#hikiki au
sparkingcircuits · 5 months
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hikiki kieran.. this man is so ill..
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wanderingmoonflower · 4 months
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Headspace Lacey!!!
Once again promoting @sparkingcircuits Omori/Indigo Disk AU, appropriately named the Hikiki AU!! Look at Lacey!!! Isn't she cute!!!! I sure hope nothing happens to her in headspace!!!!
That being said, don't let the blurry quality of this image fool you, it's ALL filters
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Art trade with @melonbasil!!!
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This is Hikiki from nya’s OMORI AU, REFRESH!! It’s super interesting and the designs are lovely :3
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alirasworlds · 4 years
Omiri: Help me....
[A/N: I... Don’t really know how to explain this oneshot? I’ve been playing the game Omori lately, and god damn it’s, I’m relating to it a lot more than I thought I would, mainly in how the protag is. So as per my norm I ended up writing this after the scene in question happened.
Note, I, didn’t really think of using the protag(Sunny I’ve seen people call him? I named him Mono in my file so...), as with most games I tend to, insert a version of myself into it or use a oc to better help me figure out their headspace and how to write the world so to speak, plus I DID see there was concept art of a female Omori/Sunny, so I’ve, sort of used that here and tried to expand on a verse where I guess Sunny/the protag was a girl? With a fair amount of differences and my own additions I will eventually explain in a few cases? However I came up with my own designs for this character’s IRL form and dream self I’ll share later and she’s got her own name.
To keep this somewhat on track and so people don’t hopefully get mad at me if I title it Omori, I’ve decided to call this verse “Omiri”, as it wasn’t until after I decided on that name that I realized Omori is from the word Hikikomori, and since I believe a character swap au where Mari and Sunny swap place for one reason or another(I’ve been avoiding spoilers as best I can so I don’t fully know why) is the Hikiki verse, or something, soo Omiri works so hopefully people don’t get mad?
Anyway, the protag’s name is as follows, note I may change her real world name as I went for my default one involving part of my URL I normally use until I figure out a different one. IRL: Alira Omi Dream: Omiri
Note she is still related to Mari like Sunny is. Scene is when you’re over at Basil’s house for dinner. And with that I shall shush and let the fic speak for itself XD]
Alira froze when she heard Kel tell Basil she was moving, head immediately snapping up from her plate to look at Basil, who had completely froze, his hand dropping his spoon back into the bowl as he looked at Kel.
Kel, you dummy…!
“W-What? …” Basil’s tone was that of pure shock, expression one of a forced smile, and it made Alira want to hug him. “Alira’s… m-moving...?”
Kel, ever the oblivious one, continued. “Oh yeah! I thought I already mentioned it…” He took another bite of his food before going on. “I must have forgot.” Another bite. “She’s moving in… three days, I think?” He took another bite, but paused and gave an apologetic smile to Basil. “Sorry... I thought you already knew.”
“O-Oh… Uh...” his voice and smile were shaky, fragile, hardly holding it together. “No, I guess I must have missed it…” His expression cracked, just the slightest. “S-Sorry… Umm…” He pulled his expression together enough to make an embarrassed smile.  “M-May I be excused? I… I have to go to the bathroom.”
Polly gave him a nod and he quickly got up from his seat, rushing to the doorway to the rest of his house, but he paused and looked back at Alira, expression one of him close to tears, before he bolted into the hallway out of sight.
“What’s up with him?” Kel asked to no one in particular as Alira stared after her best friend, heart beating painfully in her chest as something painful gripped her heart. “Well, that’s just how it is. When you gotta go, you gotta go!”
“...If there are any leftovers, put them in a bag please, I like this.” Alira softly said as she quickly stood up, bowl still having some of the soup, and rushed after Basil after she put his photo album he gave her in her bag.
She looked at the door she remembered led to the bathroom and saw the light was off, regardless, she went over and entered.
“Everything is going to be okay…. Everything is going to be okay….” Even with the lights off, she could still see well enough to see Basil, gripping at his head, and shaking as he stood there, desperately saying to himself. “Everything is going to be okay… Everything is going to be okay…”
She could also see what looked to be a dark shadow on the floor, in the shape of vines or roots coming from a tree, pulsing beneath his feet. Her mind immediately recognized it as something like, the thing haunting her….
The door behind her shut with an audible click as the knob slipped from her grip, causing Basil to whirl around to look at her, clearly startled as he said shakily. “O-Oh… It’s you… Alira…” He forced a smile. “You’re here… I’m so glad…”
She stepped towards him in concern as he then asked. “You… You can see it too, can’t you? Something… behind you….”
She felt the hair on the back of her neck, with her hair currently up in that loose bun Basil had generously done for her earlier, standing up on end at that as she felt that familiar feeling of her Something right behind her.
Her expression quirked in fear, and she forced herself to not look at the mirror behind Basil as she walked up to him, and where he got a better look at her expression, which he was quick to ask about as his own quirked in concerned fright. “Alira… W-Why… Why do you look so scared?”
She felt her hand shaking as she brought up her hand to bite on the side of it in an attempt to calm herself, shutting her eyes as she shakily tried to will it to go away. “It’s not behind me it’s not behind me…” She breathed in, calming down just enough to open her eyes and walk up to the bathroom mirror. It was not going to be there, it couldn’t, it shouldn’t, she told it to go away...
“It’s not there... it’s not there... it’s not-” The desperate mantra she was uttering stopped, when she spotted that black mass, with the one eye, peering at her from over her shoulder. Staring, haunting, judging-
She inhaled sharply as she stepped back, eyes filling with tears without delay, and she spun around before crashing into Basil, almost knocking him over as she latched onto him in the form of a hug, shaking like a leaf like he was.
She couldn’t speak, her throat shut with fear and fright, but despite this Basil was quick to react and latch onto her in return, grip almost like a vice and tight but also… Gentle.
She tried to catch her breath, tried to force herself to calm down, but it wasn’t working, that THING WAS BEHIND HER-
“Alira…” Basil’s voice, she latched onto that sound, trying so hard to focus on that instead of the thing behind her.  “Everything is okay now, isn’t it?”
She took a few moments to breathe, and nodded once she felt she calmed down a bit. “I… I think….” She certainly calmed down enough to speak at least.
After a few moments, she let go of Basil, stepping back to give him room once he very reluctantly let go of her, still holding onto her hands though. Her hands, delicate like his own, but thinner clearly.
She smiled at him shakily and opened her mouth to say something, but all she let out was a strangled cry as she felt something wrap around her neck and pull tight.
She gasped for air as she ripped her hands away from Basil’s to claw at her neck, Basil backing up in alarm and fright as he saw that thing behind her wrap some part of itself around her neck, jolting her back as she clawed at it and struggled for air. She couldn’t breathe…!
It was trying to.. It was trying to…! No…!
“N-no! You’re not…!” Basil sprung forward, hands over the pitch black thing around her neck, grasping onto it, and while he felt his own Something stirring beneath his feet, he still managed to wrech the thing away from her neck, allowing her to gasp for air as she stumbled back, eyes wide with pure fear and panic as she visibly shook.
Her eyes filled with tears as she began backing up towards the door, crying out pitifully in a tearful tone. “I… I don’t want to…”
“W...Wait… P-please, Alira…” Basil tearfully begged her as she backed up, reaching out for her. “Don’t leave me… Not again…”
“I…. I… I don’t want to go…!” She sobbed out, her Something pricking at her back and making her cry even more. “I-I want… To stay…! Please, please don’t make me… leave him…!”
She didn’t want to leave, she realized. Not just now, not now when Basil clearly needed support, but to leave at all, she wanted to stay in Faraway, she didn’t want to move when had her mother ever talked about moving she couldn’t remember but she DIDN'T WANT TO-
Despite herself, something in her made her turn around, open the door, and leave despite her best friend’s and her own pleading.
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sparkingcircuits · 2 months
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guess who finished making portraits for all of the hikiki cast!!!! this guy >:33 oh yeah also heres a bonus one down here VV
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sparkingcircuits · 5 months
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The Toxic Ruler: Pecharunt
(alternate versions and info under the cut)
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Hikiki Pecharunt!
in the HIKIKI au, Pecharunt takes the place of Sweetheart
They go by multiple names, such as Pecharunt, Dokutaro, The Toxic Ruler, etc
Instead of looking for a partner, Pecharunt is looking for a right hand man. a “partner in crime” if you will.
They act childish and are easily angered, and have an “I am Above you” status on everyone.
their main weapon is a big old pair of scissors that can come apart and form 2 swords!
their hood is reminiscent of the shell of a normal pecharunt
they don’t normally use toxic chains, those are reserved for their highest servants and are signs of nobility
Hikiki pecharunt is the headspace troublemaker. love that rat.
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sparkingcircuits · 2 months
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back on the au content yall are here for. heres the beef again
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sparkingcircuits · 4 days
"Something still hangs over your head, doesn't it?"
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hi hikiki au enjoyers. heres your food for the month
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sparkingcircuits · 2 months
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alt. versions and tiny ramble below the cut
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wooh! this one was honestly a bit harder than pecha’s for some reason. prob bc i tried to make the shading more authentic to the omori still but it is done! Capt Terapagos is so silly shakes him around
hope y’all enjoy this :3
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sparkingcircuits · 2 months
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i have two sides
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sparkingcircuits · 6 months
I feel like if mismatched kieran and HIKIKI ever met they would have the most beef ever
exhibit a:
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sparkingcircuits · 4 months
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Hikiki AU Headspace Outfits :3
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sparkingcircuits · 5 months
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sparkingcircuits · 5 months
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hm? who is this? a stranger, perhaps?
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sparkingcircuits · 4 months
sorry for the lack of posts n art recently here’s some stuff
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for the those who don’t know who is who in the first image:
Blackcurrant Pathways is kieran from an au where the main blueberry academy cast r iterators from rain world, i only have his name and crispins (Blistering Sands) figured out tho, see below for all designs
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DH!kieran comes from an au named Decaying Hatred, when basically he gets sick with something, that thing ends up absorbing his anger and hatred for the protagonist after the teal mask, and it begins to mutate far beyond anything normal. refer to last two images in the main clump
and the rest are ones i’ve talked abt here, Misfit and Mismatched Kieran come from Mismatched Timelines, and H!Kieran and Hikiki come from the Hikiki AU
oh and also the hikiki unbread twins are here as well as their (somewhat) real world counterparts
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sparkingcircuits · 7 months
(also thanks to @/princesstears0901 for the au name i actually love it so much it’s so clever)
Kiki: Our main character of sorts, and the youngest of the group! He doesn’t seem to talk much, or really at all, but he’s still quite the friendly face! He has been working on being more assertive, thanks to Carmine’s encouragement, so he usually takes the lead when him and his friends go on adventures!
He doesn’t specialize in any specific type on his team, and when it is needed, his weapon of choice is his trusty knife.
Carmine: Kiki’s wonderful sister! She’s strong, assertive, and determined, but can be a bit rude and snarky at times. She means well, though! She’s been trying to get Kiki to stand up for himself more often, and the progress she’s seen has made her very happy! She and Drayton tend to get into a LOT of banter, sometimes seeming like a full blown argument, but those that have been around the two know they’re just messing with each other!
She doesn’t specialize in any specific type on her team, and she tends to stay by their picnic tables while the others go on adventures.
Amarys: One of Carmine’s best friends, and also is friends with everyone else! She’s quite smart, and always tells the truth, even if it may hurt. Kiki finds it nice that she would never lie to him. She can sometimes be a bit blunt with her words, and others might see her as a bit of an odd one out when looking over the whole group, but her friends don’t care, they’re friends after all!
She specializes in steel types, and much prefers to use her team in battles. Though, if required, she will use her metal bat to protect herself or her friends.
Crispin: One of the most social members of the group, Crispin is quite the energetic person! Sometimes he may miss a social cue here or there, but that’s fine! He’s got quite the passion for cooking, especially when it comes to spicy food. He prefers it much better when everyone is happy, as to him, everyone seems to linger just a bit too long on negative emotions. He can be a bit blunt, like Amarys, so the two occasionally get into small arguments. It’s never too big of an issue, though!
He specializes in fire types, and if needed, will use his trusty frying pan as a weapon, using both to heal up his friends, and to burn the enemies with spice!
Drayton: One of the oldest members of the group, Drayton is quite the character. He tends to playfully make fun of the others, which sometimes can make him seem like a douche, but he does care for his friends! He just shows it in his own way, is all. Since Carmine tends to stay behind when they go on adventures, Drayton has taken the role of the “adult” of the group, which, may or may not have been the best decision. He does keep them out of trouble, though, and that can’t be ignored, even if Kiki thinks he’s a bit annoying sometimes.
He specializes in dragon types, and his weapon of choice is his “sparkling personality,” aka, he mostly just makes sure the others are okay instead of fighting himself.
Lacey: Last, but definitely not least, is Lacey! One might call her the peacekeeper of the group, as she tends to make sure the arguments within the group don’t get too extreme! A kind and gentle soul, but don’t underestimate her, she is also quite strong, and has a very high sense of right and wrong. She also has an in depth knowledge of fairy types, which also gives her a bit of a knowledge on plants, as there are a good few fairy types that have some involvement with nature. But just because they’re cute does not mean they are weak, and Lacey will make sure that people know that!
Her specialty is fairy types, and she doesn’t have a weapon of choice, since she doesn’t really like battling in hand to hand combat.
Unfortunately, Lacey is currently missing.. Hopefully Kiki and his friends will be able to find her soon!
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