#hes too repressed for that!!! i need him broken like a glowstick
nailgunstigmata · 1 year
i like jealous dennis but honestly what im hoping for is dennis who wants to see mac succeed and when he does just gets sad about it. like what we saw in gets romantic, when dennis supported mac trying to have his lovestory with the guy and just lingered in the background looking kind of upset. he played the music for mac. he tried to help him. he wasnt happy about it, but he tried to help. because he wants to convince himself he doesnt want and doesnt need mac and is willing to let him go.
and idk but i kinda feel like when he does see mac succeed and win the guy over it doesnt suddenly flip over into anger but into sadness instead. maybe this is just me being delusional and wanting to see dennis be a sopping wet loser but idk. i think dennis does want mac to succeed (if only to prove to himself he doesnt need him) and i dont think hes willing yet to show he cares enough to throw a tantrum. he might quietly seethe a bit, but i dont think he’ll actually get angry.
i think that when mac actually chooses someone other than dennis, he wont be mad because theres nothing to be angry at. it just means he wasnt good enough
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