moonmoonjongup95 · 7 years
Coast With Me//Jongup+Himchan {Re-do}
{text: Himchannie-hyung} We’ll be out in a minute~ Jongup puffs his cheeks out and stares at his middle children, who have decided to take one shoe off each and hide them. “Guys, Himchannie will be here soon. Don't you want to play with Himchannie and eat yummy pizza?” The two just giggle and run off again. Jongup sighs and pulls out his phone again. {Himchannie-hyung} Make that five, the twins have decided to lose their left shoes...why is it always the left one??? Ten minutes later, all four kids have their shoes and coats, Jongup picks up Jisoo in her carrier and ushers the older three out to his friend’s car. “Sorry, hyung. I don't know what the deal is with two year olds and shoes.”
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iwritekpopthings · 7 years
You (Ch. 3)
Characters:  Misun (OC), Jung Daehyun, B.A.P, other side characters Word Count: 1546 Genre/ Warnings: fluff, romance, slow burn
Ch. 1 Ch. 2
The doorbell rang and Misun tensed up. In the past forty five minutes since Himchan had finished his call, Misun had gotten changed into dry clothes, dried her hair, and cleaned up what little there was to clean in her apartment.  She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at Himchan. He was relaxed as he smiled at her.
“It’ll be fine. If you need to, you can take breaks in your room or the kitchen, okay?” He suggested. Misun nodded and sighed, trying her best to relax. “There you go.” He patted her shoulder before going to answer the door.
Misun hid in the kitchen while he left to go answer the door. She wasn’t scared of any of the boys; she had met some of them multiple times. But she was still uneasy. Had he invited all five of them? Would there suddenly be six boys in her house? Thoughts raced through Misun’s mind as a sudden clamor was  heard from the doorway. The boys seemed to be greeting each other cheerfully, which made Misun smile just a bit.
Himchan led the small parade of food and men into the kitchen. They set the food and drinks down on any empty counter space that they could find. It seemed like they had brought enough to feed twenty people. Misun recognized the black-haired Yongguk, blondish Daehyun, and brown-haired Youngjae, but there were two others she hadn’t met before. One with a lost expression on his face and hair that was light brown and the other was a tall boy with an adorable face. Noticing her confusion, Himchan came around behind the two of them and put a hand on each of their shoulders.
“Misunnie, these are our maknaes.” He said with a grin. “Jongup is older, even though he’s shorter. And this skyscraper here is Junhong.” He ruffled each of their hair and walked away quickly before they could protest.
“Yah, it’s Zelo, not Junhong!” The tall boy said, glaring at Himchan’s back as he smoothed out his dark brown hair. He turned back to look Misun and his lips turned into a giant smile. “Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you noona~” He and the Jongup waved and Misun waved back shyly. Himchan had told her about these two, of course, but she was still glad to finally meet them in person.
She glanced around while trying to figure out what to do next when she suddenly made eye contact with Daehyun. He seemed to be staring at her with concern, but when their eyes met, he looked away again. Before Misun had a chance to really think about it, Himchan interrupted her thoughts.
“Okay, let’s eat, I’m starving!” He said, handing out plates to everyone. Once they got a plate, it was every man for himself. Yongguk and Misun waited out the chaos together, laughing at the barbarians fighting over the pizzas.
“So, Himchannie oppa told me you have a girlfriend now..” Misun started, curious about how Yongguk would react to her knowing this information.
His face transformed at the mention of her. A wide but shy smile appeared and he looked down at the ground. “Yeah, I do.”
“Congratulations~” She shoulder bumped the older boy, making him laugh quietly. “Now do us all a favor and get oppa a girlfriend, too.” Misun whispered.
Yongguk was so surprised at what she said that he just couldn’t keep his next  laugh quiet. “I don’t know if that would be a favor or not..” He said, catching his breath.
“Eh, you’re probably right.. So, when do we get to meet her?” Misun asked, choosing her words carefully.
He looked at her with a mildly surprised look. “Oh.. uh….”
“I promise not to embarrass you in front of her. Pleaseeeee?” Misun begged, using her aegyo against him. Yongguk had to quickly look away before he lost his cool.
“Alright, I’ll think about it.” He told her, a small smile still playing around the corners of his mouth. Misun was satisfied with that answer for now and nodded happily.
“Misun, I saved these for you!” Daehyun walked over with two plates of pizza in his hands. He extended one to her with a small smile. “Hyung said these were your favorites so I fought everyone for them.”
Misun’s eyes widened as she took the plate from Daehyun. She was confused as to why he would go through all of the trouble just for some pizza, but she was still grateful at the same time. “O-oh.. Thank you Daehyun-ssi.” She said as she took the plate from him with a small bow. He smiled and nodded before picking up his own piece and beginning his eating marathon.
“NOONA YOU HAVE A PS4 AND AN XBOX ONE?!?! OMOOOOO” Zelo and Jongup had rushed back into the kitchen, pizza in one hand. They looked so excited that Misun couldn’t help but melt a little at their cuteness.
“Yeah, I do. And I have a ton of controllers as well. Would you guys like to play..?” She offered, unsure of if these boys played video games or not. Maybe they were the outdoor sporty types or something.
“Can we?!” Jongup asked, his eyes going wide.
“Sure, I’ll go set it up.” She told him with a smile. She carried her food with her and munched along the way as everyone followed her to the living room. Misun set her plate on the coffee table and went about setting the systems up as the boys rifled through her game collection. They eventually decided on a racing game since it would be easiest for multiple people to play. Once it was good to go, Misun let the boys at it as she sat on the armrest of her couch next to Himchan.
He leaned over and spoke low enough for only her to hear. “You’re doing a great job.”
“They’ve been here less than an hour oppa. We’ll see how it goes.” Misun replied just as quietly. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, but it seemed like tonight may be enjoyable after all. Especially as she watched Zelo do a victory dance when he beat Jongup and Yongguk in the first race.
As the night progressed, Misun did her best to relax and forget about other things. She eventually joined in the video games as well, beating everyone but Youngjae at the racing game.
“I want a rematch!” Daehyun said, standing up once a controller was free.
“Dae, you’ve had like five rematches already, calm down and accept your losses.” Youngjae said sassily with a smirk. Misun covered her smile with one hand, not wanting to make Daehyun feel bad.
“Also, it’s past one in the morning, guys. We should go and let Misun get some rest.” Himchan said, standing up and stretching. At his words, Misun felt a little sad. But at the same time, she was tired and could use a good night’s sleep, even though she probably wouldn’t get it.
Misun followed everyone as they went to the door and put on their shoes. She struggled with her words for a moment before figuring out what to say. “Um.. Thank you for coming over tonight.” She said quietly, a small smile on her face. Everyone looked up at her, a similar smile on their faces.
“Thank you for letting us come over.” Yongguk said as he spoke for the group.
“Noona~ This was so much fun!! Can we do this again next Thursday? Are you free every Thursday?” Zelo asked, bouncing on his feet.
At this, Misun’s smile slowly slid off of her face. “Well..” She looked down as she thought. Quickly, she came to a decision. “Yeah, I’m free.”
“YES! I wanna meet up every week!” Zelo came over and hugged Misun, surprising her greatly. She awkwardly brought one hand up and patted Zelo on the back before he finally let go.
“You’re more than welcome to come anytime. All of you are.” She said, making eye contact with each of them individually. As she looked at Daehyun, she noticed the same stare that he was giving her before.
“Alright, this is great, but I’m tired. Let’s go and let Misun get some sleep.” Himchan repeated, urging the boys to get moving. Everyone filed out and Daehyun was the last one out the door.
Before Misun closed the door, Daehyun looked back at her. “Are you going to be okay?” He asked in a low voice, a little unsure of what to do. He really didn’t think she should be left alone for the night.
Misun blinked at him for a few minutes before nodding. “I’ll be fine. I always am. But thank you for your concern, Daehyun-ssi.” She gave him the best smile she could conjure up at the moment and nodded with a small bow.
“Alright, if you say so...” He said a little solemnly. However, he quickly brightened up and gave her a toothy smile and waved. “Have a good night, Misun.” He turned and walked away while Misun closed the door. She leaned against it with a sigh. After a few moments she gathered herself up enough to make her way to her room, preparing herself for another long night.
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Yongguk’s Route - Chapter 3
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I've got myself a new e-reader and got addicted to reading. I would really recommend the Kingdom series written by Marie Hall. I love her books! Her writing is very interesting and fun. 
Hope you guys will like this chapter as well! 
Here are the links to chapter 1 & 2:
Are you guys excited about B.A.P’s next comeback? Because I am! 
Admin S
Today is the day for Yongguk to bring you home. You were sitting on your bed reading books about vampires. You were lost in the story when suddenly someone tapped your shoulder.
You: "Aaah!!"
YG: "What are you doing?"
You: "Ehm... reading a very interesting story."
YG: "Are you scared?"
Yongguk glances at you. He saw your hands shaking. Your eyes moving around quickly.
You: "No, but Yongguk oppa would you ever want to be human again?"
YG: "Of course I do. Living as a vampire is awful. You will face the death of your family and friends while you are immortal."
You imagined losing your friends and family one by one. You watched his expression. You never knew what he was thinking but something deep in his eyes made you can feel his sadness.
You: "I'm sorry for asking."
YG: "It's okay, you're just curious."
Yongguk pets your head smiling at you.
You: "I want to listen to your song."
YG: "It's not finished yet but I will let you hear a bit of it."
You listen to his music, it's filled with sadness and hatred but at the same time there was hope. You want to know more about him. What is it that makes you feel like this? He starts to rap with his deep and sexy voice. It made a shiver go down your spine. His voice so beautiful and strong. You feel attracted to him.
YG: "What do you think of it?"
His face full expectation waiting for your answer.
You: "I liked it very much! You really brought your feelings into this song. It makes me want to hear more of it. I'm sure it will be a hit song."
YG: "Thanks."
Yongguk smiles at you and you answered his happy smile. A second later Yongguk starts to distance himself with his back turned to you.
YG: "Today is the day."
You: "What do you mean?"
YG: "It's the day for me to send you away."
His words were painful to you. You know that there would be a day for you to leave him forever. You didn't realise you were attached to him before he told you these words. You want to stay by his side, but at the same time, you want to be home again.
You: "Ah... I guess it's time to go home."
YG: "You wouldn't like to stay here. Today is the perfect day to send you away. When it's full moon the other members are busy hunting and chasing the werewolves away. We can leave without them noticing us. I will guide you."
You: "Thank you Yongguk oppa. I will always be grateful to you."
You walk away with a hint of pain and sadness in your eyes. It's better this way you thought by yourself. When you left the room Yongguk starts talking to himself.
YG: "The faster you leave the better it is for the both of us. You should live the way you want (y/n)-ah."
You entered the garden, it was dark but you could see the roses in dim light. You stare at the white roses, totally not aware of your surroundings. Youngjae saw you standing there not moving. He keeps quiet leaving you alone. He could see you reach out for a white rose.
YJ: "Watch out!"
You: "Ah! It hurts!"
YJ: "Babo-yah! This is not the first time you cut yourself. Aish I will take care of it."
Youngjae stood in front of you with your hand in his. Just before Youngjae licks your fingers again Yongguk appears. He glares angrily at Youngjae.
YJ: "I want to help her nothing more."
YG: "I'm here already, you can leave now and tell the other members not to come here."
YJ: "Yes sir!"
Youngjae left and Yongguk ripped a piece of his sleeve to tie it around your hand. You could see his trembling hands, he was restraining himself from drinking your blood. The sweet scent making him dizzy. His eyes turning red. The red in his eye made you think that he was sexy. Compared to the first time you saw Daehyun's red eyes you were not scared. You trust Yongguk with your heart, you know he won't hurt you for blood.
YG: "Are you okay?"
You: "I feel sorry for ruining your white shirt."
YG: "My shirt is nothing."
You: "I think it stopped bleeding."
YG: "Let's go back inside."
You: "Okay."
In his room, you could feel the awkwardness between the two of you. Yongguk was walking around restless.
You: "Why don't you take a seat?"
YG: "No I feel restless if something happens to you and therefore I cannot leave you alone."
You: "Don't worry about me, I'm a grown-up woman. I can take care of myself."
YG: "You're fragile and mortal."
You: "If I die you can make me a vampire right?"
YG: "No, only the pureblood vampires can make you a vampire. I can only feed on you. But I will never drink from you even if I die."
You: "I'm saying careless things. Sorry for making you worried."
You backed away from him and crawl into your bed with the blankets over your head. You feel down and something was bothering you a lot. The fact that you felt rejected by Yongguk. Every time you thought that you were close to him he starts to push you away. You closed your eyes and remember his smile, his sexy smirks and the way he laughs when he is really happy. You won't be seeing this again after you've left the castle. Your eyes watery as one drop of tear left your eye. It's too late, you fell in love with him the moment you had to leave.
YG: "Yaaah wake up! It's full moon."
You: "Eh?"
You fell asleep without knowing. Yongguk pulled you up. We have to hurry, the others are outside they won't notice it if we go now. He swings you over his shoulder.
YG: "Let's go!"
You: "Aah! Yongguk wait!"
YG: "Sssst stay quiet and don't make sounds."
You: "But I can hear wolves howling."
YG: "Have you never heard of wolves howling at the full moon? They're howling to mark their territory."
You: "Huh? I thought that handsome guys will turn into their wolves form in full moon."
YG: "You watch too many movies."
You: "Maybe I did watch some Twilight movies, but I love watching TV."
YG: "I'm going to jump down from here."
You: "Wait! You seriously want to jump down from this window? Omg, I can't even see the end."
YG: "Would you want me to walk through the castle?"
You: "Yes please and if you don't mind can I mentally prepare myself before you're doing things without me knowing."
YG: "Whatever."
You: "It's our last night together. Can't you be a little bit more considerate?"
YG: "You have to leave tonight or you won't be able to go until the next full moon."
You: "I don't get it. Do you really hate me that much that you want to force me out?"
YG: "Yah what are you talking about?"
You: "Why do you keep your distance? You make me feel rejected all the time."
YG: "No I didn't."
You: "Yes you did."
YG: "Let's not fight about this. We don't have time to fight like an old couple."
You: "No it's too late!"
YG: "We still have time if we move now."
You: "I fell in love with you! You idiot! Why don't you know?"
You could feel the tears welling up and pushed Yongguk down. You broke free from his grip and ran away on the stairs. Yongguk was standing there.
YG: "Aish! I should have known at the moment she chose me! Ah, I'm frustrated!"
You cried and ran circles not knowing where to go anymore. You fell down and saw a pair of shoes. It was Yongguk holding his hand out to you.
You: "What do you want from me?"
Yongguk didn't talk, he grabs your hand and pulls you in for a hug.
YG: "I'm sorry."
You: "I know that I'm stupid to fall in love with you. I don't know how it started but my heart keeps beating for you."
Yongguk caress your hair and moved his face closer to you.
YG: "You fell in love with the wrong guy. I can never make you happy."
You put your hands on his shoulders pushing him hard.
You: "Take me home Yongguk. I'm done here."
Yongguk let his hand slid down to your wrist. He nodded, his eyes closed. He holds your hand and walks away with you. The only thing you remember was a lot of doors, doors and doors. The main door opens and a thick fog covers your eyes. Not that you could see with your tears running down your face. You keep drying them with your other hand. Why is love so complicated? Your heart sinks and you couldn't think anymore. The only thing you see was Yongguk's hand and some rustling a and howling sounds. You don't feel scared anymore as your feelings took over.
You: "Yongguk?"
YG: "Yeah?"
You: "Thank you for everything. I hope that we will never have to see each other again."
The moment you let go of his handmade you think that you would be able to see the world again. However, this was not what you see. You were surrounded by dead wolves all over the place while Yongguk's hand was covered in blood."
You: "Aaaah!!!"
YG: "It's not as bad as it looks like. Calm down and come hold my hand."
You blacked out the moment you saw all this blood. But the worst thing was how Yongguk's hand was covered in blood.
YG: "(y/n)-ah!!"
The moment you fell down Yongguk got distracted and a big wolf jumped on his back and bit him on his shoulder.
YG: "Argh! Get away from me! (Y/n)-ah!"
Wolves were surrounding Yongguk and you, growling and showing their wolf teeth.
HC: "Bbang! You okay?"
Himchan kicked away the wolf who had attacked Yongguk and used his power to make a protecting wall around you all.
HC: "Jongup and Zelo come help me fight these wolves! Youngjae and Daehyun take Yongguk and (y/n) back to the castle!"
JU & Zelo: "Yes Himchannie hyung!"
YJ & DH: "Let us take care of Yongguk hyung and (y/n)!"
The End of Yongguk's Route Chapter 3!
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[170319 TRANS] Busan “Wake Me Up” (ROSE) Fansign Compilation
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‪Q. You go back to the dorm excitedly after finishing your schedules to eat the beef short ribs leftover from yesterday, but what if Himchannie hyung ate all of it?‬ ‪JU: Gotta order pizza and eat that‬ ‪Ah - -‬
‪OP said the “ah - -” written afterwards would be what Himchan would say. ‬
‪(cr: rice_n_burger)
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Yongguk oppa‬
‪I want to get a tattoo but where should I get it? Please give me a recommendation!‬ ‪YG: Collarbones ‬
‪(cr: Jus_Kaby)
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If you were to describe yourself in three words? JU: Ginger tea
(cr: 我叫苏亚希)
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‪Please tell me your weakness~‬ ‪DH: I’m full of weaknesses…‬
‪What are words that you want to tell Yonggukie hyung but can’t?‬ ‪DH: I lov… I lov… ‬ ‪I like you [T/N: I’m assuming he was about to write “I love you” before choosing “I like you”]‬
‪(cr: ball仙女ball)
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‪What should I do to become your ideal type?‬ ‪YJ: [You] already [are] ^.^‬
‪Lately.‬ ‪When was the time you felt the happiest?‬ ‪YJ: When I’m meeting fans hehe‬
‪(cr: ball仙女ball)
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‪What nickname will you call cotton-candy-baby-nuna [T/N: the fan] by?‬ ‪ZL: Sugar ‬ ‪Cotton candy♡‬
‪He wrote sugar first before circling over it and writing cotton candy. ‬
‪(cr: ball仙女ball)
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You’ve been to Okinawa and Fukuoka already, where do you want to go next in Japan?‬ ‪DH: Kyoto!‬
‪He said he wanted to go there because it was quiet‬
‪(cr: 0323K_Risa)
Translation: cassie_babyz
Please take out with full credits
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Youngjae’s Route - Chapter 2
Hi everyone,
This is chapter 2 of Youngjae’s Route. It’s part of the B.A.P Castle story. If you did not read chapter 1 you can read it with the link below: 
Admin S
You woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside your room. You heard a conversation in the hallway.
DH: “Did you drink her blood yet?”
YJ: “Yah! I'm not like you. I don't see her as food.”
DH: “Come on seriously her blood smells too nice. You can't resist that as a vampire.”
YJ: “I won't drink it.”
DH: “If you don't drink it, you can never claim her as yours.”
YJ: “I don't want her as food.”
DH: “You will die if you don't take her blood.”
YJ: “I can live with those blood tablets from Himchannie hyung.”
DH: “I'm sorry but Himchannie hyung won't give you any of it if he knows that you didn't take her blood. Same applies for the others. If you don't take her blood, somebody else would.”
YJ: “Don't worry. I have a plan.”
DH: “I'm warning you. Don't do stupid things.”
YJ: “I won't.”
DH: “Drink her blood if you're hungry.”
YJ: “No never.”
DH: “I still don't get you. Don't be stubborn.”
Daehyun left Youngjae alone. You heard someone ticking on the window. It was Jongup.
JU: “Hey (y/n)-ah how are you doing?”
You: “I’m fine and you?”
JU: “Hunting wasn't that successful but I got something for you.”
You: “Oh my god! Where did you find this beautiful little bird?”
JU: “I found it while I was hunting yesterday. I think it matches you very well.”
You: “What about it?”
JU: “Take this as a present from me.”
You: “But-“
JU: “Just take it already.”
You: “I don't think that Youngjae will like this in his room…”
JU: “Just tell him that you love it and he won't say no.”
You: “Hmm… I don't think that-“
*Chirp chirp*
You: “Awww why are you so cute?”
JU: “Have fun with your new friend. Bye!”
A minute later Youngjae knocks on the door. *Knock knock*
YJ: “(y/n)-ah? Are you awake?”
You: “Yes I am!”
YJ: “I shall come in then.”
You: “Noo wait! I'm changing my clothes. Just give me a minute!”
You quickly put the bird in your shoe box. The was a small hole where he can breathe you thought.
You: “Come in!”
YJ: “There you are. I always feel anxious if I don't see you around me.”
He walks over to you and hugs you gently this time. You were stiffly moving to pull your jacket over the shoe box without Youngjae seeing it. However, he was way smarter than you and acted like he didn't see anything.
*Chirp chirp*
You widened your eyes looking at Youngjae.
You: “Hahaha I really like to make bird sounds you know. "Chirp chirp!”
YJ: “You mostly fail to tell lies to me.”
You: “What? I'm not telling you any lies. I really do like to imitate bird sounds.”
YJ: “What is this little bird behind you then?”
You turn around looking at the little bird. It was chirping at your window.
You: “Damn it! How did you leave my shoe box?”
Youngjae was laughing at you. He caresses your hair and smiled gently at you. He looks so handsome you thought by yourself. Feeling butterfly's in your stomach.
You: “Hihi I’m sorry.”
YJ: “Tell me. Why is there a bird in our room?”
You: “Ah… Jongup gave me a new friend.”
YJ: “Jongup gave you this bird?”
You: “Yeah he told me to keep it. Can I please? It's so cold outside and I can feed him seeds.”
YJ: “That bird is not going to live here. Are you even aware of your situation right now? You can't raise it in my room. This bird needs freedom.”
You: “Awww why? He’s so cute and he looks like you.”
YJ: “Yah! How can such a bird look like me?”
You: “He looks as elegant and beautiful as you are and he chirps very high. Just like your voice haha.”
YJ: “That doesn't convince me.”
You: “Please~ I will call him mini Youngjae.”
YJ: “You have no fantasy.”
You: “How about Youngchirp? Or Youngbae?”
YJ: “You're not amusing me.”
You: “But-”
Youngjae pecks your lips quickly. He stole a kiss from you again.
You: “Aish! Really? Why do you always keep stealing kisses from me?”
YJ: “That's because I love you.”
You: “How can you say that so easily?”
You hide your face in your hands. Youngjae teases you by touching your shoulder.
YJ: “Are you shy?”
You: “No!”
You backed away from him and got surprised by your little bird who claims your hair as his bedroom.
YJ: “Hey you! She’s mine. Get off her head!”
Youngjae tries to catch it and it flew away. He lost balance and fell on top of you on the bed. You feel your heartbeat in your chest. But there was another one that you felt. Youngjae’s heartbeat was there as well. Youngjae pushes himself up and scratches his head.
YJ: “I-I eh.. am sorry?”
You: “It's okay.”
You smile at him stupidly. Feeling stupid for not knowing about vampires or anything about Youngjae at all. 
You: “I didn't know that your heart can beat as quickly as mine.”
YJ: “There is a lot that I have to teach you again. Hmm as we are still in this position. Why don't we try something intimate?”
You: “Noo!”
Youngjae laughs at your high-pitch voice reaction. He pulls you up and sits in front of you.
YJ: “Give me your hand.”
You: “Why?”
YJ: “Just do it.”
He holds your hand softly. His hands are cold compared to yours. He puts your hand on his chest.
You: “What are you doing?”
You said a little bit startled. When you calmed down you feel his heart beating normally.
YJ: “You see. Now that I'm relaxed with you. My heartbeat is normal again.”
You: “Why are you doing this to me?”
You feel shy for touching his chest area and you couldn't stop your mind wondering at how his body would look like without his shirt on. You could feel your temperature increase and pulled back your hand.
You: “I-I had enough. I will go out for a walk.”
Just before you could stand up Youngjae push you on his bed with force.
You: “Mmh! Youngjae?”
YJ: “I can't stand to let you go.”
He leans down and whispered.
YJ: “Now before I mark you as mine.”
Then you felt his lips on your neck. They felt cold but soft at the same time. You feel frightened and weird, closing your eyes. A feeling that you can't really describe. His lips parts lightly and you feel him lick your skin. You shivered at this feeling. Then he nibbles on your ear.
You: “Ah.. it tickles.”
You open your eyes and stare at him. Blinking your eyes twice. The look in his eyes was gentle and lovingly. Maybe you could get used to handsomeness one day, but not today. You gulped and waits for his next movements.
YJ: “What do you want my princess?”
You: “Eh?”
YJ: “Oh you don't need anything anymore?”
You: “I don't know. My brain is suddenly not working anymore...”
YJ: “Let’s go for a walk then.”
You feel confused as you see Youngjae walking to the door. What on earth did just happen a second ago? you wondered.
YJ: “(y/n)?”
You: “Yes I’m coming!”
When you stood next to Youngjae he pulls you in for a peck on your cheek.
YJ: “My baby is so cute when she’s confused.”
You: “Huh?”
Youngjae laughs and holds you gently for a bear hug.
You: “Yah! You're so mean! You’re confusing me all the time!"
The End of Chapter 2 of Youngjae’s Route!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Daehyun’s Route - Chapter 2
Hi everyone,
This is chapter 2 of Daehyun’s Route. It’s part of the B.A.P Castle story. If you did not read chapter 1 you can read it with the link below.
Admin S
Somebody knocks on the door. It was Youngjae. He seems to be very worried about you and came over to see you. The look on your face could tell that there was more than Daehyun’s dance performance.
DH: “Yah Youngjae! What are you doing here?”
YJ: “First, even when she is your partner I’m still worried about her. Second, this woman was my ex-lover, I want her to remember me before she chooses for you. Third, in term of the B.A.P castle rules, she is your partner. But I love her too much to let you drink her blood or accidentally kill her.”
DH: “Yah! I’m not that stupid to kill her! Now get out!”
YJ: “(y/n)-ah if Daehyun tries to do anything with you. Youngjae oppa will protect you.”
DH: “Enough talking! Go away Youngjae!”
Daehyun pushes Youngjae out of his room. You continue to finish your cheesecake. You still couldn’t believe Youngjae. What if the one he loves is my grandma? That would be awkward. You shake your head and finish your cheesecake.
You: “Mmmm I like it! Thank you Daehyunnie oppa~”
Daehyun smiles at you. He was sitting next to you. His smiling face was so cute that it made you feel shy.
DH: “I’m glad that you liked it~”
You: “So what’s next?”
DH: “I want to play a game with you. If I win you will give me a trickle of blood.”
YJ: “Yah! Jung Daehyun! You're not playing that game again!”
DH: “Aish! Youngjae-yah! Why are so loud? If you going to keep doing this I will call Himchannie hyung.”
YJ: “Himchannie hyung told me to keep an eye on you both.”
DH: “Why do you guys don't trust me at all? It's not like I'm going to kill her.”
YJ: “Based on the accidents before, you might kill her if you are hungry.”
You shiver at the thought of dying. You quickly left Daehyun and went to the bathroom. You wash your hands and the mark Daehyun left on your finger stings.
You: “Ow it hurts.”
You always had trouble with recovering from your wounds. It could take weeks for you to heal a small wound. However, your blood was very popular with mosquitos. Every summer your legs would be fully covered with mosquito bites.
The next day you woke up alone in Daehyun's room. You heard someone knocking on your door. It was Youngjae.
YJ: “(y/n)-ah~ It’s morning~ Did you woke up already?”
DH: “Youngjae-yah aren't you a little bit too much? You're disturbing (y/n). I even went out to leave her all alone. Can't you see how caring I am? I left her my room for the whole night.”
YJ: “If you were that caring you wouldn't have attacked her in the first place.”
DH: “What are you saying?! Do you want to pick a fight with me?”
You couldn't stand their noises. You swing the door open just to be standing between them.
You: “Why don't you guys get out and fight somewhere else, where I can't hear you!”
Before they could say anything to you. You closed the door loudly.
DH: “It’s your fault! Now she hates us both.”
YJ: “No I'm sure that some way deep down she still loves me.”
DH: “Yeah sure… in your dreams. She’s mine now.”
YJ: “Not before you took her blood. I still have a chance.”
DH: “I'm planning to take it when she’s ready for it.”
YJ: “If you're planning to do that you might kill her accidentally.”
DH: “No I won't.”
YJ: “I will keep an eye on you 24/7.”
Youngjae made the “I’m watching you” movement. Daehyun rolls his eyes and left Youngjae.
DH: “Hi beautiful. How are you feeling today?”
You: “Moody. I didn't have breakfast yet.”
DH: “Ah of course. Humans need to eat. Let's go to our kitchen!”
Daehyun pulls your hand. You were running to the kitchen.
HC: “Good morning! You two are early.”
DH: “Himchannie hyung (y/n) is feeling hungry. Can you make her some delicious food?”
HC: “Everything for my lady.”
Himchan winks at you.
DH: “By the way, hyung are you joining Masterchef today? What’s up with your clothing?”
HC: “I’m always wearing this in the kitchen.”
DH: “Yeah sure.”
You: “Clothes make the man right? If he didn't wear his Masterchef outfit. I wouldn't have trusted him in the kitchen.”
HC: “Exactly.”
DH: “Hmm I guess that you do have a point there.”
A few minutes later Himchan finished his super deluxe breakfast for you.
HC: “Bon appetite my lady.”
You: “Woaaah!! This is perfect!”
All the beautiful colours and the way the fruits lay on your pancakes with honey on top. 
You: “Daehyun-ah! Can you see what I see?”
DH: “I see something very delicious.”
Before you could take a picture Daehyun dives into your pancake with his fork. You open your mouth waiting for him. Unfortunately, he filled his own mouth.
HC: “Yaaah!! You ruined my perfect dish!”
You: “Omg my perfect breakfast!”
DH: “Ugh it’s terrible. It doesn't even taste, good.”
HC: “Dude it’s made for the human taste not yours.”
You: “You've ruined my breakfast…”
DH: “What about it? It's no big deal. Himchannie hyung can always make more for you.”
You: “It's something about your manners! You don't have manners! Aish I'm out of here.”
DH: “But-“
You left the kitchen leaving them alone. Himchan smiles devilishly at Daehyun. He claps his hand twice and Youngjae stood in front of Daehyun.
HC: “Grab this kid, we are going to teach him some manners.”
DH: “WOAAAAH!! Wait! (Y/n)-ah! I'm sorry please help me!”
You ended up feeling hungry in Daehyun’s room. Thinking about Himchan’s perfect breakfast. You rolled over the bed and smacked Daehyun's cushion.
You: “Aish this idiot! I hate him!”
*Knock knock*
You: “Who is it?”
JU: “It’s me Jongup.”
You: “Jongup oppa?”
JU: “I came over to bring you breakfast. Himchannie hyung made you a new one.”
You: “Oh my god! Really?”
Jongup smiles brightly while giving you your breakfast.
You: “It smells so great that I feel like crying.”
JU: “Here eat up.”
You took a big bite of the pancake with fruits.
You: “Sooo delicious~ Thank you Jongup oppa. I will have to thank Himchan oppa later.”
Jongup petting your head gently.
JU: “I feel happy as long you are happy.”
You: “I feel like your pet right now.”
JU: “You look like a cat enjoying her food.”
You: “Eh thanks?”
Jongup laughs at your reaction.
JU: “Its a joke.”
You: “Oh really? But you don't look like you were joking with me.”
JU: “Haha”
You wonder why Jongup looks so innocent en angelic. He is such an angel. A minute later Daehyun burst into his room.
DH: “Jongup-ah!! Where were you all the time? I've missed you so much!”
He cuddles Jongup tightly. Almost breaking his ribs.
JU: “Ah… Hyung I can't breath.”
You tapped Daehyun's arm.
You: “You’re hurting Jongup oppa.”
DH: “No I'm not.”
Daehyun smiles creepily.
You: “Youngjae oppa! Daehyun oppa is acting weird again!”
DH: “Oh shit! Nooo, don't say anything!”
Daehyun caught you in his arms putting his hands in front your mouth.
You: “Mmmhn!!”
JU: “Hyung she was just telling you the truth. The way you were cuddling me really hurts.”
DH: “Haha! I did that on purpose.”
YJ: “Who called my name~”
DH: “Crap! I have to go now.”
Daehyun released you and quickly went off to run. Youngjae catches him on time while putting his hand over his face.
DH: “Mmmmhph!!”
YJ: “I will take care of him.”
Then he left the room with Daehyun.
You: “I’ve the feeling that they are actually married to each other…”
JU: “I call it bromance.”
You: "Yeah right..."
The End of chapter 2 of Daehyun's Route!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Jongup’s Route - Chapter 1
HC: "Have you decided yet? Who will you choose from the six of us?"
You: "I choose Jongup."
HC: "J-Jongup? You mean this guy here?"
You: "Yeah the guy called Moon Jongup."
HC: "Woah I'm impressed. Jongup-ah! Hyung is so proud of you!!"
JU: "Himchannie hyung stop hugging me. It's awkward."
HC: "My Jongup has grown up! I'm so emotional."
DH: "Yah! You sneaky guy! How did you seduce her to make her choose you? I command you to tell me your secret!"
Daehyun was holding Jongup's shoulders tightly, while Himchan was drying his 'fake' tears.
YG: "Himchan-ah act like your age. You're not his mother."
HC: "Ahem! Sorry I will act normal. Yah Daehyun-ah! Stop squeezing Jongup!"
DH: "Aww man I'm so jealous of him right now. Now he gets to drink her delicious blood. It's not fair!"
YJ: "Come on Daehyun. The reality might be hard but you should move on."
DH: "Dammit!"
Daehyun punched the wall angrily.
YJ: "I'm just curious but why did you choose Jongup?"
You: "Because I feel relaxed around him and he can make great hamburgers."
YJ: "Hmm I can cook hamburgers too. Don't you feel relaxed around me?"
You whispered angrily in Youngjae's ear.
You: "You know what you did to me and I'm not going to forgive you."
DH: "What did she say? What did you do to her?"
Daehyun grabs Youngjae by his collar. Youngjae stares at him not scared for Daehyun at all.
YJ: "Mind your own business."
DH: "Yah! Do you want to pick a fight?"
YJ: "Fighting is for idiots. I don't like to get my hands dirty."
DH: "You!!"
Yongguk pulled Daehyun back holding him tight. You were scared for the scene in front of you. Suddenly you realised that Jongup was standing in front of you all the time to protect you. You feel safe around Jongup and you were glad to have him as your partner.
JU: "(y/n)-ah are you okay?"
You: "Ah yeah I feel fine. Don't worry about me."
Yongguk smirked at Jongup. You couldn't really read his face so you ignored it. Zelo pulls Jongup aside and whispers something. Unfortunately, it was too far away from you to hear. They exchanged glances and Jongup went back to you.
JU: "(y/n)-ah thank you for choosing me. Please take care of me."
You: "Oh no I should be the one thanking you for your care and support. Thanks, Jongup!"
You smiled sweetly at him. Jongup could feel some jealous glares from Daehyun and the others. But mostly from Daehyun. He could feel his eyes burn on him. Himchan claps his hands to get everybody's attention.
HC: "As (y/n) is the partner of Jongup she will be living with him under his protection. For the other members please control yourself and not attack his belonging."
The others: "Yes sir!"
HC: "We will leave to hunt for our meal. (Y/n) take care if there is anything just call me. I will be right there for you. But I don't think that it will be needed. Jongup good luck! Then we will see you both tomorrow."
Zelo: "Bye hyung! (Don't bite her tonight it might scare her)
JU: "Bye Zelo!" (I can't promise you that)
The guys exchanged glances, but you knew there was more behind it. You just couldn't get a grip on it.
DH: "I hate you Jongup! I feel betrayed by you."
YJ: "Don't be childish. I wish you both good luck. See you tomorrow guys!"
Youngjae pushes Daehyun out of the living room.
YG: "Just don't do anything you will regret."
Yongguk pats his shoulder.
JU: "I won't hyung."
YG: "Chyeah. (Y/n) I wish you all the best."
Jongup turns to you.
JU: "Should we get your stuff to my room?"
You: "I eh... do I really have to live in the same room as you?"
JU: "Yes of course. Don't you want to live with me?"
You: "I thought that I could stay in the guest room."
JU: "But you're not a guest anymore. You're my partner."
You: "Yes I'm your partner. Then we should live together."
JU: "Don't worry. My room is as big as an apartment. You will have enough space for yourself."
You: "Really? How did you know that I was worried about it?"
JU: "I could see it from your face."
You: "Aww man stupid face. I feel ashamed now."
Jongup smiles his angelic smile to you. He caresses your hair.
JU: "You're cute."
You were off guard by his words. Where did that come from? Then you feel your heartbeat increase.
JU: "This is my room. Welcome (y/n)."
You: "Wooow this is really as big as an apartment!"
JU: "Make yourself comfortable just like at home."
You: "I like it here."
JU: "Here is the bedroom."
You: "Thank you. Yeah! The bed feels so soft!"
You roll yourself in his bed. Jongup was standing there awkwardly. You could see him doubt about something. He made his choice and went to sit next to you.
JU: "(y/n)-ah I have to tell you something."
You: "Is there something wrong?"
JU: "To make a bond between the two of us I have to take some of your blood and mark you. Or else the others might attack you."
You: "Is that what you were worried about?"
JU: "Are you not scared of vampires?"
You: "Nope. I know about vampires. It's not like I'm a kid or something. I can handle some pain."
JU: "Eh?"
You slide your hair aside and showed him your neck.
You: "Are you going to take some blood or not?"
Jongup was startled by your action. He couldn't refuse your offer and you don't seem to be scared as well. He could see your veins. He slowly leans down. Then he kisses your skin first.
You: "Mmm! What are you doing?"
JU: "I want to thank you."
You: "Why? Blood is food for vampires. If you don't take my blood you might die."
JU: "I won't die that easily. But I'm happy to hear that you are willing to give your blood to me."
You: "Oh and one more question. How do you want to take your blood? Is it better to stand up or to lie down for you?"
Jongup laughs really loudly.
JU: "Hahaha. You're really the weirdest person I've ever met in my life."
Jongup takes both your hands in his hands. He smiles sincerely at you. You could feel his emotions through his eyes and smile.
*Badump ba dump*
JU: "Before I take your blood. I want to mark something else."
Jongup leans in and kissed your lips quickly.
You: "Uh?"
(Did he just kiss me? But it went so fast that I couldn't really realise it. Is this real or a dream?)
While you were thinking about the kiss. You felt something sharp pierce into your neck. It hurts for a second, but then it feels good.
You: "A-aah~"
You close your eyes. Why does it feel so good? Jongup stops and pushes you away from him. You could see his red eyes fade into a dark shade of brown. He wipes away the blood and licked it from the back of his hand. He looks dangerously sexy in your eyes. 
JU: "I have enough. If I continue you might faint due to anaemia."
You: "I-I didn't know that it could feel good. Did I make some weird noises?"
JU: "It's okay. I'm the only one to hear those sounds anyway."
You: "Yah! Moon Jongup!"
Jongup sticks out his tongue and ran away from you. He came back with a little present for you.
You: "What is this?"
JU: "It's a choker."
You: "Why are you giving this to me?"
JU: "I thought that it might help you cover up your mark. Let me put it on for you."
Jongup stood behind you and put the choker on for you. It was a black choker with roses on it. He took out a mirror in front of you.
JU: "Do you like it?"
You: "Wow it really is a beautiful choker. How did you know that I like roses?"
JU: "I occasionally came to find out about it, while you were watching roses with Youngjae hyung."
You: "Ah okay."
You remember Youngjae's kiss. It was full passion and longing. You shake your head. Crazy me I must be imagining things. Jongup's kiss was quick and playful. Wait did he really kissed you? You weren't quite sure about it.
You: "Jongup-ah?"
JU: "Yes?"
(I just can't ask him about that kiss. It feels too awkward.)
You: "Ah where is the bathroom?"
JU: "The bathroom is on your right."
You: "Oh haha I'm so stupid."
You quickly went inside to hide. Oh gosh, this is awkward. I got kissed by two vampires and I gave blood to one of them. How could I enjoy it while he was drinking my blood? Waaaah!! I'm getting crazy!
JU: "(y/n)-ah? Are you okay?"
You: "Yes I'm fine!"
Jongup was walking around the door of the bathroom waiting for you to get out. He couldn't hear any sounds from you. It's too quiet in there. I wonder if she had passed out, because I may have taken a little bit more blood than I had intended to do. I hope she is fine in there. After a moment he couldn't stand it and burst into the bathroom. 
The End of chapter 1 of Jongup's route!
Hi everyone,
Hope you guys are enjoying your summer vacation. This time I came back with Jongup’s Route. I guess you know who is next~ 
Admin S
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Youngjae’s Route - Chapter 1
HC: “Have you decided yet? Who will you choose from the six of us?”
You: “I choose Youngjae.”
YJ: “Me?”
You: “Yes you.”
YJ: “I knew it! You still love me!”
You: “No I choose you because- ”
DH: “What?! Why would you choose Youngjae? He is boring!”
You: “Could you let me finish my sentence please?”
DH: “Ah sorry.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see the disappointment in the faces of the other vampires.
You: “I’m just wondering how I could be your lover. I've never seen you in my life and now you're saying that you love me and that you're sorry. I don't get it. I want to talk to you in private.”
HC: “You what? Youngjae did you remember your past?”
YJ: “I don't know. When I took a picture of her and she starts to smile at me my head hurts. After that, I passed out and I saw some memories.”
Himchan is looking suspiciously at Jongup. Jongup is not moving or giving away any hints. You were impressed at how he could remain calm like that. Even though he told you everything about Youngjae.
YJ: “What's wrong Himchannie hyung? Is there something that I shouldn't know?”
HC: “Ahem there is nothing wrong. Youngjae-ah take (y/n) to your room. You will be living with her from now on.”
YJ: “Thanks hyung I will. I won't let her down anymore.”
Himchan seems to be worried about Youngjae. He looks at the both of you. You did match really well with Youngjae. Maybe you are the only one to cure the pain of his past.
HC: “Good luck to the both of you.”
Himchan said with a reassuring smile. You were standing with your mouth wide open.
You: “Wait! I don't get it. Why do I have to live with him? Can't I stay in the room where I was living.”
HC: “Nope that's the guest room. You chose your partner so you're going to live with Youngjae.”
You glance at Youngjae. He didn't show any emotions but you could see his happiness slightly.
You: “Yah! Can't you be any happier than that! Geez with that smiling face of yours.”
The other vampires were surprised by the fact that you could read his face that easily. Youngjae never really showed any emotions since his memory got erased. He always acted like there was nothing going on. Daehyun was the only one that could read his face.
You: “What?”
Youngjae started to laugh.
YJ: “Can't I be happy then?”
You: “It’s annoying. I start to wonder why I even choose you.”
YJ: “Aww come on.”
DH: “Yaaah!! The whole group is watching you both! Can't you just move to your room?!”
Daehyun was very irritated while the others were watching awkwardly.
HC: “Let's go guys. We will have to hunt for our meal tonight.”
Jongup whispers in Youngjae ears.
JU: “If you dare to make her cry again I will snatch her away from you.”
YJ: “What do you think of me? I will never let her cry again.”
Jongup smirks and left Youngjae bumping into his shoulder.
Zelo: “(y/n)-ah if you like to have a friend. I can be your friend.”
You smiled at Zelo's kindness.
You: “I already see you as my friend. Good luck with hunting tonight!”
Zelo: “Thanks!”
Himchan left with the other vampires. When you were alone together you start your private conversation.
You: “Youngjae-ah do you really see me as your lover?”
YJ: “Of course! You're the only one for me. There is no mistake that you're my wife.”
You blush at his words. Could he really be your lover? How can I not know him anymore? What's the reason for us to be separated? A lot of questions wandered through your head. You feel a pair of cold hands holding yours.
YJ: “(y/n) I will protect you forever. This time I won't let you go.”
He hugs you tightly like the first time. You didn't push him away. His scent was familiar. He smells like his rose garden. You pat him awkwardly on his back.
You: “I guess I will have to adjust myself to you. But maybe I can fall for you again.”
Youngjae smiles and lets go of you.
YJ: “Babo you will for sure fall for me.”
You: “We’ll have to see that happen.”
You stick your tongue out to him.
YJ: “You little!”
You: “Nah nannah nah~ catch me if you can!”
Youngjae chased after you. You run around not watching in front of you and almost fell down. Youngjae catches you on time. He pulls you up and turns you around facing him.
YJ: “I've got ya, you little troublemaker.”
Youngjae smirks at you. His eyes were beautifully twinkling as the moonlight shined on them. At this moment you feel your heart skipping a beat. His beautiful smile is different than the one before. His attitude has changed. He has warmed up to you. The first time you met him, he was a cold vampire instead of a cute lover.
You: “I-“
YJ: “Don't say anything.”
He pulls you in for a gentle kiss. His soft lips touching yours. Slowly it turns into a passionate kiss. The feeling of a lover that missed his wife for hundreds of years, longing for her. You melted into his kiss. Your body didn't resist his kiss. You were kissing him back till you lack oxygen. You push him away to catch your breath.
YJ: “I love you (y/n).”
After you came to your senses you realised he kissed you for the second time. Why did you let him kiss you that easily?
You: “Yah Yoo Youngjae!! You stole another kiss from me! You babo!!!”
You punch his chest. He pulls your hand, putting it on his chest.
YJ: “In all these years I've never really felt my heart. Since the moment I met you it starts to beat again. I feel alive again.”
You: “I won't fall for your trap.”
You moved away from him. Just to be trapped between him and the wall.
YJ: “Don't you feel my love?”
You: “I don't know. I'm not sure about my feelings anymore.”
YJ: “(Y/n)-ah listen to your heartbeat.”
You closed your eyes to focus on your heart. You had a quickened heartbeat.
YJ: “Come closer to me. Listen to mine.”
You carefully put your ear to his chest. He has the same heartbeat as you. What is love? Do I love him? What does our kiss mean? Why can I kiss him back without a doubt? Do I trust him? Everything was too much for you.
You: “I'm sorry Youngjae. This is too much for me to understand. Please leave me alone.”
You walked away from him to lie down on your bed slowly falling asleep. Dreaming about Youngjae. You were on a date with him choosing your birthday present. He was teasing you about your ring size while you were making too much noise in the store. You left the store angrily leaving Youngjae behind. A moment later Youngjae went after you. You acted angry at him. After you forgive him he went down on his knees on the street. He asked you to marry him. You got surprised and tears fell down your cheek. This idiot is such a tease, but when it comes down to this he can be romantic sometimes.
YJ: “(y/n)-ah will you marry me?”
You couldn't help to feel happy. You cried the tears of happiness.
You: “Of course I will you babo!”
He smiles at you. That beautiful smile makes you feel butterflies in your stomach.
The End of Chapter 1 of Youngjae’s Route!
Hi everyone,
I’m so happy because I have good news! I’ve graduated from school and now I have my Bachelor! Woohoo!! Happiness overload~ 
Anyway, I will continue to write my B.A.P stories. I love B.A.P way too much to not write about them haha. 
Thank you guys for supporting me on this blog for so long. Also, you guys can still request scenarios if you want. It’s not that I don’t do requests. Feel free to ask me~
Admin S
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Lucky to have you
Hi everyone, 
Today I am posting a Himchan scenario that my best friend wrote for me because I’m such a Himchanlover haha. I have to admit that I like Youngjae too. He is so handsome and pretty!! 
If you guys like this scenario please give it a lot of likes. Maybe I can convince her to join my blog as admin N.
Admin S
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HC: “Hey jagiya, today is the day. You are going to meet my dear members."
You: "Ahh really?, I totally forgot about that. I only thought about finally getting out of this hospital. I am very nervous now."
H: “Ahw you don't have to be nervous. I'll be right there with you and they want to meet the girl I am in love with"
You started to blush.
You: "Ahh Himchan why are you always so straightforward?"
Himchan smiled sweetly at your reaction.
HC: Alright princess, let's pack your things and leave this hospital"
Himchan drives you to your hotel first so you could drop your stuff there and fresh up real quick. You came out of your hotel and stepped into his car.
H: "Whoah this is the first time I've seen you with makeup on. My girlfriend is so pretty."
You: "Thanks, but I've got a pretty handsome boyfriend too~"
You pinched Himchan playfully in his side.
HC: "Hahaha stop it! I am driving."
While Himchan was driving to the dorms, you saw Himchan staring a lot at you through the mirror.
HC: "You know what, it's very weird but with makeup on, you look like a Korean girl. Maybe the members would think that you’re Korean."
You: “Haha really? That would be funny."
Himchan stopped the car.
H: "Here we are."
Your heart started to pound
You: "Wait I am not ready yet!"
HC: "They will like you I promise. It's not that scary."
You: “Yeah you’re probably right. It's less scary than being alone with you in the dorm because I can't trust you~"
You stick your tongue out.
HC: “Yaahh that's unfair~ I was the one holding back when you tried to seduce me."
You: "Haha I was just joking. Why you always take things so serious haha."
Himchan was pouting. You really loved Himchan’s expressions, especially when you teased him.
Himchan opened the door.
HC: "Hello everyone I'm home and I have my girlfriend (y/n) with me~."
He closed the door behind you.
HC: "Guys?"
Himchan checked the rooms.
HC: "Hmm that's weird they're not home yet"
You: "Really?"
You were a little bit relieved. But then you began to blush.
You: "So that means that we are the only one here?"
HC: "Yup, I will call them."
Himchan looked at you.
HC: Why are you blushing that much?
Himchan placed his fingers gently on your chin and cheek and let you look at him. You felt your cheeks burning under his touch.
HC: "Ahh... I know what you're thinking. Don't worry I won't do anything weird to you. I am a gentleman you know. You should know that by now."
He smiled playfully and kissed you on your forehead.
You: "Sorry you are right. I just thought that everybody would be here already…"
HC: "I know I'll call them real quick.
HC: "They will be here in 20 minutes."
You: "Ahh good"
You smiled.
HC: “How about I show you all the rooms."
You: "Yes, I like that idea" 
HC: “This is my room. I sleep on my own. Yongguk also slept in this room but he moved out."
You: "Aww aren't you lonely then?"
HC: "No it's great. I have a bigger bed now. You see, I placed his bed next to mine and now I got a king size bed"
You: "Haha you are crazy Himchan"
HC: "I do miss him sometimes but he was very busy anyway."
You: "Ahh I see."
HC: "And this is Youngjae’s and Daehyun’s room. Daehyun moved out but he still comes over a lot."
You: "I like this room. It's really lively."
H: "Haha yep it really matches them well.
When you finished the house tour you heard keys turning in the door and immediately the house was filled with a lot of different voices. You recognized each voice very clearly. You took a hold of Himchan’s hand.
H: "There is no need to be nervous really."
You felt reassured by Himchan’s smile.
DH: “Hello, we bought some delicious cake~"
YJ: "And we also bought some ingredients for a delicious dish."
JU: "Himchannie hyung, do you know something we can make out of these ingredients?"
Himchan looked at the ingredients with sparkly eyes.
HC: "Neh I will fix something for everyone. Leave it to me."
That way I can also show (y/n) my cooking skills in real life he thought to himself.
YJ: "You must be (y/n) right? Nice to meet you."
Youngjae greeted you. He really was very handsome. He also had a gentle appearance.
DH: "Ahh so nice to finally meet you, Himchan talked a lot about you."
You: "Ahh really.."
JU:" Hello my name is Jongup. Nice to meet you.”
Zelo: "Annyeonghaseo, my name is Zelo."
HC: "Isn't Yongguk coming today?"
YJ: “He didn't know if he could make it. So he told us to eat first.”
You stood next to Himchan and watched him cooking. It was weird to see the B.A.P members in real life but they were really kind to you. Also, you felt comfortable around them.
YJ: "Do you like the drama, Shopping Louis? It's on TV now. You can watch it together with us if you want?
You: "Ahh I like funny dramas. I am coming."
Youngjae smiled at you and showed you where you could take a seat. You sat on the couch in between Daehyun and Youngjae. You were laughing a few times because of the jokes. Youngjae and Daehyun made funny jokes too so you had a comedy scene on TV and beside you.
YJ: "Haha you have the same humor as us (y/n). Not everyone understands our jokes."
You: "Haha really? You guys are so funny. How could anybody not like it?"
JU: "Himchannie hyung sometimes nags at them."
DH: “Yeah he thinks that we are really annoying sometimes"
YJ: "Right Himchannie hyung?"
HC: "Neh.."
Himchan looked a bit annoyed.
YJ: "Ahh have you already seen our rooms?"
You: "Yeah Himchan oppa showed me. His room was very neat"
DH: "Haha only because you came. Normally it would be a messy room"
HC: "Yahh Daehyun shut up"
YJ: "Haha stop it Daehyun, we said we wouldn't tease Himchannie hyung today remember?"
DH:" Neh.."
YJ: "So, what did you think of our room?"
You: "Ahh it was very lively. And I really liked the photo's on the bedside table"
YJ: "Ahh really? I can show you some more and tell the story behind it."
You: "Really?"
YJ: "Yes come with me I'll show you. "
You looked behind and saw Himchan concentrating on making the dish. Hmm is it me or does he looks a bit angry? You thought.
Later on, you sat beside Youngjae and listened to the stories he told you behind all the pretty photos he had made.
You: "Those photos really have a good quality."
YJ: "Yeah it's because of this camera.
You: "Wow that's so cool!"
YJ: "Do you want to make a picture with it? I'll show you how it works.
You nodded happily and played with the digital camera and his special Polaroid one. You really liked Youngjae. He could be a good friend of you. You had a lot in common with him and he was easy to talk to. When you walked into the living room again you smelled something very delicious.
You: "Oew that smells so good Himchan."
HC: "Yeah right I made salmon with..."
A few loud sounds distracted you. It was Jongup and Zelo playing a game you knew. You walked over to Jongup and Zelo.
Zelo: “Oh hi (y/n) we are playing street fighter."
You: "I know that game. My brother used to play it. Sometimes I play it with him."
JU: "Really? You are so cool"
You: "Haha thank you but I wasn't that good. I always lose from him."
JU: "If you want we can show you some tricks you can use it if you are going to play with your brother again?"
You: "Haha we could try"
You sat in between Zelo and Jongup and Jongup gave you his console. Okay so if you do this or this... You blushed a little because you weren't familiar with boys sitting so close to you but other than that they really felt like brothers to you.
JU: "Yes you are getting better now!"
HC: "Jagiya can you help me with putting the dishes on the table?"
JU: "We will help too!"
YJ: "Ahh daehyun it's eating time!"
JU: "Oh we need two more plates"
You: “Should I bring them?"
JU: "It's in that kitchen cabinet over there"
You tried to reach the plates but it was too high for you to reach.
HC: "I'll help you..."
You saw Youngjae’s arms above your head. He easily took the plates and gave it to you.
YJ: "Here you are"
You: "Ahh thank you. Youngjae oppa."
You blushed a little but also felt a bit confused. You saw Himchan getting a little sad. You were all sitting at the table. Himchan is unbelievably good at cooking. It almost looked as if you were at a restaurant you thought. You looked at Himchan who sat beside you.
You: "Whoah Himchan it looks really good!"
Himchan blushed a bit.
DH: "Aww look at him blushing, it's so cute~"
HC: "Yahh do you want me to punch you?"
Everybody burst out laughing.
H: "I will make a plate for you."
Himchan put the plate in front of you.
You: "Thank you Himchan oppa."
The others were waiting.
HC: “You guys can do it yourself!"
Zelo laughed.
Zelo: "You get really special treatment (y/n). Himchan must really like you"
Everybody was eating happily and you enjoyed it really much. You felt like you were part of a funny and cosy family.
YJ: "I have a great idea. We should show (y/n) the night life in Itaewon. There are so many stores and street foods you have to see and try."
Everybody was nodding their heads with a smile.
HC:"I thought of that too."
You: "Ahh thank you guys I really like that idea.
After an hour you were in the middle of a big shopping district with a lot of People and street food stalls. It had a really different feeling because it was night and there were a lot of lights. You felt very happy to be in this very pretty place with the B.A.P members. They made you feel safe and they were all very happy too.
You: "Thank you for bringing me here guys.”
You walked over to Himchan.
You: " it's a bit romantic right?"
You smiled brightly at Himchan.
You saw Himchan's eyes melting at your smile.
HC: "Yeah, I am happy that you are happy"
He placed his arm around your shoulders.
You: "Himchan, the others are going to see it." You whispered.
YJ:"(y/n), come here you have to taste this one. "
You: "I am coming, Youngjae!"
You walked to Youngjae who was standing by a street food stall with delicious looking curling potatoes.
YJ: "I will buy this for you, you really have to taste this"
S: "Ahh it looks really delicious!"
YJ: "Look you can put in different sauces. Do you want natural, cheese flavour or spicy sauce flavour?"
Further on, Himchan was staring at the ground.
DH: "You are jealous right? It's very obvious and easy to tell from your face"
HC: "Okay I am jealous. But I have the right to be jealous. Youngjae is taking her away from me and I think there is chemistry between these two. I also think that Youngjae is kind of like her ideal type. She really loves these gentleman types.
DH: "You are a gentleman too hyung… Well, sort off... You can be if you want to. "
HC: "I am just a funny guy with some cooking skills. And I think Jongup likes her too. Normally he won't talk to girls but he can talk a lot and comfortable with her."
DH: "Ahw Himchan I understand your jealousy. I am like that too but it's really behind your ears. Everybody likes her a lot but in another way than how you like her. We won't take her away from you. It feels more like she is a new member of the family.
HC: "Family..."
Himchan was silent for a moment.
DH: "Look at them. Doesn't it give you a family feeling?"
Himchan looked up at you and saw you smiling brightly at the things Zelo and Jongup were saying. He saw you not looking in front of you and because of that bumping into a couple causing Youngjae to apologize at them for your action. Himchan started laughing.
HC: "You are right Daehyunnie, they really look like a family. I am happy I met her and brought her home so she can meet my precious dongsaengs"
DH: "I am also happy we could meet her"
H: "Thanks, Daehyun."
You really had a great evening. Itaewon was very pretty and everything was extra special because the B.A.P members were with you and making everything very funny, safe, memorable and especially funny. They all did some stupid and funny things that made you laugh so much you couldn't breathe. 
After they let you see the whole city you came back at the dorms. Everybody had bags with little snacks and things in it for you.
You: "You guys didn't have to buy all these things for me. "
DH: "It's okay. We like you"
JU: "You are part of our family now"
You blushed a bit.
You: "Thank you guys."
After a while, you searched for Himchan.
YJ: "Himchannie hyung is in his room"
You: "Thank you Youngjae."
You knocked on Himchan’s door.
HC: "Neh come in."
You: "I found you."
You saw Himchan sitting on his bed with some Polaroid pictures. You sat beside Himchan.
You: "When did you make those?"
HC: "I made them today for you. So you can remember this day."
You looked at the photos and saw yourself smiling with the members while ordering and eating street food.
You: "Whoah Himchan I am so happy you made these pictures for me. They are so pretty. It really means a lot to me."
Himchan stroke your hair, while you were looking at them you also felt a bit sad.
You:" I miss you on these photos. You are not standing on a single one of them... I am also a bit sad that I didn't even saw you making them. If I had paid more attention to you I would have noticed it. I would ask Youngjae to make one picture of the two of us."
Himchan smiled widely. He patted you on the head.
HC: "You really are cute. And don't worry I am glad you and the Dongsaengs were getting along so well. That and the smile you had on your face the whole time were making me happy too."
You: "Thank you Himchan. I feel really lucky that I met you. I am filled with happiness today and it's all because of you and the others who are so sweet to me."
Himchan smiled very widely and gently cupped your cheeks. He moved closer to you and gave you the sweetest kiss you ever had. Your lips moved along with his. You already had kissed Himchan a few times but this kiss had really set your heart on fire. This kiss was overflowing with Himchan’s feelings through it. You felt like you're the luckiest girl in the world. After a while, Himchan removed his lips from yours and looked at you with a happy smile.
HC: "Will you come over tomorrow too?"
You nodded with a blushing face.
You: "I would like that."
You gave Himchan a big hug and never wanted to let him go. 
The End!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Himchan’s Route - Chapter 1
HC: “Have you decided yet? So who will you choose from the six of us?”
You: “I choose Kim Himchan.”
HC: “Me? Yeah! I knew it! Yoohoo! Hahaha”
Himchan was way enjoying it too much cheering loudly.
JU: “Hyung please keep it down a little bit. You're loud.”
HC: “Ah… sorry. Hehe. So why did you choose me? Because I'm such a good chef? Or is it because I'm very handsome and that you fell for my looks. What is it? Tell me all about it~”
You: “At first I didn't trust you because you had that smirk on your face. After a while, I found out that it's your smile when you think of something interesting. Of course, I won't know what you were thinking. However, I came to the conclusion that you must be a good guy because you saved me from the vampire who lost control attacking me.”
This time you glared at Daehyun one more time.
HC: “Wow that was a long answer.”
You smiled at his reaction. Himchan was very quiet now.
DH: “Aish! Why did I almost attack you? Now you must hate me very much!”
Daehyun was frustrated. He missed a chance to have human prey this time.
YJ: “Daehyun-ah it’s something in the past. You can't change history.”
Youngjae patted his shoulder.
YJ: “Himchannie hyung I will take Daehyun and go first. Good luck with (y/n). Please treat her well.”
Youngjae glanced one more time at you. He was sad to let you go. His eyes longing for you, but he must listen to the rules. When he walked past you, he whispers.
YJ: “I'm so sorry (y/n). I wish you all the best with Himchannie hyung.”
He gives you a reassuring smile. He bowed slightly and walked out of the room pushing Daehyun forward.
DH: “Aish! Why are you pushing me? Can't I say bye to her?”
YJ: “Nope you might attack her as well.”
DH: “What! Are you accusing me of an attack?”
YJ: “That is based on the experience we had with you.”
DH: “Damn it! Youngjae-yah! I didn't attack her!!”
You heard the two of the still fighting in the hallway. When you turn to look in front of you. You saw Yongguk standing there.
YG: “Himchan is a good guy, but don’t do everything he says. He can be a spoiled princess if you do too much for him. If you call him Chansuki he will stop”
You: “Spoiled Princess?”
HC: “Bbang! Don't say that to her! That nickname sounds so awkward!”
You laughed really loud at his reaction. This Himchan is such a funny person. So he can be spoiled as well. Hmm good to know. Then I won't do what he wants.
JU: “(y/n) remember to stop Himchannie hyung when he is overwhelming. If you can’t stop me just yell my name very loud and I will stop him for you.
You: “Thank you Jongup I will.”
Zelo: “(y/n)-ah Himchannie hyung can be strict sometimes, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't like you.”
You: “Strict?”
Zelo: “You will find out after you live with him some time. He is the hyung that cares for everyone who is younger than him. So he always nags at me. He does it out of love.”
You: “Did you get nagged at a lot?”
Zelo: “Yep totally.”
You: “Aww man I thought that I finally left my nagging dad home… I hope he can be not that strict to me.”
Zelo: “Don’t worry. Hyung is the most caring from the six of us.”
You: “Phew. Haha, thanks, Zelo.”
When everyone left the room Himchan was standing in front of the window.
HC: “Come here.”
You: “Huh? Why?”
HC: “If you are my partner we have to create a bond.”
You: “Are you going to take my blood?!”
You keep your distance.
HC: “No I'm not like that. I'm a gentleman.”
You: “You better be or I will call Jongup!”
HC: “Yah! How can you still not trust me? I thought you chose me after trusting me.”
You: “I did.”
HC: “Then come to me and let's enjoy the moonlight together.”
You carefully came near Himchan. Alert of all his moves.
HC: “Aish why don't you trust me? Here.”
Himchan pulls your hand. He looks up at the sky to the moon.
HC: “Look how pretty the moon is.”
Your heartbeat was beating crazy. Maybe from the adrenaline of being scared or the physical touch made you feel shy.
You: “Uhu.”
Himchan looks at you. He laughed at how you were standing like a child who was grabbed by his parent not really enjoying the view at all. He lets go of your hand.
HC: “I promise not to take your blood without your permission. Pinky promise?”
You: “Pinky promise!”
Himchan feels not as cold as the other members. Was there a reason for it you wondered?
You: “Woah! The moon is really beautiful up close! It's so beautiful that it makes me want to stare at it forever!”
You smiled back at Himchan. That moment the moonlight and your smile did something to Himchan’s heart. He felt his heartbeat for the first time. He wasn't sure about this feeling and stares at you. Is this what they called love?
You: “Himchan oppa? Are you okay?”
HC: “Ah yes! I'm okay. Haha”
Why was he acting weird suddenly? He seems to be shy or something. You lean in closer to him.
You: “Himchannie oppa~ are you shy?”
HC: “Nooo!”
You: “Omg you really are shy! Hahaha so cute~”
HC: “Yah stop it you.”
Himchan starts to tickle you.
You: “HAHAHA Omg s-stop!! It tickles!!”
You push Himchan away and almost hit the window sill with your head. Himchan puts his hand on the back of your head to protect you. You close your eyes. When you open you eyes, you were looking into his unbuttoned blouse. He had three unbuttoned. You had a panic attack at this sight and the way he was holding you. Your cheeks bright red.
HC: “Are you okay?”
You: “I-I am fine.”
You want to stand up, but you weren't sure where to put your hands. You decided to grab his shoulders and stand up. The moment you hold his shoulders he was staring intensely at you. His hand glided to your waist. Your heartbeat was loud. You wonder if he could hear it too. For a brief moment, you felt a connection deeper than before.
HC: “Ah! What am I doing? Please forgive me!”
Himchan pulled you up and you were standing in front of him. He scratches his neck awkwardly. His ears bright red. You didn't know that vampires could have red ears too. Something was going on here, but you were not sure what it exactly was.
The End of Chapter 1 of Himchan’s route!
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for supporting my stories. I'm so happy with all your likes. It motivates me to write even more for you guys. I enjoy writing too and I like how this chapter turned out. As you can read there is love in the air~ Kyaaah~~ Forgive me for my fangirling haha. 
Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter~
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Daehyun’s Route - Chapter 1
HC: “Have you decided yet? So who will you choose from the six of us?”
You: “I choose Jung Daehyun.”
You were sure that Daehyun could be a little bit scary, but you were curious about him. Something attracted you to him. Even when he was looking at you with bloody red eyes and his fangs. He seems to be sexy and dangerous at the same time. Maybe you have to admit that you were into vampires. You wonder how it would feel if he would kiss you. Daehyun puts his arm around your shoulder. He shows his cocky smile.
DH: “Hey beautiful what are you thinking about?”
You blushed and stared at him.
You: “Nothing!”
He leans in and inhales your scent.
DH: “You seem to smell more delicious if you're shy.”
You pushed him away from you. All the other members are very worried about you. They frown their eyebrows just looking at Daehyun. He could be dangerous to you. They respect your choice and don't want to ruin it for the both of you. But only one look at him and everyone could imagine Daehyun's fangs in your neck.
HC: “Daehyun-ah be nice to her.”
DH: “Of course I will Himchannie hyung.”
He smiled widely. Proud to have you as his partner. He couldn't hide the fact that his face was arrogant.
YG: “…”
Yongguk was very quiet and left the room without saying a word. He couldn't understand why you would choose Daehyun.
YJ: “Yah Daehyun don't bite her yet. At least be friends with her first.”
DH: “Don't worry Youngjae~ I will~”
He grinned at Youngjae and Youngjae smacked his chest.
DH: “Ah~ Youngjae-yah~~ why are you smacking me? Are you jealous?”
YJ: “No.”
Youngjae turned his head. You couldn't see his expression. He felt sad to lose you to his best friend Daehyun. He decided to watch over you as he respects your choice.
JU: “Hyung good luck with (y/n).”
DH: “Thanks, Jongup!”
Zelo: “(y/n)-ah if you ever want someone to talk with. Just call me sometime. I don't have a phone number, but I do have very good ears.”
You: “Aww that's so sweet of you. Thanks, Zelo!”
Himchan whispered to Daehyun.
HC: “If you’re going to drink her blood then don't drink it all at once before you accidentally kill her. Just take her blood by little drops. She is more precious than she looks like you know.”
DH: “Hyung I'm 25 years already. I'm not a baby anymore!”
HC: “I’m just saying. Good luck to the both of you. (Y/n) if anything happens you can always come to me. I can help you with it.”
You: “Thanks, Himchan oppa I will!”
HC: “Also, tonight you will be moving to Daehyun’s room.”
You: “What?!”
HC: “You're his partner from now on so you're going to live with him.”
You: “B-but!”
HC: “What? Are you scared? You can live with me you know.”
You: “No thank you!”
HC: “Aww man why did you answer that so easily without thinking about it.”
You: “Maybe I just want to live in the guest room?”
HC: “You should live with Daehyun. His room is big enough for you and him.”
You: “So there's no other option for me?”
HC: “Nope.”
DH: “(y/n)-ah don't worry. I won't be like that like the last time because I’m responsible.”
You couldn't be really sure about it, but you did choose for him so maybe you should trust him.
HC: “See you guys tomorrow!”
As the others went out to go hunting you moved to Daehyun's room. It was a spacious room.
You: “Woah your room is so big!”
You look around but suddenly you were surprised by all the things in the room. There were roses, candles and you could smell strawberries.
DH: “Tadah! I got you a cheesecake.”
You: “Omo how did you know that I like it?”
DH: “Everyone likes cheesecake right?”
You: “Maybe not everyone but I do.”
You smile at him. He smirks back at you.
DH: “How about this. If you take a piece of cake I can take a trickle blood from you.”
You: “Nooo~”
DH: “But I bought you that cake. At least you can give me something back.”
He pouted like a child. You didn't know he had such a cute side and smiled at him. You imagined him sucking your blood and you felt your blushing again.
You: “I don't know. Will it hurt if you bite me?”
DH: “I will try my best not to hurt you, my lady!”
He saluted at you. For some reason, you think that he is cute and funny.
You: “Can I enjoy the cheesecake first before you take my blood?”
DH: “Ladies first!”
You: “Thanks, oppa!”
DH: “Call me Daehyunnie oppa~”
You: “That sounds so awkward.”
DH: “Haaww (y/n) doesn't see me as here partner~”
He was pouting again this time doing it cuter than before. How could you say no to him? You sigh.
You: “Okay fine Daehynnie oppa~ I will give you some blood if you let me finish this first.”
You took a bite of the strawberry cheesecake.
You: “Mmmhmm so delicious!!”
A great feeling of happiness was going through you. You fell in love with the cheesecake.
DH: “Wow the scent that you're giving off is irresistible to me. It changes with your mood.”
You glance over to Daehyun. He was slowly licking his lips. You stare at his sexy lips while licking you own.
DH: “Give me your hand.”
You: “Why?”
DH: “Because I want to try something.”
He kisses the back of your hand gently. Your cheeks turned pink. He kisses your hand all the way to your fingertips. You something sharps stinging in your fingertip. He sucked your fingers gently. 
You: "A-ah... Daehyun oppa what are you doing?"
DH: "Your blood tastes better than I thought. I will make it even tastier. Be prepared to be seduced by me."
You blinked your eyes, feeling shy again. You put your hair behind your right ear and look down to his shoes. 
DH: “Did you know that I fell for you the first time I met you?”
You didn't answer him and just felt your heartbeat quicken.
You: “Daehyun I-“
DH: “Ssst don't ruin this moment and it is Daehyunnie oppa for you.”
You rolled your eyes.
DH: “Aww man. Don't worry. I can make you feel even better after this cake. Please enjoy your cake in peace.”
You: “T-thank you.”
Creepy smile forms on his face. You wonder what he meant by that. You continue to eat the cheesecake enjoying the taste. On the background, you could hear some music. You recognise that voice.
You: “Daehyunnie oppa did you sing this song?”
DH: “You have good ears, my lady! This is my new digital single Shadow. How about it? Do you like it?”
You: “Yeah I really like it. Your high notes are too good to be real.”
DH: “Yah! Do you want me to sing it live here?”
You: “Maybe~”
You smiled innocently blinking your eyes like a puppy. Daehyun starts to sing while dancing sexily in front of you. You didn't expect Daehyun to dance this sexy. He puts all his feeling into it and you feel attracted to him again. He is handsome, he could sing and dance and the most important past is that he is a damn sexy vampire. Will there be true love with a vampire for me? You wonder while watching him dance. 
The End of Chapter 1 of Daehyun’s Route!
Hi everyone,
I have finally finished this chapter of Daehyun’s Route. This is my 100th post on Tumblr. Yoohoo~ Thank you all for liking my posts and following me. 
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Chapter 7 - Zelo (Choi Junhong)
Hello everyone,
I wrote a very short chapter this time. Maybe I can make some Zelo fans a little bit shy. If you know what I'm actually hinting to (Zelo's solo performance - Pillowtalk) hehe. Watch the video below if you're curious about Zelo's performance. 
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this Zelo chapter.
Here are  the links for the other chapters:
Chapter 1 - The B.A.P Castle
Chapter 2 - Bang Yongguk
Chapter 3 - Kim Himchan
Chapter 4 - Jung Daehyun
Chapter 5 - Yoo Youngjae
Chapter 6 - Moon Jongup
Admin S
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Zelo was watching you sleep. He considered if he should bring you to your room or just let you stay here. He chooses the second option. He puts his elbows on the table and rests his head on his hands. When will she wake up again? He pouted. Should I wake her? I want to have my time with her too. He saw her moving her nose slightly. Some dust went into your nose and it itches.
You sneezed. You open your eyes and saw a very happy Zelo staring at you like a puppy.
Zelo: "Hello (y/n) it's me Zelo. It's my turn to take care of you so Jongup hyung has left already. Nice to meet you."
You: "Ah hi Zelo."
He blinks his eyes a few times. He seems to be shy in front of you. You could see that he really is the youngest vampire of the group as everyone is concerned about him and the way he presents himself.
You: "Tell me something about yourself. I don't know you yet."
Zelo: "Ah sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Zelo and I'm 210 years old. I was born as a pure blood vampire like Himchannie hyung."
You: "So you're a pureblood vampire too. But what does pureblood vampire actually mean?"
Zelo: "Pureblood vampires are vampires from the highest class. They can turn humans into vampires if they want to."
You: "Wait a second. Does that mean that you and Himchan oppa can turn me into a vampire if you wanted it to?"
Zelo: "Yes we can. Only Youngjae, Yongguk and Jongup can't do that as they were humans who turned into a vampire."
You: "Hmm three pureblood vampires living with three human vampires, that sounds interesting. Zelo-ah would you ever turn me into a vampire?"
Zelo: "No I won't."
You: "Why?"
Zelo: "Because I don't want you to be like Yongguk hyung."
You: "What's the difference if I can provide your meals or if I'm a vampire?"
Zelo: "There is a huge difference. If you choose me as your partner you will provide me with my meals, but not on daily basis. I will give you the freedom you want and you can still live your life like you did before. However, if you turn into a vampire. You will never be able to be in the sun again. You must live in the darkness forever. And you will never be able to eat normal food again. You will need to drink blood from other humans or you can live from animal-based or fake blood."
You: "Hmm I guess you're right. I would choose the first option. I prefer giving my blood to a vampire instead of turning into a vampire who lives on animal-based or fake blood. At least I can still enjoy the food I do now."
Zelo: "Good choice. I would really be happy if you would choose me. But I can see that the hyungs might have stolen a place in your heart.
You: "I don't think they did. I see you all equally at this moment. I guess I will have to choose carefully before I regret anything."
Zelo: "It sounds like you have made up your mind."
You: "If I can't escape the future that awaits for me. I will have to face it strongly."
Zelo: "I like your spirit. Fighting!"
You smiled at Zelo. He seems to be someone that is honest and true to himself, but you have to get to know him more before you could judge him.
Zelo: "You seem to be really tired. Should I bring you to your room where you can rest for a while?"
You: "No thank you. I think that I've rested enough. I want to get to know you better."
Zelo blushed at your words and blinked twice with his eyes. His reaction is so adorable.
Zelo: "I like to skateboard and I like to dance."
You: "Can I see how you dance?"
Zelo took his phone out and put on Zayn's Pillowtalk song. He performs a very sexy dance and in front of you and suddenly you couldn't see his as a little brother anymore. The way he grinds his hips to the ground made you blush. You were holding your breath till he finishes his dance.  You didn't know what to think about this.
You: "I eh... y-you're really good. My compliments for your dancing."
Zelo laughed at your reaction. He knows that he made you feel shy this time as your cheeks were red as tomatoes and you were fanning yourself.
Zelo: "(y/n)-ah should I teach you how to dance?"
You: "Eh? Oh really? That actually sounds good to me. Yes, I would like to learn how to dance, but no hip thrusts, please. Those moves were a little bit too sexy for me."
Zelo smiles at your honest response.
Zelo: "Then I will skip the hip thrusts. Let us do a couple hip-hop dance."
He turns on the music and shows you the dance he wants you to learn. You were amazed at how good he was in dancing. You applauded for him when he finishes the dance.
You: "Amazing! Zelo-ah! You're so good! Now I'm worried that I won't be able to learn it that quickly. Please have patience with me."
Zelo: "I will teach it to step by step. Don't worry."
He starts his dance lesson with you in his practice room with a very big mirror. You feel ashamed for how you look like. Your hair was a messy bun and you were sweating like crazy with extremely red cheeks. You had a hard time learning this dance. Luckily Zelo had a lot of patience with you. Finally, in two hours you managed to dance it with music. There were some parts of the dance where you had to touch his shoulder or where he was holding your waist while you were striking a sexy pose. At first, you would get shy at his touches. Later you could dance it with confidence because Zelo was supporting you and telling you did a great job. He motivated you. In the end, you performed a perfect dance all thanks to Zelo. You enjoyed it and had a great time with him.
You: "This is the first time in my life that I've danced a hip hop couple dance with a handsome guy."
Zelo: "And I've never danced it with a girl before. I only imagined myself dancing with a female partner. I must admit that I think that you are sexy when you're dancing with confidence."
He bit his lip and waited for your reaction. You stared at him for a moment feeling a sexual tension between the two of you. Then you broke eye contact. It's not the right moment to feel this way. The speaker goes off.
HC: "Junhong-ah! It's time to gather all together! (Y/n) must choose her partner now. Bring her to the living room!"
Zelo: "Ah.. is it already that late. I didn't notice the time as it passed so quickly. It's a shame, but I hope that you can make the choice following your heart."
You: "Thanks, Zelo I will."
Zelo: "I wish you good luck."
The End of Chapter 7!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Chapter 4 - Jung Daehyun
Hi guys,
I've finished this chapter very quickly as it was fun to write it. Daehyun is such a tease sometimes that I couldn't leave his teasing actions out of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it~ 
Here are  the links for the other chapters:
Chapter 1 - The B.A.P Castle
Chapter 2 - Bang Yongguk
Chapter 3 - Kim Himchan
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The first one to take action was Daehyun when it comes to the human blood he loses his mind. He showed his fangs to you like he was ready to bite you. He was an inch close to your hand and inhaled the scent of your blood. Himchan was protecting you while Yongguk was holding Daehyun.
YG: "Daehyun stop!"
HC: "Jung Daehyun! Behave yourself! You're scaring her!"
You were trembling in Himchans arms. Daehyun turns into a monster if he smells blood, just like the others with bloody red eyes. You finally realised that a scratch can be dangerous if you're living in a castle full of vampires. Maybe you should have listened to Himchan if it's going to turn out like this. You glanced at Yongguk. His eyes were bloody red too, but he was holding Daehyun tightly.
YG: "Himchan-ah I'm going to calm Daehyun down. Can you stay with (y/n)?"
HC: "Thanks, Bbang. I will keep an eye on her. Youngjae can you take Jongup and Zelo to the living room. I don't think they can resist this scent. I will cover it up as soon as possible."
YJ: "Yes hyung."
Yongguk push Daehyun out of the room and took him out to calm down as Youngjae brought Jongup and Zelo out.
DH: "Rwaaah Yongguk hyung! Why can't you let me smell her blood some longer? Just one lick was enough to taste her blood! Aish!"
YG: "Daehyun-ah I know it's hard to resist her blood. But if you had seen the way you pushed yourself on her. You would have been scared as (y/n). You resemble a monster."
DH: "I did not!"
YG: "Yes you did. Keep in mind that she is still human and that she is fragile."
Daehyun was frustrated.
DH: "Aish when is she going to choose her partner? It's driving me nuts when she has no owner!"
YG: "Daehyun-ah be patient. She will choose tonight at 12 o'clock."
DH: "Hyung don't you feel frustrated? Her scent is everywhere. It makes me hungry."
Yongguk rumbles in his pocket and found a little bottle filled with blood.
YG: "This is animal blood. Take it for now. It's not as delicious as human blood, but it's eatable."
DH: "Thanks, hyung."
Daehyun drinks the bottle in one shot.
DH: "Ugh this is disgusting hyung. How long did you keep it in your pocket?"
YG: "Let me think about it."
DH: "OH MY GOD! Did you gave me old blood from a few days ago?"
YG: "I'm just joking. It's from this morning."
DH: "Huh? But it tastes horrible. What kind of animal did you kill?"
YG: "A pig."
DH: "Eww gross. Never give me that again please."
Yongguk laughed like a sadist.
DH: "Yah Yongguk hyung~ this is not funny. You gave me pig blood. Do you really drink it yourself?"
YG: "Yep when I'm hungry. This is better than nothing."
DH: "Are you still drinking animal blood only? Why don't you steal some blood at hospitals or something? I do it all the time."
YG: "No I don't want people to die due to lack of blood. People stand their blood off to help others."
DH: "You kill animals instead. That doesn't sound any better..."
YJ: "Ah there you guys are! I was searching for you."
YG: "What's wrong Youngjae?"
YJ: "Yongguk hyung, Zelo and Jongup are acting weird. Do you have some blood for them?"
DH: "What?! Are you asking Yongguk hyung for pig blood?"
YJ: "Why? Is there anything wrong about it?"
DH: "It taste horrible! You can't do that to Jongup and Zelo."
YJ: "Why not? At least you can feed them with it."
YG: "Youngjae-ah here are three bottles of them. Use them good."
YJ: "Thank you Yongguk hyung!"
Youngjae went after Jongup and Zelo.
DH: "I seriously can't believe how pig's blood can be good to you."
YG: "Blood is blood. If I can live with it then I'm fine with it."
DH: "Have you ever tasted human blood before?"
YG: "Hmm... never."
DH: "Really?! Omg (y/n) should really choose you as her partner. How could you never had any human blood before?"
YG: "What's the problem? I can live with animal blood. Why should I bother to take human blood?"
DH: "Because it taste better and you feel more satisfied with human blood."
YG: "I never really care about food anyway. So it doesn't matter to me."
DH: "You don't know what you are talking about. If (y/n) chooses me I will give you some taste of it."
YG: "How will she choose you? You scared the hell out of her."
DH: "I- I have the feeling that she likes me the first second she saw me. I'm sure of it. She was captivated by my handsome face."
YG: "Yeah you're right..."
On the other hand, Youngjae was running after Zelo.
YJ: "Junhongie stop running around and come here. Take this bottle blood from me, it will make you calm down."
JH: "Hyung I want human blood~ I don't want animal blood anymore. I don't like the taste."
YJ: "If I count to three you are here in front of me or else you are in big trouble."
JH: "Catch me if you can~ Nah~nahnahnah~nah~"
YJ: "YAH you are in so much trouble!"
At the same time, Jongup went back to the room where Himchan was. His eyes were not red anymore. He looks at you smiling like an angel. Himchan smiled back at him.
HC: "Jongup-ah that trick doesn't work on her."
JU: "Aww man how did you know that I was doing a trick on her."
HC: "Just give up. You're still a newbie. Learn everything slowly step by step. I was like you when I was a little child. My sister taught me how to be a vampire."
JU: "Aww man... I feel stupid for even trying."
HC: "It's okay. Take your time and learn from us, your hyungs."
JU: "Himchannie hyung I feel hungry."
Himchan took a red tablet of his pocket.
HC: "Here take this tablet put in with some water in a wine glass. It's animal blood tablets. My professor friend made this."
JU: "Woah daebak! I'm going to try this quickly."
You were sitting next to Himchan. You wonder about those animal blood tablets and his professor friend.
You: "Himchan oppa is your friend a vampire too?"
HC: "Yes he is. He is still improving to make those tablets for me."
You: "How does animal blood differ from human blood?"
HC: "Hmm good question. I guess you can compare it to eating vegetarian meat and real meat from an animal for the human taste."
You: "Ah... that really is a good comparison."
Himchan giggled. You find his giggle really cute and giggled too. Why is this guy so cute as a teddy bear? He doesn't seem scary anymore. The scariest vampire should be Daehyun.
HC: "Is there anything you like to do?"
You: "Hmm I like to watch drama's."
HC: "Ah! I know a good drama to watch. You should watch the "Descendants of the Sun".
Himchan runs to his room to pick his tablet. He left you alone in the kitchen. A second later you saw a shadow in front of the door. Something made you feel scared.
DH: "Hello beautiful~ why are you here alone? Where is Himchannie Hyung?"
You: "He went to pick up his tablet."
You stood up and try to walk away from Daehyun. He was way too close you thought. Where is Himchan or Yongguk if you needed them.
DH: "Don't be scared. I'm a gentleman. I will treat you with all respect."
You: "I don't even know you. How can I trust your words?"
You walk backwards keeping a distance from him. Daehyun was closing the distance between you two. You gulped. He pushed you against the counter. He leans in and whispered.
DH: "I know you will choose me the second I saw you. You were born to be mine."
Then you feel his hand caressing your cheek.
You: "W-what are you trying to do to me?"
Daehyun smirks playfully.
DH: "Nothing. It seems that someone is shy for me."
You: "I'm not!"
Daehyun puts both hands on the counter. His face one inch from yours.
DH: "Have you ever kissed a vampire before?"
You: "A what?"
He is inching his face closer and closer. When you closed your eyes tightly he stopped moving.
DH: "If you choose me I can make your wish come true my love."
You: "You!"
DH: "What? Did you expect me to kiss you? I wouldn't do that~ because I'm a gentleman."
Daehyun smirks again. He was playing with your feelings. You pushed him away just to be pulled against his body. You gasped. You couldn't get used to their body temperature. How can their body feel so cold? You stared at Daehyun. The mole under his eye made him special, it looks so cute. And his plump lips made you wonder how it would feel if he had kissed you. He licked his lips. When you made eye contact you feel your cheeks blushing. You looked away.
HC: "Jung Daehyun! I'm forbidding you to make any moves on (y/n) for the next several hours till she chooses her partner."
DH: "But hyung that is not fair~"
HC: "No buts you made enough moves on her."
Himchan pulled you away from Daehyun and stood protectively in front of you.
HC: "Youngjae-ah! You can keep an eye on (y/n) for me. I'm going to teach Daehyun a lesson."
DH: "Woah! See you tonight my love! Bye~"
HC: "You're so going to regret your actions today. If I catch you, you are in big trouble mister!"
The End of chapter 4!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Chapter 6 - Moon Jongup
Hi guys,
I've written another chapter as it seems that my dear readers like this B.A.P vampire story so much. After this chapter, I will write a chapter about Zelo and then I will release each story for one member. So, in the end, she chooses everyone, but the story would be different for each member. As a fan, you can decide if you read all the chapters or just the story of your favourite member. Thank you all for supporting my B.A.P story, giving me votes and leaving comments. I really appreciate that. 
Here are  the links for the other chapters:
Chapter 1 - The B.A.P Castle
Chapter 2 - Bang Yongguk
Chapter 3 - Kim Himchan
Chapter 4 - Jung Daehyun
Chapter 5 - Yoo Youngjae
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JU: "Youngjae hyung!! Are you here? Himchannie hyung is searching for you guys!"
YJ: "Jongup-ah! I'm here with (y/n)."
Jongup jumps from the window. He kneeled in front of you. You gasped. How did he jump all the way there to 15 centimetres in front of me?
JU: "There you are. I thought that I heard you crying."
You quickly rub your eyes. It didn't help as they seem to be swollen. Maybe you've cried too much. Jongup leans closer to stare at you with his angelic smile.
JU: "It's okay. I'm with you now. Tell me what has happened. Did Youngjae hyung do anything to you?"
You opened your mouth to say something, but you didn't know how Youngjae will end up if you tell them the truth so you keep it a secret between the two of you.
You: "It's nothing. I just miss my family and friends."
JU: "I can be your friend if you want to."Youngjae stands behind Jongup. You glared at him and turn your head to the other side with your arms crossed over your chest.
JU: "Ah Youngjae hyung."
Jongup turns to Youngjae. Youngjae was looking regretful and Jongup could sense the tension between the two of you.
JU: "Youngjae hyung it's my turn to take care of (y/n)."
YJ: "Ah did Himchan hyung told you to?"
JU: "Yes you can trust (y/n) to me."
Youngjae glanced over to you. You still were angry at him. He knows that very well. 
YJ: "Then I will go first. If you can excuse me."
Youngjae disappeared and left you together with Jongup.
JU: "It's okay now. Youngjae is not here anymore."
You: "Jongup-ah. Do you know Youngjae's past?"
Jongup stares at the sky. 
JU: "I think it's a good thing that Himchannie hyung has locked his memory. When Youngjae first joined our castle he was in a very bad state. He was trying to kill himself to repay for his girlfriend who had died for loving him. Himchannie hyung couldn't leave him like that and decided to hide it for him. Only at some points, his memory can come back. Some triggers like physical touch in combination with his heart.”
You: "Was Youngjae human before?"
JU: "Yes he was. He turned into a vampire by a pure blood vampire."
You: "Oh no that's just like Yongguk oppa."
JU: "The only difference is that Yongguk hyung got betrayed by a pureblood vampire for loving her and that Youngjae hyung got forced into a vampire life for not loving the pureblood vampire. Anyway, I will spare you the details. Let's go to the entertainment room."
You: "The entertainment room?"
Jongup grabs your hand and brought you to the entertainment room.
You: "Oh my god! How is there a such an arcade room?"
JU: "This is my favourite place to be when I feel sad or down."
You: "How did you know that I might feel sad or down?"
JU: "Your eyes told me."
You: "I-"
JU: "You don't need to tell me the truth if you don't want to. Please enjoy your stay here and have a good time with me."
You smiled at him. Why is he such a nice guy? You saw a dance machine. You've always loved music and rhythm games. This was the perfect game to release your anger and disappointment.
You: "Woooh~ I want to try this one!"
JU: "Let's go~"
Jongup pulls you to the dancing machine. You noticed something. When Jongup touches you he would pull his sleeves down to cover his cold hands. He is so careful and gentle with you that you couldn't hold your smile. He seems to be a nice guy apart from the first time he kidnapped you and holds you in bridal style. You enjoyed the game a lot. You felt relieved and tired at the same time. When you finally finished playing it you started to feel hungry. Your stomach growled.
JU: "Are you hungry?"
You: "Maybe a little bit?"
You smiled awkwardly at him.
JU: "Haha I know the perfect recipe to make a homemade hamburger for you."
You: "Oh really?"
JU: "Let's go to the kitchen!"
In the kitchen, Jongup took all the ingredients out for a hamburger. You watched him putting the bread in the oven and frying the steak while he washed and cuts the vegetables.
You: "Woah! How did you learn to cook like a pro?"
JU: "I worked part time at the Shake Shake burger. That's why I'm so good at making hamburgers."
You: "Wow impressive. How can you guys all work like human do? Won't the sunlight burn you down?"
JU: "Nope I only worked at nighttime. So I won't get sunburned."
You: "Oh it's like that."
JU: "Here enjoy my special homemade hamburger."
You: "Thank you~ Then I'll eat first!"
You took a big bite. The taste was delicious. The freshness of the vegetables, the softness of the bread and the meat that was perfectly done. It was totally different than any other hamburger.
You: "Wow! This taste really good!! Jongup oppa why don't you start your own hamburger restaurant?"
JU: "No working for Shake Shake burger is good enough to me."
You: "You really are loyal to Shake Shake burger. I like you, let's be friends."
JU: "Then you're my friend from now on."
He smiles again. Why is he so cute and innocent looking? You couldn't understand how a guy so handsome with a sexy body can be so cute and innocent at the same time. Every time you look at him you would think that he is melting your heart with his sweet talks and smiles. 
You: "Ah~ I'm so full. Thank you for the meal Jongup oppa."
You feel sleepy and put your head down on the table. Living with these vampires can be really exhausting as you can never really rest before one of them attacks you. Maybe if you choose your partner your life will get easier. You fell asleep. 
Jongup was staring at you. He wondered if his trick worked on you this time. Did he finally manage to hypnotise you? He puts his hand in front of your eyes and waved it. You give no reaction.
JU: "Good she is finally asleep now. Should I steal a trickle of blood from her? Hmm"
Jongup was looking at your neck. He could see the blood streaming in your veins. Such a delicious sight he though. He shakes his head. No, I can't do this to her. He stared for a few minutes to decide where to steal a trickle of blood. Then he sees the small veins in your fingers. If I pinch with one tooth in her finger they might not be able to see it and it can recover fast. He slowly opens his mouth, showing his fangs leaning towards you.
JU: "(y/n)-ah I'm going to taste your blood just a little bit. I won't claim you as mine."
When he almost bit you Zelo came into the kitchen.
Zelo: "Hyung no! Don't do it! Himchannie hyung will get pissed off if we're stealing her blood."
JU: "Aww man but I could almost taste it."
Zelo: "I don't think you want to be chained up by Himchan hyung for several hours just before the sun can burn you to ashes."
Jongup thought about it. Zelo was right. This is not appropriate to do and it wasn't fair to the other members.
JU: "Fine. You can have her if you want. I don't want myself to get in trouble."
Jongup left the kitchen. He clenched his fist. So close to having a taste of her.
 JU: "Damn it why didn't I just bit her. I'm so stupid."
He punched the wall. He remembered what Himchan had said to him before.
HC: "Jongup-ah I know that you're frustrated, but please respect (y/n) her choice. I gave her the chance to get to know every member from our B.A.P castle. It's important to give her the chance to choose the vampire she will devote herself to. If she gives her all, her blood will taste the best. You can see it as a seal that can be made between human and vampire."
Jongup calmed down and sits down. It's true the vampire world has his own rules too. Let's not mess with these rules.
The End of chapter 6!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Chapter 5 - Yoo Youngjae
Hi everyone,
This time I wrote about Youngjae. Would you fall for Youngjae if he was the lover of your past? To find out what happens the next time, please continue to support this B.A.P story~
Here are  the links for the other chapters:
Chapter 1 - The B.A.P Castle
Chapter 2 - Bang Yongguk
Chapter 3 - Kim Himchan
Chapter 4 - Jung Daehyun
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YJ: "How are you feeling? Do you feel scared to be surrounded by vampires?"
You: "I don't know. Sometimes I do, but I have the feeling that you guys are good vampires. You could attack me any moment you want, but you guys don't."
Youngjae laughed at your innocence. He moves closer to you and whispered.
YJ: "Shall I prove you wrong?"
He surprised you and you protected your neck with your hands.
You: "Waaah! Don't bite me, please! I-I'm sorry!"
YJ: "I'm different than the others. You can't trust vampires. What if I bite you? Then you would be mine."
You: "Why don't you do it?"
YJ: "Do you want me to mark you?"
You: "Nooo! I'm just curious!"
You bend down to avoid another attack. Youngjae laughed at your action.
YJ: "Do you think that you avoid me if you bend down? Even when you're in this position I can push you down and attack you."
You blushed at his words. The memories of your first encounter flashed through you. The way Youngjae was softly sucking you wounded finger with little kisses. You were staring at him when you noticed something.
You: "Omo what a cute little mole do you have! Can I touch it?"
You caught Youngjae off guard and you touched his collarbone.
YJ: "Yah! Keep your hands back!"
You shivered at his cold skin. How can he feel so cold? It's so weird that they look like humans but they are so much different. You didn't get it.
You: "Youngjae oppa were you always a vampire?"
YJ: "Since I lost all my memories from before I'm not quite sure. I can only remember my life living here with everyone around me."
You: "Maybe your past should not be reminded."
You turned your head hearing some loud banging and screaming.
DH: "UWAAAH Yongguk hyung please help me!! Himchannie hyung is trying to kill me!!!"
HC: "Bbang don't interfere with us. I'm going to teach this fellow a good lesson."
YJ: "Daehyun is such a idiot. He always makes trouble for us."
You: "Daehyun is not going to get hurt right?"
YJ: "Why are you worried about him?"
You: "Because I'm very kind?"
Youngjae laughed.
YJ: "Yes you're kind. Don't worry about Daehyun. He will be fine. The hyungs won't kill him."
You widened your eyes.
YJ: "I'm just joking. Or maybe not?"
You run to the door. And yelled "Himchan oppa please don't hurt Daehyun oppa!"
HC: "(Y/n)-ah I won't!" Then he whispered softly with a smirk "She won't even notice that you've hurt yourself since your wounds heal very quickly. Hah!"
DH: "Yongguk hyung please help me!"
Youngjae patted your head.
YJ: "Yes you're kind. Why don't you take a seat and rest for awhile?"
You walked to the window and looked outside. There was a garden full with roses.
You: "Youngjae oppa I want to see those roses in the garden. Can you take me there?"
YJ: "Ah! You really have good eyes for beautiful things. Those roses are mine."
You: "Hihi I've always liked roses. No matter how many times I see them. I always end up falling in love with them."
YJ: "I know exactly what you're talking about."
You smiled at Youngjae.
You: "Can we go now?"
YJ: "Yes of course. Give me your hand."
You: "Huh? Why?"
YJ: "I can teleport us to the garden without anyone seeing us walking through the castle."
You: "Wooow that is so super awesome!!!"
You give Youngjae your hand. The touch made you feel weird. Youngjae made a serious face. His eyes looking intensely at you. Suddenly you were in the Rose Garden.
You: "WOAH!! So many roses! I've never seen so many of them at once. There so beautiful! I love it!"
YJ: "I'm glad that you like it."
You sit down to enjoy your sight and the scent everywhere.
You: "Mmmm it smells so nice too!"
Youngjae was standing behind you. Then he took a picture of your back between the roses.
YJ: "You really are as beautiful as my roses."
You turn around to him smiling shyly at his comment. He took another shot of you.
You: "Can I see the pictures?"
YJ: "Of course you can. Here take a look."
You: "Wow I look beautiful! Why are you so good at everything?"
YJ: "Maybe because I'm a vampire."
You: "Duh I almost forgot that you were a vampire haha. How stupid of me."
Your smile made him smile back at you. Suddenly his head starts to hurt.
YJ: "Argh"
You: "Youngjae oppa? Are you okay?"
Youngjae holds his head and fell on the ground. In his flashback, he saw you standing in a wedding dress and a rose in your hand smiling happily at him.
You: "Why are taking pictures from me? I'm not even wearing any make up or have my hair done."
YJ: "Don't joke with me. You're the most beautiful creature that I've even seen."
You smiled at him and punch him softly.
You: "How can you say those things with a straight face?"
YJ: "Because I love you with whole my heart."
When he turn around to surprise you with your ring, some random guys kidnapped you. He went after them to find you chained up on a tree with four guys around you. You were crying.
You: "Oppa I'm so sorry. Please don't love me anymore."
Youngjae didn't understand what you were saying. A minute later a beautiful woman with black hair and red lips came out. All the guys protects her.
Woman: "Yoo Youngjae how much do you love this woman?"
YJ: "I love her so much that I would rather die instead of her."
You: "Noo you don't love. Don't say that you love me!"
YJ: "Why are you saying that?"
You: "Please don't love me. I hate you. Hate me too!"
The unknown woman stood next to you. She was holding your chin.
Woman: "If I would ruin her face. Would you still love her more than me?"
YJ: "I don't know what you're after but please release her."
Woman: "How innocent of you. Guys grab him."
The four guys grabbed Youngjae and he couldn't move his arms or legs.
You: "NOOO YOUNGJAE!! Why didn't you understand my hint?"
Woman: "Shut up you woman! You're annoying."
She slapped your face.
You: "Kill me and release him!"
Woman: "What are you saying?"
YJ: "No please kill me instead of her."
Woman: "Are you guys trying to show off your love or something? Because this is irritating me a lot. Anyway that is not what I'm after. What I want is your love and blood Youngjae."
YJ: "Why would you need my blood?"
Before he could finish his sentence the woman was really close to him. She smirked at him. Then she kissed him full on his lips.
You: "You bitch! He's mine! Ah!"
You pulled the chains and it hurts your wrists. A trickle of blood came out. The four guys had their eyes full on you.
Woman: "If you want her blood then just do it guys."
She let Youngjae see a full show of how his bride to be gets attacked by four vampires. One was licking and sucking the blood from your wrist, while the other ones had their hands all over your body.
YJ: "Noooo (y/n)-ah!"
Youngjae had passed out for a few minutes. When his flashback ended he widened his eyes.
YJ: "(Y/n)-ah! Are you okay?"
You: "Why are you asking me? I should be the one asking you that question. You passed out when you took a picture of me. Luckily your camera didn't get broken as it seems to be a very expensive one."
Youngjae hugs you tightly.
YJ: "(y/n)-ah! I'm so sorry! I should have protected you."
You: "What are you talking about?"
YJ: "You died because of me."
You: "I what?!"
He was still hugging you tightly.
YJ: "Please don't ever leave me again."
You were very confused. Why was he hugging you like this? How am I going to die? Why is he like this? Is he really crying right now? Oh my god okay this is awkward... You softly patted his back.
You: "Youngjae oppa don't cry. I never died. It's all just a dream."
YJ: "No it's not! I never had any memories, this was a flashback."
You: "Maybe you fell in love with my grandma and you mistook me for her?"
YJ: "Yah! I'm not that old!"
You: "Your face is not old, but vampires can live for thousands of years. If you're 100 years old you could be my grandpa."
YJ: "I'm not joking."
You: "Don't be silly. It's not true. I'm still alive and I can't remember the thing you've said."
You tried to stand up but Youngjae stops you and pulled you down on him. You fell on top of him and straddled him. You were in an awkward position. As you were sitting on his thighs. His hands are on your face as he pulled you in for a kiss.
You: "Mmmph!!"
He deepens the kiss and your couldn't really move anymore. Something about his kiss made you believe that you might be his past lover. When he released you, you quickly pushed his chest and walked away from him. Tears dropped down your face. That was your first kiss. You've always protected this first kiss for your dream guy, but Youngjae has ruined it for you. Everything is over. You got lost in the garden and made yourself small. You cried softly.
YJ: "(y/n)-ah? I'm sorry for kissing you suddenly! I didn't realise what I was doing. Please come out?"
You stopped crying.
You: "I hate you! You've ruined my first kiss."
YJ: "There you are!"
You: "Waaah! Leave me alone!"
YJ: "I'm sorry I didn't meant to kiss you."
You: "That's what you're saying after you've marked my lips. You jerk!"
You were really angry at him. A small voice in Youngjae's head said: "Bite her and she will become mine."
He shook his head. No if I want her to be mine, I will let her fall in love with me again.
The End of Chapter 5!
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helloyukimura · 7 years
The B.A.P castle - Prologue
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You went out to go jogging in the evening; you've decided to train your body since all your friends were doing sports except for you. Even though you didn't want to lose weight you still want to maintain a healthy body. You went to the park where normally would be a lot of people but not today.
You: "Hmm that's odd. I have run this round a few times already. Why isn't anyone showing up? Normally there would be many people jogging or walking their dogs."
JU: "She fell for our trap. She is running the same round again and again."
Zelo: "But hyung how do we kidnap her to our castle?"
JU: "Just wait for it, she will get dizzy and tired. Then she will fall into deep sleep and then we kidnap her."
Zelo: "What if she doesn't and keeps running."
JU: "She will. I've done this trick before I'm sure that it works."
Zelo: "Okay..."
You were gasping for air. This is creepy. It looks like you were lost in the park. You run and run to get out of this park. You looked around and you couldn't see anyone. Until you saw this tall guy with pink in his hair. You made eye contact with him. He widened his eyes and whispers to the blonde guy with a hoody next to him. You waved at them.
You: "Hey you guys! Can you help me out? I feel like I'm trapped in a circle."
Zelo: "Shit hyung didn't you say that she will get dizzy. She is coming our way. What should we do?"
JU: "We will have to take action now."
This blonde guy was walking towards you. You thought that he was your neighbour and waved happily at him. Not till you saw his bloody red eyes. You were scared and stopped walking towards them. He is not normal. You suddenly couldn't move your legs and keep staring at him.
The other pink guy was right next to him. He was smiling awkwardly at you. Like he was meeting you for the first time with shyness. He blinked his eyes two times. Then everything turns black and you fell in the blonde guy's his arm.
JU: "Gotcha"
Zelo: "Hyung that idea was really stupid just now. Now she remembers our faces because we walked so close to her."
JU: "Don't worry Youngjae hyung will erase her memory if it's needed. I don't think she will escape from us if she is in the castle. Daehyunnie hyung has made a good protection wall around the castle. She wouldn't be able to find her way out."
Zelo: "Hmm... if I didn't use my hypnosis trick on her, she would have to be gone."
JU: "I don't think so. She was staring intensely at us. Maybe she fell in love with us."
Zelo: "Hyung you're just like Himchannie hyung."
JU: "I'm sure that she likes us."
Hi guys,
This is my first vampire story. I was inspired by B.A.P's comeback teaser pictures. They look like vampires to me and the background makes me think of a very old vintage castle. I’ve decided to put my story from Wattpad on Tumblr too, because not everyone uses Wattpad. 
Admin S
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