#hey look at that; i gave myself more reasons to farm tenacity
rubys-domain · 1 year
great news! (well for me at least but anyway)
i was able to get chong to deal 77k today. BY FAR his highest crit on record. how i did it? by going double anemo with sucrose and giving her ttds. and also shuffling chong's artifacts around so he has 160% crit dmg again. although in doing so his crit rate goes to shit cuz hoyo doesn't want me to have crit rate apparently. like way back when, i had to do a whole bunch of trials to get him to crit. but this time when he did, his highest crit was 77k, and 66k on average. he also did like 40k crits on his skill, which is pretty cool.
i also did some more testing of this reshuffled build using tenacity dehya instead of ttds sucrose. his highest crit in this team was 76k, so not too far off. i don't know how the damage is actually calculated in this game, but i assume it's because the combination of pyro resonance + tenacity gives 45% atk, while r5 ttds gives 48% atk. but considering my sucrose isn't built (i gave her 2pc gilded 2pc wanderer's and some of them weren't leveled), i think this double anemo team might make chong's burst get higher crits if i got sucrose sorted with full em. in theory, dehya could work the same if she held wgs and chong held a crit weapon like redhorn. but wgs is like if ttds only worked 30% of the time because of the way the effect procs, so it's not the most consistent buff.
bit of an aside, but i wonder if sucrose can actually use the gilded dreams set in this team? since kazuha is using 4pc vv anyway (sucrose can't cuz she'd be giving the ttds buff to someone else and not chong if she were the one to double swirl). where after bennet burst + kazuha burst, you swap to sucrose and do one normal attack to proc the 4pc effect, then her burst to proc her a4 passive, THEN swap to chong and pop his burst. bit of a tighter rotation considering kazuha's a4 passive buff only lasts 8 seconds, but might be doable idk. i don't have em main stat on all pieces of gilded yet, so it's gonna be a while before i can test this out for real. but in theory, this would allow chong to get away with much less em. maybe even zero em. so i can put him back on an atk sands and basically only focus on getting more crit on the substats.
(okay i did some testing, and the 4pc gilded effect does count towards her em share. and it's also much easier to just use her skill and swap out, since that apparently still counts the gilded buff.)
or alternatively, sucrose on 4pc vv and kazuha on 4pc gilded. and the rotation would be: chong skill - sucrose skill - swap to chong for ttds buff - bennett burst - kazuha burst - chong burst. it's just better to give chong kazuha's cryo swirl buff tho, and attempting to get both kazuha and sucrose to swirl cryo would make the rotation even tighter, to the point where it's almost impossible to get chong to burst before buffs start to expire. also the unfortunate thing about ttds is that the effect has a 20 second cooldown. so no matter which rotation i use, it's effectively only active every other rotation since the rotation is so short. unless i take my time recharging bursts but that's not ideal either. so i'm probably better off going the more comfortable route.
OR. use the first rotation, but put sucrose on 4pc tenacity instead. since she does her thing right before chong does his burst, he can pop his burst right before the 3 second tenacity buff expires. and then just stack literally all the em on her on every single piece so she still shares a lot of em with him.
you know what would be really amazing tho? a pyro catalyst who has good uptime on the tenacity set. in this team, they would give chong a total of 93% additional atk (not even counting bennett's burst+noblesse buff). which is WILD.
but putting that pipe dream aside, what i can realistically do to improve this chong build is level my other wanderer's pieces so he can keep his really good blizzard strayer atk sands and crit dmg goblet. honestly tho it'd be better to just switch to emblem. and then go 4pc shim for mono cryo so i'll at least have some use for all the shim pieces i'll be getting. i would go 4pc lavawalker, but i don't really have anyone i want to put on the crimson witch set so i can't be bothered to farm that domain. it's gonna be unfortunate to not have a use for my extremely good blizzard strayer pieces anymore, but it's worth it if it'll make chong stronger. plus if i ever feel like building cryo freminet, he can use chong's old cracked pieces.
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