#hikari like have u seen euriel
sungracd · 8 months
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@holyrisen :  "  h - hello ! "   hikari greets at the front doors to adrian,  holding a small basket of sweet treats she ended up baking.  beside her stood shou,  who passes them a simple 'yo' with a wave,  hands dug into the pockets of his cargo pants.    "  hey.  is euriel here ?   stopping by for a visit.  well,  mostly hikari wanted to visit the guy,  i'm just chaperoning.  "   his comment earns him a small nudge from hikari,  who pouts at him.
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"Well, isn't my little Euri popular lately."  A soft laugh.  This house is truly starting to feel like a home again since they've met the Tsukinos, sibling bickering and all.  "It's good to see you two. Come in, come in. He's around here somewhere."  The doors are pulled further open to accommodate them with ease, eyes practically sparkling at the sight of a familiar basket in Hikari's grasp.
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"Are those Sweet Star Café cookies I see?"
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