#him ranting to Ana on comms
Clovis Bray I playing Cookie Clicker
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transizzyhands · 7 years
overwatch ranting under the cut
i was having a pretty okay night until i decided to play overwatch. only two wins, and the last match, which we lost, was ilios (i fuckin despise control maps so much, HATE HATE HATE) and we won the first point handily but the second two times we got utterly ruined, i was playing as mercy and the enemy team kept countering and killing me every fucking time i went to rez someone
i s2g i tried to rez like 15 times and only got in 3 rezes IN THREE MATCHES (two of them the first map) and every other time i got killed halfway through. I FUCKING HATE HOW HARD SHE GOT NERFED, WHY THE FUCK DID THEY RUIN HER LIKE THAT??? like i get that her rez is OP (nvm that it’s her whole goddamn thing, that’s the POINT of picking mercy--you pick Ana because of nano-boost, you pick Sym for her teleporter, you pick Tracer because of her mobility, you pick Junkrat for his rip-tire), but who the fuck decided that a nearly 2-second cast time was necessary WHILE ALSO reducing her movement speed?? Pick one or the other, Blizzard! FUCK YOU! also i think a 1.75 second cast time is too damn long in the first place--cut it to 1 second at the most, come the fuck on
anyway, because the whole enemy team kept focusing on me (and my team for whatever goddamn reason seemed allergic to protecting me, despite the fact that we were a 6-stack and in voice comms), i knew my death would be in the POTG, and lo and behold it was, when the enemy pharah booped both me and Ryan (who was playing moira) off the map, so i asked him to skip it because I was so fucking humiliated, only he didn’t, so i was like “what part of ‘i don’t want to see this did you not understand?’ so he threw a hissy fit and left the goddamn group and just logged the fuck off so i just fucking left too
god damn it i am so fucking angry right now so even though i meant to come back to write more of that mchanzo fic (I’m over 1,000 words into the next chapter), i’m not in the right headspace for it right now
but it’s also too soon after playing overwatch for me to go to bed so i’m just sitting here and stewing in my own rage
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