#hi i want to complain publicly bc i have nothing better to do so. enjoy the picture of this Thing
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casworan · 5 years
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❝ pride was fed to him from a silver spoon and now that he’s grown up, he’s grabbed the spoon and fed his ego some more. ❞ THOMAS HAYES? No, that’s actually CASWORAN ROWLE. Only EIGHTEEN years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as a PHILANTHROPIST and is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. HE identifies as A CIS MAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SNOBBISH, ENTITLED, and CRUEL but also DISCIPLINED, METICULOUS and CHARISMATIC. 
LINKS: stats, pinboard, playlist. CHARACTER PARALLELS: schmidt (new girl), henry winter (the secret history), alistair ryle (the riot club), chad radwell (scream queens), chad charming (descendants) --- (how are two of these named chad wtf) HELLO uh just a heads up that i donut condone any of the behaviour this shithole throws into the world. yikes! also there’s some triggers in here for abuse and terminal illness, but they will be marked <3 
let’s get one thing straight --- emrick rowle and hemera rosier did not love each other when they married each other and they knew about it. they both agreed that their marriage was a good choice, a smart move, that it would benefit both and --- well, they both had ambition streaming through their veins, so the choice was made easily. they married, for political reasons, for money, but absolutely not for love. 
casworan was born a year into their marriage and was the perfect son. he wasn’t given a welsh name like so many rowles before him had, but a cornish one, celebrating hemera’s mother’s cornish ancestry. 
casworan means one who is powerful in battle, which emrick liked. he wanted a soldier, a pawn, a piece in his great chess match that was the world.
cas is a cousin to genie, wes and lo, and also to seren on his mother’s side.
and casworan’s parents might not love each other, they did love him. his mother’s love was doting and smothering, but genuine and unconditional.  his father’s was conditional, and based on expectations and constantly changing from hot to cold. emrick raised casworan to the perfect heir, the perfect son, the perfect pawn.
emrick rowle is a strategist, but also a coward. he uses his money and influence to pull strings behind the scenes, but is never the one to publicly call the shots. casworan is his son, but he’s also ... another piece in the game. he’s the person who’ll pick up where he left off, and emrick won’t leave everything to someone he does not trust and respect.
hemera is evan rosier’s daughter, by the way, and by no means a sweetheart, but a better parent. compared to emrick, the standard is quite low but still --- she is a better parent, and casworan is a complete momma’s boy. 
so casworan grows up --- spoiled dirty and loved by both parents. he learns languages (french and kernowek from his mother, latin and english grammar and such from a tutor), learns to play the violin, learns about his family’s history and legacy and how it intertwines with the rest of the history of the wizarding world, learns about blood purity and how one day he and his parents will rise above all the unworthy members of their society. he takes it all up and questions nothing, both because he has no reason to, and because his parents are convincing.
abuse tw (verbal and physical) // that’s not to say life was perfect. there was always a certain coldness at home. the lack of love between cas’ parents was clear to him from a young age, and it’s quite a strange thing, when your parents don’t seem to love each other but dont have any issue with it. there was no room for failure at home, no room for toeing the line. his father’s words could go from praising and prideful to harsh and cruel in seconds, his hands hard and unforgiving. casworan learned to keep his back straight and work harder and to swallow whatever anger he felt. he listened to every word that came from his father’s lips and took them in as truth and never questioned the way things were. end of tw
casworan went to hogwarts at age eleven ( he’d seen the castle before, of course --- he’d visited hogsmeade plenty of times before with his mother ) and was sorted into slytherin there. it was an easy sorting --- there were not many non-slytherin qualities the hat saw, besides maybe a sense of loyalty and a hunger for learning but cas’ cunning, shrewdness and ambition outweighed everything. 
hogwarts came easy to casworan. he was a good learner and knew plenty of people from his life before school -- people who ran in the same circles. to branch out wasn’t something he felt he needed to do, with a few exception here or there ( for either particularly skilled people or other purebloods he didn’t know yet ). casworan likes learning, values his education and was, well, a nerd. a hardworking student. was in a few clubs too, i’m sure --- i will get back on that when i have it figured out for plotting purposes! 
terminal illness tw // in casworan’s third year, his mother fell ill. it was a genetic disease, an incurable one, one that soon left her weakened and bedbound and tired. his father’s response wasn’t to stick to her side --- they didn’t love each other after all, and in all honesty, hemera didn’t want him on her side either --- but to flee in stead. his involvement in shady dealings grew and he retreated to the city more and more for work. casworan ... well, didn’t respond very well. 
abuse tw // he raged. he cried and raged and kicked against his father’s shins and demanded that he solved this because, well, the world had always given casworan exactly what he wanted, and when he got something he absolutely did not want, the one person he could blame was his father. he acted like a child because he was one, and his mother was going to die, and his father broke the news in such a cold way that he couldn’t help but rage. his tantrum was met with cold eyes and the same cruelty cas had felt before.
this was when a seed of hate for his father started to grow, something he’d never even dared to feel before. it’s still growing to this day. end of abuse tw //
a family friend moved in to help his mother, and they got a second house elf and life changed, thigns shifted. casworan learned what it was to feel out of control and well, he didn’t like it one bit. he’s entitled and spoiled and used to getting everything he wants and this situation is something he has absolutely no say in and it drives him mad. rather than give him some perspective, it just makes him act more entitled and controlling in the rest of his life. end of terminal illness tw //
so cas makes his way through hogwarts, acting like an entitled twat, hanging with his lads, having a laff here and there and earning a whole lot of NEWTs. he had no qualms sharing his world views or sharing his entitled nature, here and there showing a more violent and cruel streak. casworan is a bully, an elitist prick, someone who looks down on most people. 
when the war breaks out, well --- he’s quick to sign up. he believes in the cause, of course, and there’s no other option, really. he’s been prepped for this life. this is what he was made to do. he doesn’t even consider not joining. and so he joins and feels pride and power and a thirst to proof everyone around him that he’s the motherfucking shit. what an IDIOT.
besides his death eater life, cas is mostly focused on maintaining his image. like his father, he works hard on things like charity and philanthropy, so his name appears in the newspaper linked with good news almost exclusively. he’s picky, of course, about the causes he works for ----- things related to education, he genuinely works for, but there’s also some questionable things he donates to.
and then besides that, cas is mostly focused on enjoying life. getting drunk or high out of his mind, fucking shit up with the lads, having a good old time because guess what? the world is his to own and ruin, and he won’t stop at nothing. he’s entitled and obnoxious, but he always pays and tips well and sees absolutely no issues with his behaviour. he can’t wait for the world to become even more his as the war progresses. 
personality & tidbits
...... an asshole.
no literally he’s such an asshole. he’s so fucking used to the world catering to his ugly needs and getting everything he wants and he’s so entitled and such an ASSHOLE.
someone please punch him
anyway --- he likes Extra things. velvet and silk and rich fabrics and leather shoes and accessories with snake themes and polo shirts and ... he dresses like a frat boy, but then mixed with wizarding fashion
pretentious and snobbish to a fault. wants nothing but the best and is used to the best. would often complain about the house elves and their quality of food at hogwarts, because his house elves were much better cooks, they had been trained in france after all!!!
kind of hates his name and prefers to go by cas at all times, and i dont blame him
has daddy and mommy issues lmao !!! 
capitalist right wing scum, tbh. would have voted trump and brexit and all that shit if he was a real person. I HATE HIM SO MUUUUUCHHHHHHH.
“if youre poor, thats your own fault!”
he is literally the worst person
i hate-write this character its a load of fun
he loves his hair lmao
plays the violin and generally likes classical music? a snob, i told yall. also likes other music, let me figure it out pls thanks
okay let’s talk about some of his better sides because so far all ive done is drag this kid and thats reasonable, but ... he’s got some good things, i guess. 
he’s a good friend. like, if you’re his mate, you’re his mate for life (or until you turn your back, which is when he will feel hurt and will hurt u back yike!). he’ll be there for u Big Time. not good at emotional support, but good at sitting with a glass of wine/whiskey and talking/listening. will finance u if u need it (he doesnt like poor ppl but makes an exception for friends i guess?). will punch someone for u.
he ... does really value education? he would just like to see hogwarts change around bc there’s so much unnecessary shit (read: muggleborn students and subjects like muggle studies and divination). but yeah, he rly thinks that learning is important and that u have to ~broaden your mind ( but not too much ofc )
he is pretty family oriented, and rn he’s of course 18 so that’s not a big thing, but he’d be a ... proper dad? i think? he rly wants a big fam eventually
still a dick
good dueller and generally a pretty skilled wizard which is a bummer :/
loves partying and getting drunk out of his mind and then breaking stuff that isnt his, very riot club like
idk what else to say but HE IS AN ASSHOLE. 
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sodacanwritings · 2 years
Hello...it's been a week hasn't it,, i plead guilty ಥ_ಥ I'm so sorry- exams AGAIN I missed youu💔 but I promise to be more active from now on >:))
Honestly science in itself is sooo interesting but at school they just make it shit. You write 100 pages of information and then memorize it all, it's sad I just wanna know about nature why do I need to learn how does saliva decompose food (Tʖ̯T)
Geography however is the opposite for me I don't really like the subject but the teacher is an angel literally,my heart breaks just thinking that I won't be able to see him starting next year😔
But I'm glad you enjoy english!! I used to... Back in the day snif. Our teacher this year was like giving us 5 pages for the next day and we told her politely pls no we have an exam tomorrow and she said all calmly "I don't care" 😃😃😃😃 THE NERVE I was this close to punching her 🤏
Lol do you also have awkward and/or funny moments at school that you wanna tell👀
Sadly, I know nothing about ennegrams- I did the test once or twice but since it's payable I gave up on that.. Typology tho is a very interesting topic and I'm a sucker for anything psychology related honestly😩💖 so pls share your knowledge with me I do not care what it is nor how much it is 👌
Ah. I'm glad you asked. Here is my presentation "Reasons why everyone should like if not love junpei"
1,he's courageous 😠
2,THIS "if I had a button to kill all the people I hate, I wouldn't press it.But if the button would kill all the people who hate me, I would"
3,his smile 😭💔
4,horror movies fan
5,cinema obsession
6,intelligence check
7,this is personal but I think we share the same mindset & values.
8,honestly he was just in so much lack of affection in his life, he turned into this. Never in his life did he do something worthy of hatred or simply act in a malicious way for fun. (Like that sewed bastard)
9,infp 😌
10,momma's boy
11,really cares for the people he loves
13,i really don't understand why people hate him💔 he himself said I won't kill anyone
14,soft boy hours-
And there's still sooo much more. This is just what I remember but he had so much potential. The author himself said he should've drawn more parts that show just how nice junpei is <\3
Your Highness, I was born to serve you please do not simply wait for me. If your ever need this lonely peasant please just call me,(example: JAS COME HERE 😤) I will come as fast as humanly possible 🏃
How have you been this week?? As requested, this is a very long ask. I hope you enjoy responding to it and I demand an answer where you tell me you're been well & took care of yourself 😌🤍
heyyy I'm glad you're back
I received this last night already, made me really happy. was too tired to answer tho. and I have been thinking if there is any fun school stories. hope your exams went well, looking forward to it seeing you more here.
bruh teachers like that, idk man. speaking the topic English, that might be my 'funny stories' to tell, bc I've been wanting to talk about my English teacher on here for a while.
I have a reputation as the top student in English class, and if you're asking me if the teacher likes me, I'd say yes, but I theoretically couldn't really tell you. Somehow I manage to be some kind of class clown/comedian, the nerd, and also the class rep at the same time. I kind of pick on him a lot, don't get me wrong I don't bully him- I just like to initiate discussions or stuff like that.
somehow he publicly complains about me, sarcastically but I think he maybe just kinda likes whining? But he also has expectations for me and laughs at my jokes sometimes, but then he "trashes me" for "again" not being there, then says my English is better than a university students. I have no idea what he's on about, flattered tho. (if he'd tell that when I would be there tho.. instead of picking on me? he's a tsundere.)
my classmates say I always diss him by being better than him which is why he "doesn't like me" bc he isn't able to get me back. I criticize the tasks sometimes, or start conversations about some other topic, just the person who constantly talks bc no one else does. I do hate myself for it occasionally bc I wonder if I'm annoying..
at the time we're preparing for exams, and the oral part of it is in a few weeks. For that we have been some kind of, acting, it's given scenarios where you're supposed to take a role. he's also a theatre teacher, I'm not in theater class though, I just make English class my stage.
a continuous joke is that, no one wants to do it, except for me but he wouldn't let me anymore because I volunteered too many times. I just enjoy the show. Once I played a classmates girlfriend who was pissed at him for surprising her with a camping trip 💀
the other day he started letting me again though, and so we improvised some at the bus stop scene. I kept leading the conversation into a completely different direction, which was, quite funny of a result. (he just wanted to make some small talk and I ended up venting about my depressing, unemployed life with my unsuccessful umbrella business)
another thing that happened in December, was that we had some kind of secret Santa thing, that was basically, you could buy chocolate and it came with a card on which you address it to someone and can write a little note.
I bought a few, and I sent some to classmates, and a few people from my year. they were so upset about not knowing who it was. I never told them. and I also sent one to a girl from a class complimenting her smile, there was a short drama about people wondering who it was from, and til this day no one of them knows it was me.
This week was actually really rough, and I have a lot of things going on currently, feeling pretty stressed. I took as good care of myself as I could.
Thank you for you long ask. And I will remember that I can summon you.
hope you had a nice day and to anyone reading all this too
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