#hi guys!!! here are the ts fics i wrote for ts month the past two years! tbh i'm proud of myself for actually writing four both years!
my tourette's month fics <3
i love the way you move - ninjago, bruiseshipping
no doubts, no more fears - atla, zukka
his brand of make believe convinces me it's real - saiki k, kubokai
painting you a thousand kisses - miraculous ladybug, julerose
fragments of the day - jujutsu kaisen, nanami & gojo
giving you something to lean on - mob psycho 100, ritsu & reigen
now i feel my stars align - bungou stray dogs, higuchi & the black lizard
it's like a fire, a stranglehold - sk8 the infinity, reki & oka
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narcissasdaffodil · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
Thanks for the tag @kiki-the-creator ! I’m likely going to ramble, so bear with me! There’s multiple creations I haven’t put in the wild as of yet, so I’m just doing stuff I’ve posted on either here or A03.
1: Love Can Be Chosen
Before I started LCBC, unless you count the fic collab I’m part of, I hadn’t written any fanfic in 5 years. I started LCBC at the end of July, and teaching myself how to write properly again was difficult, along with writing in my natural style without being judged for that. I stopped writing entirely due to a high amount of people being very critical of my work to the point I lost the love for writing. I never thought I’d ever get back into it either, so this is a considerable surprise.
Just as I was going to post my first chapter of LCBC, someone I’d asked to read it for me was critical of it to the point that it seriously hurt, and it went past general consecutive criticism. Telling someone that their grammar is dreadful and there’s major errors without pointing to said errors is hardly useful! For 2 days, I toyed with whether to post it or not, or if they were actually right, and I should stop writing again. I pushed through that, as I refuse to let just one person have such an impact on me. Besides, it’s only an issue one person has, and I have multiple beta readers anyway. The fact I pushed through that makes me proud in general, as I proved both myself and that person wrong.
LCBC means the world to me as it helped me gain back my love of writing. I’ve come on a lot in nearly 5 months, and I’ve found myself writing more personal stuff to me. The fact it’s so big will always wow me, my doc for it currently stands at 166k, I affectionately nickname it my fic monster. I originally called it What’s a Soulmate?, then needed a better title. It was completely unplanned, I put my Spotify on shuffle, then Love Can Be Chosen played and I had a serious brainwave. People aren’t likely to know the song itself, but it’s by Avia Butler if you’re interested! I’ll ramble about it for ages if I let myself, so I’ll cut this here.
2: this Lottie edit
I hated this style of edit for a while, as people kept asking for these edits on my Instagram for other fandoms and literally nothing else, so I was a little fed up of doing the same thing. But it was different when I wanted to make an edit like that one myself, not having people be overly pushy rocks! I absolutely adore having control of what I edit.
3: Another Lottie edit
This one is a new style, but I really, really love it! My best stuff gets made when it’s me who wants it, I went through a period of creating just to get validation, and that was majorly shitty. My other favourite edit in this style hasn’t been posted yet, but for something made on a whim, it’s pretty good! I took a small break from editing and gave myself a talking to, basically told myself that it’s okay to make stuff you want, and not constantly concede to others, especially when the end product makes you feel worse about yourself. In addition, I no longer depend on creative pursuits for happiness, sure I enjoy it, but I don’t base everything about myself on my creative abilities.
4: this oneshot!
I was nervous to write this one, never having written hurt/comfort before. But I fell head over heels in love with the thing. Deciding to do Flufftober was an awesome decision, great job October me! I’ve tried out multiple types of fics I wouldn’t have otherwise, and found a new love for writing fluff.
5: Could You Be my Friend?
This oneshot took two goes. The first go was seriously dreadful, to the point that I was so angry at myself for 2 days straight, which isn’t healthy in the slightest! Anything that causes that much rage in me of all people isn’t a good thing. I stay far away from stuff that provoke my anxiety or anger in general. This one is a HP/LITG crossover, Harry Potter used to majorly be my thing years ago. It’s not as much now, for a multitude of reasons. Because of that also, the LITG/HP fic collab isn’t my thing as much anymore. But I had an itch to scratch regarding Marilecto and a HP au, so I took the prompt competition as the perfect excuse to just chuck it out there. Writing this one was so hard, but once I’d got halfway through my second oneshot, I was good.
6: Cold Coffee
This one was my first ever Marilecto oneshot, and my first oneshot in general, so it’s special for those reasons. I’ve likely written better stuff since, but that one was pretty special to me, as writing it proved to me I could write more than just chunky fics.
7: It Would’ve Been You
This one was part of my uni AU series. My flatmates have alternated between great and challenging, and a good way to not let it get me down was writing about bits and pieces of it!
8: Leftover Sweets
This one was super unexpected to say the least, but I actually love it. I wrote it in 2 hours between 1-3am one night and woke up confused as there was a random oneshot hanging out in my docs, and I didn’t remember writing it! It did scare me a little, but once I reread the thing, I realised I was actually pretty proud of it.
Okay, I’m tagging @lucas-koh @americangrunge, @venueska and @bubblybabynailpolish I have absolutely no clue who’s already done this, so if you want to, feel free to tag me! And if you’ve done it already, oops!
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agentdarcylewis · 7 years
FYDL D-A-T Day 1: 62%
Charity Link Genfic, Characters: Darcy Lewis, Tony Stark, (mentioned) Peter Parker Spoilers for Spiderman: Homecoming
Tony froze, hands clutching one of his gauntlets. The Team was preparing for a move from Stark Tower to the facility, and Pepper had asked (forced) him to take time out of his schedule to pack up some of his more expensive and highly expensive inventions.
But that “Dad”. That was her “Why are all the other kids talking about your latest weekend banger when you were supposed to be in stock meetings?” Dad. Her “I can’t believe you missed my dance recital for a day in Vegas!” Dad. Her “Teenage angst cannot fully cover my anger at you” Dad.
More and more recently, that was her “What the hell was I just watching you do in the suit on TV?” Dad.
“FRIDAY, engage shutdown protocol zero-two-nine-nine.”
“Yeah, FRIDAY, belay that order.” There she was, standing in the doorway, Stark-brown eyes flashing. Her could almost imagine her loose hair waving in some invisible, wrath-powered wind, and for the nth time Tony cursed being surrounded by infinitely hard-headed people.  
“Dad,” Darcy repeated, her voice sickly sweet and her expression a perfect mirror of Pepper’s patented polite, yet disappointed smile, “Why are we moving out of Avengers Tower?”
“Darcy, my darling daughter who owes her life and her inheritance to me, how was your trip to Paraguay?”
“Hot.” DUM-E and You rolled up to say hello, and Darcy petted them absent-mindedly, her eyes still fixed on her father. “Hot, there was no Wi-Fi, and I ran out of music I wasn’t sick of halfway through the month. Also, it was Colombia.”
“And Jane?” Tony tried again, hoping to distract his daughter with one of her favorite topics. He went back to rummaging through the nearest moving crate. He thought better when moving around, and he needed to come up with a plan fast to get out of this one.
“Why are we selling our giant company headquarters-slash-house? MY house?” Darcy asked, quickly crossing the room. She gripped the edge of Tony’s moving container, forcing him to look up and consider her again. She looked a lot tanner after her excursion through the Andes, where she had been researching local, possibly alien legends while Jane studied the sky. Skin was peeling in an arc off her nose. He told her so, and then added, “Also - don’t know if you noticed - but this is MY tower, not yours. The “A” on the side is from where?” He picked up an arc reactor and frowned, placing it on his workbench. There was a whole separate box for those - did DUM-E put that in there?
Darcy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her souvenir t-shirt, the perfect model of a pissed-off daughter. Put her hair up in pigtails, and she’d look exactly like she did at 6 when her daddy couldn’t drop her off at Stark Industries Daycare because of a last-minute “overnight guest”. “Nice try - like I didn’t know that the minute you retired half of this building would go to me.”
“DUM-E, come over here and put this in the other - no, that box - no other OTHER one, you oversized roomba. And - 62%.”
This threw her off.  “62%?” She went and grabbed the arc reactor from the robot, who had begun expressing his confusion through whirling in place.
“Yeah - 50% of my building, plus Pepper was going to give you her 12%.”
Darcy groaned. “Seriously?” Ha - Tony had her on the ropes now. References to her almost-stepmom’s behavior (which outshone Tony’s in every respect) softened his angry daughter’s heart and reduced the length of arguments 35% of the time. (He’d had JARVIS run the numbers…back when he wasn’t RoboCop.)
“I am the picture - the PINNACLE - of honesty, honey.”
That was the wrong thing to say. “Oh yeah? Like when I had to learn my apartment had gotten auctioned off to the highest bidder through a BUZZFEED article? Eight days after it happened, even? Or we could go back to that time in high school with the pool party -”
“Oh god, I don’t think I could suffer another retelling of the high school pool party.”
Darcy sighed, pausing her stacking of the arc reactors into their specialized containers. “Upstate? Really?”
After years of parenting, Tony was quick to realize when his fights with his daughter had reached the “hug it out” stage, and he easily crossed the room and pulled Darcy in for a hug. She smelled like recycled airplane air, cheap sunscreen, and the coconut shampoo she had been using since she was 12, and for the first time he allowed himself to think about how much he had missed her the past month and a half. She was more than 62% percent of his (now fully organic) heart, and with all the events that had happened recently…he needed his family with him.
“There’s labspace for Jane, and a swimming pool, and at least three hot tubs. Not to mention I got vending machines that stock S’mores AND Hot Fudge Pop-tarts.”
“Ugh…” He could feel Darcy’s face wrinkle against his shirt. “I love S’mores. But I just got my room here set up how I like it.”
“A complete disaster? A shame to the illustrious Stark name?”
Darcy stepped neatly out of his hug and tilted her head towards the piles of boxes currently overtaking the lab.
“Touché, my beautiful and very forgiving crotchfruit.”
There was the eyeroll again. Mushiness successfully averted. “I’m going up to my apartment and making sure the moving guys haven’t messed up my stuff. Maybe get a couple few naps in before I say goodbye to the place forever.” She picked up her backpack - when had that gotten here? - and, with one last pat for DUM-E and You, headed towards the elevator. “Oh, and dad?”
Tony hummed, his mind already back on the mess covering his workspace.
“You should probably give the Spider-Guy his suit back.”
“I - his name is Spider-Man! And with that attitude you’re going to join him in time-out!” Tony shouted as his daughter’s patented Stark smirk disappeared behind the closing steel doors. “FRIDAY, you traitor.”
“I am only following protocol, Mr. Stark.”
A/N: I finally wrote a fanfic again! It’s been so long (years?) since I’ve written something this substantial. I just had a really good idea for this prompt and needed it to be realized, lol. I’ve read so much DL fic that my writing for her is a bundle of popular tropes and references spread across years of fics. One of my faves is TS is DL’s dad, so I hope I did the trope canon justice.
TBH, one of the biggest reasons I don’t write fic is because I’m scared of being OOC. I’ve watched both CACW and SMH in the past like 24 hours so I hope that offsets it. If you have any tips for me and would like to share, I’d love an inbox message!
FYDL Prompt Week is meant to highlight charitable organizations. Here is my link for this fic. It’s a link to a post explaining the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and includes links to organizations helping out.
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