#hes getting reallt heated at stuff that was just regular human ingenuity
starsweater · 11 months
I like to imagine that Crowley is responsible for some of the worlds most famous alien sightings
When thoughts of extraterrestrial life began circulating with humans his first thought was 'Well shit, if only. I mean, I helped make THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE you'd think more of it would have been used.'
But then it turned into being so extremely amused by the possible chaos that he began appearing to hapless guys in the plains as a little grey man. He'd project illusions of UFOs into the sky over villages. He'd bury crazy wired shit in tombs or with a snap of a finger modify an already ancient mural to include a suspicious object or alien on it.
Eventually he started getting really into setting up elaborate hoaxes, miracleing government instruments to pick up strange signals and what have you.
He justified it to hell by saying it was a great way to make people question Gods existence and sow doubt- but really he was getting a huge kick out of seeing people FREAK out. It also in an adjacent way made some folks more interested in space in general, which always made him secretly happy.
He's responsible for the Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting, for the Roswell Incident, the Belgian Wave, the Westall Encounter, and a TON of others. In the modern day the fruits of his labor are totally realized and there are endless podcasts, TV shows, online forums and conventions all centered around aliens.
He's not responsible for EVERYTHING but most of the famous and credible ones are products of his effort.
He stays up at night watching videos about aliens, many of the famous 'species' being funky little guys that HE designed. Hes kicking his legs and cackling the whole time, nothing quite amuses him more and in so many ways he's also sort of flattered. He loves it.
Now like most of his big projects he gets duped by his own creation. There are plenty of sightings that have nothing to do with him and some species that he didn't invent. He found himself getting sucked into the podcasts. The interviews with ex-government employees. The crunchy videos of blurry flying triangles and lights.
At one point he starts thinking 'well you know i wasn't in charge of ALL of space... Some other angel could've slipped something in another galaxy.. or even by accident made conditions sustainable for life by just evolution... Politicians are the easiest to corrupt in my experience too so I wouldn't be surprised if theyre hiding something 🤨'
Though Aziraphael doesn't technically like that people are getting tricked or possibly traumatized by the sometimes terrifying illusions, he is always very complimentary of Crowleys creativity and overall supports his 'hobby'.
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