#himuro tatsuya angst
Hi so i have receive your message that your ask box is open and i would like to ask if you can do a dating headcanon + a jealous headcanon for himuro and hanamiya please ? ^^
💔Himuro Tatsuya, Hanamiya Makoto, and Aomine Daiki Getting Jealous Headcannons💔
Hello there Anon. I still remember if you were allowed to ask for Headcanons and once I open, I quickly told you that you can request me quickly before it gets full so yeah I hope you like the final result!
Gender: Neutral Warning: Creeps being creepy and OAmine being slightly violent
Himuro Tatsuya - Yōsen High School
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We can see from the Anime that Himuro can be pretty gentlemanly to women (But not really when it comes to Kagami. I don't really like how rude he is with Kagami but I do like when he tries to defend Alex from Haizaki.)
He might be all calm on the outside with a soft smile on his face and you thought he is okay when there was another guy/girl coming up to you with an intention to court you.
But let's check what is inside of his head and you will know that he is indeed furious when that person waltzes up to you and thinks they could court you or take your attention away.
The first time, he would smile and politely tell the person to leave you alone because you are his boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and that person should respect that.
If the person still does not budge and keeps trying to get close to you. That's when things can be scary. I believe he is not a violent person but he could be very cunning and manipulative.
He would also indirectly insult the person without sounding like he is insulting the person. (In fact, I do believe he can pull 'Dog Whistle Manipulation' which means a gaslighting abuse technique where an abuser can cause suffering to another without others being aware of what is occurring.)
You can just see the shame of that person without you realizing what just happens to that person as the person is walking with their tail between their legs.
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The sky gets darker as the snow starts to fall from the sky. The air is getting colder each minute as the temperature drops. When (Y/N) was young, the young feela used to love snow because the neighbourhood kids would play together with you, playing freeze tag or snowball wars and going home to drink hot chocolate on Christmas day.
However, you are not little anymore, and those loves of snow are replaced with despise. The older version of (Y/N) easily got sick and cold, and the next day you immediately got the flu from the horrible winter. This did not go unnoticed by your beloved boyfriend, who sometimes let you wear his scarves just so you would not be cold.
But today is different; the basketball training is getting really late, and you have to wait for your boyfriend, who is still training Basketball for the upcoming Winter Cup. You do hear the opponent in the winter cup will be even tougher, so it was understandable that your boyfriend was training hard.
As (Y/N) stood there, eyes fixed on the basketball court, (Y/N) couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer dedication and skill of Himuro Tatsuya. Every shot he took seemed like a work of art, a perfectly executed masterpiece. The way he controlled the ball, the precision with which he released it, and the accuracy with which it found its target were nothing short of mesmerizing.
Beads of sweat formed on (Y/N)'s forehead, and a faint flush crept across their/her/his cheeks, but (Y/N) paid no mind, entirely absorbed by the mastery of his shooting skills. The room's atmosphere seemed charged with energy, only when you finally tore your gaze away for a moment and you realize the warmth that had filled the space. It was getting very bothering
A friendly voice broke (Y/N)'s concentration. Turning to the source of the sound, (Y/N) was surprised to see one of Yosen's players. He was tall with unkempt brunette hair along with freckles adorned across the bridge of his nose. He's pretty cute in your opinion but you're dating Himuro Tatsuya. "Hey! Excuse me, pretty/handsome. It seems you're thirsty. Do you want some cold drink?" He had a welcoming smile and held out a cold refreshing drink.
(Y/N) was a little bit hesitant to accept the guy's drink. (Y/N) did not think anything bad about the guy since (Y/N) is aware that they are in the basketball gym and it feels rude to reject the guy's offer but they/she/he did not know who is this guy. Before you could take the bottle, you felt a sudden presence beside you.
It was Himuro Tatsuya, his usually warm smile taking on an oddly forced quality. It didn't take long for (Y/N) to sense a hint of jealousy beneath his polite exterior. He gently push (Y/N) behind him and stood in front of the guy. "Thank you for the kind gesture," he began, his voice steady, "but I believe you don't need to offer a drink to my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner," His words carried a gentle authority, making it clear that he appreciated the gesture but wanted to set a boundary.
The player couldn't help but sense the undercurrents of Himuro's subtle jealousy despite Himuro not being aggressive. is realization, combined with Himuro's polite yet firm words, left the Yosen player to respect his boundaries. "I am very sorry, Himuro-Senpai. I was just offering her/him/them a drink," with a nod and a slightly sheepish smile, the Yosen player decided to back away gracefully, allowing Himuro to be together with you.
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Hanamiya Makoto - Kirisaki Daichi High School
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Good luck to whoever made Hanamiya Jealous when they keep trying to make themselves close to you. I'm not joking, he is much worse than Himuro.
Unlike Himuro, his patience is not as thick as his and he would use all kinds of tactics against those who made him jealous while still playing the 'Innocent' card.
Whereas your dumb brain is still not aware that he was actually harassing the other person with just simply his words, railing against the person that made him jealous with a smile.
Listen to me, he definitely trying to guilt trip whoever made him jealous by asking them "Do you really hate me that much that you don't let me spend my time with my S/O? That's really mean of you," with a fake sad face.
If that's not working? Prepare another card he is going to use for that person who made him jealous. He could play the victim card after he made an insult that attacks the person's insecurity.
I do think he still has his violent tendencies but he can clearly hide it well when there are many people watching. For example, he would step on the person's foot on purpose but when the person tattletale. He would just not admit it or he would just say he doesn't mean it
So don't even think trying to make him jealous or he is going to make everyone hates you or people giving you those dirty stare even though you didn't do anything particularly wrong.
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As (Y/N)'s sat in the classroom, (Y/N)'s focus was entirely on the teacher at the front of the room, eagerly explaining the Geometric which (Y/N) is already good with. (Y/N) would be scribbling notes furiously, trying to capture all of the important notes without missing important details and by doing this. It would make it much easier at the house to just read it and remember the given formulas.
The resounding chime of the school bell echoed through the hallways, signalling the long-awaited end of the day. Students quickly gathered their belongings, ready to leave the torturous day and go back to their beloved home sweet home, including the certain someone with (H/C) hair colour and (S/C) Skin colour.
Before I could leave the classroom, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw my teacher staring at me with hopeful eyes. "(L/N)-San, May I speak with you for a moment. I need your help," she spoke. "Of course, what is it. Sensei?" (Y/N) asks the old woman. "I would like you to help with your fellow student. Eikichi-san, he is struggling with Geometric and you are the only student who could help him. If you teach him, I would give you more scores," the old woman asks.
(Y/N) was a little bit hesitant as you turn around to see the student. The guy had partly dyed blonde hair and he has that vibe that writes 'trouble' all over him. Nevertheless, the teacher promised you a bonus point for your score. "I will try teaching him geometric for the upcoming test," You told the teacher. "Thank you so much, (Y/N). I knew I could count on you," she smiles.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
(Y/N) was sitting across from Eikichi who is staring at her/him/them. His eyes would be looking at you from your chest and your face. Despite (Y/N) writing the notes, (Y/N) could feel him staring like a creep it sent a shiver down her/his/their spine. His attempts at flirting were blatant, and it made the whole situation rather uncomfortable. While (Y/N) was there to genuinely assist and teach, he seemed more interested in making offhand comments about my appearance and attempting to turn the lesson into an awkward exchange. "So, are you free today, cutie? We can go home and ignore all of this and we would have so much fun," he winks.
As the inappropriate comments from the guy continued, (Y/N)'s patience wore thin. They/her/he was on the verge of delivering a piece of their mind and stopping the guy from being creepy until I feel a presence behind me. When I turned around, there was Makoto Hanamiya
Hanamiya, with his signature cocky grin, couldn't resist the opportunity to put the overly flirtatious and creepy student in his place. "Ah, trying to charm someone who is taken, are we? You've got a knack for numbers, I see. Shame you're just not adding up in the 'respect for personal space' department," His words carried a mix of sarcasm and a cold jab. Indirectly calling him an idiot.
The student's face turned a shade of embarrassment, and you couldn't help but hold your own laughter with Hanamiya's remarks who are calling the guy idiot and creepy indirectly. The creepy student's face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and anger at Makoto's sharp remark.
In a feeble attempt to save face, he mustered a nervous chuckle before unleashing a mocking retort. "SHUT THE HELL UP EYEBROWS! YOU'LL REGRET THIS!" The guy stood from his chair as he keeps pointing his finger at Hanamiya. With a huff and a flustered glare, the student gathered his belongings and stormed off, muttering under his breath. It was clear that he couldn't handle the witty banter and had been outmatched by Hanamiya's sharp tongue "Thanks for shooing that guy away," You sigh in relief. "...Sure, whatever. You owe me some chocolate bars...and I want the dark one. Not the normal milk one," The Kirisaki Daichi captain sat next to (Y/N) before putting his arm around (Y/N(.
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Aomine Daiki - Touou High School
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I'm not going to say sorry about what I am going to say but Aomine are much more obvious than them. He is also much more man-child than Himuro and Hanamiya.
Unlike Hanamiya and HImuro. Aomine is much more obvious when he is jealous when someone is taking his attention away but it depends on the person too.
Someone with pure intention that just wants to be your friend or cute animal? Aomine definitely gonna sulk and give you the silent treatment. If you ask him what makes him angry, he would say: "Why don't you go with that friends/pets of yours!" while pouting.
Someone with bad intentions or some kind of casanova wannabe that thinks they can get your attention? He's going to confront them by standing in front of them and giving them the scariest glare. "Leave my girlfriend/boyfriend you fucking creep!" Scaring them away.
If the person still does not leave you alone. He would not be afraid to use his hands to punch the daylight of the person just like what he did to Haizaki but worse
Once they left, he would just keep his hands on yours and not let anyone get close to you. If you ask about it, he would just gonna say: "I'm just protecting you from those assholes," he mutters.
Aomine is far away from the word subtle. He would make sure that everyone knows that you are his girlfriend/boyfriend by holding your hands the whole way when you two go home.
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It was in the afternoon as (Y/N) and Momoi sat on the bleachers, their eyes fixed on the intense basketball game unfolding before them. It was an exhilarating match, as Aomine and Kagami, two titans of the court, faced off in a display of skill and determination. Their movements were swift, dribbling the ball with finesse, leaping through the air to score impossible shots. The atmosphere was charged with excitement, and Momoi and I couldn't help but cheer for both of them, appreciating the incredible talent on display.
Momoi glanced at (Y/N), a playful smile on her face, and declared that she would go fetch some drinks from the vending machine. "(Y/N)-chan! Tell me everything that happens in the court. I will get us something to drink!" She takes a few cash from her purse before skipping away to get some refreshing drinks.
Nodding, (Y/N) watch her leave before she pays attention to Aomine and Kagami competing against each other. Those players seemed to be giving it their all, determined to outdo each other. You couldn't help but be in awe of the raw power and skill they possessed
As (Y/N) engrossed in her/his/their own world, there was an unmistakable feeling of someone's presence beside (Y/N). A subtle shift in the atmosphere, a hint of another person's energy, caught your attention. (Y/N) turned their/her/his head slightly, curious who might it be. A mysterious figure wearing a baseball cap. concealed his features. The brim cast a shadow over his face, making it nearly impossible to make out any details.
The guy in a baseball cap demeanour was unsettling. The guy leaned in a little too close, his words laced with a tone that sent chills through my veins. He began to flirt, but it wasn't the playful, charming kind of flirtation. It was invasive, predatory, making me feel trapped and vulnerable. "Hey there, cutiepie. Do you want to see seven foot long? I'm sure you have never seen it. Especially as someone as attractive as you," He licks his lips.
Out of nowhere, a basketball came hurtling through the air, narrowly missing the guy with the baseball cap and landing with a thud beside (Y/N) and the creepy guy. The guy with the baseball cap and I jolted with surprise, their attention instantly drawn to the ball lying there. As they turned in the direction the ball had come from, their locked eyes on Aomine, who stood a few feet away, his expression a mix of hatred and anger in his eyes.
Aomine's voice cut through the unease like a blade. His glare intensified, and his words were laced with a deadly seriousness that sent a shiver down the spine of the creepy guy. "If you ever lay a finger on my partner again, I won't hesitate to break your face. This court is meant for the game, not for your twisted games," Aomine's words not only send a shiver to the stranger but also to (Y/N) too.
The creepy guy visibly gulped, "I-I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean any harm," he mumbled, his eyes darting between Aomine's stern face and the basketball lying nearby. He quickly realized he had crossed the line. Without waiting for a response, the stranger hastily turned on his heels, not daring to look back, and fled from the court, disappearing into the distance.
Aomine's protective instinct kicked in as he walked over to (Y/N), his concern evident in his eyes. He gently pulled (Y/N) into a reassuring hug, his strong arms offering a sense of security. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked softly. Looking up at Aomine, (Y/N) shook their head, grateful he was there to stop the guy from getting further, "I'm okay, Aomine. He didn't touch me." "Good, "If he ever tries anything again, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll make sure he regrets it," he promises.
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ladsofsorrow24 · 9 months
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Listen to the noise of your heart And never let go in the midst of dreams
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dira333 · 10 months
Himuro Tatsuya - Calling
repost from my AO3 30 Days of Writing Challenge
warning: angst
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It’s 1:23 am when he opens his eyes. He doesn’t even have to look at this phone. It happens every night. He wakes up and the first thing he does is reach out to you. But your side of the bed is empty. There’s no one hogging the sheets, no cold feet pressed against his calves, no strands of hair in his mouth because he always presses his face into your neck when you sleep. He blinks, confused like he does every night. He feels weird because he definitely thought that you called his name. He gets up and walks towards the kitchen. It’s 1:25 am and it’s perfectly normal to find you in the kitchen making waffles. Midnight waffles were your favorite meal of the day and he loved it too, hugging you from behind when you stood there, only wearing one of his shirts. But the kitchen is empty and his apartment is tiny. He halts and remembers that he’s in America, that he came back for a year. He gets back, pulls out his phone, calling you. It’s 1:26 am and he remembers that his alarm might go off every minute so he won’t miss your call. He dials your number, and waits patiently. „The number you’ve called does not work anymore.“ He hangs up, checks the ID, and calls again. After the third time, he gives up, goes through his contacts, and halts at „little brother“. It rings four times. „Whatissit?“ Taigas voice is deep and gruff and tired. „It’s me, Tatsuya. I wanted to call…“ „Go to sleep.“ „What?“ „Go to sleep. We can talk in the morning.“ „You don’t understand, I need to call her right now!“ „No, Tatsuya, I understand very well. Go to sleep, please.“ Taiga sounds so desperate and he nods without thinking. „But Taiga, I’m not even tired.“ „There are some pills on your nightstand. Take one and drink a glass of water.“ „Okay… sorry for waking you.“ „No problem. Just go to sleep.“
When Taiga wakes him up in the morning, there’s laughter in the kitchen, defintely female, followed by the voices of children, a girl and a boy. „Hey, you okay?“
And Tatsuya looks at him and he remembers. That he isn’t in America anymore. That he lives in Japan again, just a street away from Taiga, his wife and their two little kids. He’s uncle Tatsuya. He’s thirty years old, single, not a widower, because his fiancé died before their wedding. He knows all this and he’s okay, really, he is.
But never at 1:25 am.
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
KnB headcanon ask. Kagami, Takao, Kasamatsu, Imayoshi, and Himuro react when they go to visit their s/o (both still in high school) only to find her BOLTING out the front door with bag of essentials and hear loud arguing and things being thrown in the house.
himuro tatsuya, kagami taiga, kasamatsu yukio, takao kazunari x f!reader (separately) | angst + fluff
warning: mentions of physical/psychological abuse, bad parent/child relationship
a/n: i’m leaving imayoshi out because i still cannot write for him. idk what it is but i’m always blocked for him 🙁 im sorry
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himuro tatsuya
he’d be at your side in a damn INSTANT. he wouldn’t even ask what was going on, he would just get you as far away from the situation as possible
once far enough away, he would wrap his arms around you + press your face into his chest in the most soothing hug while lightly running his fingers over your back
he would tell you that if you wanted to talk about it, he was here for you, but wouldn’t pressure you into talking about it if you didn’t want to
you didn’t really even have to ask if you could stay with him for a while, he just assumed that’s what you’d be doing
he takes you back to his dorm + lets you take a warm shower while he fixes a snack for the both of you, complete w lots of blankets + a warm cup of tea
he suggests watching your favorite movie/show to help take your mind off of things
doesn’t let you check your phone or anything because he doesn’t want you spiraling again
he’d definitely be the type to offer to go back w you if you needed anything from your house
you’re very safe w him
kagami taiga
he’s so confused, poor bby
he will still want to pop his head in to say hi to your parents but once he sees the state of the house, he quickly decides against making his presence known
then he notices the red mark on your cheek + it all makes sense to him
he’s angry. SUPER angry. you have to hold him back from marching straight into your house + telling your parents to go to hell
you ask him if you can stay w him for a while + he’s all over it
he thinks about buying more pillows for the future but he knows that tonight you probably just want to fall asleep + forget this ever happened
so he helps you do just that
upon entering his apartment he’s the “mi casa es su casa” type + tells you to literally do whatever you want
he asks if you want to sleep alone + offers you his bed but once you say you’d feel safe w him around, he’s curled around you on the bed
he holds + rocks your shaking crying form until he can lull you to sleep 
kasamatsu yukio
he tries to be level headed about it but after seeing your tear stained face he feels like he needs to do something
he marches right back into that house + politely greets your parents, then immediately goes into the absolute disrespect that they have shown you as their daughter + how anyone would be lucky to have you in their life
he has your parents told but v respectfully. he completes his speech w a deep bow + goes back outside to meet you
you heard everything he said to your parents + you feel honored that he would stand up to your parents like that in his defense
he’ll kiss you + say of course he did that, why wouldn’t he miss out on the opportunity to tell someone how great you were
he would immediately take you to his house + have you stay there w him for a while
his parents would understand completely after he explains everything to them
the first night that you’re sleeping in his room, he insists on sleeping on the floor for two reasons: he’s a nervous wreck + he wants to respect your privacy
but after that you convince him that you feel comfortable w him sleeping in the bed w you…but he’s still a nervous little mess
you’re adopted into the kasamatsu family for a little while + it’s just the thing you needed to build yourself back up again
takao kazunari (his first name is so cool i’m obsessed w it)
he also wants to fight your parents but he stops after seeing how upset you are
he realizes you just need to get as far away as possible from your place so he wraps his arm around you + walks across town until he finds a secluded spot where you guys can sit down + talk
he would really wanna know what happened but knows that you might need some time. he pressures just a tiny bit because he needs to know if you’re actually okay or not
you cry while you tell him what happened + he’s listening to you intently + he’s rubbing your knee the whole time to try to comfort you
seeing you cry makes him want to cry + he hatessss it when you’re sad
he’ll still wanna fight your parents but decides that your comfort is more important than them right now 
he texts his parents a quick explanation about what happened + they immediately prompt him to bring you to his house
they make sure you are all set up + comfortable in the guest room + check on you sooo often. they’re so doting
takao is a lil petty about them setting you up in the guest room + not letting you sleep in his room w him
he’ll sneak into the guest room once he’s sure his parents have gone to bed to cuddle you all night + make sure you feel better + know that he’ll always be there for you no matter what
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Multifandom Headcanon: Which Blorbo would Rock the Emo Look
A/N: I just had to make this. Like, give me these men.
-The Kiryu twins (Vampire Knight). I mean, come on! Zero is practically half-emo already and considering Ichiru was shown wearing a shirt with skulls in a bonus chapter and has a haircut suspiciously emo length, these boys would definitely look great embracing their emo. -Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) see the Paris special. He looks cute and I prefer his emo design over Marinette's (though Shadybug is the superior look. High buns are cuter then Marinette's usual lower buns if you ask me. It's a shame she didn't keep them!) -Akashi Seijuro from Kuroko's Basketball.I need this boy with eyeliner! -Speaking of KNB, Himuro Tatsuya. Similar to the Kiru twins he's already half-emo. He should just embrace the emo! -Subaru Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers. Again, falls into the pattern of already being half-emo. I will never forget that one parody on YouTube with Subaru and the, 'I'm an emo kid' song. -Senri Shiki from Vampire Knight. Give him eyeliner and have Rima pick out his clothes, and tell me the boy wouldn't look cute in a half-dead kind of way. -Ren Tao from Shaman King would look pretty good in an emo-punk kind of look. His tongari already feels like a punkish hairstyle, the tattoo and his scars also really fit that rebel look. Add eyeliner and a goth aesthetic. It would be perfect. -Haruka Nanase from Free!, yet another example of a boy that would look cute in that half-dead kind of way. In the FREE! abridged universe, I can only imagine Haruka being one step away from becoming a creepypasta. -Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices back when he still believed he was cursed. He has all the angst in the world necessary and would definitely rock a more Victorian goth aesthetic. -Speaking of someone with a similar coloring and angst from the same universe, Alec Lightwood would look cool but he'd be more of the I don't care how terrible I look or if I am dying in this shirt, kind of emo rather then Will and his dramatic flair. -Azusa Mukami from Diabolik Lovers would also definitely suit the aesthetic, considering him and his tencencies overall. -Luka Couffaine from Miraculous Ladybug is also half-emo already. He should just go for it (TBH I wonder how he looks in the Shadybug& Claw Noir universe). -Murtagh from the Inheritance Cycle. He definitely would look good dressed as a gothic warlord. -Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries gone emo would have been the hotter version of that Green Day singer. -Speaking of The Vampire Diaries, Jeremy Gilbert's depresser stoner days had some serious emo hottie potential. -Sebastian Morgenstern from The Mortal Instruments definitely would have looked great with the emo aesthetic. The tragic villain with white blonde hair seems such an emo thing to me. -So the same goes for his son, Ash. A literal fallen angel? Cue the goth glamor!
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angelsdevils · 1 year
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key:  ♡ sfw //  ☆ nsfw //  ♤ suggestive //  ☁ angst//🖤depression mentions
♡Friend Zoned Unintentionally
♡Choose Us: Ft. Kise
♤3 Types of Snacks: Chubby Reader
♡Man Child
♡Mine!: Older Sister Reader
♡Stealing His Hoodie: Headcannon
♡Valentine’s day
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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Yōsen High Masterlist - Kuroko no Basuke
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Hello Everyone. I’m starting a commission. If you want a request, you can message me in here, Wattpad and Quotev.  I'm going to make a com
Murasakibara Atsushi
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Himuro Tatsuya
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Getting Jealous Headcannons🍭❤️
Dating Headcanons❤️🍭
Liu Wei
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Fukui Kensuke
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Okamura Kenichi
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S/O Visiting Them and The Team Didn't Know About Them Dating ❤️🍭😂
Masako Ariki
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