my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 25 Prompt: haunted | tethered | stalking
Character(s): Canada (Matthew Williams), 2P Norway (Eirik Bakke/Human Torch), 2P Nyo Iceland
Matthew knew something was going on. He may not be a pro hero or a hero student like his brother Alfred, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t tell. If anything were to happen, he could use his copy quirk for almost any kind of quirk there is. Alfred had told Matthew that he should join the same hero school as him, but Matthew had found he didn't really want to be a hero, which is why he didn't apply. Purple eyes of the Canadian look to see a figure dart around a corner. He knew he was being followed. Instead of going home, Matthew instead headed into the nearest shop he saw. It just so happened to be a bakery. A slight smile crossed his face as he headed to the counter.
"Hi, what can I get for you today?" The cashier asked. "Can I get a coffee and a croissant?" Matthew asked. "Of course." Matthew smiled before glancing over his shoulder. He saw someone rush to sit down at a table. Would anyone believe him if he were to tell them he's being followed? Probably not. Looks like he's going to have to take matters into his own hands. Literally. Whose quirk could he copy, though? And where? Can't exactly do it here because he didn't want to do any damage here. After he got his coffee and croissant, he paid and left the bakery. Sure enough, the person that had been following him also left the bakery. It wasn't until Matthew finished his food and drink that he did something about it. It's also when he spotted a certain pro hero in a blue and purple outfit walking by on patrol.
"Sorry, but I need to borrow your quirk for a bit," Matthew said as he touched the brown hair and purple eyed pro hero Human Torch, then pulled his hand away and looked at the person approaching. The Norwegian hero looked at the Canadian male right as the blond's hands caught fire. Their eyes widened at seeing this. He copied their quirk. That's when they noticed someone rushing at Matthew. Someone with hooves instead of feet, a tail, and horse ears on her head. So, she has a mutant-type quirk. Human Torch's hands also lit into flames. When she was close enough, Matthew and Human Torch threw a punch at her that she couldn't block. One from normal height, one from below as she had tried to duck. Either way she got hit. Both their flames died out and Human Torch got her by the collar of her jacket, lifting her up and holding her at a distance.
"She's been stalking me all day," Matthew said. "I recognize her," Human Torch said as the kicked. "She's the villain Sleipnir. And here I thought her brother was the dumb one." "Is she going to be dealt with?" Matthew asked, purple eyes looking at the pro hero. A nod from the brunet. "You can copy quirks," Human Torch said after a moment, looking at Matthew. "Yes," Matthew said.
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my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 28 Prompt: poisoned | coughing up blood | bleeding out
Character(s): Portugal (Amaro Vincente/Poisono), 2P Liechtenstein (Idda Vogel/Biola), Nyo Denmark (Matilde Winther)
Amaro Vincente. Portuguese villain who happens to have a gas quirk. Last thing he’d needed at the moment was for a knife to be held to his neck. Green eyes glance down to see a smaller woman with short black hair and deep blue eyes. Well, isn’t this great. It’s villainess Biola, real name Idda Vogel.
“Biola,” Amaro said. “Poisono,” Idda said. “You owe me something that you haven’t quite returned yet.” “I don’t recall,” Amaro said. The knife was pressed into his skin, a tiny bit of blood making it onto the weapon. “Don’t make me use my quirk on you. You know what I can do,” Idda said. “And you know what mine is,” Amaro countered. “What is it you want? Money? You can get that yourself, you know. What with that brother of yours.” “No. I need a distraction,” Idda said. “My target is one of the hero students. I’m not going to find them without it. No way in hell am I asking the lightning horse duo.” Amaro huffed. “Fine. But you better let me know when you’ve taken care of them.”
Yet here Amaro is, hidden in the school after him and Idda somehow managed to sneak into Fortuna Academy. A gas seemed to seep out from his body. One that would put others to sleep and keep them that way until the toxin is treated. Unless someone were to have, say, a gas mask or something protecting their face. Which is how he ended up with a first year student standing there staring at him. She seems to have something covering her mouth and nose. Are those plants? He didn’t quite see what she looked like before a couple roots launched themselves at his shoulders and forehead.
The last thing Amaro felt before passing out was what felt like arms wrapping around him.
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my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 30 Prompt: trophy | decapitation | prisoner
Character(s): Prussia (Gilbert Bauer-Beilschmidt/Wildfire), 2P Ireland (Daniel Collins/Grim Reaper)
The last thing Gilbert needed was for someone to get in his way. Specially made cuffs had been placed around not only his wrists, but his hands as well. That way he couldn’t reach out to try burning the guards. Unable to be melted. Why would anyone need cuffs like that? Because of his cremation quirk.
“What are you in for?” An Irish male voice asked after he was put in his cell. Red eyes look at the cell across from his to see a male with long brown hair and blue eyes. “Almost took out the healing hero had it not been for the civilian he was with,” Gilbert said. A snort from the Irishman. “What about you?” Asked the albino. “Let’s just say, many cities have fallen to ruin because of me,” was the response as a hand with a couple broken fingers were held up. A smirk crossed the Irishman’s face when he saw Gilbert’s shocked expression. “You’re the Grim Reaper.” “Yeah,” Daniel said. “And soon, this prison will be the exact same once I get someone to fix my hand.” The other hand was shown to be chained away from his body and there’s also a glove with three fingers on it, thus preventing him from using his decay quirk.
Within the week, Gilbert had somehow managed to burn his way out of his cell and his cuffs. Alarms sounded as soon as he did so. Red eyes look at Daniel to see blue ones looking back at him. A hand was held to the bars holding Daniel back as Gilbert said, “Stand back.” Daniel moved as far as he could. Gilbert looked away from the cell to keep an eye out for any guards. Both his hands lit into blue flames, which melted the bars. Any guards that approached were instantly reduced to ash. Once the bars were gone, Gilbert went and took the glove off Daniel’s good hand. A smirk crossed the other’s face as he gripped the chain connected to his wrist. It almost immediately turned to dust. “Get on my back.” Gilbert did just that right before Daniel put his hand on the ground palm out. Within moments, the prison had crumbled and anyone in it turning to dust.
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my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 31 Prompt: free day | hunter and prey | wilderness
Character(s): Denmark (Matthias Winther/Forge), mama Greece (Herais Karpusi/Watcher)
Bright blue eyes of Matthias look around. This is what’s left of the prison. He hadn’t even found any of the guard. All that was left was rubble and dust. Last he heard this is where villain Wildfire was being sent… wait. Didn’t a villain here have a decay quirk? Before the place went down hadn’t there been a report of Wildfire breaking free from containment? If he had teamed up with the decay quirk, then… that’s not good.
“Forge, what’s your report?” Pro hero Watcher asked. Civilian name: Herais Karpusi. Quirk: Hydra. “The prison is in ruins,” Matthias said. “The only other thing I found was dust.” Herais seemed to think about it for a bit. “Seems that Grim Reaper has escaped custody somehow.” “That’s the same prison Wildfire was sent to after he attacked my brother,” Matthias said. “They might have been working together since this is the end result.” “You’re right,” Herais said. “Something has to be done about them.”
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my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 27 Prompt: distorted vision | experiment | needles
Character(s): Monaco (Lucille Dumas), 2P Netherlands (Damiaan Peeters)
Ever since she was little, all Lucille could remember was that she could see things no one else could. Whenever she brought it up to anyone, they were confused because they couldn't see what she saw. Eventually, she stopped telling others about them because it seemed no one believed her. Of course, she had tried to describe it when asked, but still. Colors seemed to be seeping off people whenever they're feeling strong emotions. Pink if they were in love, red if they were angry, and so on. She's sixteen now and in high school. No, she hadn't signed up to be in one of the hero schools. At the moment, she seems to be laying on her back in the park.
"What's going on?" A distinct male voice asked. Purple eyes look over to see a tall male with strawberry blond hair sticking up in front and blue eyes. Sitting right next to her. From what she could tell, he seems to be calm at the moment. There's no color seeping off him. That and he seems to be wearing the uniform of Fortuna Academy, the biggest hero school in existence. "Oh, you know. Wondering about quirks." "Oh yeah? Do you have one?" He asked with a smirk. Where had she heard that accent before? "I don't know," was Lucille's response. For some reason she found she could trust him. "But I can see when colors seep off people whenever they're feeling strong emotions." "Sounds like a variant of aura sensing," the male student said. Lucille sat up and looked at him. "You know about this?" Blue eyes look at her. "I happen to have a version of it as well." He waved his hand in front of her. "Like for instance, I can tell you're both confused and relieved."
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my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 26 Prompt: should be dead | monster | eaten alive
Character(s): Finland (Tino Pöllönen), 2P Denmark (Mikkel Winther/First Aid), Prussia (Gilbert Bauer-Beilschmidt/Wildfire)
Purple eyes glance at the other male. Mikkel couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Tino had gotten into a fight with his sister and she had used her bear transformation quirk on him. It’s no surprise she had left him alive. She hadn’t actually tried to kill him, seeing as she’s a pro hero and all. A sigh escaped the Dane.
“Come here,” he said and held his arms out to the Finnish male. Tino smiled and hugged Mikkel. Arms wrap around the smaller male. Thankfully Mikkel happens to have a healing quirk. Which is where the hugging comes in. Healing Hug is one part to his quirk. The other being that he can create a shield in front of himself to protect not only him, but anyone else he's with.
Tino sat there and held Mikkel close. The Danish pro hero had passed out after trying to protect the Finnish civilian. There's burn marks on the bearded male's skin and clothes. Upon checking, Tino had found that he's still alive, but barely.
"You're lucky First Aid was around to protect you," villain Wildfire said. Purple eyes glanced up to meet red ones. On top of Wildfire's head is white hair. "Otherwise, you'd have been gone right then and there."
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