#hi per ♡ if you read all of that consider me impressed
boyfridged · 10 months
yutro i need to hear more abt ur canon oc willis todd. please.
oh the pleasure is mine! (i feel like i have waited for this question my whole life though so it will be long. and won't even cover all of it.)
obviously, willis todd was born in the crime alley. he was raised by struggling parents and an assembly of aunts and uncles, not all blood related. his family broke down due to financial trouble. there's a whole background here i have in mind: the area used to be more dominated by heavy metal industry workers, but the companies started seeking cheap labour abroad, throwing the community into an almost decade old crisis and causing them to disperse while also trying to gentrify the area (partly by exploiting the queer & artistic spots in the area that are also often found in districts with high immigrant & working class areas. that's a thing that happens in many cities) (that's offtopic but hence the fancy cinema in the area!). when willis was very young, his father was a victim of aggressive lay-offs and was soon found dead. his mother left gotham with another man when willis was 17. he did not blame her for it.
he is also a 2nd/3rd gen immigrant. i do not have a "set" ethnicity for him (although in thursday night and my other wip he is vietnamese.) it's also important to me that he speaks the language.
he's never been exceptionally good at school but he's smart and knows his way around plenty things. he spent his adolescence working many odd jobs, involving the less-legal ones mentioned in canon - "running numbers" and boosting cars, but not only. he managed to get the GED despite and enrolls into a scholarship LPN programme provided by the wayne foundation (nothing to do with bruce btw, who at the time is not involved neither in the company nor in the philantropy. it's probably based on late thomas wayne's project.) it's not his dream job but this is what is available, it's honest work and he's good enough at it. this is also how he meets sheila.
willis does fall in love with sheila, but she takes interest in him first and tbh willis also falls a bit in love with pretty much anyone and everyone he meets. he sees the best in people. they are never serious though, but when pregnancy comes into play, willis is determined to work something out. maybe sheila thinks she can be a mother for a moment too, and she is vaguely around for the first 2-3 months, except she's not being a mother anyway. and also soon she looses her freshly obtained license as a result of medical malpractice, and willis loses his scholarship because of the association with her too.
he meets shiva by accident and performs first aid on her. sandra gives him her contact details "in case he ever needs anyone gone." willis being willis thinks absolutely nothing of it.
on that note. willis just has what i'd call middle mannered boyish charm, good-spirited sense of humour and the tiniest amount of shyness/awkwardness that makes people (women especially) like him a lot. and he doesn't mind casual romance himself so his address book (or whatever the contemporary equivalent would be) grows to be quite a weird list.
he's briefly a single dad to jay before he meets catherine. they manage just fine for a while, he gets a job as a mechanic, and he is home enough for jay to speak the language too (jay does not speak it later in life though. but jay's relation to willis is a whole another topic i could write hundreds of words about). when catherine gets sick and the financial issues follow, he gets much more absent and depressed. still, every decision he takes is always motivated by the love for his family. he might not have time nor energy to entertain jay as much as he'd like to, so their past-time becomes taking naps together. and willis likes music so he sings him to sleep.
i talked about willis' parenting and his attitude irt violence here so i will not repeat myself but i do think he was relentlessly patient and that this kindness in the eyes of many made him a bit naive. but he would also stop at nothing for his family. love drives men like him into paradoxical points of no return sometimes. &he is convinced he's getting his hands bloody so that jay's never ought to be.
i think he goes on blackgate on a murder charge, because blackgate is blackgate. if he did it or not is a whole another matter; and he surely knows too much for two-face to get rid of him. perhaps contrarily to the charge, his "crime" was actually trying to take a step back and this is what got him in trouble.
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realcube · 2 years
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @littlelilbun
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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‘i’m a girl, aries, enfp’
𓆩♡𓆪 suga is a gemini 
𓆩♡𓆪 aries and gemini have very high compatibility overall 
𓆩♡𓆪 they are both considered upbeat signs, which seems to be very accurate to both of your characters, so you both have very similar communication styles and approaches to dealing with difficult situations 
𓆩♡𓆪 here are some quotes i found off of zodiac sign sites: 
𓆩♡𓆪 ‘The overall impression of this couple would be good, exciting and challenging, a relationship where both partners can learn a lot and be active in a healthy way.’
𓆩♡𓆪  ‘The spontaneity of the Aries native works well will the unpredictability of the Twins, which is the main reason for the vivacious nature of their relationship. This is a bond that will never be mundane or boring. Both of you will always have a trick up your sleeves to keep the relationship lively and more often than not, you will thoroughly enjoy the company of your partner even after you have been together for years.’
𓆩♡𓆪  ‘As per Aries and Gemini’s compatibility in love, they are a great match because they have so much in common. For instance, both of them value freedom and intellectualism way too much.’
𓆩♡𓆪 Suga is an INFJ , according to personality database
𓆩♡𓆪 the only differences is with him being an introvert (debatable , lol) and you being an extrovert, although i don’t think that would really matter in terms of your relationship. extraversion/introversion really determines how one interacts with others, the public, not each other since you are both going to be familiar with each other and we have all seen how suga is with his friends and teammates 👁👁 
𓆩♡𓆪  you are different in your last types too, however, i think that is probably better for your relationship. differences are really good sometimes, and since judging types to be neat and orderly, while perceiving types enjoy things that are flexible. so you being a perceiving type will definitely help his loosen up and become more spontaneous 
𓆩♡𓆪 it is good that you are both feeling types though, this means you make decisions mostly based on emotions, which means you’ll both be very considerate of each others feelings when making decisions and resolving issues in the relationship 
‘my love language is physical touch!!!’
𓆩♡𓆪 i’m not sure if you mean giving or receiving so i am just going to assume you mean both !!
𓆩♡𓆪 i hc that his biggest love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is a big supporter of random acts of affection, such as hugs from behind and kisses when you least expect it !!
𓆩♡𓆪 but he is also a traditionalist 🙏 cuddles on the couch and on the bed are also appreciated
𓆩♡𓆪 he’s a squeezer though, he suffers from a chronic cuteness aggression though 
𓆩♡𓆪 so if he sees you looking exceptionally cute, he need to fight every urge in his both to squeeze your cheeks with his whole strength 
𓆩♡𓆪  as for words of affirmation, i think that is like a secondary love language of his when he’s unable to express his feelings through physical touch 
𓆩♡𓆪 so instead of squeezing you half to death, he’ll just tell you how cute you are like a normal boyfriend
𓆩♡𓆪 (he also likes to hear how good of a setter you think he is too) 
‘my ideal partner is someone tall and protective, who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings’
𓆩♡𓆪 that is so suga !! 
𓆩♡𓆪 i mean he is 5ft9 before timeskip so you can imagine he will be pretty tall after timeskip too 
𓆩♡𓆪 as for protective, he is the epitome of protective
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe overprotective sometimes.. but mostly just because he cares about you a lot and he wants you to be safe !!
𓆩♡𓆪 especially after he gets a job as an elementary teacher lol, being protective is a second nature to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 i don’t know what you mean by take care of you but suga is definitely one of the most caring and giving people, so he would definitely be tending to making you sure you are as happy as you deserve to be; scheduling dates, ordering presents, writing love poems etc
𓆩♡𓆪 and as i said before , he’s an infj, hence a feeling type, so he will be very attentive and considerate towards your feelings and emotions in a relationship
for @littlelilbun​: it was basically between bokuto and sugawara when i was reading your request but as soon as you mentioned bunnies, immediately suga !! haha
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