#hetalia shipping awards 2023
spaceypineapple · 1 year
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senditothemoonn · 1 year
Why was ScotFra not in the 2023 Ship Awards for Hetalia?
Because those are my ocs, not “hetalia” characters 😤
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teotalksaboutstuff · 1 year
so uh the thomas fandom is a mess again
-the steamy awards has just happened and everything about it is messy
-its basically the oscars for thomas fan content but somehow worse than the oscars
-it claimed it would highlight smaller creators then proceeds to do a poor job of doing that
-at least half the content creators that were nominated and possibly even won did not consent to even being nominated or having their content used.
-even if this does fall under fair use it would still be unethical to not ask permission to use the content
-also it was only one person doing all the judging so that throws objectivity out of the window.
-play dont pause (the channel hosting the show) was also critiquing the nominees? like gurl this is an awards show, not a review, i know its the bread and butter of your content but are you completely incapable of taking a break from that to celebrate creator talent?
-not to mention that awards went to people who have done some not great stuff soooo yeah, i may or may not delve into more specifics on this
-if we are to do such an award show in future creators should submit their own content and then the fandom should vote on who wins the award. 
How could a Steamy Awards work in 2024 without these issues?
-Have creators submit their recent content they want nominated under whatever category they choose. This ensures that those who are nominated actually consent to the use of their content. Recent content would mean September 2022-August 2023 in this context.
-If no one submits for that category, then just drop the category. That simple.
-Have polls later on in the year, perhaps through the month of September, to determine the winner from the pool of submitted content for each category. 
-These polls should be the main factor in deciding who wins what category. However, any one creator should only be allowed to win one category, to keep the more popular creators from dominating the entire show.
-Also, don’t critique the entries during the actual show. This is meant to be a celebration of positivity and not a review. If you want to do a review, do that separately. 
-The top three would be announced, with fourth place going as an honorable mention. If the winner of the votes has already won another award, the award goes down the place list until you find someone who hasn’t already won an award. 
-This is basically how Kolko’s Hetalia Shipping Awards work, and I think it would be at least a better, if perhaps not perfect, way to execute a Steamy Awards without most of the issues. 
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