#hessonite for each zodiac sign
9gemca · 3 years
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Hessonite Gemstone has great power to decrease the ill effects of planets and also help in treating several diseases. But the main thing is that should be kept in mind is one who should wear a correct stone that matches their zodiac signs for enjoying total benefits of these gemstones.
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gempundit · 3 years
Gemstones have always been popular in ancient Indian and Vedic culture. They also played a massive role in our ancient spiritual studies. Gemstones are known to build the aura of positive energy around you. This positive aura can be very beneficial when it comes to work-life, concentration, health, productivity focus, and everything good for your life. When used correctly, gemstones can even help to overcome the upcoming barriers and difficulties in your life. This is achieved when the gemstones are worn according to astrology; such gemstones are called astrological gemstones.
Centuries ago, gemstones could only be accessed by the elite class, who could afford to consult an astrologer, but with the introduction of modern techniques and information to the world, nowadays, everyone can buy gemstones and reap the benefits of their power. If gemstones are worn according to your zodiac signs and position, you can direct your life and actions towards your goals. These Zodiac stones are only worn according to your astrology; you must know better about each and every gemstone’s good and bad effects to be able to get the benefits of them better.
As per Vedic astrology, there are nine main gemstones that correspond to the properties of the nine planets in our solar system. These planets refer to different characteristics of a human being, so gemstones can also be worn according to one’s characteristics, let us now explore some of the popular gemstones in brief but with the right amount of detail. In this article, we will also be talking about how to check gemstones for authenticity and how to buy the best gemstones online.
Ruby is the most expensive but widely used gemstone in gemstone jewelry. This gemstone is known to bestow power and prestige to the wearer. This gemstone emits red cosmic rays and infrared radiations which helps the user earn high honor in society. It also helps in curing headaches, stomach ailments, and eyesight problems especially. Ruby can be worn by artists, sculptors, doctors, engineers, lawyers, and people in prestigious fields for their betterment.
This gemstone is known for its healing properties. This gemstone comes in a bright red colour, and there are other clearer varieties of this gemstone available. When Coral is worn as gemstone jewelry, in gold, it can cure several ailments such as Chickenpox, impotency, fistula, etc. Its bright red colour, similar to that of the human blood, greatly helps in curing blood-related diseases and ailments.
Diamond is a gemstone that is known for its lustre, rareness, and properties. Diamonds are loved by everyone who likes to wear gemstone jewelry. But getting a diamond is not what a lot of people can afford. Diamonds are costly. Wearers of this gemstone tend to be more rational, mature, and upright in their approach towards everything, and so they are praised by everyone for this. The wearer must take due care of their ego and should not be extra critical towards everything.
This gemstone is known for removing hindrances caused by Ketu in your stars, Ketu can be a significant reason for the loss of reputation and the increasing amount of enemies. This gemstone looks more like a neem fruit with a touch of lustre in the centre; there are other colours available for this gemstone. This gemstone should especially be worn by politicians and people who want to gain more success in jobs or positions related to public services.
Pearl is yet another beautiful white gemstone that is widely worn in gemstone jewelry. Just like white is the colour of peace, the pearl is known to bring peace and harmony to your life by cutting all the tension causing the energy in your life. This gemstone helps to keep the married life good and happy if it is worn around the neck by ladies.
Students and pregnant women in general widely wear this precious green coloured gemstone. The green colour helps in absorbing cold green radiations which lets the wearer have perfect control over intestinal and nervous functions. This gemstone is recommended to people in business, printers, publishers, dealers of scientific instruments, and everyone working in related fields. It is helpful to students since it helps to increase the IQ and forbid problems in recalling.
As the name suggests, yellow sapphire is a very expensive bright yellow-coloured stone that is generally worn by the prosperous and rich class since it helps them keep their truthfulness, social status, and piety up. It also brings economic prosperity to the wearer. This gemstone is recommended to couples who are desiring a child.
This gemstone helps you to fight against the evil Rahu Dasha in your stars. This gemstone is particularly good for people who are into legal services, such as legal practitioners, high court judges, advocates, tax lawyers. This also helps to defeat your enemies and makes them fail in any plots they set up for you. This gemstone is great for professional success as it lends you an upper hand against competitors.
Blue is the colour of calm, and it is also the favourite colour of Lord Shiva. This is the gemstone for fierce people. This magnificent blue gemstone helps you to maintain your calmness in everything. If you are particularly short-tempered, then you must definitely wear this.
To buy the best gemstones online, you must first know a bit about the characteristics of the gemstone you are going to buy. You should also know if there is any certification for the gem you are going to buy. Most of the popular sellers of gemstones online offer certified gems from various gem testing labs in India. The more clear is a gemstone, the more is the price, so if you are getting a very clear gemstone for an exceptionally low price then beware. Monitor the inside of a gemstone closely- cheap counterfeits have mirrors enforced between them for an increased amount of clarity. To buy authentic gemstones you can surf trusted online gemstone portals such as GemPundit and other similar plarforms.
This was all for our article on how gemstones are useful in astrology. Just make sure you consult a good astrologer before getting any gemstone for you. We hope you liked the article. Please share this with everyone. Adios!
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mumbaiastrologer · 5 years
Gemstones and Vedic Astrology relate to each other.
There is a profound connection between our ages-old Vedic Astrology and Gemstones. All planets in our Solar system and Sun are all connected with the gemstones. Each gemstone presents planets connected to it. By wearing these gemstones in the form of ring or locket, it gives us immense benefits that take us towards our optimum growth and development.
Ruby Gemstone – Ruby's ruling planet is Sun. Ruby rules zodiac sign Leo. Like the Lion, Ruby is also vigorous and vital. It protects us from misfortune and poor health. Ruby is used for love and vitality in our lives.
Natural Pearls – Pearl's ruling planet is Moon. Natural Pearls rules zodiac sign Cancer. Pearls help in acquiring wisdom by experience. It is known for its effect to calm down. Pearls are useful in balancing our karma, strengthen relations and keep the safety of the child. Pearls give their wearers purity, integrity, and loyalty.
Red Coral – Mars is the ruling planet of Red Coral. It rules zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. Red Coral is used for vitalizing one's own life energy. Its bright red color symbolizes 'blood' present in wearers body. It is useful in bringing back the wearer's right energy and removes sluggishness from one's life.
Emerald – Mercury is the ruling planet of Emerald Gemstone. It rules zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. It is a stone used for being successful in Love. It opens, heals and nurtures the heart and heart chakra and presents unconditional love with compassion. It brings happiness and vital energy to wearers life. It brings its owner required patience and inspiration.
Yellow Sapphire – Jupiter is the ruling planet of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone. It rules zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. Yellow Sapphire brings prosperity and financial abundance. It also gives the ability to manifest our own creativeness through our actions. It gives more power to one's inner strength. It deals with Solar Plexus Chakra in body, our will center which allows holding one's vision long enough to bring in manifestation thus bringing happiness and joy.
Diamond – Venus is the ruling planet of Diamond. It rules zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. Diamonds are rare and beautiful. It symbolizes love, innocence, and purity. It presents one with the strength of the character and faithfulness. It activates Crown and Etheric Chakras. Diamonds are known for stimulating creativity, imagination, and inner vision.
Hessonite (Gomed) - Rahu is the ruling planet of Hessonite (Gomed). With the help of Hessonite, we can neutralize the bad effects of Rahu and get protection from negative vibrations and negative energies. It boosts concentration level and helps in achieving clear vision and direction to achieve goals to its wearers. For researchers, this gemstone is very useful.
Cat's Eye Gemstone – Ketu is the ruling planet of Cat's eye stone. It is also called as lehsunia stone. It has great healing properties that guard a person against ghosts and evil eyes. It has superb health benefits. Cat's eye gemstone fights against health diseases which relates to the heart, stomach, brain, and mind.
In astrology, each gemstone has its own space as they are very much related to planets and zodiac signs. Mumbai Astrologer Ajatt Oberoi at Mumbaiastrologerjyotish.com and Ajattoberoi.com understands this very well and he knows it that how readily gemstones can help his customers live a better life and acquire their dreams with the gemstones suggested by him.
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ajattoberoi23-blog · 5 years
Importance of Rahu in Astrology by Ajatt Oberoi!
Understanding the Planet Rahu 
Rahu is the north node of the Moon, otherwise called the winged serpent's head. North hub is where Moon's direction crosses the ecliptic. It is a shadowy planet, and its impact on human lives is unmistakable and profound. It can't be seen through unaided eye not at all like different planets, yet its effect is more grounded than all. It is the administering power of our inner self, hostility and mental state. It tends to be severe and savage when combined with Mars. It speaks to the covered up, the dim riddles, for example, cash earned from obscure sources, betting, demise and murkiness. Be that as it may, it's not constantly fearsome. Its positive effect makes one well off, unsuspicious, and inclined to long separation voyages. 
Rahu is the most plotting planet, the best legislator and controller of the considerable number of planets. It speaks to fragmenting from social standards and regular methodologies. Its vitality can be conniving and obscure when it is affected by malefic planets. It causes individuals to enjoy illegal exercises and causes depravity of character and ethical quality. It is likewise behind the torments and setbacks throughout everyday life. It is the genuine meaning of the black market according to Vedic Astrology. Here is more you have to know. 
Planetary Configuration 
Rahu takes around 18 years to finish its hover through the zodiac. Also, in each sign, it remains for around 1.5 years. Rahu is viewed as a shadow planet subsequently isn't for all time related with a sign or house. Be that as it may, some Vedic Astrology researchers accept that it is profoundly solid in Virgo. It likewise offers positive results to Cancer hint as it is accepted to be its Mooltrikona sign. Also, Rahu is respected lifted up in Taurus sign and by a few, in Gemini too. In Scorpio sign, it is viewed as incapacitated. Rahu imparts outrageous ill will to Sun and Moon while it is companions with Mercury, Venus and Saturn and unbiased towards Mars and Jupiter. 
Callings controlled by Rahu 
Rahu is the authority of obscure dealings and haziness along these lines of callings in ventures, for example, tranquilize industry, poison producing, mystery, pirating and so on. Mining is likewise a movement constrained by Rahu. Truth be told, callings identifying with underground are additionally administered by this shadow planet, be it cavern investigation, paleontology, metal mining, etc. Rahu is additionally associated with Iron, in this way vocation decisions identifying with iron, lead and combinations like steel go under the space of Rahu as well. Other than these, Rahu likewise controls synthetic compounds and gases, consequently assumes a noticeable job in overseeing manures, pesticides, cleaning, toiletries, and harmful substances. Rahu likewise has its influence in making the local renowned and fruitful. Characters in sports, broad communications, governmental issues and so forth are frequently obliged to Rahu for their name and distinction. 
Character of those governed by Rahu 
Rahu is of a double sort. On one hand, it can make the local an enemy of social crook and on the other, examination official, source, or criminologist. Everything relies on its association with the planets it is set with or affected by. A decidedly put Rahu makes the individual walk towards distinction, name, achievement and force. It grants them with the capacity, just about a mystic capacity to detect an inappropriate. It enables the individual to satisfy common wants and arrive at the condition of enthusiastic fulfillment. There may in any case be some internal agitation in spite of the success and fame. Those affected by Rahu as a rule endeavor to carry on with a high way of life and pursue common solaces. A negative arrangement of Rahu makes the local manipulative, uncultured, narrow minded, oblivious, and confounded much as the planet itself seems to be. It presents jumps throughout everyday life, makes fantasies and local winds up committing errors out of disarrays and false impressions. 
Positive and negative impacts of Rahu 
The positive arrangement of Rahu enables the local to turn into a negotiator, ready to make stories around to move beyond inconveniences, and exploit the provisos. They want to accomplish tremendous riches. They are generally trained and keen, extraordinary at advising others to follow the way of trustworthiness and genuineness yet may not make a difference the principles to themselves. A positive situation implies that regardless of whether they are not taught, they would be sufficiently smart to run a school. Also, regardless of whether they don't expend liquor or smoke, they may enjoy alcohol and medication or tobacco dealings. They are additionally liable to get tribal property. A malefic situation of Rahu causes the local to enjoy obscure exercises, lose riches through hypothesis and betting, suit, poor cash the board, absence of judgment, and hardships all through. 
Rahu Ketu Transit perusing by Astrologer Ajatt Oberoi can be mentioned to know the particular consequences of Rahu and Ketu upon your life.
To know about the Rahu position in your birth chart and its effects on you beneficial or malefic and to get accurate remedy for malefic Rahu and increase its strength of beneficial Rahu in your birth chart, consult Ajatt Oberoi the best astrologer in Mumbai, India.
Role of Rahu in Astrology by Ajatt Oberoi
Every one of the planets, which I have talked about above, have physical and visual presence. However, Rahu and Ketu have no physical shape. These are the fanciful focuses in the sky. Be that as it may, and still, at the end of the day, Rahu is viewed as generally amazing and has been assigned the status of a planet by our Rishis and soothsayers. For the most part, Rahu gives malefic impact. He is viewed as a grimy planet showing lethargy, lack of sanitization, deferrals and obstacles. He remains for a year and a half in a zodiac sign. 
In Hindu folklore there is an intriguing fiction that portrays how Rahu and Ketu appeared. When both, the divine beings and the evil spirits consented to shape a union to create nectar that could give them everlasting status. Nectar was to be gotten by agitating the sea. All the while, nectar was produced. At the point when the nectar was being served to the divine beings, an evil spirit, masked as a divine being, and sat between the Sun and the Moon trying to get the nectar. The devil was perceived by the Sun and the Moon who whined of the evil presence to Lord Vishnu. Master Vishnu promptly cut off his head from his chakra. In any case, the evil presence had just expended enough nectar to make him unfading. The leader of the evil spirit, known as Rahu, got godlike. What's more, the rest of the body of the evil presence was known as Ketu. From that point forward, Rahu and Ketu turned into the solid adversary of Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon shrouds happen because of Rahu and Ketu who gobble up Sun and Moon when they draw close to them. Right now and Ketu render their retribution from Sun and Moon. 
In Vedic soothsaying Rahu and Ketu are known as two undetectable planets and they are solid foes of the Sun and the Moon. Rahu and Ketu are really the cosmic focuses in the sky individually called the north and south lunar hubs. The spots of convergence where the Moon's way meet the Sun's way is known as North Lunar Node and South Lunar Node individually. Consequently, the connection of Rahu and Ketu with Sun and Moon has been depicted through the language of images in Hindu folklore. 
Rahu is an incredible and malefic planet. This is a great planet of the lawmakers. He gives them incredible chance and capacity to ascend in the governmental issues through any methods reasonable or unreasonable. He additionally leads over cheats, prison, entertainers, snakes, poison and detached spots and so forth. Rahu has additionally the ability to give unexpected riches. 
Being a shadow planet Rahu has not been apportioned any Zodiac Sign. And, after its all said and done, Rahu lifts up in Taurus Sign. Whenever set negative in a horoscope, he can make disarray, sadness and passionate awkward nature. Then again, he additionally has the ability to make an individual well off and famous. During his travel or Mahadasha, an individual is increasingly inclined to fall prey of dark enchantment. He is amazing when put in third, sixth and eleventh place of a horoscope. Condensed subtleties of this planet are spoken to beneath: 
Direction: North Lunar Node 
Colour: Grey, Black 
Circle time in One Zodiac Sign: One and half year 
Circle time of entire Zodiac: 18 Years (Average) 
Nature: Dirty, Furious and forceful 
Groups of stars ruled: Adra, Swati, Shatabhisha 
Inviting planets: Mercury, Saturn, Venus 
Foe planets: Sun, Moon, Mars 
Nonpartisan planets: Jupiter 
Mool Trikon in: Taurus 
Lifted up in: Taurus 
Incapacitated in: Sagittarius 
Exceptional features: Delay and obstacles 
Metal: Graphite, Lead 
Valuable Stone: Hessonite (Gomed) 
Vimshottari Mahadasha period: 18 years 
In the event that all around put signifies: Prosperity, riches, Good position 
In the event that antagonistically put signifies: Arrogance and envious nature 
Representation: Very elderly folks individuals 
Maladies given by Rahu: Fever, Leprosy, Snake chomp, paranormal exercises, Restlessness
Rahu Beej Mantra: “om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah”
To know more detailed Astrological changes of planets and its effects on your birth chart consult the best astrologer in India Ajatt Oberoi.
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March 2011 Monthly Horoscope For Virgo
In Astro-Gemmology, Rahu represents Hessonite. Wearing this stone on a Shukla Paksha Saturday ( fifteen days after the new Moon ) will increase luck within the Fourians. The Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika assigns Hessonite to Rahu. zodiac signs Now must take some of the most interesting Horoscope type and what are love horoscopes focuses on while stating the various possibilities of the love daily. The love Horoscope helps you to comprehend how the enjoyable or sorrowful your impending day, or week or year would have coming efforts. It also predicts about you about how precisely precisely much compatible you whilst your soul mate would take coming long time. It states the ways in an individual and your significant other would be feeling each other and would mention about private personal and your lover's desires and expectations from one anothers. November and December are lucky seasons. - Both in love and money. - Your confidence always be bolstered by an unexpected, but very pleasing twist in events at no more the season. Take 2 cloves just one piece of camphor. Abhimantrit or purify them with Gayatri mantras and set them amazing. Face East direction while doing it with Gayatri Mantras. Now apply the burnt cloves and camphor on your tongue, you'll certainly get gone your problems to work under pressure and grudgingly. If you are suffering from their liver disease, you can try pursuing method isn't going to the prescribed medicines. Fill a brass pot with water and drink that water at the outset of the working day. Turn the pot on the table. Some horoscopes like to get up day time into parts and make fun predictions for each part. Learn the correct this method, first pick a time of day. Let's start with "noon". "Pretty lame, dear," Mom agreed. "A banshee a good Irish conscience. She makes a haunted crying wail." Mom turned around and peered over the seat. Her voice got really budget friendly. "Usually just before.a death in the family," she said before creating a scary wailing sound very little. The power of your Scorpio child ideal expressed through their passion for expensive and striking looking choice of garments. This include to their superior, secretive and mysterious look.
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mumbaiastrologer · 5 years
Gemstones and Vedic Astrology
In astrology each gemstone has its own space as they are very much related to planets and zodiac signs. Ajatt Oberoi at Mumbaiastrologerjyotish.com understand this very well and he knows it that how readily gemstones can help his customers live better life and acquire their dreams with the gemstones suggested by him.
1.       Ruby Gemstone – Ruby’s ruling planet is Sun. Ruby rules zodiac sign Leo. Like the Lion Ruby is also vigorous and vital. It protects us from misfortune and poor health. Ruby is used for love and vitality in our life.
 2.       Natural Pearls – Pearl’s ruling planet is Moon.  Natural Pearls rules zodiac sign Cancer. Pearls helps in acquiring wisdom by experience. It is known for its effect to calm down. Pearls are useful in balancing our karma, strengthen relations and keep safety of child.  Pearls gives its wearers purity, integrity and loyalty.
 3.       Red Coral – Mars is the ruling planet of Red Coral. It rules zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. Red Coral is used for vitalizing one’s own life energy. Its bright red color symbolizes ‘blood’ present in wearers body. It is useful in bringing back wearer’s right energy and removes sluggishness from one’s life.
 4.       Emerald – Mercury is the ruling planet of Emerald Gemstone. It rules zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. It is a stone used for being successful in Love. It opens, heals and nurtures the heart and heart chakra and presents unconditional love with compassion. It brings happiness and vital energy to wearers life. It brings its owner required patience and inspiration.
 5.       Yellow Sapphire – Jupiter is the ruling planet of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone. It rules zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. Yellow Sapphire brings prosperity and financial abundance. It also gives the ability to manifest our own creativeness through our actions. It gives more power to one’s inner strength. It deals with Solar Plexus Chakra in body, our will center which allows to hold one’s vision long enough to bring in manifestation thus bringing happiness and joy.
 6.       Diamond – Venus is the ruling planet of Diamond. It rules zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. Diamonds are rare and beautiful. It symbolizes love, innocence and purity. It presents one with strength of the character and faithfulness. It activates Crown and Etheric Chakras. Diamonds are known for stimulating creativity, imagination and inner vision.
 7.       Hessonite (Gomed) - Rahu is the ruling planet of Hessonite (Gomed).  With the help of Hessonite, we can neutralize the bad effects of Rahu and get protection from negative vibrations and negative energies. It boosts concentration level and helps in achieving clear vision and direction to achieve goals to its wearers. For researchers this gemstone is very useful.
 8.   Cat’s Eye Gemstone – Ketu is the ruling planet of Cat’s eye stone. It is also called as lehsunia stone.  It has great healing properties that guards a person against ghosts and evil eyes. It has superb health benefits. Cat’s eye gemstone fights against health diseases which relates to heart, stomach, brain, and mind.
Consult Mumbai Astrologer Ajatt Oberoi today!
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