#hes like some silly little freak he lives joyously
texeoghea · 1 year
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isolated ipad doodle of The Rook bc i like him so much honestly
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Our First Christmas
Clare: wasn't easily deterred. Once she had an idea in her head, it was hard for her to let go of it. "Of course she can pick the movie. I do want to find out what she likes. But just wait until Erika sees my chipmunks animated Christmas decoration." She nodded about the park. Clare returned the gentle kiss and started running her fingers through his hair in a soothing motion. She welcomed the change in subject not wanting to think about any family tonight except the one she was starting with Drew. She laughed joyously as Drew picked her up and spun her around. "Yes! We can have as many little Torres as we want!" Clare said with a lot more enthusiasm now that she knew it was welcome news. Maybe that wasn't entirely true. A tiny voice in the back of her head tried to remind her. Drew's kisses and her reaction to them drowned it out. "Well the doctor suggested I go off birth control a few months before we start trying, and I want to make sure I can fit into my wedding dress. So lots more practice until our honeymoon." Clare kissed him again before leaning back against the couch. "I'm glad I saved it. I wanted to tell you right away but it was too good of a Christmas present not to wait a day." She figured she'd savor this moment for awhile then tell him the doctor's words of caution. She was surprised by the knock on the door too. If it were Audra, the door would be open before they even had a chance to say come in or please don't. "I don't think it's my family either." Clare whispered, tensing up. She'd asked them to come over tomorrow. Who else would show up on Christmas Eve uninvited? She sunk lower into the couch while Drew investigated. Clare instantly felt transported to last year when every knock on the door sent a tingle of fear down her spine. What if the robbers finally found out where she'd moved to and came back? It was a silly irrational fear. Most likely it had been a crime of opportunity. Clare needed to remember she wasn't a target. She took the phone from him. "If who gets in? Who is he Drew?" When the man started yelling, it was a stranger's voice. To her. He seemed to know Drew and there was a look of recognition in her fiance's eyes. The banging on the windows scared her more and she punched a 9 and 1 on the phone's keys while Drew spoke to him. Clare saw the man through the window but she still didn't have a clue who he was. Her finger hovered over the 1 key, uncertain if she should punch it again. How dangerous was this guy?! What if he had a gun? Her palms started sweating, her breath became ragged and shallow. She wanted to call the police and run upstairs to check on Erika. She gasped and almost dropped the phone at the first revelation. Wait a minute? This man was Drew's dad?? Clare supposed it made some sense to want to reconnect with your son on Christmas Eve but there was obviously a reason he'd lost the right to be called 'Dad'. Threatening to break into their house obviously wasn't a good start to fixing their relationship! Clare was still in the dark about what had happened between Audra, her ex-husband, and Drew. Until Drew revealed something she'd never guessed, wasn't prepared for, and made her blood run cold. She didn't finish dialing 911 even though her desire to continued to grow as Drew reminded his abuser exactly what he'd done. Tears gathered in her eyes. Clare had seen Drew struggle with PTSD and concussions, she'd feared for his life before. However, this was the worst. His own (supposed) father put him in the hospital, almost killed him, and was trying to blame Drew and Audra for leaving? Was that really what she was hearing? He was crying and she wanted to go to him. Clare scoffed as the man claimed he wouldn't leave without meeting her and Erika. This was as close as she was getting to him and no way would she let him around a child. She was glad Drew called her his girlfriend. She didn't want this monster to know there would be a wedding to crash. He'd put Drew and Audra through enough already. Her heart ached at the realization that Audra's first marriage was abusive. Thank god she was strong enough to leave her ex-husband to save her son's life. This must be why Audra still checked up on Drew. She shuddered as Drew's 'dad' begged not be kicked out of his life, again. He wouldn't get another opportunity to hurt her Drew. Not ever. She was beyond scared but she'd be brave for him. When Drew walked over to her and sat down, Clare immediately wrapped her arms around him holding him tight. She shook her head as he spoke. She was glad she hadn't pressured him. Understanding Drew's past wasn't worth him rehashing it. She wished she could've prevented this ugly scene. "No baby. He only ruined his own Christmas, all of them." Clare said firmly. "One way or another he'll be leaving and then we'll do whatever you feel like doing." She promised kissing his cheek. It didn't matter if they skipped some of the traditional Christmas stuff. Spending the holiday together was what she really wanted. “I love you.”
Drew: smiled at Clare after she told him she loves her and that his dad didn't ruin their Christmas. He kissed her sweetly and smiled at her. "Ok, Erika picks the movies. If she wants to see the Chipmunks Christmas, we will. However when Deadpool comes out on video we're buying it and watching it in the bedroom. I seen previews and there is a lot of violence and probably sex. I saw a girl's breasts in it. Don't worry I saw the promos before Erika came into our lives and when I was alone." he assured. "Oh, and I'll cover your eyes when Deadpool goes on his killing spree. He turns someone into..." he thought for a moment. "What he said a human shish kabob, there's no blood, but I know it still may freak you out." he added and soon heard a knock at the door. "You're not getting in dad." he yelled out. "No it's the police the neighbors called due to a disturbance." he heard back and stood up to open the door. He explained the ordeal and how his dad already left and how he was going to see them after Christmas for a restraining order. The cop took the description of Drew's dad as well as the cop took notes. "We'll keep someone here and at your mom's just in case he comes back and tries to break in. We've been searching for this guy for years." the cop said. "What did he do?" Drew asked. "What didn't he do? Robbery in Vancouver, grand theft auto in Ragina, he's even wanted in other countries. You don't get on the World's Most Wanted list for nothing." the cop explained. "World's most wanted? Is that probably how he found me?" Drew asked. "We don't know he hadn't been active for about two years anywhere so we assumed he died, hid really well, or something." the officer explained. "But don't worry we'll stake out here and we'd like to keep police on both of you if that's ok?" he asked and Drew looked at him. "We won't go inside, we'll just stay out front of your places of work in our cars and keep a look out." he assured and Drew looked at Clare. "I don't have a problem with it." he assured and gave the cop what he needed to keep them safe. After the cop left Drew looked at Clare. "I hope they give him a taste of his own medicine when he goes to jail." he stated and looked out his window to see a van now parked across the street from his house with a cop drinking coffee. "At least we know we're extremely protected?" he shrugged trying to make light of the situation.
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