#hi to vogel who's seen the monty and moon shenanigans bit LOL :3c
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(WIP game!!)
oh you'd like that, wouldn't you. 😏 pushes up sleeves. let's see what's in my files
looks like we got some -adjacent here, folks!!! YEEHAW
Harry smiled as he stroked James’s hair. 
“You beautiful man,” he told him so quietly. “Do you have any idea how wonderful it is to love you?”
His unbelievably exquisite, cherished green eyes opened to slits, then directed his heavy-lidded gaze up to his partner. “I can hazard a guess.”
Harry smirked and ruffled his hair. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I was. I actually woke up a little while ago.”
“Just wanted to cuddle?”
He fixed the golden mop of hair. “You’re cute. I guess.” James grunted and tucked his head in to the crevice of Harry’s side and the blanket. 
A moment later they both got a little surprise. Harry placed his hand on his girth and James’s head rose from its would-be resting place, transfixed on his husband’s large belly. 
“It kicked.”
“Yeah, I know. It kicked me in the head.” He glanced at Harry when he laughed. 
“Aw, they were just saying h— oh. Feisty today. — hey!”
James settled his hand on the last place the tiny foot had complained. To his delight, his palm was met by another jab; he rubbed the spot with utmost affection. “Hi, little one.”
ok and now for some diversity: fnaf security breach ft. my own designs for Moon :)
“For the second time, I’ll give you the watch if—“
“For the second time, what?! C’mon, Moonman! I can’t hear ya; either get closer, or speak up.”
“I can’t turn up my volume, Gator - I’m at max. You need your hearing sensitivity fixed.”
“Then lower your line a little more, I can’t make hide or hair. We gotta do this every time?”
“You heard me say that, so what’s the problem?”
“I heard half of it, which was enough to know what you were yappin’ about. We have this talk all the time, we might as well have it prerecorded!”
“Feh. If you promise not to grab or yank me, I’ll get closer.”
“When have I ever yanked you?”
“Oh, you’re going to play innocent, now, are you? You want footage, Monty? I’ve got f—“
“Wouldja get down here so we can have a normal conversation? For once??”
“.. fine. Prima donna..”
The robotic alligator standing on the floor watched elegance donned in purple climb the strong curtains to the top. Soon after, the spidery mass of fabric and glow came easing, belly-down in its red silk sling again, lower and lower until their faces were inches from each other. Monty snorted a cold burst of dense, hydraulic hair through his immobile metal nostrils directly into his colleague’s sculpted plate and drape of his regal, violet hood. 
“Hi. Is this better for you, my liege?”
“It’ll do, jester. Now, what were you sayin’ about a watch?”
“I’ve got a ‘63 Rolex with your name on it if you can give me the Holiday Barbie you found the other day.”
His mechanical mug seemed to frown. “What Holiday Barbie?”
The partially obscured, crescent-moon face didn’t move, but the droop of a charcoal grey eyelid over the purple galaxy swirl the robot had for an eye made his displeasure known. “You twit. What did you do with the Holiday Barbie?”
“What Holiday Barbie?!” Monty asked again, spreading his arms. “Barbies are Barbies, Moonman! They all look the same to me.”
The light-projected eye rolled in its LED screen socket. “She had on a burgundy and gold dress, bore red hair, and wore candy cane stockings,” Moony described, impatiently. “She’s the Holiday Barbie from four years ago. Do you still have her?”
Monty thoughtfully perched his bulky, taloned fingers on his stout jaw. “Hrm, she rings a bell.. Iiiiii dunno, though. Lemme see the watch, first - maybe it’ll help me remember if I still got ‘er.”
The hanging animatronic’s slim, dark-lit arms folded in the air beneath his chest. “Work with me, Monty.”
“You don’t even have the watch on ya, do ya?”
“You don’t have the Barbie on you, do you? No - you don’t. We’re working on honor right now.”
“Eeeehh..” Monty grumbled, sneaking a look over his shoulder to check for his wandering band members. Coast was still clear. He peered sidelong at the Daycare Attendant past the gold-rimmed frame of his star-shaped sunglasses. “What condition is it in?”
“Upper scale of ‘great’; seemed whoever had it, took good care of it.”
“Does it work?”
It was incredible how a partially-obscured, immobile face and one color-swirled eye could call him stupid, but that’s what it did - and it did it VERY loudly. “Yes, Monty,” replied the patronizing whisper of the Plex’s nap time overseer. “It works great.”
and last but not least (sorry idk how to follow directions)....... whatever the fuck this is (actually i know whatever the fuck it is but do NOT--)
He enjoyed the walk quite immensely. It was refreshing; better yet, no one seemed to be about. All the better! When he arrived to the cafe, the atmosphere was quaint and sleepy, and his coffee was retrieved quick. Dobie found himself a wonderful spot beneath a tree, half in the sun, with its shade being ideal for the passing hours. Placing his book and coffee down on the little wrought iron table, Dobie scraped the matching chair over, sat down, and propped his feet up on the table’s ornate iron rungs. Crossing his ankles and snuggling in, he then plucked the pen from its nest in his hair, opened his book, and thumbed to the page awaiting his genius. 
The coffee steamed. Its aromatic vapors danced and swayed chiffon ribbons in the weather like fog rising off a black lake in the white ceramic mug, gradually cooling to a temperature his tongue could handle. 
Everything was great. 
He got down to work. 
“Heya, Dobie!”
The old man blinked, then squinted up at the newcomer that hadn’t been invited. A white wolf, senior in age (with possibly an upwards of eight years on the lifespan of his own), stood at the other side of the table, beaming bright. Dobie frowned. 
Oh, great. Dobie groaned a low ‘ooohhhmm’ under his breath, and glanced at his coffee. He’d forgotten all about it until now. Since he was interrupted from The Zone anyway, he picked it up and took a sip. It was lukewarm, but Dobie didn’t mind; he was a fan of coffee, whether the drink be hot or cooled. He gulped, and sighed.
“Hi, Frank.”
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