chakrababy · 4 years
The Secret
Hinata held her stomach with trembling hands as her breathing echoed through the dark cave. She could also hear the strong claps of thunder outside which made her ears ring. "No…not today." She whispered and struggled to get up of the damp earth. "Not today…"
Not today.
Still breathing heavily, she let a small amount of chakra form on her knees and at the sole of her feet. She lost so much energy that even standing up was a making her body tremble. She smiled a little – shaking her head at the thought that this was not what she was expecting to happen. She was after all- Konoha's Hyuga hime… and the hokage's future wife.
So who would dare ambush her small group of orphanage nuns when they were out to help the poor unregistered civilians living in between the boundaries of Konoha and Suna?
Hinata's heart clenched as she remembered her group that mainly consists of women- and most of them doesn't know anything about fighting. She hoped that they were okay – Hyuga Ko after all was with them when she was separated from the group. Her loyal friend would not let any harm come to those old ladies who had pledged their lives taking care of the sick and poor.
But will Ko be able to defend the group when they were outnumbered? The people who attacked them in the middle of the forest road seemed to be decent fighters. Rouge shinobis perhaps? They came out of nowhere and they were able to hid their chakra very well.
Her group even have white flags raised – a symbol of peace and good will. All villages – enemies or not always respects the white flag of peace. So, an ambush was not expected on their part.
Hence the reason why you put yourself as the bait. Hinata though to herself.
One strong clap of thunder made Hinata flinched and she gripped her middle – she was bleeding… and if her suspicions were correct – she was also poisoned. The moment the blade sliced her skin – she instantly lost control of her chakra which was weakened her terribly.
She could not even use her byakugan to save her life.
Another clap of thunder – and a shadow appeared at the mouth of the cave.
They found her.
Hinata gritted her teeth. Not good… She was weak and bleeding. Not enough chakra to heal or to defend herself.
But then again, she is a ninja. She won't give up until she's cold and dead.
Her right hand left her middle and slowly touched the small leather packet attached on the side of her upper leg. Then she pulled out a kunai.
Then she waited.
The shadow – obviously belonged to a man – moved, taking a few steps inside the huge rock. That was the only signal that Hinata was waiting for. She has to score first if wants to get out of here alive. With the last of her strength, she jumped towards the threatening figure with the kunai intending to kill.
But the shadow disappeared.
Hinata whirled around wildly – looking for the dark figure. No chakra signature… no sound…. She was blinded.
"Ugh." Hinata suddenly gasped as a hand grabbed her wrist. However, her hand with the kunai was still free so she made use of it. Serving a kick which did nothing as it was blocked easily by her unknown opponent- she tried to slash and stab.
Another hand tried to grab her but she was like a wild animal, almost growling in desperation to defend herself.
Suddenly, Hinata was pushed back until her back was on solid rock. One strong hand held her right hand above her head while another one was on her left hand - keeping it securely behind her.
"Don't hurt yourself Hyuga." A cold voice said and Hinata paused dead. She doesn't hear it often but she knew that voice.
A shot of lightning outside the cave provided illumination for a spit second. But that was enough for Hinata to see who the shadow was.
He was wearing a cape – caked with mud. His wet hair covering half his face that was still as handsome as ever. The face which made plenty of women swoon and many great shinobi tremble with fear. It was also the face that hundreds saw for the last time before they died.
It has been years since she saw him – but she knew very well who he was. "S-sasuke ?" His name came out as a question. Hinata could not believe it. How…?
"Hyuga." Sasuke let go of the kunoichi who's chakra signature flickered like that of a dying firefly. This one's wounded for sure. Good thing he found her just in time or else Naruto will have a fit. He could not stand that stupid idiot making a big fuss.
Sasuke knew that the Hyuga princess and the idiot have a little something going on between them. Naruto had to go to the moon in order to rescue this girl from that mad tenseigan user and it will be a mess if the Uzumaki finds out that he did not help her when he was coincidentally around the area she was passing by.
He got to give it to her though, she was able to hid herself very well and gave him a hard time looking for her inside this dark forest.
Hinata felt Sasuke's grip lost their strength around her wrists but his hands still held her firmly. "We…we were ambushed." She let out with her soft voice. "I n-need your help…"
"I need to find Ko and the others."
"Hn." Again was Sasuke's short reply.
Hinata blinked as a hand lifted a few strands of hair away from her face. When she looked up- she was greeted with the Hokage's grinning face. "I like your short hair. Ino did a good job."
She was tending the garden in front of her house and was so focused that she was not able to even hear her husband came in by the wooden gate.
I really need to go back to training. Hinata thought as she dusted her hands. Naruto doesn't assign her to missions anymore so it greatly affected her kunoichi sense. Not to mention she was in her first trimester of pregnancy.
Haruno Sakura said that this time…it's a girl.
"Naruto." She also let out a smile. "I thought you were planning on eating lunch with Shikamaru and Temari today." Her husband has this meeting with the representatives of Suna and it was scheduled to happen on lunch time. "Did you finish early?"
"The Suna ambassadors are coming in a little late. They sent me a message half an hour ago. Shikamaru decided to just wait for them so we can all eat together."
"I see."
Naruto looked around their private compound. The area was suspiciously quiet. "Where is Boruto?"
"He went with Iruka-sensei. Sensei came by to bring us some of the sweet potato cakes he bought from a trader and there was no getting Boruto away from him. Sensei will bring him back later."
Naruto laughed, combing his short blonde hair with his fingers wrapped in white bandages. Iruka was more doting than Hiashi Hyuga when it comes to Boruto – and that is saying something. "I see."
"Let's go inside? I made tea earlier. I will reheat it for you." Hinata said, dropping whatever she was doing. "We can also taste the cakes together."
"Yes please." Naruto grinned again, his eyes forming a straight line. He can't be thankful enough that he was able to go home to this beautiful woman he calls his wife. She gave him a son…and another child soon.
She gave him a family he can go home to every night.
"Hina…remember that old guy we used to buy tickets for the …" Naruto paused and whirled around, blue eyes flickering side to side as if looking for something. Hinata noticed her husband's unexpected pause and frowned.
"What's the matter?" Hinata asked.
"That…chakra." Naruto said with a weird expression. That was just a very light flicker but he knows who it belongs to.
The Uzumaki smiled. "Go in Hina. Prepare the tea and cakes. I think we have a visitor."
Naruto patted her wife's head and gently nudged her to the direction of the house. "I'll be right back okay? I love you."
Hinata was still frowning when Naruto disappeared right in front of her with a flicker. With a sigh, she slowly moved herself to the house. What can she do? her husband is the Hokage and is always busy nowadays.
Sasuke was sitting on the ground, his back plastered on a tree trunk when Naruto found him. It has been eight months when they last saw each other and that encounter was very brief.
He came back to Konoha to check on Sarada – as Sakura sent him a message that their only daughter was sick.
"Oy Sasuke." Naruto's face was angry, his white cape dangling behind him. "You missed your daughter's birthday last month you stupid newt."
"Hn." Sasuke replied with his signature grunt.
It was Sarada's birthday but Sakura got it all covered. He doesn't want to spoil the party with his presence. He may be in good terms with the Hokage and with the other Konoha Eleven but some still feared him.
Or hate him.
"You just arrived?" Naruto asked, removing his Hokage hat and sat beside Sasuke. They were in an open field. It used to be a training ground for the academy students but Naruto closed it in order to grow the plants and trees back again. A lot of trees died because it was used as the student's target with their paper bombs and kunai- intentionally or not.
Not it was just a peaceful place and people don't usually pass or stay at the area.
"Yes." Sasuke responded and closed his eyes. It was a rough trip and he was tired.
"And as usual you did not go to Sakura-chan right away. You have a wife and a daughter you know." Naruto said, feeling bad for his other best friend. Sakura deserves a little more from this dark-haired idiot.
But Sakura knew what she is getting herself into. Naruto thought silently.
"I'll leave the report on your table tomorrow." Sasuke said, eyes still closed. "Shikamaru
"Okay. Don't leave me the same one paragraph shit you always send me."
The Hokage's remark made Sasuke smirk. "Because you can't read idiot."
"You're the one who is stupid you little piece of –'' Naruto stopped midway his curse and lightened up, remembering something important. "Hey… Hinata is pregnant again. This time Sakura said it's a girl."
Sasuke's eyes slowly opened, or at least the one that was not hidden behind his black hair.
"I'm so happy so congratulate me." Naruto continued to lighten up, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm going to have another kid teme!"
Sasuke looked at the pale face of the woman in front of him. Her long dark hair being pulled back by the wind. Some strands though, was sticking to her face because of the tears that kept falling from her pupiless, pearlescent eyes.
"Why did you follow me here?" He asked coldly, although a part of him was dying to hold her close. "They will think that I kidnapped you."
"Sasuke…" Hinata clenched her fists. "You can't just go like that."
"No. It is you who can't just go like that." Sasuke corrected the woman. "Remember who you are hime. And remember who I am."
Hinata was desperate. She doesn't know what to do. All she knew was that if she let Uchiha Sasuke out of her sight today…she won't see him again. She knew he will get out of his way to hid himself from her.
If only she could turn back time. She would have preferred not to meet the Uchiha on that cave two years ago.
Then she wouldn't have to be in this situation.
She would be happily preparing for her wedding with Uzumaki Naruto – the love of her life even when she was a kid.
Sasuke's face was stoic. "Go back Hinata."
"You have nothing here." Sasuke was still acting stone-cold but he meant what he said. There was nothing for the Hyuga if she chose this path with him, only regret. The life that he was now taking was not fit for the Hyuga princess.
Hinata deserved so much more…
And after everything that Naruto did for him. He can't betray that Uzumaki again. He will die first before doing so.
Hinata bowed her head low. "Sasuke… I don't know what to do." The words that came out were just a whisper. It was the truth. She was lost…extremely lost.
She doesn't want to hurt Naruto or Sakura. Her father…everyone. "Why is it that I can't stop myself and just let you go?"
Sasuke took the step towards the Hyuga. Every step he took felt like being stabbed in the gut. And with every step towards her – is one step away from Hinata forever. When he reached the sobbing woman, he touched her cheek to wipe the hot tears streaming down her face.
"You don't deserve someone like me Hinata."
"Sasuke…we are in a dead end, aren't we?" Hinata whispered again, still not looking up.
A hand found her chin and slowly lifted her head up. The sun had just set and the shadows that framed Sasuke's face made him looked more emotionless. But on the moment that their eyes met – Hinata saw the sadness on them - echoing her own.
"I'll always watch over you Hyuga." Sasuke said as he looked straight into her eyes, his left obsidian eye slowly turning red. "So be sure to live happy…that way, you can make me happy even without knowing it."
Hinata let a sob escaped her body, knowing what was going to happen next.
"I …love you…Sasuke."
"Let's eat at my house." Naruto said, pulling away Sasuke from his thought.
"I can't." Sasuke replied.
"I have to see Sarada."
Naruto nodded. "Yes. You do that Sasuke. Be a good father damn you."
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