blisslilywrites · 4 years
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❝ why is it that you shine, even without me ❞ - aomine daiki.
this is written in aomine’s point of view
“The total is 13 dollars and 25 cents,” I fished the exact amount in my wallet and offered it to the cashier. “Thank you sir, come again!”
As I breezed out of the convenience store, I was greeted by the calm whispers of the wind. The current mood was chill— the sun struck brilliantly golden, the air in its usual ambience, the clouds illuminated with its ordinary, blue hue.
“Ughhhh! How annoying to see the world rotating in its right pace,” I couldn’t help but dishevel my hair that was already a mess.
I hate it. I always have. Everything in its rightful place except for me with my damn emotions marring my daily routines. (Y/N).. How are you holding out? Do you miss me even just for a tiny bit? If so, will you reach out to me first?
Bullsh*t. Don’t make me laugh. The last time I saw you your eyes didn’t have specks of dejection in them. Was it my mistake for assuming this cool off would only last for days?
Hopeless thoughts ran and ran around, to the point where my consciousness couldn’t respond. The view of the rooftop waved at me before realizing.
That’s when I knew, the sun never leaves. Even if the night takes the stage, the sun returns shining brighter than it did yesterday.
My sun is you, (Y/N).
“If only I could be wherever you are,” you met me with an unfamiliar voice, embracing a guitar-like instrument and producing a sound so sweet.
“Y-(Y/N)?” you didn’t heed to my call, but proceeded to sing with the cutest voice. It felt unfamiliar because I never knew you sing. Hell, I never knew you could.
“La la la la la, you’re shining like a sun within my heart.” every line weighed heavier and heavier. Your smile dusted off the feelings I’ve been drowned in so easily as you sang the last line.
“(Y/N), I didn’t know you sing.”
“Well yeah, I’ve been doing it since. You’re the first one to hear it, Aomine.”
“Really? Then sing more songs until I fall asleep. How about it? Let’s cut classes, go to the rooftop, and you’ll help me sleep.”
“Huh? Why? I think it’s a good proposal,”
“Only if you stop bunking off. Then I’ll consider it,”
“Let’s go to karaoke later,”
“Aomine don’t ignore me!
“Let’s see who’s better in singing!”
“Seriously, geez..” you sulked. How cute.
❝ at that time, i checked your horoscope only to see your zodiac sign compatible with mine ❞ - midorima shintarou.
i wanted this to be different. you and midorima aren’t that close in this one!
“Midorima Shintaro and (L/N) (Y/N), please come up to the stage.”
Who knew you’d be able to sing along with the ace of the Shūtoku’s basketball team. There were about 30 students in the same room, each hoping they’d be granted a chance to perform with the outstanding athlete yet unfortunately, the roll call came landing on you, who was apathetic of the whole situation.
‘Damn it.. This music class will haunt me forever..’ but you couldn’t do anything and you wouldn’t. The reason? Grades. Damn grades that you are forced to do a duet with someone you haven’t even shared a conversation with.
You stepped onto the stage beside Midorima who came from the opposite direction. As both of your gazes met for a second, you diverted it instantly to the audience before the platform. Behind you both was the black piano and the music teacher sitting on a stool.
“The two of you studied your lines right? Begin after my cue,” the instructor began his playing of accompaniment. As the music notes soared throughout the room, you separated your lips after hearing the cue.
“Once a lass met lad
You’re a gentle one, said she
In my heart I’d be glad
If you loved me for me”
‘Crap.. Performing a duet with Midorima is already a nightmare. Furthermore, why does it have to be a love song? He might also be displeased singing this song with me—,’ when you skewed your head to look at him, the view you expected was somewhat out of sight. Instead of seeing a face tainted with displeasure, his pale skin being illuminated in the adequate lighting tinged a shade of red.
‘He isn’t just displeased.. Who knew he’d be this angry?’ you redirected your eyes to the front as you misunderstood the situation.
Midorima cleared his throat before chanting and the words he spoke of made you hunch your shoulders.
“I’d be sure, if I knew
That you loved me for me”
You tried not to laugh. His voice alone sounded good, yet completely greyed and monotonous, like black and white devoid of ornaments.
Singing a love song with someone unexpected. Stinging eyes from the crowd. You couldn’t be more impatient. When you landed that one last note, you scurried outside after a polite bow.
Gasps escaped out of your throat, and a single laugh came after. Pride. A streak of confidence. Fulfillment. You made it through the end.
“(L/N) (Y/N), right?” a recognizable voice pounded beside. You look where it came from, a one meter distance laid in between from where you are and where he stands. His height flooded your vision, and his hair hued with an unusual one punched. It’s a dark green color, with no one coming to your mind who has it except..
“Yes.. why do you ask?”Midorima’s face flinched, trying so hard to keep a straight face.
“You have an excellent tone, pitch and air support. I wish to be your partner for the next assessment,” leaving a compliment just like that, he walked past you in a breath, a tint of red evident on his ear.
Huh? Huhhhh?
❝ whenever i see you onstage whilst reaching the stars, you look taller than me ❞ - murasakibara atsushi.
Murasakibara perched on the rightmost seat of the theater. With Himuro tailing him, they sat behind most of the audience because someone might rampage. The reason? What else except for their extraordinary height.
“(Y/N) will perform right?” Himuro asked amidst the bustling uproar. It almost annoyed him. He never planned to watch any class’ performances, and just adhered to playing basketball on the school festival. But because of you and someone he babysits, he didn’t mind sitting for hours to wait.
“Hmmm. Though (Y/N) didn’t tell me much of it,” your boyfriend replied. With a usual potato chip bag on his embrace.
The two watched everything with the most unenthusiastic eyes. Sudden yawning, uncomfortable sitting and almost sleeping— for the two basketball players it was nothing but a nuisance for their sleep.
“Muro-chin, when are we going to see (Y/N)?”
“Let’s be patient,” the lights went out, indicating a new show onstage. When the lights turned back on, you were marked on everybody’s eyes as you stood in front of hundreds of students.
“Atsushi, wake up. It’s (Y/N),” your name alone made your boyfriend spark, back to sitting straight. “Huh? Is she the only one performing?”
Murakibara didn’t answer. Instead he looked at the person so far away from his grasp. A strange feeling circulated his body, even the owner of the body himself couldn’t discern what dashed him to act that way.
You sang the first note so smoothly. The audience acted like your owned music notes, oscillating from a lovely melody. Their reactions, responses towards the end didn’t change.
Yet someone reacted astray. As soon as you left the stage, someone also left their seat. Murasakibara scampered to where he could see you in the most immediate way, stopping by at the backstage where a few almost didn’t let him in, but nothing can stop a persuasive basketball player.
You spotted him, a few sweat lurking under his chin. “Atsushi! Wh— why are you here?”
He drew nearer, “(Y/N), you..” his voice was the usual one, yet his tone was somewhat mesmerizing.
“Ye—yes? What about my performance? Did I do good?” you anticipated his reaction to be awed or surprised, because your performance was for him and solely for him, because you wanted to shock him with something you take confidence in— singing. But his eyebrows were rather furrowed, neither of the face you expected. “So? You didn’t like it?”
“(Y/N)-chin,” he sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s supposed to be a surprise—,”
“You could’ve told me. Because I’ll support you, you know, just like you do in my basketball. It ticked me off that your classmates were the first ones to hear your voice,” you blushed at the sight of your pouting boyfriend.
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