#hi dragon thank you for letting me talk about mim. THE character of all time <3
anomalocarids · 2 years
miriam wandersong for the ask game? :o
favorite thing about them : she cares SO MUCH about the world and about people and is struggling very hard to express that. she is a very lonely person but despite that she cares enough to try and save the world all by herself.
least favorite thing about them : that she didn't actually get to sleep at the start of act 5. let her have a nap.
favorite line : the conversation at the start of act 7. the whole thing.
brOTP : kiwi! very obvious but very good.
OTP : i don't really have one? i hc her as aro, personally.
nOTP : don't particularly have one of these either! i haven't seen any ships i really dislike. maybe with peter.
random headcanon : i think she and kiwi have friendship bracelets. they make them together postgame, hers is green and kiwi's is blue :]
unpopular opinion : once again i don't really have one?
song i associate with them : i think i've said this before but "wireframe or render" by louie zong. not particularly sure why.
favorite picture of them : oh this is impossible to choose. here's a couple i enjoy
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^ from the wandersong artbook
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Today is the one year anniversary of Once Upon a Time’s series finale. As a six year watcher, I greatly reveled in the show’s magic, storytelling and characters. I love Emma’s journey, Regina’s romance with Robin and Rumpel’s life as the deliciously naughty Dark One and his romance with Belle. I even found a crush in Zelena. I hope my fellow Oncers also loved the show’s run. 
However, like some others, I thought the show could’ve been more than what it was. 
Here’s some of my thoughts on what I’d do to make the show better, but first let’s start with some things that could stay:
Rumple and Belle’s romance.
Emma and Hook’s romance.
Regina and Robin’s romance.
Red and Dorothy’s romance. 
Henry being Emma and Neal’s son. 
The Neverland/Oz Arc.
The Underworld Arc.
The trio of Aurora, Phillip and Mulan. 
The Frozen Arc. 
The Camelot Arc. 
Henry and Violet’s romance. 
Henry becoming Rumple’s apprentice. 
Jacqueline and James’ journey up the Beanstalk and their raid of the Giants’ treasure. 
Some of the realms untouched by the Curse like Dun Broch. 
Jasmine’s story in Agrabah.
Ariel and Eric eventually leaving the Land without Magic and having adventures in Fairy Tale Land. 
Mulan helping Phillip save Aurora. 
The Author subplot.
Hook’s animosity for Rumple. 
Grumpy romance with a fairy.
Okay on to my ideas. Hope you don’t mind I have a lot: 
As much as I liked the Blue Fairy as the go to fairy for help, I think they should’ve had Flora, Fauna and Merryweather instead. Think about it; in the “Sleeping Beauty” movie, they were pretty much the real heroines in the story while in Pinocchio the Blue fairy was only in two scenes. I even thought of Storybrooke names for them:
Flora: Sarah Felton 
Fauna: Josephine Allen
Merryweather: Barbara Johnston 
I even thought of occupations for them: Sarah would be a dressmaker, Josephine a baker and Barbara a cleaning lady. (These are references to the scene where they use magic in the cottage) 
I also thought for them to somehow get their memories back before Emma broke the curse and for them to help Henry make Emma believe. 
I also they should powers connected to nature like in the early story of the movie while it was in development. Flora has the power of plants and flowers, Fauna can talk to animals and Merryweather can use Atmokinesis (weather magic) 
Let’s also have Grumpy have a romance with Merryweather. 
Here’s who I thought should play them: Helena Bonham Carter as Flora, Tina Fey and Debi Mazar as Merryweather. 
Maleficent and Ursula should have been Regina’s allies in Season One. Maleficent being Regina’s deputy mayor and Diablo the crow being her partner and human while Ursula owning a beauty parlor and bringing the latest gossip to Regina. Flotsam and Jetsam being human form too and working in her business. 
Pinocchio/ August Booth should’ve also been part of the main cast. He also should’ve stayed by Emma side at least until their teens when she became a criminal. They also should’ve been shown more of his life in the Land without Magic without his father, Jiminy or the Blue Fairy to guide him. 
Let’s make David’s backstory more simple and make him and James the legitimate sons of King George with David being the nice one due being closer to his mother and James being more like his father. On that note, let’s toss in the tragedy of David’s mother getting killed by thieves when he was little in a raid, leading him to have a further distrust of Hook in Season 3. 
Let’s give the reason for David and Abigail’s marriage alliance be due to Robin Hood and the Merry Men raiding King George’s royal treasury and a failed attempt to steal the Giants’ treasure up the Beanstalk.
Let’s start Snow White life as an outlaw begin with her helping Bluebeard’s wife get away from him. 
Let’s change how Rumple become the Dark One by somehow having him kill Zoso to end the Ogre Wars and prove he wasn’t a coward. 
Let’s make Red’s boyfriend Peter the wolf terrorizing the village all along and her having to kill Peter. Later, Peter’s pack learn of his death and want to take their revenge of Red and her Granny. Let’s also not make Red a werewolf. 
Let’s make Maleficent the daughter of Chernabog and Vidia, the Black Fairy. Let’s also have Clarion, the Queen of the Fairies send Terrance to destroy their union, but Chernabog kills him. Let’s show Maleficent’s childhood and how she became the Mistress of all Evil too. 
Let’s set Tiana’s story in the “original” Enchanted Forest and make Mama Odie her godmother. Let’s have Angela Bassett play her. 
Let’s make Dr. Facilier’s dept be with Hades and the Underworld. When the gang to the Underworld, he should have a role in the story arc. 
Let’s make Tiana in Storybrooke a worker at Sarah’s bakery.
Let’s give Regina a better reason to hate Snow than what happened in the show. Let’s also make her the girl Queen Eva abused when she was younger a la what happened to Cora in “The Miller’s Daughter”. And give us a love triangle between Regina, Eva and Leopold. 
Let’s make Robin Hood at first what like he was in the Wish Realm (stealing so he could be rich) and somehow Snow and Charming change him for the better before or after the Curse was broken. 
Let’s make Flynn Rider a former member of the Merry Men who betrays them, stealing some of their loot and running off to eventually meet Rapunzel. 
As I’ve said let’s keep Jasmine’s story in Agrabah, but lets have her never leave Agrabah for the Land of Untold Stories and married Aladdin by the time the Curse is cast; in short let’s keep the Aladdin story from the movie in the show, genie included. Let’s also have the genie protect Agrabah from the curse. Let’s also maybe have Ali Baba put the Genie’s lamp in the Cave of Wonders. I see Aladdin’s genie as not the one who meets Leopold on the show. 
Let’s keep the number of realms to a minimum: Fairy Tale Land (The Enchanted Forest, Arendelle, Dun Broch, Camelot, Agrabah)  Neverland, Oz, Wonderland, The Underworld ... Okay that may not be a minimum. Sorry. Anyway let’s lose, 1920s England, Victorian England, The Land of Untold Stories, New Enchanted Forest.. Too many realms in the original show, don’t you think? 
Let’s fully tell characters stories and make them count to the overall plot and stick primarily to fairy tales and no classic literature works like Jekyll and Hyde and 2000 leagues under the Sea or movies like 101 Dalmatians.
Let’s have Rumple hear of how Geppetto can build a magic wardrobe and have him kidnap Geppetto and force him to make it like how Ratigan kidnapped Olivia’s father in “The Great Mouse Detective”.
Since I said that, here’s how I see Pinocchio’s story:
Pinocchio’s adventure begins when he’s sent on an errand. After escaping Stromboli, he discovers Geppetto’s been kidnapped. He and Jiminy sent sail to find him and on the way stumple upon Pleasure Island. After escaping there, he finally finds Geppetto and they escape, but Rumple sends Monstro after them. They survive and the Blue Fairy turns him into a real boy and for Geppetto and Pinocchio to seek asylum in Snow White’s kingdom. The End.
Let’s name the Blue Fairy Evangeline (guess why I named her that. Think of a firefly character you may know) and sadly have her killed by Rumple before or after the curse.
Let’s give Rumple this reason for asking for the first born babies of Cora and Cinderella: to use the Time Traveling Spell to make sure his son was never lost to him.
Let’s make The Dragon Mushu from “Mulan” and the mentor of Mulan and give him a role in Storybrooke.
Twenty One
Let’s give Mulan and Phillip Storybrooke counterparts. Let’s make Mulan a self’defense teacher at a dojo and bisexual and in a relationship with Phillip.
Twenty Two
Let’s make Aurora the only “Sleeping Beauty” that Maleficent cursed and have her also curse Phillip as an Yaoguai for him to be saved by Belle and Mulan. In Storybrooke let’s have Maleficent keep cursed Aurora, still asleep, in the basement of her house. 
Twenty Three
Let’s show more characters from Disney and fairy tales like Mad Madame Mim and Goldilocks. 
Let’s make Madame Mim a rival to Maleficent and Goldilocks a stooge for Rumple. 
Twenty Four
Let’s make cursed Eric the boyfriend of Ursula and have cursed Ariel mute with Ursula keeping her voice somewhere at her home or beauty parlor. 
Twenty Four
Let’s have more commotion in Storybrooke after the curse is broken: the Giant trying kill David, Gaston rising a mob to kill Rumple, etc. 
Twenty Five
Let’s have Archie Granny, Ashley, Ariel, Red, The Seven Dwarves in the supporting cast with the Mad Hatter and Flynn Rider and Rapunzel 
Twenty Six
Let’s see more of the Home Office (Greg and Tamara’s group). 
Twenty Seven 
Let’s include more fairy tales like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Emperor’s New Clothes and Thumbelina.
Twenty Eight
Let’s make Mother Goose the author of Henry’s book. 
Okay’s that’s all I’ve got.
Thank you to any one who stayed so long to read my thoughts. What do you think? Let me know in the notes section at the bottom of this post.
Thank you for your time and have a good day. 
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