herefishiefishie · 9 months
New blog new intro - fish yeah
Wanna meet my water dogs? Yeah you do.
Ten Gallon
• Khonshu - Galaxy Koi Plakat Betta
• 2 Adult Ramshorn Snails + their criminal amount of children
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Bought this pretty boy over this summer. He's in his main character era and currently can't decide what colour he wants to be.
Konch has a liking for brine shrimp and bloodworms, and detritus worms.. and ghost shrimp. Oh and baby ramshorn snails. Quite the palate on that one. Sometimes he'll accept a rogue betta buffet pellet.
Currently in the works of getting some pipe cleaners and maybe training him some.
29 Gallon
• 10 Glowlight Tetras
• 9 Bandit Corydoras
• 2 Honey Gourami (Marner & Nylander)
• 2 Mystery Snails
• 2 Black Racer Nerite Snails
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This is my fun little community tank. My little side gig if you will. Based finished, except for a final addition of a third honey gourami (hopefully soon) and possibly a third mystery snail. If the mysteries ever start to breed I could bring in some babies to the LFS and sell them. If not then that's fine and I'll take what I can get. Yes I did name my gouramis after hockey players and yes I can tell them apart by one single black scale.
Future Projects
I'd love to set up a 3rd tank, walstad method. My stocking would either be a colony of shrimp or a single betta. I'd attempt this in a 5.5 gallon. If this happens or not, who knows, but the idea is definitely there.
For future future projects, I'd love to set up a 75 gallon community tank when I get my own place. Stocking I'm unsure about, but a large school of something like swordtails or platies is something that has always captivated me.
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