hollywoodfamerp · 11 months
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Hollywood Fame at Comic Con!
We're excited to kick off the weekend with photo-ops and autographs! Day one is dedicated to just that! Hop on line to get a photo or autograph with your fave celeb!
Panels will be split up throughout the weekend! Questions will be sent out some time today to those who signed up for them to answer and post. But it won't stop there! We'll be having some fans ask questions as well! Be sure you're following THIS BLOG to get those questions! Whether you're answering questions or not - please follow this blog as we will be using it in the future for other events!
If you'd like for your celeb to participate, tag the main when posting your outfits to be entered to win the cosplay contest! A winner will be announced on Sunday. The contest will be going throughout the entire weekend, so if you're torn between cosplay ideas - go big or go home! ;) You can dress up differently each day and every outfit will be entered to win. Don't forget to use the tag #HFRPCOMICCON23 and #HOLLYWOODFAMEOUTFITS when posting your celebrities' attires.
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maikeymonroe · 11 months
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Maika Monroe attends HFRP Comic Con for the Horror Panel - June 23, 2023
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thatnattyice · 11 months
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Stranger Things Panel: Natalia Dyer
How has your life changed since the show started?
In every way imaginable. Having the chance to keep coming back to this world and this character, and seeing the way the show makes people think and feel is something so magical.
2. What's your fondest memory or moment while filming so far?
I don't know. I think... When w'ere filming, it can get pretty chaotic, but I love those longer nights where it's a slightly more relaxed scene and everyone's almost just hanging out. One of the things that always sticks out to me, and I think it's because we all tended to gravitate to our little age groups, was filming the pool scene in season one. It was me, Joe, Shannon, Chester, and Chelsea, with Charlie popping in every so often. We were basically relaxing at this nice house, in this great pool, all night and just the way we all connected that night had always been something remarkable to me. Everyone was just very loving, in a way, that it's a bittersweet one for me.
3. If you could trade places with any other character in the show, who would it be and why?
I'd love to play Hopper. I feel as if David gets such fun, action type sequences every season that he'd be a good one to tackle.
4. Who in the show is most like their character?
I always say Gaten, but it's so true. He's incredibly knowledgeable about so many different things.
5. What would you do if you had an actual demodog as a pet?
Dart size or full grown? I'd want neither, but I think I could manage the smaller one!
6. What do you want to see happen in the final season?
I just hope they have happy endings. I know our show is big on the scary factor, but I'd love to be able to get back to that core of this group and how much they all really care about each other.
7. Is there anyone from the cast you would like to share more scenes with?
I'd love to do more with Finn. I think, every season, we almost get a tiny hint of where they are in their relationship and that dynamic, but we haven't gotten to do anything bigger together in a while.
8. If you could keep a memento from the set, what would it be?
Oh, gosh. There are two things in Nancy's bedroom that I keep warning our production designer, Chris Trujillo, that I'm going to take. I love the music box. I think it's very much a Nancy object. And I'd love to keep the cork board of photos. They've done a really good job keeping it updated throughout the years.
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margseliserobbie · 11 months
biopic panel - margot robbie/i, tonya
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Who did you play?
I played Tonya Harding in the film I, Tonya.
What gravitated you to that role?
The script had been available and I read it for our production comapny and thought, “Wow, this story is insane.” It was such a good script and I wasn’t aware any of this really happened. I’m from Australia, so we weren’t familiar with Tonya Harding, her story or her headlines. The more I learned about it, the more I wanted to play this complicated character and just put her and Jeff’s sides of the story out there. Tonya had so much taken from her and never really got to have her story put out there, the film does such a good job of giving you their accounts and not swaying you either way. You can decide how you feel about it, what you believe happened. 
What was prep like for your role? 
A lot of time at the ice skating rink. I had ice skated before but not on figure skates. I had skated for my ice hockey team and not very well, might I add. I more so just crashed into the boards and other plays while I played hockey. Hockey skates and figure skates are very different. I also took some ballet classes since that really helped with the poise and discipline of skating. Of course, I watched a documentary about Tonya Harding and anything else I could find on her.
Was there anything about the role that didn’t resonate with you? 
Oh, a lot. Especially Tonya and Jeff’s toxic relationship. The abuse towards one another.. It was a very delicate subject but we had created such a safe space on set. As most of you know, my husband played Jeff and we had met in the auditions. We both felt so comfortable playing these characters with one another in what’s such an uncomfortable situation. We really pushed each other to limits we didn’t know we had as actors and it was one of my best acting experiences. That was such a credit to Seb. There was a scene we did and I just remember blacking out, getting lost in the scene and genuinely forgetting I was playing a role.. There’s only two times that’s happened and one of those times was with Seb. It got turned into this love story and I always credit him for that..  He played Jeff in a way that no one else had approached it in auditions. But anyway, at the end of the day, Jeff and Tonya truly did love each other and that can be what’s so difficult to wrap your head around. You can have a love story, in a weird way, and show how complicated and toxic their relationship was. 
Would you play this person again?
I don’t think so. I loved playing Tonya, I loved the experience and I’m so proud of the film we made but I think we left it all out on the field.. or ice. I think we told her story and there’s no reason to return. I don’t think we can top it.
Did you find out anything about yourself while playing another person?
I learned there was muscles I had that I wasn’t aware of! And as I said, I learned just how far I could go acting-wise, pushing myself to the limits. We filmed over a hundred scenes in just 35 days. Everyone told us we couldn’t make this film, it was impossible.. but it just made us want to make it even more, to prove people wrong. After we finished this film, I finally felt like I was at a stage in my acting career where I felt good enough to reach out to certain directors. Once Tonya was released, I actually wrote my letter to Quentin Tarantino about working with him and then the rest is history!
What was the most challenging thing about being in a biopic? 
The most challenging thing is probably knowing you’re playing a real life person and wanting to get it right, wanting to do them justice. But at the same time, you’re not exactly playing this person.. you’re playing a character of them. That differentiation is so important in playing a real life person and it helps take the pressure off a bit.
Have you met the person you played?
I did! Tonya was very supportive of the film we made. I didn’t meet her until after I did all my research and after I decided on how I’d play her. I’ve played a few real-life women now and I always tell them, “I’m not playing you exactly.. I’m playing a character.” 
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sebastianseb · 11 months
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Sebastian Stan cosplay as Jean Jacket Ken Doll
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florenvcepugh · 11 months
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Florence Pugh attends The HFRP Comic Con MCU Panel on July 22, 2023.
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hfrpfanmail · 11 months
Question for Ryan Gosling: If you could add another Ken to the movie, who would you cast and why?
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theswedishbilly · 11 months
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bill skarsgård attends comic con in san diego, california at the san diego convention center for the horror panel on july 23rd, 2023
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jesschastcin · 11 months
𝔹𝕚𝕠𝕡𝕚𝕔 ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕝 | 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕒 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟
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1.) Who did you play?
I've played three real characters, crazy, I know. I played the most incredible women. Tammy Faye Bakker in The Eyes of Tammy Faye, Tammy Wynette in George & Tammy and Amy Loughren in The Good Nurse.
2.) What gravitated you to that role?
It's a very long story, but when I was doing press for Zero Dark Thirty, I was in a hotel room and came upon a documentary called The Eyes of Tammy Faye. I felt an instant connection with Tammy, there was so much nuance, and she was so much more than the press had made her out to be. With Tammy Wynette, I've been a country fan basically since I was born, and I wanted her story to be out there. Same with Amy, she's an incredible woman who discovered the horrible crimes that Charles Cullen had committed, and she helped the police catch him. I felt like we needed more stories about how incredible women are, and I was fortunate enough to produce all three projects.
3.) What was prep like for your role?
I actually studied Tammy Faye for 12 years before playing her. In 2010 I bought the rights of her story and documentary, and I had hundreds of hours of unseen footage. I was so invested in doing her justice. For both Tammys, I had vocal and singing coaches. Their accents were so different and I had to sing in both projects. Singing is by far the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever done. I cannot begin to tell you how nervous and anxious I was about the singing parts. And with Amy, I went to nursing boot camp, an inside joke that we had. For five months, I shadowed several nurses, learned to do sutures, change IVs, and many more things. I wanted the performance to be as real as possible.
4.) Was there anything about the role that didn’t resonate with you?
Not at all. They are incredible women, and I know I've been saying this a lot but it's the truth. They weren't perfect because who is, right? Since I produced all three projects, I had a lot of creative control. I wanted to bring these stories to life in a way that people would be able to connect with them.
5.) Would you play this person again?
I think we gave a proper ending to all three projects, so I don't think there would be room for sequels. I love them, I loved playing them but I think those chapters are now closed.
6.) Did you find out anything about yourself while playing another person?
With Tammy Faye I learned a lot about empathy. I’m inspired by her radical acts of love. I’m inspired by her compassion. I see it as a guiding principle that leads us forward. It connects us all and the desire that we want to be accepted for who we are, accepted for who we love, and to live a life without the fear of violence or terror. She had this saying, you are unconditionally loved for the uniqueness that is you, and that's something I'll never forget. And with Tammy Wynette and Amy, I learned about resilience. About fighting for the people you love and that's also something I'll never forget.
7.) What was the most challenging thing about being in a biopic?
There are many challenges in portraying real people. You often worry about being able to do them justice not just for the audience but also for their family. You want to do your best and not let anyone down. That was my main concern. Which is why it took me so long to bring all three projects to life.
8.) Have you met the person you played?
Both Tammy's passed away and I didn't have the honor of meeting them but I did meet Amy. I was so lucky to have her as a consultant on The Good Nurse. She was incredibly kind, always answering any questions I had.
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lilyjxmes · 11 months
Lily James - Biopics Panel (Pamela Anderson)
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1.) Who did you play?
I played Pamela Anderson in the mini series Pam and Tommy! 
2.) What gravitated you to that role?
I think the world likes to think they know the Pamela Anderson story and they kinda made her into the butt of the joke. But it wasn’t like that. She was a victim and this terrible thing happened to her and she was shunned for it. Pamela is this strong, smart and independent woman and she deserved to have her story told the right way. 
3.) What was prep like for your role?
Intense! I had a wonderful acting and vocal coach and they helped me with everything from the moments and of course, the iconic voice. I watched every movie, interview and anything else for prep. I read lots of stuff she had written to get inside her head and a lot of screaming into a pillow to get the voice right! 
4.) Was there anything about the role that didn’t resonate with you?
Her relationship with Tommy. It was toxic and I think we all know that. I get it, it’s hard when you are in love and leaving is not easy but sometimes when I was reading a script I just wanted to yell at her ‘you deserve better!’ 
5.) Would you play this person again?
No, I don’t think so. I am happy with what we did. I would love to work with Seb and the team again but I think Pamela story has been told and we don’t need to revisit. 
6.) Did you find out anything about yourself while playing another person?
Yes. This was by far the biggest acting challenge I had ever done! There was a lot... a lot of views on line about the whole thing, mainly people upset that it was me playing her and that caused a lot of self doubt in myself. But I learnt to believe in myself, to believe in my own abilities and just how tenacious can be. 
7.) What was the most challenging thing about being in a biopic?
All eyes are on you. Someone like Pamela who is such a public figure, people know a lot about her and they all expect you to be able to pull it off. One thing is wrong and the internet will come for you! Also wanting to take a story that has been mocked for years and make sure we were telling it right and giving the power back to who deserved it. 
8.) Have you met the person you played?
No, I reached out to her but she was not interested in meeting and I respected her wishes. 
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hollywoodfamerp · 11 months
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Who’s ready for a fun-filled weekend?! Hollywood Fame is excited to announce we’ll be headed to San Diego for one of the biggest and most thrilling events of the year, Comic-Con International! On July 20th through the 23rd, all celebrities are invited to join us for an unforgettable experience with all-star talent signings and photo-ops, exciting panels, and a cosplay contest...
Don’t miss out on exploring this immersive playground of arts, culture and entertainment!
Come dressed to impress! If you’d like to sign up to enter the cosplay contest, please send us a message with your celeb’s full name and the character they will be cosplaying as. Information on how we’ll decide on a winner will be revealed soon! Whether your celeb is participating in the contest or not, feel free to post your celebrities’ attires using the tag: #HFRPCOMICCON23
If you’re interested in having your celeb attend a panel over the weekend, please send us a message with your celeb’s full name and what you would like to promote (upcoming films, tv shows, albums, anything you want etc.). Once we know who is participating, the main will distribute those who sign up a handful of general questions regarding the projects chosen to promote throughout the weekend for your celebs to answer!
What’s a convention without photo-ops and autographs from your favorite stars?! ;) Pose for pictures with your friends and have fun! Send us a message with your celeb’s full name if you wish to participate in photo-ops and autographs. You can even do photo-ops with another celebrity!
Sign ups end on Wednesday, July 19th at 10am EST!
More information about all aspects will be posted once sign ups are complete!
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maikeymonroe · 11 months
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Horror Panel: Maika Monroe
What’s your favorite aspect of a horror film? All of those moments that have you at the edge of your seat. I love a movie that makes you feel and react. The ones that toy with every wave of emotions you can possibly have.
What’s your all time favorite horror film and why? I'll always love The Shining. Yes, I know it's such a cliche to say now, but I can watch it a million times and it still hits me. My dad raised me on that one.
What scares you the most in a horror film? I'm luckily not too creeped out after being on the sets for so long, but I have to say it's anything that has to do with kids. A creepy, possessed little kid has me sleeping with one eye open.
What was the first horror film you remember watching? How many times can I mention The Shining before I'm boo'ed off this stage? No, I think it was Rosemary's Baby. My dad had it on and I remember just being glued to it.
Who is your ultimate scream queen? I have to go with the original Scream Queen herself, Jamie Lee Curtis. Just being discussed in the same scream queen conversation with her is mind-boggling to me each and every time.
What is your favorite horror franchise? Following my Jamie Lee Curtis love, it's definitely Halloween. My friends and I used to have sleepovers as kids and rent those ones. We'd all be scared shitless afterwards, but it was worth it.
What is a concept that you would like to see in a horror film? Shit, I don't know. I've done so many different, strange variations of the genre at this point and then have seen a million others. Maybe a bit more of the Bonnie and Clyde type of horrors. I did a movie Villains, with Bill, my forever Mickey, which was more of a thriller comedy, but I think it'd be so interesting to see a real, crazy, serial killing couple or something.
What is your favorite horror movie sub-genre? I really love Psychological horror. Those movies where it ends and you just sit there for a while wondering what the fuck you just watched.
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thatnattyice · 11 months
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Natalia Dyer attends HFRP Comic Con for the Stranger Things Panel - July 23, 2023
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margseliserobbie · 11 months
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Margot Robbie dressed as Bead Blast Barbie for The HFRP Comic Con Barbie Panel on July 21, 2021.
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sebastianseb · 11 months
Thunderbolts Panel II Sebastian Stan
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What is thunderbolts about?
Pretty much all the 'bad guys' come together and form a group. A bunch of Anti-Heroes coming to steal your hearts haha
How has prep for the film been going?
It was going great until I got hurt. Hate that it's delaying everything but these have been some of the hardest and most intense fighting scenes yet. Luckily I don't have to learn how to flip a knife again, I've got that skill mastered haha
Any unexpected scenes we should brace ourselves for?
Would it be a Marvel film if there weren't?!
Can we expect any cameos in thunderbolts?
I can't say! Mainly because I don't know haha Just know you're in for a good time and cast itself is ready!
What has been the most challenging part about rehearsals?
Definitely the stunts. I'm not that young anymore so these things are getting harder!
Are you used to playing your character by now?
Oh, definitely. Bucky is like an old friend to me now. I love that I get to play him and learn new things about him with every movie.
Who are you most excited to have scenes with in this movie?
Yelena! I'm excited to not only have some what of a BW and WS crossover but I admire Florence as an actress as well! She's amazing and I know she's got a big career ahead of her in general.
How do you think the dynamic on set will be?
It should be great! We already did some promo for it back when the film first got announced and everyone is a good bunch who are ready to dive in. It's gonna be a good time with all the bad guys on set haha
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ausbutlerhq · 11 months
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1.) Who did you play?
I played Elvis Presley spanning from the 1950s until his death in the 1970s.
2.) What gravitated you to that role?
I've always appreciated older music, especially Elvis. I did a play with Denzel Washington and he got into contact with Baz Luhrmann, the director of Elvis and ended up getting me an audition. Also my previous partner. She encouraged me and kind of manifested it so to speak.
3.) What was prep like for your role?
Extensive. I prepped at home before flying to Australia. I spent nearly two years talking like Elvis, listening to every interview he ever gave, trying to replicate his laugh and mannerisms, dancing. I had a vocal coach and a movement coach. I started smoking. At one point I tried to gain weight for the end of the movie when I had to play Elvis shortly before his passing. I microwaved Haagen-Daz and ate a lot of donuts. Otherwise the pressure, the pressure of trying to uphold and portray someone as monumental as Elvis Presley has mentally exhausting. I loved it, but my body began shutting down the day after filming wrapped. I ended up in the hospital for a week with a virus that mimicked appendicitis. I'd wake up during those two years of preparing and everything to heart palpitations in the early hours of the morning and couldn't sleep.
4.) Was there anything about the role that didn’t resonate with you?
I think maybe how recording studios really work and what it was like to go on tour as a musician. I play music and I always have, but there's a difference between loving music and being a performer of music I think.
5.) Would you play this person again?
I don't think there's any possibility of Elvis 2 happening. All jokes aside, I'm dressed like him now, right? So I guess in a way, yes. But also no. I put my body under such stress and my mental and emotional wellbeing, I think I'd just crack if I did it now. Not to say I wouldn't, but I have my reservations and will always, always be so grateful for the opportunity.
6.) Did you find out anything about yourself while playing another person?
Yes, I found out that I'm not invincible and that I should give myself more credit for the work I've done. Also I've learned it's not a smart idea to not talk to your father for three years and when you do talk to him, maybe don't sound like Elvis.
7.) What was the most challenging thing about being in a biopic?
The pressure of expectations. Having to please Elvis's loved ones; Priscilla, his grandkids and of course the late Lisa-Marie. Having their blessing was a gigantic weight off my shoulders, but it was still so much pressure. Having to portray this man properly and gain their approval was one of the biggest things for me.
8.) Have you met the person you played?
I haven't, but I do feel that in some way he's been in me. I feel like I carry him with me still. I offered to let him channel through me and have had many conversations with him, even if they are one-sided. I have a feeling that he hears me. We both lost our moms at 23 and I was born 15 years and 1 day after his death. We have a lot of interesting and honestly a little scary similarities.
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