alagaisia · 6 years
I was tagged by @overwhelmsion , so that’s super cool, thanks!
1) Are you named after anyone?:
I don’t think so. I don’t think there’s any cool story behind my name; I think for all of us my mom just had a book of baby names she looked through. My sister’s middle name was almost Ruth, after our great-grandmother on our dad’s side, who was still alive at the time, but my dad said no because his family is Jewish and it’s considered bad luck to name someone after a living relative.
2) When was the last time you cried?:
Not yesterday. Friday night? 
3) Do you have any kids?:
No, and I don’t plan on having any. 
4) Do you use sarcasm?:
All the time. I think we need punctuation to distinguish between different tones of sarcasm online. It would make my life so much easier.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I don’t know. I think voice, maybe? I think it depends on what is distinctive about the person.
6) What’s your eye color?:
Hazel, but usually more brown than green. Occasionally it looks like my (red) hair and my eyes are the same color, which is neat.
7) Scary movie or happy ending?:
Happy ending all the way. I will not watch horror movies. 
8) Any special talents?:
Oof. What counts as “special”? I really enjoy singing and writing, but I wouldn’t claim to be ridiculously naturally talented at either. 
9) Where were you born?:
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA.
10) What are your hobbies?:
I like to read, though I don’t have much time anymore, and I don’t have as much of the same single-minded focus on it that I had as a kid. I knit sometimes, but I haven’t in about a year, just because I haven’t had any interesting ideas, and I don’t really want to knit a thousand really basic scarves that would pass the time but be ultimately useless. I meant to bring some yarn and stuff back to school from Thanksgiving break, to maybe get back into it, but I forgot. I do play a lot of Minecraft with my friends... 
11) Do you have any pets?:
Two small dogs, Cosmo and Squiggy. I love and miss them. They’re good boys.
12) What sports do you play?:
Actually, I might start working out with some of my friends. I got my mom to buy me sneakers over break and everything. The goal is less “fitness” and more “I want men to be intimidated by me”.
13) How tall are you?
5′4″. Hence the difficulty in intimidating creepy men.
14) Favourite subject in school?:
English, specifically creative writing, and Humanities in general. I’m taking Sociology 101 right now (today was the first day) and it already seems really interesting. There’s going to be a lot of reading, but I’m looking forward to the class discussions.
15) Dream job?:
Oh, god, please don’t ask me that. At least you didn’t ask for a major. Eesh.
I’d like to write/publish books, but the first step would be to write a book, and I haven’t done that. I’m very interested in politics and social justice, but I wouldn’t want to be a politician- I might like to work in an adjacent field, though, maybe trying to influence policy in things like how public schools deal with sexual assault cases. Or doing something to help give resources and safe spaces to queer kids. I don’t know. 
I’ll tag @insertagoodpunhere, @mercutiglo, @jesstheespeon, @hidingamongtheshadows, and @rentedroomofaveragechange
Have fun!
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elvenking · 10 years
Is or Thranduil's deer, or Gandalf's hat already taken? I'm on mobile so I can't reblog the thing and I can't see what's taken. Thanks :3
Gandalf's hat is yours!
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