#hesitant to post this cause yes theres a ton of caveats and nuance im intentionally not watering this post down with
livseses · 11 months
Had a conversation with my singlet girlfriend about system doubt. She was utterly baffled at the concept. I explained all the ways that doubt creeps in for us (she accepted thus was something she didn't get and was supportive). Me and my headmates joke with her sometimes because she's said stuff that gives us a plural vibe, and she's always like "no, I am the only one in here; the only one that can be in here." She has this certainty that's kinda baffling to us.
And we've talked to singlet friends about getting headmates. Like, if they wanted to, they could probably make headmates. And they always look at us with horror (like the kind a cis person has when you offer them hrt). They're quite content with being singular.
Idk where I'm going with this exactly, but it's stuff like this that makes me want to answer any questioning system that asks "am I plural" with "probably." Singlets don't really seem to ask themselves if they have others in their head I don't think.
So shoutout to anyone questioning your plurality. You're probably plural!
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