Watches breathlessly
[aven] what is it?
[BEN] Holds out the fairy which flies closer to Hyrule to investigate him-
[hyrule] -giggles at the sight of the fairy-
[aven] a fairy.
[Fairy] - Hello little one- She dances around a little
[Doc] At the fairy - Do you have a name?
[Fairy] - Nia
[hyrule] -is smiling at the fairy as he watches her-
[Doc] I think we have a winner. Nia, I'm Doc, this is BEN and Aven, and the little one is Hyrule.
[Nia] - It's nice to meet all of you
[aven] its nice to meet you too.
[BEN] Looks proud of himself-
[Doc] Server rules are simple, no griefing, no stealing. Hyrule is hooked to respawn, so if you want to help; just remind him to eat and keep him inside at night.
[hyrule] -tries to grab nia-
[Nia] Dances just out of reach- I understand
[Doc] Whispers- Good job BEN.
[aven] -offers ben to take hyrule-
[BEN] Happily takes his son-
[hyrule] -smells very clean like he just got a bath-
[BEN] Narrows eyes in suspicion- Aveeeeeeeeeeen
[aven] yes?
[Doc] I smell something nice and clean. Good job Aven.
[BEN] - Why does Hyrule seem like he got another bath?
[aven] oh while you where out gem helped me bathe hyrule.
[BEN] Growls a bit-
[aven] -is trying to look innocent but is failing because she can't stop smiling-
[BEN] - Stop doing that
[aven] doing what?
[BEN] - Bathing him!
[aven] but he needs to be clean and he likes the water.
[BEN] Whines-
[hyrule] wa-er
[BEN] Groans- That's it, I'm teaching you a different word- Heads into the house
[hyrule] wa-er
[Doc] Chuckles at the scene. - Glad to see things are going swimmingly. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go yell at someone.
[aven] good luck with that doc.
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