#hes too close to all of the other groups id gravitate to. this whole situation needs closure b4 other ccs get my very distant attention
n0phis · 7 months
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parabcllums · 5 years
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⌜   ZOE KRAVITZ, NON BINARY, SHE / HER / THEY / THEM   |   truth hurts by lizzo, choleric, the philophobe   ⌟    ⏤   blink and you’ll miss MAKENA RENÉE THURMAN, the TWENTY SEVEN year old daughter of NEENA THURMAN ( & LOKI ) / NATHAN SUMMERS ! they’re a RECEPTIONIST at paragon academy and BOOKING AGENT & ACCOUNTANT at karma club, and i’ve always found them to be pretty INTUITIVE & STAUNCH, though i’ve heard that they can also be really IRASCIBLE & INSCRUTABLE. i don’t think getting their way is a smart thing to do - everyone knows that their ability is TYCHOKINESIS & LATENT TELEKINESIS. you can check out her stat page HERE.
    she was BEAUTIFUL in the way a ( forest fire ) was beautiful:              something to be admired from a DISTANCE, not up CLOSE.
SECTION ONE OF THREE: BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warning for talk of car crashes, alcohol, drugs and pregnancy
MAKENA RENÉE THURMAN. she was born by c section at 4:23 am on august 20th, 1992, for all intents and purposes the daughter born of the love shared between neena thurman and nathan summers - only the FAMILY ever REALLY knowing that in truth, she was something of their blessing, moreso than she was a MIRACLE. the techno-organic virus that infected nathan meant it was unlikely, if not flatout impossible, for he and neena to ever have a child of their own. they made the decision to go the route of sperm donation after all attempts ended the exact same way, and little makena was the result.
the truth of their circumstances was not a secret they felt was appropriate to hide from their daughters curious mind. even young, she had QUESTIONS, and to their credit, they gave her ANSWERS. the first time she asked she was four, and the question amounted to “why [she didn’t] have a younger brother or sister yet”. she LOVED hope - squealed with childish excitement every time her older sister so much as APPEARED around a corner, held onto every word she said, followed her everywhere that she went, had to be patted down for weapons every time she left. but she wanted to be a BIG sister, she said, sullenly, and nathan didn’t hesitate in explaining. MOMMY AND DADDY LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH. WE ALWAYS HAVE. AND WE WANTED YOU SO MUCH THAT WE FOUND A WAY TO HAVE YOU, EVEN THOUGH IT WASN’T EASY. AND MAYBE SOMEDAY, WE’LL FIND A WAY TO GIVE YOU A YOUNGER BROTHER OR SISTER, TOO.
the next time the subject was broached, she was ten, and it was by her mother. neena sat her down to have the talk about the birds and the bees and after a previous nights discussion, had decided, with nathan, that it was time for makena to know DETAILS. she threw them in at the end. THAT’S WHAT DAD MEANT, WHEN HE SAID WE FOUND A WAY TO HAVE YOU. MY EGG, AND SOMEONE ELSE’S SPERM. YOU AREN’T HIS, BIOLOGICALLY, BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU ANY LESS OF OUR DAUGHTER.
and it was true. it ALWAYS had been. in spite of the fact that she was not born belonging to them both by blood, neena and nathan were HER PARENTS, mostly for better, and sometimes for worse. she grew up safe in the knowledge that she was LOVED beyond comprehension, and was allowed all the space that she needed, to grow and develop into a young woman who knew her own mind, first and foremost. they took in turns being the strict voice of reason, but MOSTLY, so long as she wasn’t taking the mickey, makena was allowed to make MISTAKES and learn from them. neither blew up, the first time they were called for her causing trouble in class and having to be removed. they sat her down to discuss WHY, and they worked to resolve her issues - which at the time, were to do with girls that wouldn’t BE NICE, and a teacher that refused to DISCIPLINE them. when she was scared to go to the doctors, they asked her WHY, and when she said it was because she didn’t like their USUAL, they simply changed. they made sure that makena was comfortable in expressing her thoughts and feelings, and ensured that she never thought twice about doing so. when she wanted to try a cigarette, she didn’t resort to joining friends behind the bike sheds, but simply asked whether she could. likewise, when she wanted to go ALL THE WAY with her first boyfriend, she told her mum and neena ensured the house was EMPTY - and after the breakup was there to stroke her hair and tell her that boys were rarely worth it. they were GOOD parents.
it was a double edged sword. neena and nathan taught makena to be INDEPENDENT, and this was a lesson they considered most important - because BOTH were aware that they wouldn’t ALWAYS be around. they were GOOD parents, but they also DIDN’T discipline her when it was seriously NEEDED, and they weren’t always such a steady presence in her life. sometimes, nathan would disappear into the timestream for weeks at a time, leaving her with neena. sometimes neena would take a job that required her to be gone for months, leaving her alone with nathan. sometimes BOTH had responsibilities to their teams that required them to leave TOGETHER, and though they entrusted makena to the care of xavier’s, she had been given too much freedom by them for too long to accept rules and regulations that came with living under those roofs. she caused TROUBLE. she got herself into STICKY SITUATIONS. makena had always been a girl too quick to react, and too willing to use her FISTS. they returned once to find that she had been literally locked in her room just hours before for everyone’s protection bar her own. they returned another time to discover that in their absence, she had run away from xavier’s a pro brotherhood rally - a trend that would continue for YEARS. neena and nathan operated often in shades of grey. the world was not black and white, and neither was their outlook upon it. makena took after THEM, more than they could have imagined.
she was ANGRY. she was resentful to her parents for leaving her BEHIND, and she found herself filling with rage each time she turned on the tv to see more and more people like her, like her family, like the POWERED individuals she could relate to, being prosecuted for being DIFFERENT. she acted out, because that was the logical next step - and in the process, she became the pain in her parents backsides. they were GOOD. but they were also all too quick to believe that makena could handle these long stints alone WELL. it was only when they started seeing her in the background of news reports and started receiving calls from xavier’sl for some new stunt she had pulled - such as the time she hung a crude “charles xavier, eat my ass” banner from the front of the school, or the time she turned all the ‘x’s’ on their uniforms into criss crossed dicks with sharpie - that they started to see one of their biggest parenting faults.
and then a phone call came that wasn’t about makena’s antics. and it scared them - it REALLY scared them, more than they’ve ever been able to SAY. she was YOUNGER than most of the group, on that fateful night. she had always gravitated towards the OLDER KIDS, always found herself getting along with them much BETTER. one had stolen a car from the garage, and they were all laughing and talking and singing along to music that was playing FAR TOO LOUD and they weren’t really focusing on the road,  which they SHOULD HAVE BEEN, because it was ICY, and because the fog was impossible. they drove off the side of the road. the car fell into the water, below. it broke through the layer of ice, shattering the windows enough that the ice cold water begun to spray in, and makena went into SHOCK. she doesn’t remember what happened. just the water. how she ended up with a lungful. how it was dark and unrelenting and she thought, THE WHOLE TIME, that she was ALREADY dead. she remembers the burn of her throat as she had thrown up the water that had been stealing her lifes breath away, and she remembers the fog clearing and the stars above her in the sky, and then after that, she doesn’t remember anything until she woke in the hospital with her mother and father sat on either side, grasping one hand each and PROMISING not to leave.
they kept the promise. for a WHILE, at least. a few months. and they were more strict with her, too. wouldn’t let her out without knowing where the end destination was and who she was going with. wouldn’t take her back answering even LESS so than usual. but they slipped up, eventually. when she was BETTER, when she had been for a WHILE, they started to ease themselves back into work - one would leave, then the other. and then, when both had to start leaving AT THE SAME TIME… well, the only LOGICAL way around fully breaking the promise they had made was to take her with them.
they had moved around a lot, when makena was younger. they had spent months living in different cities across the states, sometimes across the world - they ALWAYS came back home. now, it seemed as if they never WOULD. she was constantly shuttled between whoever had the most free time to spend with her, their time together as a family growing less and less. they said they kept her with them, said they kept moving her from school to school and place to place because they LOVED her and wanted to keep an EYE on her, but RESENTMENT grew in her heart, unbidden. she loved to be cultured, don’t get me wrong, loved to see the sights and experience what the WORLD had to offer - but she would have given anything to stand STILL, something she had never really realized she liked doing ‘til she couldn’t.
so she rebelled. she did what she was learning she was GOOD at. soon enough, she wasn’t leaving schools behind because they were upping sticks once again, but because she was getting FORCIBLY removed. she would sneak out of whatever house or apartment or studio flat they had for the time being, fake id in hand, and she would join friends that she wouldn’t have a week later at the seediest nightclubs they could find. her parents or parent, however it was set up for a time, would return home to discover that she hadn’t returned from school that day and instead chose to head to a rally. worse: more than once, they had come home to discover that makena had RUN AWAY, joining whichever group would TAKE her. her time on the streets was often short lived, but the girl who had always used her fists to solve her problems learnt, over time, an ART OF SURVIVAL. she had always been taught to be independent. she learnt, now, how to be STRONG.
and then she was eighteen. and she realized, as the first rally that she had attended since her birthday dissolved into a maddening sort of VIOLENCE, that her parents weren’t going to come and GET her, anymore. it wasn’t their JOB. she was an ADULT. she had to make ADULT choices, and when she returned home that night, battered and bruised, she informed them that she was LEAVING.
and to everyone’s SURPRISE, it wasn’t to join those insurgents that existed, out in the world. it wasn’t to become an EXTREMIST. makena decided, ON HER OWN, that she wanted to get an education - a steady, stable education, one that she wouldn’t have to always be running to catch up on. she found a little place of her own, she got herself settled, she started attending paragon academy - and she, to NO ONE’S surprise, kept up her regular ANTICS on the side. one grown up decision does not a grown up make, and makena couldn’t shake habits of her past. she was selfish, and reactive, and she had great difficulty in keeping herself in check - and with a pretty SEVERE partying habit also on the board, it goes without saying she got herself into quite a bit of trouble. she lost almost every job she held, in college, because she was FIRED - not because she WALKED, like she so often claims. she got suspended TWICE for brawling and for indecent exposure ( it was a dare ), respectively. she got kicked out of her first ever shared flat because she and her roommate had a disagreement that there was no going back from. and she, terrible as it sounds, loved every second of it. she loved to be free. she loved to do what SHE wanted. no longer living a life on whatever whim her parents had, they were able to once again develop a CLOSE relationship, and once again, felt comfortable in allowing her to make the mistakes she needed to make, and learn from them.
and then came her ex. her father might have said, at one point, that he was the biggest mistake his daughter ever made - and when ANGRY at him, she might have agreed. but the truth is, he came into kena’s life at a time when she didn’t really know she NEEDED someone, and he taught her… so much about herself. after her one SERIOUS relationship ended, kena had settled into a life of casual dating, because it fit who she WAS, or at least, who she has always presented herself as - a free spirited, free talking, wild hearted woman. and it was CASUAL with him, at least for a long while, but then came so much more love than she had ever thought she’d feel, and SO MUCH heartbreak, too. she should have known way back when that it was BECAUSE she loved him so much that it always hurt so bad, when they ARGUED - if their explosive conflicts could even be called so, sometimes. neither were perfect. neither was the relationship. but they always came back to one another.
and then - THEN came ZARA. she wasn’t a part of the PLAN that kena had for her life, not in the least. and when she thinks back to the day that she finally bought the test that her friend had been insisting on FOR DAYS, she remembers how she had sat on the bathroom floor, eyes tightly shut and her fingers crossed PAINFULLY, wishing and hoping and even PRAYING that what she knew was TRUE wasn’t - and she feels ASHAMED. she hadn’t wanted a baby. had never really thought of herself as cut from the cloth of mothers, and felt like she had too much left in life to do - too much to achieve, too much to see, too much to drink - before she could COMMIT to such a thing. she went through all the motions, she sat through the appointments, she grinned her way through the first scan, but she was SCARED and in her mind, ALONE. and then she felt a kick. just ONE. the baby had moved before - she’d felt it fluttering at times and thought how real it all was, and how out of her depth SHE was - but she was sitting on the couch one evening, watching the real housewives, and she had shouted something rude at the tv, and where her hand had been resting atop her so far, so small belly, she felt a tiny kick. and everything changed. EVERY SINGLE THING. it was like the world had shifted on its axis, and makena asked the bump she’d felt no real connection to, to ‘do it again’ and it DID, and once upon a time, she’d thought that she wouldn’t love anything more than she had loved HIM, but god, how wrong she had been. how STUPID, and how small minded, to ever think that ANYTHING would matter more than the little life that was growing INSIDE OF HER.
she promised her bump, every night before she fell asleep, that they would make it WORK. all of them. EVERYTHING. she was just finishing up her degree - she started sending out resumes immediately, to try and secure a job for when zara had come along, and she got LUCKY. the job as BOOKING AGENT, something she had always kind of WANTED, sort of fell into place. and she promised she’d sort herself out. and no matter what - no matter what happened between she and her ex, she knew both of them would do right by their bean.
zara thurman came into the world, and makena’s WHOLE LIFE changed. her lifestyle slowed down, big time. she settled into her nine to 10 jobs. her relationship with her boyfriend came to one, seemingly FINAL end. and she kept her PROMISE. they made it WORK. she learnt, quickly, she didn’t need to hit a club every night to be CONTENT - because staying home to read zara a book was just as THRILLING. she didn’t need to drink so much she couldn’t remember or take little pills that were offered at the bar, because getting home in one piece was a PRIORITY, now. she didn’t have to BRAWL. not as much, anyway. fight club came in handy, for a woman who had always found the answer laying on the other side of her fists. her job was satisfying, at least one of them. and she and her ex - they still had their MANY differences and disagreements, but they weren’t so BAD at the co-parenting thing, if makena said so herself.
things CHANGED. she learnt, fairly quickly, that change wasn’t a BAD thing.
owns a two year old polish lowland sheepdog that she named “mr clean” because, and only because, he reminded her of a mop the first time that she ever saw him. insists that she adopted him from the pound with that name already ingrained in his memory and often will say she “tried to change his name, but he wasn’t having it”. is lying. loves him more than life itself, weird name and all.
tychokinesis ; the ability to manipulate probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things not to happen. like her mother before her, makena is something of a lady luck - however, her power manifested AFTER the car accident that could have easily claimed her life, and… she doesn’t really know about it. SOMETIMES, when she’s ANGRY, things will move. she’s always known she possesses a level of telekinesis. but she knows very little about her ability to manipulate probability, little enough that she doesn’t really know she HAS that power, and hasn’t really honed it.
xaviers kids she grew up w ! 
exes cos she has ... so many. room for ONE srs high school sweetheart !
the father of her child , the love of her young life ! im putting a connect on the main lates but .. its imp
hope summers ! 
hr main ride n die. oldest friend. was there whn she found out abt being pregnant n whatnot
members of FIGHT CLUB ! 
ppl she hired for the karma klub. any char in a band welcome
current flings ! she’s tryna work thru any residual feelings towards her ex and casually dates a LOT, but she never gets as far as introducing them to zara. 
ppl she still parties with
ex housemate who absolutely fuckin hates her for completely valid reasons
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inviictas · 5 years
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⌜   NON-BINARY, SHE / HER / THEY / THEM   |   killer queen by queen, slytherin, entj   ⌟   ⏤   meet MAKENA RENÉE THURMAN ; a TWENTY SIX year old who kind of resembles ZAZIE BEETZ, don’t you think? they originally hailed from HAWAII where they lived with their parents, COBRA BUBBLES & NINA THURMAN (   LILO & STITCH / OC   ), but word is that they’ve been focusing on spoiling their daughter this past year. they’ve always been pretty INTUITIVE & STAUNCH, but have gotten way more IRASCIBLE & INSCRUTABLE since they woke up. maybe their powers of TYCHOKINESIS & LATENT TELEKINESIS can help in taking down the dome. you can check out her stats HERE.
     she was beautiful in the way a ( forest fire ) was beautiful:               something to be admired from a DISTANCE, not up close.
SECTION ONE OF FOUR: BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warning for talk of car crashes, alcohol, drugs and pregnancy
makena renée thurman. she was born by c section at 4:23 am on august 20th, 1992, for all intents and purposes the daughter born of the love shared between cobra bubbles and nina thurman - only the family ever REALLY knowing that in truth, she was something of their blessing, moreso than she was a miracle. cobra couldn’t have children. they had discovered it LATE, and had always felt just a small bit hopeless about their situation. it was outright impossible for them to ever have a child of their own, but after a great deal of deliberation, they made the choice to go down the road of sperm donation. little makena was the final result.
the truth of their circumstances was not a secret they felt was appropriate to hide from their daughters curious mind. even young, she had QUESTIONS, and to their credit, they gave her answers. the first time she asked she was five, and the question amounted to “why [she didn’t] have a younger brother or sister yet”. she loved thayer - squealed with childish excitement every time her older brother so much as APPEARED around a corner, held onto every word he said, followed him everywhere that he went. but she wanted to be a BIG sister, she said, sullenly, and cobra didn’t hesitate in explaining. mommy and daddy love each other very much. we always have. and we wanted you so much that we found a way to have you, even though it wasn’t easy. and maybe someday, we’ll find a way to give you a younger brother or sister, too.
the next time the subject was broached, she was ten, and it was by her mother. nina sat her down to have the talk about the birds and the bees and after a previous nights discussion, had decided, with cobra, that it was time for makena to know DETAILS. she threw them in at the end. that’s what dad meant, when he said we found a way to have you. MY egg, and someone else’s sperm. you aren’t his, biologically, but that doesn’t make you any less of OUR daughter.
and it was true. it ALWAYS had been. in spite of the fact that she was not born belonging to them both by blood, nina and cobra were her parents, mostly for better, and sometimes for worse. she grew up safe in the knowledge that she was loved beyond comprehension, and was allowed all the space that she needed, to grow and develop into a young woman who knew her own mind, first and foremost. they took in turns being the strict voice of reason, but mostly, so long as she wasn’t taking the mickey, makena was allowed to make MISTAKES and learn from them. neither blew up, the first time they were called for her causing trouble in class and having to be removed. they sat her down to discuss why, and they worked to resolve her issues - which at the time, were to do with girls that wouldn’t be nice, and a teacher that refused to discipline them. when she was scared to go to the doctors, they asked her why, and when she said it was because she didn’t like their USUAL, they simply changed. they made sure that makena was comfortable in expressing her thoughts and feelings, and ensured that she never thought twice about doing so. when she wanted to try a cigarette, she didn’t resort to joining friends behind the bike sheds, but simply asked whether she could. likewise, when she wanted to go all the way with her first boyfriend, she told her mum and nina ensured the house was EMPTY - and after the breakup was there to stroke her hair and tell her that boys were rarely worth it. they were GOOD parents.
it was a double edged sword. nina and cobra taught makena to be INDEPENDENT, and this was a lesson they considered most important - because both were aware that they wouldn’t always be around. they were GOOD parents, but they also didn’t discipline her when it was seriously needed, and they weren’t always such a steady presence in her life. sometimes, cobra would disappear for weeks at a time on a particularly important job, leaving her with nina. sometimes nina, an agent in her own right for a separate government branch, would take a job that required her to be gone for months, leaving her alone with cobra. sometimes BOTH had responsibilities to their work that required them to leave together, and though they entrusted makena to the care of boarding schools, she had been given too much freedom by them for too long to accept rules and regulations that came with living under those roofs. she caused TROUBLE. she got herself into sticky situations. makena had always been a girl too quick to react, and too willing to use her fists. they returned once to find that she had been literally locked in her room just hours before for everyone’s protection bar her own. they returned another time to discover that in their absence, she had run away to join a rally against the superhuman registration act - a trend that would continue for years. nina and cobra operated often in shades of grey. the world was not black and white, and neither was their outlook upon it. makena took after THEM, more than they could have imagined.
she was ANGRY. she was resentful to her parents for leaving her behind, and she found herself filling with rage each time she turned on the tv to see more and more people like her, like her family, like the POWERED individuals she could relate to, being prosecuted for being different. she acted out, because that was the logical next step - and in the process, she became the pain in her parents backsides. they were good. but they were also all too quick to believe that makena could handle these long stints alone well. it was only when they started seeing her in the background of news reports and started receiving calls from her school for some new stunt she had pulled - such as the time she hung a crude banner reading the physical ed teacher for filth outside that particular school - that they started to see one of their biggest parenting faults.
and then a phone call came that wasn’t about makena’s antics. and it scared them - it REALLY scared them, more than they’ve ever been able to say. she was younger than most of the group, on that fateful night. she had always gravitated towards the older kids, always found herself getting along with them much BETTER. one had stolen a car from the garage, and they were all laughing and talking and singing along to music that was playing far too loud and they weren’t really focusing on the road,  which they should have been, because it was ICY, and because the fog was impossible. they drove off the side of the road. the car fell into the water, below. it broke through the layer of ice, shattering the windows enough that the ice cold water begun to spray in, and makena went into shock. she doesn’t remember what happened. just the water. how she ended up with a lungful. how it was dark and unrelenting and she thought, the whole time, that she was ALREADY dead. she remembers the burn of her throat as she had thrown up the water that had been stealing her lifes breath away, and she remembers the fog clearing and the stars above her in the sky, and then after that, she doesn’t remember anything until she woke in the hospital with her mother and father sat on either side, grasping one hand each and promising not to leave.
they kept the promise. for a WHILE, at least. a few months. and they were more strict with her, too. wouldn’t let her out without knowing where the end destination was and who she was going with. wouldn’t take her back answering even LESS so than usual. but they slipped up, eventually. when she was BETTER, when she had been for a while, they started to ease themselves back into work - one would leave, then the other. and then, when both had to start leaving at the same time… well, the only logical way around fully breaking the promise they had made was to take her with them.
they had moved around a lot, when makena was younger. they had spent months living in different cities across the states, sometimes across the world - they always came back home to hawaii. now, it seemed as if they never WOULD. she was constantly shuttled between whoever had the most free time to spend with her, their time together as a family growing less and less. they said they kept her with them, said they kept moving her from school to school and place to place because they loved her and wanted to keep an eye on her, but RESENTMENT grew in her heart, unbidden. she loved to be cultured, don’t get me wrong, loved to see the sights and experience what the WORLD had to offer - but she would have given anything to stand still, something she had never really realized she liked doing ‘til she couldn’t.
so she rebelled. she did what she was learning she was good at. soon enough, she wasn’t leaving schools behind because they were upping sticks once again, but because she was getting forcibly removed. she would sneak out of whatever house or apartment or studio flat they had for the time being, fake id in hand, and she would join friends that she wouldn’t have a week later at the seediest nightclubs they could find. her parents or parent, however it was set up for a time, would return home to discover that she hadn’t returned from school that day and instead chose to head to a rally. worse: more than once, they had come home to discover that makena had run away, joining whichever group would TAKE her. her time on the streets was often short lived, but the girl who had always used her fists to solve her problems learnt, over time, an art of survival. she had always been taught to be independent. she learnt, now, how to be STRONG.
and then she was eighteen. and she realized, as the first rally that she had attended since her birthday dissolved into a maddening sort of violence, that her parents weren’t going to come and GET her, anymore. it wasn’t their job. she was an adult. she had to make adult choices, and when she returned home that night, battered and bruised, she informed them that she was leaving.
and to everyone’s SURPRISE, it wasn’t to join those insurgents that existed, out in the world. it wasn’t to become an extremist. makena decided, on her own, that she wanted to get an education - a steady, stable education, one that she wouldn’t have to always be running to catch up on. she found a little place of her own, she got herself settled, she started attending walt disney academy - and she, to no one’s surprise, kept up her regular ANTICS on the side. one grown up decision does not a grown up make, and makena couldn’t shake habits of her past. she was selfish, and reactive, and she had great difficulty in keeping herself in check - and with a pretty severe partying habit also on the board, it goes without saying she got herself into quite a bit of trouble. she lost almost every job she held, in college, because she was fired - not because she WALKED, like she so often claims. she got suspended twice for brawling and for indecent exposure ( it was a dare ), respectively. she got kicked out of her first ever shared flat because she and her roommate had a disagreement that there was no going back from. and she, terrible as it sounds, loved every second of it. she loved to be free. she loved to do what she wanted. no longer living a life on whatever whim her parents had, they were able to once again develop a CLOSE relationship, and once again, felt comfortable in allowing her to make the mistakes she needed to make, and learn from them.
and then came her ex. her father might have said, at one point, that he was the biggest mistake his daughter ever made - and when ANGRY at him, she might have agreed. but the truth is, he came into kena’s life at a time when she didn’t really know she needed someone, and he taught her… so much about herself. after her one serious relationship ended, kena had settled into a life of casual dating, because it fit who she was, or at least, who she has always presented herself as - a free spirited, free talking, wild hearted woman. and it was CASUAL with him, at least for a long while, but then came so much more love than she had ever thought she’d feel, and so much heartbreak, too. she should have known way back when that it was BECAUSE she loved him so much that it always hurt so bad, when they argued - if their explosive conflicts could even be called so, sometimes. neither were perfect. neither was the relationship. but they always came back to one another.
and then - then came KENZIE. she wasn’t a part of the plan that kena had for her life, not in the least. and when she thinks back to the day that she finally bought the test that her friend had been insisting on for days, she remembers how she had sat on the bathroom floor, eyes tightly shut and her fingers crossed painfully, wishing and hoping and even praying that what she knew was TRUE wasn’t - and she feels ashamed. she hadn’t wanted a baby. had never really thought of herself as cut from the cloth of mothers, and felt like she had too much left in life to do - too much to achieve, too much to see, too much to drink - before she could COMMIT to such a thing. she went through all the motions, she sat through the appointments, she grinned her way through the first scan, but she was scared and in her mind, ALONE. and then she felt a kick. just one. the baby had moved before - she’d felt it fluttering at times and thought how real it all was, and how out of her depth she was - but she was sitting on the couch one evening, watching the real housewives, and she had shouted something rude at the tv, and where her hand had been resting atop her so far, so small belly, she felt a tiny kick. and everything changed. every single thing. it was like the world had shifted on its axis, and makena asked the bump she’d felt no real connection to, to ‘do it again’ and it DID, and once upon a time, she’d thought that she wouldn’t love anything more than she had loved him, but god, how wrong she had been. how stupid, and how small minded, to ever think that ANYTHING would matter more than the little life that was growing inside of her.
she promised her bump, every night before she fell asleep, that they would make it WORK. all of them. everything. she was just finishing up her degree - she started sending out resumes immediately, to try and secure a job for when kenzie had come along, and she got lucky. the job as BOOKING AGENT, something she had always kind of wanted, sort of fell into place. and she promised she’d sort herself out. and no matter what - no matter what happened between she and her ex, she knew both of them would do right by their bean.
kenzie thurman came into the world, and makena’s whole life changed. her lifestyle slowed down, big time. she settled into her nine to 10 jobs. her relationship with her boyfriend came to one, seemingly final end. and she kept her PROMISE. they made it work. she learnt, quickly, she didn’t need to hit a club every night to be content - because staying home to read kenzie a book was just as thrilling. she didn’t need to drink so much she couldn’t remember or take little pills that were offered at the bar, because getting home in one piece was a priority, now. she didn’t have to BRAWL. not as much, anyway. fight club came in handy, for a woman who had always found the answer laying on the other side of her fists. her job was satisfying, at least one of them. and she and her ex - they still had their many differences and disagreements, but they weren’t so BAD at the co-parenting thing, if makena said so herself.
things changed. she learnt, fairly quickly, that change wasn’t a BAD thing.
owns a two year old polish lowland sheepdog that she named “mr clean” because, and only because, he reminded her of a mop the first time that she ever saw him. insists that she adopted him from the pound with that name already ingrained in his memory and often will say she “tried to change his name, but he wasn’t having it”. is lying. loves him more than life itself, weird name and all.
tychokinesis ; the ability to manipulate probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things not to happen. like her mother before her, makena is something of a lady luck - however, her power manifested AFTER the car accident that could have easily claimed her life, and… she doesn’t really know about it. SOMETIMES, when she’s angry, things will move. she’s always known she possesses a level of telekinesis. but she knows very little about her ability to manipulate probability, little enough that she doesn’t really know she has that power, and hasn’t really honed it.
hawaiians she grew up w !
also . ppl who .. shared her beliefs. u cant tell me that ppl who hate magic and whatnot dont exist in this world n kena ... has been hating on them from min one . 
ppl she hired for voodoo lounge ! u got a singer ? a char in a band ? hmu. kena books all the shows / accompanying acts , so she could’ve booked them before ! 
exes , cos , she prob has … so many
n current flings ! she’s been , u kno . tryna move on from her ex. she casually dates quite a bit but. it never rly goes as far as ‘introducing them to kenzie’ cos … she wants it to b serious before That happens
ppl she still parties with
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their EX BOYFRIEND, FATHER OF HER CHILDwho resembles DAVE FRANCO, OLIVER JACKSON-COHEN, RAMI MALEK, ALFIE ENOCH / UP TO PLAYER and should be 27+. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   we stan two flawed individuals who are just … trying to successfully coparent their four year old daughter kenzie , best they can. there’s a little bit to hash out so to speak, but the cliff notes is … kena and her ex were VERY serious from when she was about eighteen, but also were… incredibly on and off. both of them are fairly quick to anger people, and one or the other would call things off for dramatic flair when their arguments went too far, or sometimes - rarely - it would be an amicable split when they thought it was for the best. they’d both see other people during their off periods, but the problem was that while at a lot of points, they really weren’t healthy - they also just couldn’t help but come back together, time and time again. kena didn’t want to be a mother at first, but the idea of kenzie certainly chilled them both out a bit, and after she was born… they both had something to try to be better for, which in turn led to their last split, which seems pretty permanent. they don’t have a custody agreement decided upon by the courts and are just trying to do whatever they can, as best as they can, and they’re REALLY trying. basically, two people who would bicker and argue and shout and yell quite a lot, once upon a time, who were always that couple people thought would be better apart - just trying to better themselves a little late, for the sake of their girl.   )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their TUGGED ALONG ON A STRING EX who resembles DAVID CASTENEDA, DEV PATEL, KEKE PALMER, JANEL PARRISH / UP TO PLAYER and should be 25+. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   from the time she was eighteen to when they officially broke up, she and her ex had a … pretty volatile relationship. there was a lot of love, don’t get me wrong - but they were two strong personalities with a tendency to explode, and sometimes, simple arguments turned into them being “on a break”. both dated other people during such times, but this is someone who makena kind of.. led on, i suppose, for lack of a better term. they dated more than once. they were her go to, for a time, whenever she and and her ex split. and she didn’t like herself for it - she’s not THAT bad - but she wasn’t ever good at being alone, meaning that it just kept happening, even if she recognized she should have let them go, because she was always going to go back to her ex. eventually, for reasons to be discussed, it did come to an end, but it had definitely already gone on for too long, and how things are now is up in the air.   )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their ADULTHOOD SUX SQUAD / MAX. FIVEwho resemble UP TO PLAYER and should be 24+. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   you know what’s hard about adulthood? all of it. makena was kinda super shuttled towards having to be a functioning adult when kenzie came along, but that doesn’t mean she 1. enjoys it and 2. is any good at it. paying bills on time is hard. remembering to renew her internet security is hard. getting regular smear tests? hard. nothing is easy, and this is the group of friends she laments that with. three to five wine mom’s / dad’s / parent’s / people who aren’t parents but who are in or around the same age and having just as much trouble adjusting / etc who met in a doctors office or something and who now get together every week just to - u guessed it - drink wine and complain about taxes and anti-vaxxers.   )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their MAIN RIDE OR DIE who resembles DREW RAY TANNER, HAYLEY LAW, ANTHONY RAMOS, CARLOS VALDES / UP TO PLAYER and should be 24+. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   everyone needs their few ride or dies, and while makena likes to think of herself as a lone wolf, she’s just as in need of a few close friendships as anyone else. they’re her oldest friend - someone she met when she was just a little kid, who never seemed to grow tired of her, and who she never grew tired of either. they know all her secrets, they know all her lies, and she knows just as much about them. no matter what, they’re in each others corners, and nothing will stop them from helping out if ever it’s needed.   )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their FELLOW MOM FRIENDwho resembles UP TO PLAYER and should be 24+. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   it’s . basically what it says on the tin. kena didn’t always WANT to be a mom, and way back when, she met this character at one of her antenatal classes. maybe they were more prepared than she was, and helped her to see the good in it. maybe they were just as freaked out as one another, and learned to be happy along the way. however their friendship started, they grew pretty close in those few months, and remained close friends ever after - meeting up a couple times a week to let their kids [ born pretty closely together! ] have a playdate, or even to just… hang out. drink coffee. watch a movie. they get one another in a way that a lot of kena’s friends DON’T get her, now, and they’re super close because of it. who else do u talk to abt how u pee a little when u sneeze , now ?    )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their ACCIDENTAL VICTIMwho resembles UP TO PLAYER and should be ANY AGE. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   makena has some level of probability manipulation, which wasn’t always something that she … knew about, for want of better terms. this first manifested as doing well in tests she didn’t study for, but stressed about until her powers kicked in, or being unusually good at convincing her parents to allow certain things, or… dot dot dot. a lot of lucky coincidences, if you will, have dotted HER life - but for this character, just being in the vicinity of the girl that doesn’t like them and who they certainly don’t like either ( reasons tbd ) turns their luck sour. she projects onto them without even MEANING to, twisting their luck and turning it bad - meaning that when they’re around kena, they’re FAR more likely to suffer some pretty horrible happenings. maybe they realize what’s happening.. maybe not, and it’s something that needs to be discovered. either way… who’s to say how they’ll solve it?    )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their EX HOUSEMATEwho resembles UP TO PLAYER and should be 24+. they should be the child of UP TO PLAYER. applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   in the years before her daughter was born, makena wasn’t always the most stable of people. she’s also never exactly been the WORST, but… she’s always had a lot of issues with keeping her emotions in check, and she used to be horribly selfish and petty, at the worst of times. after becoming friends in college, she and this character decided to get an apartment together and split the costs - but after a few months of this, shit hit the fan, and kena fucked up in a way that she couldn’t go back from, resulting in them kicking her out. they’ve barely spoken since, and she harbors.. a lot of resentment, for that fateful event.    )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZAZIE BEETZ fc is looking for their ADOPTIVE SIBLING / THAYER REYNOLDS… BUBBLES? who resembles LAKEITH STANFIELD, JOHN BOYEGA, SHAMIER ANDERSON, KEITH POWERS / UP TO PLAYER, SHOULD BE AT LEAST HALF BLACK and should be 26+. they should be the child of COBRA BUBBLES ( ADOPTED ). applicants DO NOT have to contact VINA to talk over details before applying   (   the lit only change i’m making to the cobra bubbles fam is … cobra couldn’t have kids, and so thayer is adopted, and makena is a child of cobra’s wife and a sperm donor. they mightn’t have the same surname, there may even be something of an age diff ; but kena LOVES her brother, and probably counts him amongst her closest friends. bring kena her bro and kenzie her uncle !   )
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romancescams · 6 years
The Tragic Story Of Khadijat
This is the story of a young woman who was murdered as a part of a Nigerian Yahoo Ritual.
The following is reprinted from the Nigerian New Media. We are reprinting it as written. It will sound odd, and that is the reason.
THERE is a sense in which the recent murder of Miss Khadijat Adenike Oluboyo, the daughter of the immediate past deputy governor of Ondo State, Alhaji Lasisi Oluboyo, allegedly at the hands of her lover of eight years, represents a sad commentary on the abyss into which national values have sunk in Nigeria. Not only does the narrative of Khadijat’s killing drip with the increasingly loose, lewd and base direction of youth life, it also poignantly shows how futile the attempt to affect their cognition and thought processes through education has been. A university graduate, Khadihat’s lover had, without qualms, told the police how he was recruited into the gang of dupes called yahoo boys, thus confirming the claim of the bereaved father that his daughter was murdered for purposes of money-making rituals.
Khadijat was killed in the bid for voodoo money which social commentators affirm is the latest fad in town among “the big boys.” The big boys are the noveaux riches who have little or no means of livelihood but cultivate extravagant lifestyles through fraud and various wild schemes and scams. Max Weber, the famous 19th century social scientist, once posited that one of the “functions of science was to disenchant the universe,” by which he meant the suspension of myths and superstitions. But in Nigeria, young people are returning to the medieval age and resurrecting myths and superstitions in their quest for the means with which to cope with modern-day challenges.
Their peers in the West, people like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, have created immense wealth for themselves using their ingenuity and intellect. They created universal platforms for social communication through digital technology. Sadly, however, Nigerian youths would prefer the bizarre method of gory and gruesome murder to, in their wild imagination, attract wealth through voodoo. Often, people are propelled into action by their knowledge and persuasions and it is tragic that the country’s youths seem to have been persuaded, ensnared and obviously propelled into these bizarre actions by atavism. They must have watched their fathers in politics and the bureaucracy visiting shrines and thought it fit and proper to replicate such means for immediate social prominence. This is certainly a development for which a disoriented society like Nigeria must take the rap.
The youths pick their models from their immediate environment in politics and business and, to be frank, there aren’t many in these sectors to provide any positive inspiration. Many of these youths are more disoriented than the society that has produced them. They want immediate gratification in their quest for sudden wealth. The gap of inequality between the rich and the poor has also increased the desperation among the people. They seek immediate wealth with scant regard for the legitimacy or otherwise of the means for doing so. There is also the influence of peer groups on these youths. Truth be told, the older generation is not quite exemplary in form and content, and is offering no help to the incoming generations.
It is unfortunate and regrettable that these youths are already too immersed in living on the fast lane to have any sense of moral rectitude and retrace their steps. To a great extent, parents and guardians have been negligent in giving them a positive direction during their socialisation processes. For the youths, for whom experts insist that examples are better than precepts, it is little wonder that they have eventually turned up the way they have. The Nigerian society, in particular government at all levels, must urgently contemplate redeeming these disoriented youths for the sake of the country’s future.
The National Orientation Agency (NOA) and other information agencies have a great responsibility to offer a moral compass through the available platforms to influence the thinking of the youths and hopefully their eventual actions. It is dangerous to have the young generation hooked to an obviously redundant belief system in a world gravitating towards science, technology and artificial intelligence. In that world, they will be savages long overdue for extinction. We commiserate with the Oluboyos and wish them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. Needless to say, the killer must get his just deserts.
To most of us, it is incomprehensible how human beings can be used in rituals to steal from others. Yet the Nigerian subculture of Yahoo Yahoo (Yahoo Boys or Yahoo Plus) does exactly that.
Important Lessons Every Single Lady Should Learn from Adenike Khadijat’s Death
From another article about this tragedy:
Important Lessons Every Single Lady Should Learn from Adenike Khadijat’s Death
News abut the tragic death of Adenike Khadijat, daughter of immediate past Ondo State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Olugbenga Oluboyo, is currently trending.
Adenike, who was reported missing a few days ago was found dead in Akure, the state capital, at her boyfriend’s house, Vanguardreports. Sources say they had been dating for a couple of years but broke up for a long while, and recently reconnected.
She was reportedly found dead under the bed of her Abuja-based boyfriend, Adeyemi Alao, in Oke-Aro area of the city on Thursday, after she was allegedly murdered for money rituals, Guardian reports.
Reports state that Khadijat, who lived at State House Villa, around the permanent site of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, and was a final year student of the institution, was reported missing for six days by her friends and family.
While confirming the incident, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Femi Joseph, noted that the body of the deceased was found, following a tip-off. Joseph added that some arrests had been made in connection with the death of Khadijat, assuring that full briefing would be conducted in the next 48 hours by the command after the completion of investigations.
This is sad news , the whole incident  got me really worried because I feel like as single ladies, we need to be cautious and smart when dealing with the opposite sex. I mean, no lady should risk her life for the sake of any relationship.
The rate at which young men with evil intentions are looking for money these days is very alarming. They can take drastic measures to achieve wealth overnight. While we’re not accusing Alao of killing his girlfriend (because innocent until proven guilty right? Plus investigations are still ongoing), there is no doubt that she died under very suspicious circumstances while visiting him.
Given the situation, I would like to share some safety tips for all the young women out there who are currently in a relationship or about to go on a first date:
Please tell your bestie, sister or anybody close to you about your weekend getaway with boo. Your safety is very important.
If you are meeting boo for the first time after a long time, I would advice that you meet at a public place instead of a private location i.e his house. This is to ensure that if things start to go awry, you are in control of the situation since you are on neutral ground. People do change, keep that in mind.
3.  Be wary of the new friends you make, especially anyone introduced by a business associate or friends. Don’t socialize with strangers too soon and be very sensitive
4. Trust your intuition.
5. Limit your alcohol consumption when visiting anyone, I guess ladies can be easily taken advantage of when they are intoxicated.
Adenike Khadijat
Miss Adenike Khadijat Oluboyo
Her Killer: Adeyemi Alao popularly known as QS
Her Killer: Adeyemi Alao popularly known as QS
Adenike Khadijat
Important Lessons Every Single Lady Should Learn from Adenike Khadijat’s Death
The Tragic Story Of Khadijat The Tragic Story Of Khadijat This is the story of a young woman who was murdered as a part of a Nigerian Yahoo Ritual.
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