https://www.empcontracting.ca & Erik M. Parti here I am working away trying to be nice on the internet and I have to be proud, although I am not perfect but today I am proud to know God, the most high God! He teaches me that number one he is way feakin better then me or the rest of you mankind so take a break this Christmas and thank God for your life by  maybe giving fair rent to someone who doesn't make that much money! Don't rip off peoples wages like in shit whole countries, and if you are in a shit whole!  Daaahhhhh ohh and Merry Christmas to all every where especially crap wholes with chaos and confusion - may you meet God from him manifesting love in your heart honesty and get rid of these God's that don't have any value like being able to make time and space and give free will to man! LIKE FREE WILL - CAN YOU IMAGINE SO MANY OF YOU CAN'T EVEN GIVE FAIR RENT OR WAGES LET ALONE FREE WILL LOL MERRY CHRISTMAS! NO BOMBS BOMBS ARE NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY AND certainly NOT SUSTAINABLE INTELLIGENT - DON'T USE BOMBS IF YOU HAVE A PRIMITIVE LEADER THAT HAS A NASAL CONGESTION SO BAD HIS BRAIN IS SHRUNK TO THE SIZE OF A BASEBALL AND IS REALLY JUST HAVING AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO MOLD !  HE IN HIS RIGHT STATE  CERTAINLY DOESN'T WANT TO DESTROY GOOD LIVING BY RUINING THE ENVIRONMENT WE LIVE IN SO WHEN HE ACTS CRAZY AND SAYS, "LETS BLOW UP ISRAEL" OR "KILL HOMAS" REMEMBER HE IS STUPID BECAUSE OF HIS MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION AND SHOULD BE GIVEN SOME GOOD TEA AND A NICE DAY OR TWO OFF WORK AND STRESS AND MAYBE CHECK TO SEE IF THE PALACE SHOULD MAYBE GET RIPPED DOWN AND REPURPOSED AND TREATED WITH CHLORINE TO AVOID MOLD POISING! That is why I build homes using the Canadian Building Code because mold and little poisons that we think is nothing but a little dirt on the wall can actually cause wars and I truly believe is and are the reason for a lot of wars! Believe it or not mold poising is a from the toxic nature of mold eating, but it is really disintegrating material that it is embedded in thus the material has a chemical reaction and depending on the calculation of the chemical change and what specific molecule comes from the mold depends on how dangerous your living environment is!  So the next time you have war, or there is gun fire maybe slow down that think really why that is occurring! Maybe some idiot just got listened to who is having a mental health break down who is being poisoned by ultra toxic poisoning and no one knows he isn't really a monster he is just high on poison! Where we find behavioral problems we always can find a significant poisonous contaminant in the living environment! So fighters stop and remember God over some guy who can't shut up in a crowd and thinks he must live out every stupid thing he must say in a crowd - and look, maybe the loose mouthed idiot just needs some rest and have the Blue tooth turned off or the wifi signal close to his home removed!  Think about it! Cell phone is microwave radiation - and that is a poison to us we cook food in in Canada and the USA and any where else stupid enough to ruin the molecular quality of food!  Imagine what cell phones are doing to people in the dry desert!  Because of this scientific understanding I believe that people could actually be having a mental health break down in group numbers and not even know they aren't irritated at all at their neighbors they just need healthy good environment and living situations including good moist diet and fluids to replenish the bodies humidity level so that people can go to bed and sleep and all the heavy metals breathed in through out the day can flush - thus why we have people who don't sleep are often just dehydrated stress or not, mix that with wifi cell radiation in the home or church or synagogue and you find a lot of reasons why people can't act like primitive animals! Something is wrong, help them don't blow their heads off give them something to eat! Look at the thermos breaks in the home! Is there enough ventilation or to much moisture build up and a weird yellow film or dirt that seems to be sucked into the skin of paint or concrete of the walls? Many crazy people over the past of history who didn't do much for anyone or anything but get a whole bunch of people who couldn't just have the balls to say "Shut up" and "No" we aren't going to leave our family and endanger our self's to go take another from him and both get killed at a young age like a bunch of stupid f words!  I am serious this is no joke!  From sky scrapers to empty over priced office buildings in starving down town centers I see this all the time with a wholes!  We have people sick and they are having problems with ego and anger and they feel like shit and cause problems and that is why! Right here listed here in!  I encourage you! Instead of having another stupid cave man primitive war next time learn to say "shut up" "your sick int he head"  or "that palace is to big and full of mold and you are crazy" to the next psychopathic idea from some idiot to go massacre a bunch of kids or invade a country!  Just stupid! Any ways and even just when you or the wife and kids are fighting think of this lesson here in! Maybe you will be able to rekindle the relationship with that crazy old mother and law yet when you find out what really the problem is other then your cooking!  The Canadian Building Code is designed to take as much poison out of the home as possible while not including things like radon, mold or asbestos and have other problems from chemical changes coming over time from material break down such that comes from oxygenating metals or changing electrodes in steal when we have galvanization or pressure treated wood sitting against polyurethane that is bad to have in Iraq or United Arab Eremites because the temperature of those climatic areas is so high the polyurethane becomes a toxic waste and gives off poisonous gases that cause all kind of health problems but until you learn from a master like me, Master Erik Parti you won't know because this information just doesn't jump out and say "Your the boss now stupid you know everything" no it hides and you get sick or worse kids in the building construction atmosphere are effected or some idiot talking to someone with a gun that is to uninformed to know that that person could be in a significant health situation causing him to be considerable stupid and mentally unwell or have breathing and other issues!  for quality home packages call https://www.empcontracting.ca 
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cacloco · 3 years
Sr. Presidente de la República, he escuchado con mucha atención su mensaje del día de hoy 18 de junio 2021, donde trata de amedrentarme por haber suscrito una carta a los altos mandos de las FFAA diciendo que queremos subertir el orden constitucional, cuando nuestra intención es  advertirles a las FFAA qué   ellas están subordinadas al MANDATO CONSTITUCIONAL y no a un gobierno que resulte de la incompetencia de los responsables de ASEGURAR , SI ASEGURAR  tal como manda la Constitución unas ELECCIONES LIMPIAS Y LEGALES
Se que todavía no ha concluido el proceso electoral, se han hecho denuncias de irregularidades, no solo por parte de una candidata, sino de personalidades que tienen el respeto y trayectoria reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional, irregularidades como fallecidos q han votado, firmas falsas, distorciones estadisticas, menores votando etc. etc, las cuales el JNE tiene la responsabilidad de analizarlas y resolverlas de manera imparcial y si a asi lo hace, se  tendra q aceptar al ganador sea quien sea porque no habra dudas de su legitimidad.
Ud ha reaccionado como esperaba, tratando de distorcionar nuestro mensaje, en lugar de dejar de llamar personalmente y a escondidas de la población a personalidades con fines segun usted para  hacer saber su preocupacion sobre lo que  viene ocuriendo al haberse polarizado al país a raíz de el proceso electoral q definirá nuestro futuro y mantiene un silencio espero q no complice, sobre como personas con implementos no pacificos invaden nuestra capital de la República, o su silencio sobre los audios de un lider que representa los intereses del grupo islámico hesbola donde amenaza con cortar cabezas a machetasos en caso el JNE no de como ganador al Sr. Castillo.
Yo sí tengo la autoridad moral de expresarme como lo he hecho porque el estado me envio a las ZONAS DE EMERGENCIA A COMBATIR A LOS DELINCUENTES TERRORISTAS DE SENDERO LUMINOSO Y EL MRTA por lo que conozco de cerca como actúan, siempre de manera cobarde y asolapada, por lo que no me causa ninguna sorpresa si es que han tratado de distorcionar estas elecciones.
Tenga Ud la seguridad de que de parte de NOSOTROS LOS HÉROES de la DEMOCRACIA jamas incitaremos  a la violencia como medio para mancillar nuestra CONSTITUCIÓN a la cual hemos jurado defender, en cambio a Ud lo recuerdo exibiendo orgulloso su autógrafo de uno de los delincuentes terroristas que tomaron la casa del Embajador Japones luego que lo soltaran al segundo día junto con personas allegadas al pensamiento comunista, salvandose de pasar más de 100 días en cautiverio como le sucedió a 72 peruanos y japoneses.
Asi como Ud pretende hacerme responsable por incitar a un golpe de estado q solo esta en su cabeza, yo si le digo que a Ud si lo hago responsable si hay un solo herido o muerto por su silencio e inacción ante desmanes de grupos violentistas q expresamente han anunciado que van a actuar violentamente, un ejemplo de esto es la amenaza de quemar la casa del Congresiata Almirante Jorge Montoya y al ex candidato a la Presidencia Sr . Rafael Lopez.
Deje de ver a los militares en retiro como enemigos del Perú por que no lo somos, nosotros jamas apoyariamos intereses de gobiernos extranjeros que deseen saquear al país.
Sr. Presidente pongase a trabajar en cumplimiento de sus deberes en lugar de ver fantasmas donde no los hay.
MAG FAP (r) Edmundo Lavarello Winder.
Piloto de helicóptero.
Defensor Calificado de la Patria.
Defensor de la Democracia.
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derwell-j-fallu · 5 years
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The policy of readings of sanctions, of President Trump, against the dictatorial and bloodthirsty regime of Nicolás Maduro, reveals only to his enemies and the world, a weak American president, who hides behind weak methods that do not serve to remove a dictatorship bloody This form of international public police of President Trump, before our enemies who walk through our territorial waters with powerful armaments and equipment of wars, turn our nation and the emiferio vulnerable and insecure. Military from the Middle East, arrive in Latin America in airplanes and warships, without major consequences, thanks to the fact that they are taking as war command base, Cuba and Venezuela, and that President Trump shows weakness and tolerance. I worry about President Trump's position in this dangerous scenario. Dialogue with criminals and terrorists has never been an option for the most powerful nation in the world. Cheap threats, and that do not achieve any result, are those that fill the accounts of social networks, a president, of which the American people and the Latin world, expect much more. Russia and China, as well as terrorist groups of the Hesbola, walk and camp in our backyard, without being asked for violating our political treaties. The attitude of President Trump, before all that is happening in Venezuela and in our region, should be of great concern for all. By Derwell J Fallu https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgZsjthW7t/?igshid=10z0yuuufiek3
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derwell-j-fallu · 5 years
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Nos preocupa! La política de lecturas de sanciones, del presidente Trump, contra el régimen dictador y sanguinario de Nicolás Maduro, solo revela ante sus enemigos y el mundo, a un presidente estadounidense débil, que se esconde tras métodos flojos, que no sirven para remover una dictadura sangrienta. Esta forma de policía pública internacional del presidente Trump, ante nuestros enemigos que se pasean por nuestras aguas territoriales con potentes armamentos y equipos de guerras, vuelven nuestra nación y el emiferio vulnerables e inseguros. Militares del medio oriente, llegan a Latinoamérica en aviones y en buques de guerra, sin mayores consecuencias, gracias a que ellos están tomando como base de comando de guerras a Cuba y a Venezuela, y a que el presidente Trump muestra debilidad y tolerancia. Me preocupa la posición del presidente Trump ante este peligroso escenario. El diálogo con criminales y con terroristas, nunca ha sido una opción para la nación más poderosa del mundo. Amenazas baratas, y que no logran ningún resultado, son las que llenan las cuentas de las redes sociales, de un presidente, del que el pueblo americano y el mundo latino, espera mucho más. Rusia y China, así como grupos terroristas del Hesbola, se pasean y acampan en nuestro patio trasero, sin que se le pida cuenta por violar nuestros tratados políticos. La actitud del presidente Trump, ante todo esto que está pasando en Venezuela y en nuestra región, debe ser de gran motivo de preocupación para todos. Por Derwell J Fallu https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgYo_RhBgk/?igshid=1fq3df1wccq2f
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derwell-j-fallu · 5 years
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Realidades! El usurpador, Nicolás Maduro, vendió Venezuela a los rusos, los cubanos y los chinos, instaló una célula del terrorismo a cargo del Hesbola y le otorgó una franquicia a la guerrilla colombiana para desarrollar el trasiego de drogas. Un país luchando por su libertad en un campo minado por mercenarios criminales. Por Derwell J Fallu https://www.instagram.com/p/BxHN4JThU90/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=179d0vc3oddfq
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derwell-j-fallu · 5 years
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Escuchen bien! Que no vengan los rusos y los coreanos a decir que los americanos no pueden intervenir a Venezuela; este país está intervenido y secuestrado por Rusia, China, los cubanos, Hesbola, los chavistas maduritas y por la guerrilla colombiana. Así que no vengan con amenaza barata, que estos grupitos criminales le han robado la soberanía a Venezuela, le han robado sus riquezas, le han robado la vida digna a los ciudadanos venezolanos y han convertido a este hermoso país en un nido de ratas y de criminales mafiosos. Que venga la fuerza aplastante de Estados Unidos, Israel, Brasil y de todos los países aliados y le devuelvan a Venezuela su libertad y su soberanía y saquen a todas estas ratas de terroristas, mafiosos y criminales. Por Derwell J Fallu https://www.instagram.com/p/BxHHG-YBvEC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=711hym5ovhje
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