#hes sitting pretty w that mclaren $$$. i would hope its more pride or opportunity than that but
tangledlove · 2 years
Tbh Daniel is lacking some humbleness, he’s being paid as he’s a wdc and my guess is that those teams couldn’t afford him and he didn’t even consider them because they are lower for his standards. And the whole Indy or Nascar is not even considered because they are even lower than going to Haas or Williams.
If this is about mental health I get it but if not then he needs to put his feet on the ground.
honestly, i'm not gonna go that far. i don't really know that it's about money bc he's getting a huge payout from mclaren. i don't think him having an ego is necessarily a bad thing (it could turn out to be good if options really do open up to him later by some unusual miracle or the skills of him and his team negotiating), and literally all of these men do so part of me gets it. but the first thing he said when mclaren announced he was leaving was that he didn't want to be on the grid just to be there... and that's a tough spot to be in.
as his fan... i want him to be there just to be there, lol, and i think everyone that knows how coveted these seats are and how tough comebacks are... also wants him to be there bc the fight back is harder... esp coming off bad seasons when you don't have the traditional Proof that you're still worth the investment (like how i think teams view previous wdc winners). but it's gotta feel like absolute shit from his pov to know what you're capable of and that you literally look way past your prime at this point and be 'settling' when the past 2 years of your career have literally been your hardest mentally and physically with the car. like if he can't handle more of that.. or doesn't want to risk being in a worse headspace about the sport... that's okay. i just hope this isn't like. blind faith that something will work out in a way that's never really happened for drivers coming back into the sport before... like i hope there's a glimmer of opportunity that they can see/confirm. obviously i want him to be happy most of all, but all of his words and actions can get contradictory 😭 so IDK. i hope optimism and love and hope win ... i'm still ready to fight on his behalf
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