#hhh I’ve made peace?? sorta about the possibility of going blind some time ago cause of reasons and things
sualne · 2 years
What’s up folks, to add another new on top of the overwhelming amount (2) I received this week I’ve got a third one, thats more of a confirmation than an actual new, is that I’ve got some good ol glaucoma!
Which explain a few things (like my eyes burning like hell when i was taking septraline among other things)
So like fellas, if you’ve got a family history of really bad myopia early or smth and like I said burning eyes after taking some meds go get some appointments now (juvenile glaucoma is apparently super rare but idk man, I’m just writing words)
Im going to try avoiding screens a tiny bit more, so there might be less art and I might take longer to answer when you dm me.
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