#high heel shose
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High heels sex hd and skirt high heels
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High heels sex vids and high heel bondage
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logwire · 4 years
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omotesando  13:42:12
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Walking in high heels and feet heels sex
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High heels and high standards and high heel sex stories
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nialuxury · 4 years
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vamppanda · 2 years
A chill day.
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KiriBaku X Black Reader
Requerst by: @killuasleftcheek on Wattpad.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: None
t was the middle of fall , when the air start being colder and the trees was changing colors.
Here you was in the floor, on the laptop doing online shopping, with hot chocolate and listening to relaxing music.
You was half done with your online shopping, when you heard the front door slam open and slamming close shaking the whole house in the p process. You rolled your eyes as you already know how did it.
You hear yelling and shose being throw in the floor. You got up and walk to the front door, and peeking behind the  wall, to see want going on.
You saw your boyfriend's, Katsuki was the one throwing his, Eijiro and your shose. Eijiro look like he had enough.
" THAT LITTLE FUCKER." Katsuki yelling as he throw a other shoe.
" I know, I know." Eijiro said as he pat Katsuki shoulder.
You was confused, like how throw shoes like a 5 year old child and you was even more confused, because Eijiro was not doing anything meaning something how at work that got him mad, but you shook it off.
Nothing is getting in the way if your online shopping. Right when you just about to leave to go back your shopping  spree, Katsuki spotted you.
Eijiro look over to you and wave you to come over here to them. You walk over to them.
" I was peeking behind the wall, because someone was loud ass hell and was throwing shoes like a 5 year old boy , like I did not clean the house. "
Katsuki just growl and walk to you guys share bedroom and shut the door.
"Damn, he can at least pick up the shoes." You said being down to put those back.
"Here let me help." Eijiro said as he help you pick up the shose.
When you guys got done, Eijiro went to the share room to change out of his clothes. You walk right back were you where, before that crazy stuff happened.
As you getting into and was in the last question. You felt someone sat behind you with their leg on each side of you, putting you in between their legs.
You lean your hand back in their lap to see Katsuki looking at his phone. He side eye you and out his credit card in your brown cheek and went right back to his phone.
You grab it off your cheek. You already it was to apologize to you, so you accept it.
" Don't get that ugly blue ones."
You want to cry because really want those ones.
" Why is that?"
"Because they are ugly."
"They are not ugly, that just the design."
" I said no."
Eijiro come over in his grey sat down next to you in the floor.
" Eijiro-babe tell bakuhoe that these shoes are cute." You said as you point to it in the laptop sceen.
" They are ugly tho."
I promise you. You felt your hear heart shattered to pieces. Eijiro lay in your lap and close his eyes, like what he said didn't hurt you.
" B...But I want these."
" Fine...Then you can give me my credit  card back then." He said as he hold out his hand next to your brown face.
' This little bitch plan this.'
" Fiiiinneee."
You groan out as you take the shoes out of your cart. As you was looking for some other pair of shoes. Katsuki had to put his two cents in again.
" I like those shoes." He said as he pointed to some thigh high heels boots in red and orange.
"But thoes are ugly."
" Card."
" Fine."
You add it to cart, then an outfit that was same colors, so you add to cart, because you know he will say something about it. He pat your head, as you was correct.
Once you got done buying all the you want, you handed his card back to him.
You rub Eijiro head as he was asleep.
You lean your head back in Katsuki lap, falling to sleep.
A few hour later,  you woke up in a bed next to Eijiro was on his phone with his arm under your head. You look over to see Katsuki was in his phone like aways.
You was about to go back to sleep, when your phone ring, before you can reach over Katsuki to get it. But Katsuki grab it off the dresser first and answer it with out looking at the contract.
You was about grab your phone out of his hand, but he slap your hand away.
" Hello."  Katsuki answer.  He heard a men voice on the other side of the phone. He got up form the laying position in the bed.
Katsuki look at Eijiro like it was some sign to come here. Eijiro crawl over to Katsuki to listen in.
" Who the hell is this?"
The voice answered the question. They both look over at you, shook. They both look like they some high school girls talking to the person crush.
"I an her boyfriend.... I am to. " Katsuki answer back with Eijiro answer to.
" You know thank you for giving up on the beautiful black women. She amazing to us and in bed."
You climb on top of him and grab your phone out of Katsuki hands.
" Hello joson ... yeah, sorry "
"Pebbles let's us talk to him for you."
" No thanks and plus we are just friends."
" Huff. better be just friends then."
You rolled your eyes and got off the bed.
" What do you want ?" You asks as you was walking to the door, not before they both slap you on the butt.
" Hurry up pebbles...I gave want to meal some ." Eijiro said.
"Huff...not until I have my meal in that." Katsuki said.
You walk away nerves as hell, knowing you was in trouble. You walk out the door and close it.
" Thanks a lot Joson, you got me in trouble."
You sigh.
" Yeah, Yeah....my brown self don't need to be suff like a pig."
After a few minutes, you felt two hands in you.
" You taking to long pebbles." Eijiro said as he taking  your phone from you.
" Wait."
"We waited long enough." Katsuki said as he pick you up. You try to wiggle out of his grip on you was solid.
Eijiro smiled as you and Katsuki walk into the room. He heard the male voice that was calling out to you. He put your phone to his ear.
" sorry bro, She going to be busy  for awhile, we are going to be filling our chocolate cream today."
" COMING....bye-bye." With that he hang up the phone and throw the phone on the ground, and walk in the room.
Let's just say they fill you up like a chocolate cream pie.
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nialuxury · 4 years
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