#hi jask i love u sorry for rambling <3
tomorrowillbeyou · 1 year
orchid and daffodil <3
orchid - what's a song you consider to be perfect?
ok well there's an easy route here which im not going to take not only bc it's the easy route but also i don't think tomorrow i'll be you is a perfect song and that's fine that isn't why i like it.. so i would say if we're defining perfect as "i wouldn't change anything about it" then demolition lovers by mcr because i literally would not change a single thing about it. its like a beautiful journey that i go on where every part of it is so gorgeous + well placed + interesting that i just never get tired of listening to it <3
daffodil - do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
yesss this is going to be long bc im taking it as an excuse to go on abt how cool my sister is. i have a younger sister she is very cool <3 we r similar in appearance i guess? i don't really see it but people have mistaken us for twins even though im 2 years older and everyone always guesses that shes my sister.. she is paler than me and has darker hair and glasses and is also taller. also people always think she's the older brother and im the younger sister 😭😭 we also like similar music and are both autistic and lgbt 👍 and love maths computer science problem solving etc.. we are different in that she's a lot more introverted than me and has way less tolerance for the things that upset both of us.. like we both hate socialising, weird textures + sounds etc but ill put up with it while she just refuses and leaves which i honestly respect that she has the backbone to do that lmao. also she's way funnier than me and has more friends. one time she created an like.. mini twitter community for herself, there was like. her account a hater account a leaks account and an account that supported everything she did and she would like make them fight with each other it was honestly so funny😭😭 also she's a gamer which i simply am not. and we like to hit each other with sticks in the middle of the street. anyway i way overshared here but i love her a lot. i pray she never sees this lmfao
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