#hire bartender sydney
shotbartending · 1 year
SHOT Bartending Services for an Ultimate Party Bash
Do you have a party bash coming up at your place? Are you looking for an ultimate mobile bartender Sydney? Or are you searching to hire bartender Sydney? We are the best mobile bartenders also known as SHOT Bartending if you search online. With over 10 years of experience working with the event industry, you can count on our bartenders to introduce some of the most delicious drinks for your taste palate. “We attend your celebration and ensure that we serve nothing less than a good time”, says one of the bartenders.
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One amongst the best bartender duties is when they lean on the bar with a towel over their shoulders and a welcoming smile. It would feel as if they are inviting you to pull up a stool. A bartender is not only responsible to serve his customer at the bar but also think out of the box. Not all bartenders are capable of this. At shot bartending we know that this is what makes us special. We have been doing this for years, and our bartenders have the best temperament and great attitude. Being flexible is what makes us special in this industry. It’s easy to go by the rules and serve what’s there in the menu, but in reality people may want our recommendations for a delicious cocktail. Pushing a person towards indecision is totally not what our bartenders do. Instead, we come up with the best of what is within our resources. 
Each one of our bartenders has a list of cocktails that every bartender should know. It is a part of our training guide and they know about the primary liquor families and the meanings of different kinds of numbers. We design our all our drinks based on real life opinions. We hold frequent cocktail making sessions where we get real people to taste our drinks until we have a perfect drink. 
Customer service is a top priority for us. For us curating hospitality experiences is too important to us. Our professionalism and reliability will allow you to relax and enjoy. Our staff is well trained and they will ensure that your guests are also enjoying themselves with their drinks. You can rest assured that your event will be talked about for a long time. Shot bartending employees attend weekly training so that we are consistently improving from one event to the next. If you are looking for marquee hire Sydney or hire shot bartending Sydney, we are readily available. Visit us at https://shotbartending.com.au/ for more information.
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mixmastersbartending · 4 months
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MixMastersBartending is a leading bartender hire service company in Sydney, NSW. Our highly experienced & licensed cocktail bartenders will show up at your event dressed in professional attire, equipped with all the necessary cocktail tools. We also provide more services like glow furniture and customised glassware hire services to level up your special day. Call us now to make a booking or to request a quote.
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theavenuesydney · 8 months
Why Should You Use a Party Space with a Private Bar in Sydney for Events?
Many people opt for party venues with a private bar in Sydney for their events. What encourages them to make such a decision? Let us understand the reasons that make these types of venues popular.
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No extra styling needed
You don’t have to waste time on additional styling. These spaces are specially designed for conducting various types of events like corporate meetings, birthday parties, product launch events, and more.
Eliminating the need for external vendors 
Fully functional party venues don’t make you worry about relying on different vendors. They provide all amenities, including beautiful spaces and built-in audio and video equipment, to meet your party needs efficiently. In other words, these Sydney party spaces for hire with a private bar offer everything under one roof to help you save time, money and effort.
Best beverages and restaurant-quality dishes
Get the best dishes and beverages for your guests. These private spaces hire the services of experienced chefs and bartenders to treat your guests perfectly. Most importantly, you can choose a customized menu based on the taste preferences of the invitees.
Organising an event becomes stress-free when you depend on a party venue rental with a private bar. In fact, it is a one-stop destination that delivers everything you need to conduct a party or event.
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geeyogurt · 11 months
Tips for a Safe and Responsible Bucks Party in Sydney
Planning a bucks party in Sydney can be an exhilarating experience filled with anticipation and excitement. However, it is essential to ensure that the festivities are not only enjoyable but also safe and responsible. With a wide range of activities and venues to choose from, it's important to keep in mind certain tips to guarantee a memorable and incident-free celebration. Firstly, communication and transparency are key. Discuss the preferences and comfort levels of the groom-to-be and the attendees to ensure everyone is on the same page. It is crucial to respect individual boundaries and make choices that cater to everyone's needs. Secondly, consider engaging in activities that promote a responsible and safe environment. Opt for licensed venues, employ professional services, and avoid excessive alcohol consumption to maintain a sense of control and prevent any undesirable incidents. Lastly, transportation should be carefully planned to ensure a safe journey for all participants. By following these guidelines and prioritizing safety and responsibility, you can create a bucks party Sydney that is not only fun-filled but also memorable for all the right reasons.
Choosing the Right Venue for a Safe and Responsible Bucks Party
Planning a safe and responsible bucks party starts with selecting the right venue. Look for venues that prioritize safety and have appropriate licenses and permits. Consider factors such as capacity, accessibility, and the availability of security personnel. Opt for venues that offer a variety of activities or entertainment options to keep guests engaged without compromising their safety. Ensure that the venue has proper amenities like clean restrooms and first aid facilities. By choosing the right venue, you can set the foundation for a memorable yet responsible bucks party experience.
Setting Clear Expectations and Boundaries
To ensure a safe and responsible bucks party, it is crucial to set clear expectations and boundaries with all participants. Communicate the rules and guidelines beforehand, emphasizing the importance of respectful behavior and consent. Discuss any specific activities or themes that are off-limits and make sure everyone understands and agrees to abide by these boundaries. Encourage open communication among attendees so that they can voice any concerns or discomfort during the event. By setting clear expectations and boundaries, you create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone involved.
Organizing Transportation Safely
Transportation is a key aspect of a bucks party, and it's important to prioritize safety when organizing it. Consider hiring professional transportation services, such as a licensed party bus or chauffeur, to ensure responsible and reliable transportation throughout the event. If guests are planning to use their own vehicles, encourage them to assign designated drivers or consider arranging for ridesharing services. Provide alternatives to driving under the influence, such as accommodation options or arranging for a sober driver. By prioritizing safe transportation, you can help prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of all attendees.
Responsible Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol is often a part of bucks parties, but responsible consumption is vital for maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment. Encourage moderation and provide a variety of non-alcoholic beverage options. Make sure to monitor alcohol intake and intervene if anyone appears to be overly intoxicated or at risk. Promote the importance of hydration and provide water throughout the event. Consider hiring professional bartenders who are trained to identify signs of intoxication and can help prevent excessive drinking. By promoting responsible alcohol consumption, you can prevent incidents and ensure the well-being of all participants.
Engaging in Safe and Legal Activities
When planning a bucks party, it's important to choose activities that are safe, legal, and respectful. Avoid activities that promote violence, discrimination, or harassment. Opt for engaging and inclusive activities like outdoor sports, escape rooms, or group challenges. Ensure that any hired entertainment or performers adhere to professional and ethical standards. Be mindful of the impact of your activities on the local community and environment. By engaging in safe and legal activities, you can create a positive and responsible bucks party experience.
Ensuring Adequate Security Measures
Security should be a top priority when organizing a bucks party. Consider hiring professional security personnel to ensure the safety and well-being of all attendees. They can help manage crowd control, handle any potential conflicts, and respond quickly to any emergencies. Make sure to communicate the presence of security personnel to the guests, as their presence alone can deter unwanted behavior. Additionally, ensure that the venue has proper safety measures in place, such as fire exits, emergency contact information, and first aid kits. By taking adequate security measures, you can create a safe and secure environment for everyone involved.
Being Mindful of the Local Community
When planning a bucks party in Sydney, it's important to be mindful of the local community. Respect noise restrictions and be considerate of the surrounding residents and businesses. Avoid littering or damaging public property. If participating in any outdoor activities, ensure you have the necessary permits and adhere to any regulations. Support local businesses and contribute positively to the community. By being mindful of the local community, you can help foster positive relationships and ensure a responsible bucks party experience in Sydney.
In conclusion, Sydney offers an exceptional destination for an unforgettable bucks party. With its vibrant nightlife, breathtaking scenery, and an array of thrilling activities, the city caters to every groom-to-be's desires. From exciting bar crawls and high-energy clubs to adventurous outdoor experiences and luxurious cruises, Sydney has something for everyone.
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hostcosydney · 1 year
Why Should You Hire a Venue to Plan Your Cocktail Party?
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If you are planning a cocktail party, then it is going to be more stressful than any other event. Going for a venue hire in Sydney to host a cocktail party, then you don't have to worry about any of the details. They will take all the stress off your mind and ensure that everything goes perfectly well on the big day.
Here are some reasons why hiring a venue for your cocktail party is beneficial:
Stress-free event planning
If you are planning a cocktail party, then the most important thing for you is to make sure that everything goes well. You don't want to worry about venue hire Sydney, because it can be very stressful and time consuming.+
A great way of eliminating these worries is by hiring a venue that will help with all these things for you. The venue does not just offer space and food but also other services like music entertainment as well as security guards to keep your guests safe.
The venue also offers many options when it comes down to decorating; they have beautiful designs that they can install in their halls or gardens so that they match the theme of your party perfectly!
This way, you will be able to relax while others handle everything else - including getting rid of any trash left behind by guests after leaving (which can attract animals).
Adequate facilities
The venue should be able to host the number of people you are expecting. The size of the venue will depend on how many guests you want to invite and where they will be coming from. Depending upon your preference, a smaller venue can be easily managed by one bartender, while a large one requires more hands in order to provide quality service.
The bar should have adequate facilities, such as bathrooms and cloakrooms, for both staff and guests. Make sure these are well maintained at all times so as not to ruin your party experience. Additionally, it is required that the bar has proper licenses for selling alcohol as this may cause problems with local authorities if they find out about it after the fact.
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Make use of the catering options
You do not need to worry about the food or drinks for your cocktail party. You can choose from a range of options, including finger food and canapés, with a variety of different flavours. The venue will also provide cutlery, plates and glasses so that everything is ready for your guests when they arrive at your event.
For those who are planning an office party or other business-related event, this is an ideal option as it means that you do not have to worry about catering arrangements yourself. 
Instead of having to find caterers and organise deliveries yourself, you can leave this in the hands of your chosen venue, who will organise all aspects of delivering food and drink over the course of the evening – ensuring that everyone has what they need when they need it!
Can Be More Cost Effective
Venue hire Sydney is the best way to organise your cocktail party. You'll be able to get the whole package. This means that not only will they take care of all the logistical details, but they will also do the catering for you. This can save money in two ways:
You don't have to worry about your guests being hungry or thirsty if there aren't enough snacks or drinks at the event.
You won't need to buy any food or drink since it is included in their price.
Hiring a venue with the right facilities also helps save money on hiring extra staff, such as bartenders or waiters/waitresses, since these people are already employed by them (and paid for by them).
No Cleaning After
You might think you're saving money by doing the cleaning yourself, but did you consider the time and energy it would take? Hiring a venue removes all of that worry. You don't have to worry about hiring cleaners or having anyone else clean up after your party. The venue will take care of everything for you, leaving you to enjoy your guests and bask in their admiration for how well-thought-out the event was.
Planning a cocktail party can be quite stressful. However, by hiring a venue to do all the work for you, you will save yourself time and money. All you need to do is choose the right location and make sure that they have adequate facilities such as ample seating areas, food options and entertainment options in store for your guests. You will also be able to make use of their catering services if needed, which means no more clean-up afterwards!
Source: Why Should You Hire a Venue to Plan Your Cocktail Party?
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mlndless · 2 years
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Look who just woke up- is that GRANT GUSTIN? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s LELAND PARKER from THE WALKING DEAD(OC). I heard he is 28 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a FANGS BARED, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS THAT SEEM ENDLESS, UNCHECKED ANGER impression. They’re known to be quite LOYAL, but have a tendency to be UNPREDICTABLE on their bad days.
cis male - he/him
How long have they been in Sydney?
A little under a year.
Bartender and secret mercenary for hire.
Which suburb do they live in?
Memories of their real life : tw blood, death, violence, twd spoilers(?)
Leland remembers everything of his old life, however, most of what he cares to remember is only post-apocalyptic. Before zombies became a part of his daily life, he was just an orphan boy tossed from one foster home to a next. Life simply placed a chip too large on his shoulders for him to ever get rid of it until... killing the un-dead became an acceptable way of releasing all of the lifelong anger that had been festering inside him.
For a long time he traveled alone and he enjoyed it that way. He became voluntarily mute, figuring he had no reason to talk to the dead and the occasional living he came across were just never worth becoming involved with.
Eventually, a group calling themselves Negan found him covered in blood and zombie gore. They offered him a home among the living and while it had no appeal to him, he knew turning them down would only cause him trouble. They recognized that he was an unhinged man and that was exactly what they wanted and already had amongst their ranks. He became another attack dog amongst many. It was a life he surprisingly came to enjoy.
It was cut short when another group that he hardly cared enough to hold a grudge against decided they had enough of the way Negan ran things. In his own mind, it was only a matter of time before that happened so when it finally did and he was given a choice between dying or trying to assimilate into a completely new way of life, he made his peace and chose the former.
What was their fake life like?
Now, Leland finds himself in this new life that makes him feel as if that choice meant very little. It took him awhile to piece together but his little sister did most of the explaining. She was there when he woke up in the hospital after suffering from a head injury.
Based on what she told him and what he’s pieced together this past year on his own, he and his younger twin sister grew up in foster homes much like his real life. However, he was surprisingly optimistic and did his best to raise and protect her. A hard working and likeable man was how most people described him and he was apparently in a very serious five year relationship. The ray of sunshine everyone seemed to think he was quickly died in their eyes because it was laughable to expect a man like Leland to fake that kind of persona with all his memories back.
Instead, he broke up with his long term partner, quit his job, and confessed to his sister that he was not the man she thought he was. Thankfully and surprisingly, his sister stuck by his side and believed him. Nothing had separated them before and some large personality change was not going to do it either despite the doctors claiming that this was a possibility when it came to head injuries.
After cleaning up that mess, he carved out a simple life for himself as a bartender in the seediest parts of Balmain. Not long after gaining some connections with the very little small talk he participated in, he found himself as an underground mercenary for hire. All the skills and knowledge he had in his old life transferred over to this one and they paid well since he was more than happy to take on the most of gruesome of jobs in between serving drinks and kicking out drunk assholes.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Desperate employers struggle to find workers
“We have three months of backlog work on our more complex mechanical jobs where we cannot find employees with the in-depth knowledge required to complete these jobs,” he said. Virtue said the skill shortage was exacerbated by TAFE and private colleges not preparing apprentices “for what the real life of a mechanic entails.” Xanthe Ba-Pe trainee mechanic at CMR Automotive in Marrickville.attributed to him:Flavio Branclion Master Electricians Australia’s director of advocacy and policy Jason O’Dwyer said the national electricity shortage is expected to worsen after the transition to renewables. He said: “Some employers will not allow their students to receive orders from warehouses to prevent them from being stolen by competitors.” O’Dwyer predicts a shortfall of 25,000 electricians by 2030, with electricians, solar electricians, air conditioning and refrigeration in the toughest positions to fill. loading “We’ve seen employers offer some amazing incentives, like eight days, nine days two weeks, gym memberships, haircuts, and nights with their partner, as well as referral and sign up bonuses, which range from $1,000 to $10,000,” he said. Bars and restaurants also attract workers with cash and other incentives. The Sydney Restaurant Group is offering $5,000 sign-in rewards and free wine courses for managers, waiters, bartenders, baristas, chefs and kitchen staff at venues including Ormeggio at The Spit, Aqua Dining at Milsons Point and Cafe Bondi. Australian Venue Co. offers. Ltd., which operates venues such as The Winery, Bungalow 8 and Cargo, offers paid training, a $100 pub voucher, free lunch and a gift bag for successful “casting calls” applicants in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. loading Solotel last year began offering login bonuses of up to $1,000 and half price for food and drinks at places like the Opera Bar, Golden Sheaf Hotel and The Bank Newtown to new employees. Elliot Solomon, CEO of Solotel, said the incentive program “contributed significantly” to hiring employees. The hospitality group also introduced a minimum wage increase for eligible employees to July instead of October 1 as requested by the government. Rockpool Bar & Grill Executive Chef, Cory Costello said last year Sun Herald The restaurant was struggling to hire staff despite paying dishwashers $90 an hour on Friday and Saturday nights. loading Restaurant and Restaurant Australia CEO Belinda Clark said hospitality workers are paid “significantly above” regular bonus rates, with junior chefs attracting more than $100,000 a year. “One of my kitchen hands in Western Australia was poached by mines for $150,000 a year as well,” she said. “For baristas, it’s now normal for them to earn about $60 an hour on the weekends.” Clark said employers are offering more training to less experienced people “to make them able to work if they have not worked in the industry before.” But UFL Executive Director Dario Mojkic said hospitality remains an industry where workers are underpaid and poorly treated despite some places offering check-in bonuses and other incentives. “Hospitality employers cannot take jobs because the industry expects workers to work unrelated hours with no job security,” he said. The chief executive of the Australian Retailers Association, Paul Zahraa, said retail employers are offering login bonuses, discounts on products or pay for courses as job vacancies hit a record high of more than 46,000 in August, an increase of 14 per cent from the previous three. months. Fashion brand Nude Lucy is offering a $1,500 login bonus and $1,000 gift voucher as part of its offer to hire an area manager, while last year The Body Shop became one of the first major Australian retailers to adopt an open recruitment process and not ask for a resume. Subject or reference. “Labour shortages have been a problem for some time, even without the Christmas demand surge, as many retailers and small businesses in particular cannot trade at full capacity,” Zahra said. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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rentcampervan · 2 years
4 Best Bars to Visit Anytime of the Day in Sydney
For a very long time, Sydney’s bar scene has been enviable. There has been a sudden improvement in the way they have designed the bars and made it into a place worth visiting. From creativity to the luxury that exudes from every corner of this bar, there is so much to take in when you visit Sydney. It is possible that, while exploring the town in your campervan rental Sydney, you want to stop over for some good food accompanied by a stiff or classy drink. Here there are plenty of options to choose from. 1.    Apollonia: This hits the highest rank when it comes to top bars in Sydney. This is located in a basement in the Hinchcliff House, which is a restaurant. The bar has been designed inspired from the book Sicilian Wife. The menu has been designed based on the lovestory shared in this book. Every drink or food has been given a unique name. there are drinks from various categories including whiskies and gins. Apart from the good drink, you will always have some snacks waiting for you at the table here. Their signature drink is obviously the Apollonia Negroni. It comes with ice that has A stamped on it. find a spot to park your motorhome hire Sydney. 2.    Cantina OK!: this bar was born the same moment Mezcal came into existence. It is akin to Tequila, just a smoother and braver version of the drink. This bar is along the same lane where there are several other bars. In the post pandemic era, the bar has introduced the laneway seating arrangement. It has been ranked high as the most stylish bar in Sydney. Of course, they mainly serve Mezcal. If you haven’t had it, you can go try or learn more about this drink from the highly educated staff. You can get help from the bartender regarding the flavor that best suits your needs. 3.   Maybe Sammy: Hop into your campervan rental Sydney and start traveling the streets, only to reach this adorable space, also known as the bar. It is a much hyped bar in the town. You will notice that the interiors have been taken from the 1950s. it offers some of the most incredible cocktails that could be served on the table. It has been winning awards for the cocktail shakers. Some of the signature cocktails are the reason people move to this bar. Recently, the place reinvented their bar menu and have added some really inspiring drinks to the list. It is also listed as one of the top11 in the bars list, and could be one of the reasons why you should go there. The irish coffee cocktail is their signature dish. 4.    Sky Bar: It is located at the top of Wynyard, the heritage building in the city. along with the exceptional dining experience, it also offers an interesting drinking experience. You will be greeted by floor-to-ceiling glass doors when you enter here. The cocktail menu isn’t all that big but, it offers some of the best options for you. there are bar snacks that have been curated keeping in mind the people’s needs. Check out these award winning bars while you explore the town in your motorhome hire Sydney.
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bartenders4yous · 4 years
Are you searching for Bartender Services in Sydney? Then, this is for you. We provide the best Bartender service in Private Parties, Hen Night, Mobile, and Waiters for Wedding at a fair value. For more information, visit our website.
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jacaranda-bloom · 4 years
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My Fic Masterpost
Here are all 60 fics that I’ve posted on AO3, newest to oldest. Enjoy!
If you would like to subscribe to be notified when I post new works you can do so here - thanks for reading xx
💜 Peeping | E | 16k | May 2024 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | wanking, teasing, seduction plans, idiots falling in love, nye, humour, domestic fluff, harry likes to watch and be watched, so does louis as it turns out, smut | Where Louis has a thing for his housemate, Harry is under the impression that clothing around the house is an optional extra, and neither of them seem to be able to stop wanking long enough to get their shit together and admit their true feelings.
💜 Take Me Home (series) | E | 27k | Sept 2023 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | songwriter louis, wanderer harry, country fic, isolation, found family, smut | Where Louis thinks he has everything he could ever have wanted until life shows him how wrong he was.
💜 And What If I Were You | E | 110k | April 2023 | AO3 | AO3 Russian | Wattpad | Tumblr | Trailer | famous/non-famous, actor harry, artist louis, blind louis, exes to lovers, found family, angst, pining, slow burn, flashbacks, smut | Where Louis loses his sight, Harry loses the love of his life, and they both lose their way, but will they find their way back to each other before it’s too late. 
💜 Under The Milky Way | E | 11k | Oct 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | rock star louis, photographer harry, australia, pranks, louis is a menace, sydney harbour, yachts, red wine, star gazing, barricade runs, harry’s house, grapejuice the song, smut | Where Louis is a rock star on tour, Harry is a free lance photographer, and drinking red wine under the stars might just be worth the hangover.
💜 Love On Air | E | 19k | Sept 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | stranded in a radio studio, radio dj louis, artist manager harry, australia, sydney, banter, music appreciation, locked-in, on-air interviews, proposals, butterflies, smut | Where Louis doesn't have a type, no matter what Niall says, but if he did, it'd probably be the guy currently trapped in his radio studio and grinning back at him from across the desk.
💜 Moonlight Minx | E | 15k | August 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | stranded on an island, photographer harry, island caretaker louis, storms, australia, sydney, smut | Where an unexpected storm strands Harry on an island, Louis gets an unexpected house guest for the night, and love might just be the most unexpected thing of all.
💜 Truebonds | E | 40k | July 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | abo, alpha harry, omega louis, scenting, nesting, heats/ruts, truebonds, new hampshire, american harry/louis, scenter harry, animal sanctuary owner louis, mpreg, smut | Where Louis is an omega in need, Harry is an alpha for hire, and destiny presents them with a fate they never saw coming.
💜 From Dust To Lust | E | 45k | May 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | road trip AU, enemies to lovers, australian outback, only one rental car, only one hotel room, only one double bed, etc, party crashers, weddings, karaoke, endless banter, PDA, frequent coincidences, smut | Where Louis and Harry are fly-in-fly-out mine workers, coincidences are totally a thing, karaoke is an underrated form of foreplay, and the universe most definitely works in mysterious ways.
💜 Best Snog Ever | E | 13k | April 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | friends to lovers, pining, banter, boy band bangers, hiccups, niall as the helpful bartender, australia, smut | Where Harry wants Louis, and Louis wants Harry, but neither of them can seem to manage to seal the deal until Niall, the always helpful bartender, comes up with an inventive cure for Louis’ hiccups.
💜 Love On A G String | E | 20k | Mar 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | rock star harry, replacement guitar tech louis, australia, all my favourite conversations, always made in the a.m, sunrises, banter, smut | Where Harry is a rock star on a world tour, Niall is his tech crew manager, Liam is his tour manager, and Louis is in the right place at the right time.
💜 With A Little Kindness | E | 33k | Feb 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | single parent harry, generous stranger louis, kid fic, mpreg harry, broke harry, wealthy businessman louis, angst, fluff, romance, smut | Where Harry is a struggling single parent who doesn’t have time for relationships and Louis is a generous stranger who is unlucky in love, until fate decides to step in and bring them together.
💜 Mistletoe, Memories, and Mayhem | M | 13k | Jan 2022 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | Trailer | christmas in january, christmas themed disasters, louis just wants to propose, hopelessly endeared harry, persistent carolers, feline related chaos, grand romantic gestures | Where Louis had a plan. A solid plan. A brilliant plan. A plan that would sweep the love of his life off his feet and propel them both towards the marriage Louis so desperately wanted. He just hadn’t accounted for the calamitous unfolding of events as he tried to execute said brilliant plan.
💜 In A Twinkling | E | 90k | Dec 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | advent fic, christmas au, famous/non-famous, gucci model harry, marketing executive louis, matchmaking, photoshopping, crochet circles, ice skating, bed/couch sharing, awkward boers, banter, pining, angst, smut | Where Louis’ Nan just wants him to be happy, to settle down with a nice boy, and bring him around for Christmas. Louis is too busy with his career to bother about relationships, but in an attempt to appease his Nan, he sends her photoshopped pictures of him and his pretend boyfriend, Harry. The fact that the man in the pictures is none other than Harry Styles, world famous Gucci model—and recurrent star of Louis’ fantasies—is irrelevant. It’s not like their paths will ever cross… So it comes as somewhat of a surprise when Louis returns home for Christmas and walks into his Nan’s sitting room only to find the real-life Harry Styles happily chatting away with the grey-haired ladies of his Nan’s Crochet Circle.
💜 Full Moon Dreaming | E | 43k | Nov 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | soulmates, enemies to friends to lovers to soulmates, australia, surfing, country fire service, bushfires, volunteer firefighters, hurt/comfort, angst, pining, ot5, smut | Where every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life. Louis has given up hope of dreaming of a person, resigned to living a life devoid of that kind of all-consuming love for another and receiving the same in return. But when a new neighbour descends on Louis’ beloved Hanson Bay and moves into the other beach house, could all that be about to change?
💜 Wild Hearts Run Free | E | 43k | Nov 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | AO3 Russian | AO3 Spanish | abo, alpha harry, omega louis, woodsman harry, city boy louis, strangers to lovers, wilderness, seclusion, pining, angst, hurt/comfort, scenting, knotting, smut | Where Harry is an alpha who is harbouring a dark secret, one that has forced him into self-imposed isolation, far from civilization and far from temptation. Louis is an omega who has fought the predispositions of his secondary gender his whole life and suddenly finds himself cast aside by his beta partner, leaving him to question his place in the world. When fate and Mother Nature conspire to trap the two strangers together, will Harry’s worst fears be proven, or will Louis find a way to break down his walls and lead him into the light?
💜 Forever Young | E | 24k | Oct 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | strangers to lovers, fantasy elements, bartender louis, artist harry, every human has wings, but not everyone can see them, angst, hurt/comfort, bed sharing, smut | Where everyone in the world has wings, but no one can see them. Harry is different, though. All his life, he’s known what others don’t, but when he moves to a small village outside of the city, could the enigmatic bartender with the beautiful blue eyes be about to change all that?
💜 Player | E | 28k | Oct 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | AO3 Spanish | famous/non-famous, tennis player harry, publicist louis, himbo harry, highly strung louis, revealing instagram posts, dick pics, flirting, pining, smut | Where Louis is Harry’s highly strung publicist and has a thing for his client, Harry is an international sports star and has a thing for his publicist, Liam and Zayn have a thing for each other, and Niall wishes everyone would just get their shit together.
💜 Man, Deconstructed | E | 14k | Sept 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | strangers to lovers, mistaken identity, sculptor harry, niall is a terrible wingman, louis is just trying to do his job, louis has the perfect arse, stress baker harry, oblivious harry, smut | Where a well-meaning best mate, a sculpture-worthy arse, and a heaping dose of misunderstanding combine to create sheer and utter chaos, and also, maybe, the best thing Harry’s ever found.
💜 A Hungry Heart | E | 28k | Sept 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | great british bake off au, famous/non-famous, pop star and guest judge louis, florist and contestant harry, banter, humour, innuendos, cliches, copious 1d references, pining, misunderstandings,, fluff and romance, smut | Where the Bake Off tent has never been so hot and it’s got nothing to do with the ovens.
💜 Moments | E | 11k | July 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | AO3 Russian | fake exes to lovers, strangers to lovers, particle physicist louis, event manager harry, niall as the confused wingman, banter, musical references of the ed sheeran kind, smut | Where Louis invents a fake date with a random guy to get out of an awkward conversation with Niall only to have the guy turn up at the bar and oops, he’s a friend of Niall’s.
💜 Fuck U (Even) Betta | E | 3.5k | July 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | Established Relationship, Light BDSM, Sex Toys, Aftercare, smut | Where where Harry hates to be away from Louis, Louis hates to miss Harry, but everyone gets what they need… eventually.
💜 Just One Touch | E | 11k | May 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | strangers to lovers, footballer louis, doctor harry, the 5 senses, foods like look like dicks, angst, pining, sexual frustration, masturbation, a cat named muriel | Where football star Louis needs to get match fit in a hurry and doctor Harry has some unorthodox methods.
💜 In The Still Of The Night | E | 68k | May 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | AO3 Spanish | dirty dancing au, abo, alpha harry, omega louis, dancer harry, student louis, omega rights, class divide, dancing, angst, sexual frustration, smut | Where Louis is a feisty omega who wants to change the world, Harry is an alpha from the wrong side of the tracks, and nobody puts Louis in a corner.
💜 Love, Ever After | E | 20k | May 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | abo, alpha harry, omega louis, farmer harry, matchmaker louis, blind dates, heats/ruts, knotting, soulmates, pining, smut | Where omega Louis makes love matches, alpha Harry makes cheese, and meddling friends might finally make their dreams of finding their soulmate come true.
💜 The Future Is Now | E | 16k | Feb 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | best friends to lovers, 5+1 things, flatmates, fortune telling, magic, carnivals, idiots in love, oblivious louis, patient harry, smut | Where Louis follows the fortunes five times to seek out his true love, and then the one time he realises that what he's been searching for might've been right in front of him the whole time.
💜 The Pirate and The Piper | E | 38k | Jan 2021 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | peter pan au, enemies to lovers, fantasy, magic, pirates, lost boys, hidden identities, slow burn, spanking, rough sex, angst, hurt/comfort | Where Louis is Pan, Harry is Hook, and nothing is what it seems.
💜 A Moment In Time | E | 14k | Nov 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | exes to lovers, fantasy, magic, angst with a happy ending, clifford, castles, fluff, banter | Where Harry and Louis were together, until they weren’t, but with a twist of fate and a bit of magic could this be their chance to find forever in each other’s arms?
💜 Don’t Hold Back | E | 15k | Oct 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | Narry, famous Niall, rockstar Niall, non-famous Harry, superfan Harry, Australia, lads holiday, banter, concerts, smut, based on Cross Your Mind (from Heartbreak Weather) | Where Niall is a rock star, Harry is a Niall Horan super fan, Liam, Louis, and Zayn are excellent wingmen, and dreams really do come true.
💜 Seven Simple Words | E | 15k | Sept 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | exes to lovers, past friends with benefits, Australia, love confessions, pining, angst with a happy ending, smut, based on To Be So Lonely (from Fine Line) | Where you don’t always get what you want the first time around, but sometimes the universe decides to give you a second chance at getting it right.
💜 Feels So Right | E | 9k | Aug 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | high school musical AU, strangers to lovers, college student Louis, college student Harry, Louis is 21, Harry is 19, karaoke, fate, smut | Where Louis is Troy, Harry is Gabriella, and we find out what really happened after karaoke at that ski resort.
💜 Wonderland | E | 4k | July 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | ABO, omega Harry, alpha Louis, porn with love, mpreg Harry, scenting, knotting, body worship, horny Harry, smut | Where Louis loves to worship his Omega’s body and Harry loves to let him.
💜 The Baby Whisperer | E | 19k | July 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | strangers to lovers, neighbours being neighbourly, babies, kid fic, art curator Harry, equine veterinarian Louis, English countryside, prior mpreg Harry, romance, smut | Where Harry’s newborn baby won’t sleep and Harry is at his wits end until a kindly new neighbour moves in next door to answer his prayers. 
💜 Fuck U Betta | E | 11k | July 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | BDSM, jealous Harry, possessive Harry, Louis is a tease, dom/sub undertones, toys and restraints, smut | Where Harry likes the thrill of the chase, Louis likes to be chased, and everyone gets what they need… in the end.
💜 Caves End | E | 40k | June 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | famous Harry, footballer Harry, non-famous Louis, farmer Louis, Australia, horse riding, slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, riding accident (everyone is fine), slight miscommunication, romance, smut | Where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
💜 When Tomorrow Comes | E | 11k | June 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | ABO, alpha Harry, omega Louis, scenting, nesting, bonding, mating, mpreg, pups, comfort, smut | Where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
💜 You Drive Me Wild | E | 5k | May 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | chauffeur Harry, executive Louis, carelessly placed lube, masturbation, dirty talk, thirty-something Louis, silver fox Louis, twenty-something Harry, smut | Where Harry has a brilliant idea to while away the time as he waits around for his boss but fate decides to rain on his parade... or maybe it’s the universe answering his prayers.
💜 No Going Back | E | 56k | May 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | lighthouse keepers AU, strangers to lovers, remote location, bed sharing, dom/sub undertones, restraints, strip scrabble, scrabble on the edge, Australia, romance, smut | Where one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
💜 Strong Enough | E | 21k | May 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | enemies to lovers, exes to lovers, idiots in love, drummer Louis, songwriter Louis, singer Harry, frontman Harry, angst with a happy ending, smut, based on Fearless (from Walls) | Where Vertigo comes back together for a benefit concert five years after going on hiatus. Can Louis and Harry work through their complicated past, or are some wounds too deep to be healed?
💜 Shine | E | 13k | Feb 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | strangers to lovers, scientist Louis, carpenter Harry, actirasty (arousal by the rays of the sun), kink exploration, dom/sub undertones, spanking, smut | Where Louis has a thing for the sun and Harry is more than happy to indulge his sunshine boy.
💜 If You’re Out There (I’ll Find You Somehow) | E | 56k | Jan 2020 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | hybrid AU, kitten hybrid Louis, human Harry, childhood friends, no fixed historical era, scars, hurt/comfort, fear and anxiety, angst, slow burn, first times, the happiest of endings, smut | Where one man’s love changed the world.
💜 Everything I Do | E | 16k | Dec 2019 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | established relationship, courtship rituals, marriage proposal, stargazing, massage, tooth rotting fluff, romance, Harry makes grand romantic gestures, Louis laps them up, smut | Where Harry finds a book of Elizabethan courtship rituals which sets in motion a series of events that can lead to only one conclusion.
💜 Playing To Win | E | 37k | Nov 2019 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | big brother AU, enemies to lovers, secret relationship, bed sharing, handcuffs, hot tub sex, outdoor sex, smut | Where Louis really doesn’t want to like Harry, Harry is struggling to quell his growing fondness for Louis, and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t fight fate.
💜 Exposed | M | 666 words | Oct 2019 | AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr | halloween AU, uni students, body painting, living art, skeletons don’t have dicks, Louis does, nakedness, Harry is very thorough with his art, flirting, banter | Where Louis should really stop agreeing to do favours for his friends while drunk, especially when they result in him becoming a naked live-art model.
💜 Forever and Always | E | 26k | Oct 2019 | strangers to lovers, vampires, other fantasy creatures, body swapping, Niall is an excellent wingman, Harry is also an excellent wingman, Narry bromance, side Ziam, side Shiall, camping, waterfalls, spells and potions, banter, vampire bites, blood drinking, smut | Where Harry’s neighbour is a crotchety old witch who hates vampires, Niall is the unsuspecting human who ends up inhabiting Harry’s body, and Louis is the caseworker who is assigned to swap them back. How it ends up a love story is anyone’s guess.
💜 Going My Way | E | 20k| Sept 2019 | strangers to lovers, mpreg Louis, lyft driver Louis, PR exec Harry, kid fic, California, banter, comfort, Harry dotes on Louis, foot massages, dom/sub undertones, smut | Where Harry gets a replacement LYFT driver, Louis is just trying to earn some extra cash before the baby arrives, and they both end up with way more than they bargained for.
💜 Up For It | E | 18k | Aug 2019 | secret relationship, bed sharing, lads holiday, Australia, banter, travel, surprises, dom/sub undertones, smut | Where Liam is Mr Organised, Zayn is too perceptive for his own good, Niall is a compulsive matchmaker, and Harry and Louis might just have the surprise to shock them all.
💜 With Words Unspoken | E | 18k | July 2019 | 1960s/70s AU, strangers to lovers, California, Louis is 49, Harry is 47, mentions of past divorce (Louis/OFC), Louis has grown up children, Louis has grandchildren, fate, love, sexual awakening, the happiest of endings, time jump, smut | Where Louis is lost, Harry is an excellent tour guide, and age is no barrier to finding the love of your life.
💜 Play Me A Memory | E | 27k | July 2019 | strangers to lovers, Australia, famous Harry, non-famous Louis, kid fic, the weather is a great enabler, conveniently timed storms, spanking, dirty talk, smut | Where Harry is a recluse who lives on millionaires row who is forced to stay at the local resort while repairs are carried out on his home. Enter Louis Tomlinson, single dad to nine-year-old Jake, and events coordinator extraordinaire at the resort.
💜 From The Heart (series) | E | 25k | July 2019 | strangers to lovers, coffee shop AU, writer Louis, barista Harry, artist Harry, Louis is a nerd, Harry is a dork, smut | Where Louis spends every Tuesday holed up in his favorite coffee-come-bookshop, writing his little stories as part of the WordPlay challenge while daydreaming about the resident barista, Harry. 
💜 The Cyber Sphere | E | 18k | June 2019 | Louis/Dermot O’Leary, strangers to lovers, rich Louis, recluse Louis, writer Louis, famous Louis, radio host Dermot, TV presenter Dermot, famous Dermot, Louis is 28, Dermot is 32, artificial intelligence, technology, Twitter banter, smut | Where Liam likes to think he’s Batman, Dermot has terrible taste in sporting teams, and Louis should really get a cat.
💜 Surprise Me, Space Boy | E | 7k | May 2019 | space fic, future fic, dating in space, sexual tension, striptease, masturbation, smut | Where Harry and Louis are solo officers on separate space stations and maybe online dating has its benefits after all.
💜 Harry Poppins | E | 33k | April 2019 | strangers to lovers, executive Louis, nanny Harry, no fantasy or magical elements, hurt/comfort, fluff, banter, smut | Where Louis’ best friends pass away and he finds himself with an instant family. After nanny number six is summarily dismissed Louis is at his wit’s end, that is until an unusual man arrives on their doorstep. Harry Styles is like nothing any of them have ever encountered before, and perhaps, exactly what they’ve been looking for all along.
💜 My One And Only (Desire) | E | 500 words | March 2019 | established relationship, edging, spring, smut | Where Harry is his, only his, and Louis belongs to Harry just as completely. They consume each other, in life, in love, in every way two people can.
💜 Take Me Down Slow (Don’t Let Me Go) | E | 27k | March 2019 | ABO, omega/omega, omega Louis, omega Harry, jealous Harry, possessive Harry, heat, scents, snowed in, ski resort, foot massages, smut | Where Louis wants to find the right kind of partner to love, Niall hates snowboarding, Liam wants to settle down, Harry is really good with his hands, and mother nature could be the thing that changes everything.
💜 Soup of the Day | E | 20k | Feb 2019 | strangers to lovers, Chicago, chef Louis, customer harry, Louis has a minor injury, Harry nurses him back to health, candles, Harry carries Louis around a lot, Louis is Harry’s baby, The Princess Bride references, hurt/comfort, massage, baths, smut | Where Louis and Niall are chefs, Chicago is windy, and cracking the big time is harder than they ever imagined. But when a mysterious man starts grading Louis' soups by leaving little piles of rocks, could it be just the thing they need to get them on the road to success?
💜 The Bet | E | 2.5k | Jan 2019 | friends to lovers, theatre, cat ears, cat tail, Louis in lycra, bets, Louis puts on a show, smut | Where Louis misjudges Harry's ability to do TLC's Waterfall rap and finds himself having to put on a one-man show for his (very appreciative) one-man audience.
💜 Heat | E | 2.5k | Jan 2019 | friends to lovers, outback Australia, it’s hot, really hot, banter, flirting, smut | Where drinking beer in a blow-up pool, in a backyard, in stupidly hot temperatures, in outback Australia should be ridiculous, and it would be, if Louis didn't have a curly-haired workmate to keep him company.
💜 Whisper The Wind | E | 37k | strangers to lovers, London is grey, Australia is not, Byron Bay, surfing, Louis and Niall are accountants, Harry and Liam run a surf school, BDSM, outdoor sex, smut | Where Louis rides an elevator that may change his life forever, Harry loves the ocean but is a terrible surfer, Liam proves not all heroes wear capes, and Niall might actually have all the answers.
💜 The Clock Strikes (series) | E | 20k | homeless Harry, rich Louis, strangers to lovers, Harry is 18, Louis is 21, christmas, new years, tooth rotting fluff, romance, Harry is Louis’ baby, Louis spoils Harry, outdoor sex, smut | Where Louis needs someone to love, Harry needs a miracle, and sometimes, wishes really do come true.
💜 The Prince Of Light | E | 36k | fantasy, soulmates, soulbonds, strangers to lovers, garden fairies, Louis is an au pair, Harry isn’t from around here, light bondage, dom/sub undertones, magical sex, masturbation, smut | Where Harry turns up in Louis’ backyard and turns his world upside down. A tale of soulmates across parallel universes, the sun and the moon, magic and destiny.
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kinsley-hart · 3 years
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[ ANNE WINTERS, TWENTY FIVE , CIS FEMALE ] the local papers have reported that KINSLEY HART is in town. please give them a warm noosa welcome! She has been in town for TWENTY TWO YEARS . i read they are originally from SYDNEY AUSTRALIA . i also heard they are OUTGOING and IMPULSIVE . although, that doesn’t really surprise me. the writers has also whispered to me that they are a BARTENDER, who knew?
im alicia and im hella excited to be here writing with you babes! below the cut is a little more about kinsley. i’ve got a wanted connections page and can’t wait to plot with you all! expect me to be slidin into the dms!
Kinsley was born to a mother who was already getting ready to dive head first into her second marriage. She still to this day has no idea who her father is and hasn’t really put much effort into finding out. Her mother has a tendency to fall fast and hard for rich, powerful men. It’s entirely possible, and extremely likely, that she was the product of an illicit affair and to keep it all hush hush, her mother was paid off.
The girl was raised mostly by the nannies that her mother hired to her dirty work while she was out wooing the pants off of her flavor of the month – quite literally. The mother and daughter did spend a bit of quality time together though, that is, during the training for the pageants that Kinsley was entered in before she was even old enough to walk. It had proved successful though, and the girl has won upwards of 75 titles.
With her pageant training and connections, it was easy for Kinsley to fall into modeling which is how she tends to make a majority of her money, however, she desperately wants to make it as a designer even if by now she’s only really made pieces for her friends and for a few small boutiques. It hasn’t quite taken off but that doesn’t stop her from trying. Because she gets bored rather easily, Kinsley has also taken a job as a bartender, mostly because it combines a few things she enjoys and that’s being around people, and making drinks.
Rather than sit back and watch her mother get divorced again, Kinsley decided to travel across the country. Her free spirit and love for travel made that an easy decision. It isn’t unusually for Kins to up and take off without even mentioning it to anyone.
Thanks to her bubbly personality and charming nature, Kinsley tends to make friends easily. Even though she could be considered a trust fund baby, because she’s got a large one thanks to her ‘anonymous father’ she isn’t the least bit stuck up and honestly can’t understand people who are. While she’s typically very sweet, if you cross her she can have a very sharp tongue. That goes for if you ever mess with anyone that she cares about as well. Growing up as an only child she’s a bit spoiled, and maybe slightly selfish, though she honestly doesn’t realize it. She can be a bit of a wildcard and sometimes quite promiscuous. It stems from the lack of attention given to her by her mother. She’s found it’s always been a little too easy to get attention even if it isn’t lasting. Kinsley loves a good party and will  try anything once, especially if It’ll get her adrenaline pumping. The blonde can be very reckless on the regular because she rarely thinks about consequences. She tends to try to focus on the positives and tries to help others do the same. Kinsley loves a good time and won’t ever say no to a party.
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
Low wages, instability to blame for industry labour shortage, workers say
As restaurateurs across the country scramble to fill thousands of jobs, a common refrain has emerged: If the government wasn't paying workers to stay home, the labour shortage plaguing the restaurant industry wouldn't exist.
But workers are telling a different story, pointing to low wages and gruelling work conditions as the biggest hiring obstacles.
"It's hot. It's stressful. The hours are long and the pay is awful," says Chantelle Comeau, a 25-year veteran of the restaurant industry.
"People are literally working to the point of burnout for pennies above minimum wage."
The pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on restaurants in Canada.
The industry has endured some of the longest shutdowns in the world, with more than 10,000 eateries closing permanently.
It's also been devastating for workers. Hundreds of thousands of food service employees lost their jobs -- and some are not returning.
As some restaurateurs struggle to find enough workers to fill shifts, some suggest government income supports are deterring some from working.
"We lost a lot of the untrained, lower wage workers," says Danny Ellis, the owner and operator of four restaurants in Cape Breton, a region with an unemployment rate of 12.6 per cent, compared to 8.7 per cent for Nova Scotia as a whole.
"I can't find dishwashers," he says. "Especially for guys in that position, why would they come back when they're paid to sit at home?"
The restaurateur says he's increased wages, but still can't find enough workers. He's now planning to close one of his restaurants for a day a week just to give current staff a break.
"I've been slinging food and booze in Sydney for about 42 years now," Ellis says. "This is the worst labour shortage I've ever encountered."
Economists say there are multiple factors contributing to the restaurant labour crunch.
They say the mass hiring spree as the economy reopens has created intense competition for staff. The situation is exacerbated by restaurant workers changing fields, ongoing COVID-19 concerns, fewer foreign workers and issues finding child care or summer camps.
"It's going to be pretty difficult to rehire a quarter of a million people all at once," says David Macdonald, senior economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Pointing to recent statistics, he says wages in the restaurant industry have remained relatively flat, while the workload in terms of enhanced cleaning and health and safety measures has increased.
Evolving public health recommendations and a looming fourth wave also make it impossible for most restaurant operators to guarantee hours, especially come this fall, Macdonald says.
He says the solution to finding more workers is often increasing wages.
"The proviso to any complaint about a labour shortage is there's a shortage -- at the wage I'm willing to pay," Macdonald says. "That's the piece that's always missing."
"They're asking people to potentially go off government support to take on a job that's maybe part time, and even those hours aren't assured," he said. "It's not terribly compelling."
It's that instability that has pushed some people to leave the restaurant industry altogether, Toronto-area bartender Scott Marleau says.
"We've seen closures out the wazoo," he says. "The instability is terrifying."
The 32-year-old bartender, who started as a barback more than a decade ago, says he worked odd jobs in construction and film production to get by during the pandemic and is returning to his position as the head bartender of a hotel next week.
But Marleau says repeated lockdowns prompted some people to call it quits and seek a job in another field permanently.
Comeau says when she was let go from a full-service restaurant, she tried working for a call centre before eventually returning to food service.
She interviewed for a few jobs, including at Tim Hortons where she had worked in her teens.
The coffee and doughnut chain promised "competitive wages" that ended up being minimum wage, she says.
"I would have taken home less than I did 20 years ago because people don't tip anymore," she says. "I used to walk out with $40 a day in tips but everyone pays electronically so there's no change to leave a tip."
Comeau ended up getting a job a Halifax-area boutique hotel as a line cook for $14.50 an hour.
"It's really pretty awful pay for the amount of work I do, and the 12-hour days I put in," she says. "If anyone is wondering why there's a labour shortage, they just need to look at the paycheques of restaurant workers."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 25, 2021.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/38bGgmx
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vvitchxry · 3 years
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have you ever wanted to go to a restaurant and get the sh*t roasted out of you? do you thrive on arguments with your waiter or waitress? then THE ROAST: BAR & GRILL is the dining experience for you!
and for those who crave the experience of working here because they get paid to be mean to customers, then this is most def the job atmosphere for you! 😜 to give a general rundown, the roast is based off of the restaurant chain DICK'S LAST RESORT in vegas — only on a much smaller scale (aka: they currently only have this one location), and closer to the outskirts of santa flora (only seven minutes from the santiago uni campus). lots of tired uni students and burn-out 20 to 30-somethings work here, and the overall vibe of the team is tight-knit and supportive of each other. bc you know they go through some shit together sometimes, so??? they kinda have to be!
you can find all of the current positions needing filled below:
firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ host ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ host ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias GIDEON HWANG ◦ 23 ◦ waiter ◦ choi san ◦ played by: hunter NIAMH BYRNE ◦ 23 ◦ waitress ◦ lana condor [2] ◦ played by: cayley CLEMENTINE CLEMONS ◦ 23 ◦ waitress ◦ sydney sweeney ◦ played by: barbie CARSON SEO ◦ 21 ◦ waiter ◦ choi yeonjun ◦ played by: kitty firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ waiter/waitress ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias YALE WOODS ◦ 24 ◦ bartender ◦ lili reinhart ◦ played by: alpal firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ bartender ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ bartender ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ kitchen lead ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ kitchen lead assistant ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ line cook ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ line cook ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ line cook ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ dish washer ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias firstname lastname ◦ # ◦ dish washer ◦ fc name ◦ played by: alias
if you have any questions or want to nab a spot, pls hit up HUNTER through the discord!!!
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lemonwaterwithice · 4 years
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saffire’s lagoon, known affectionately and almost exclusively by locals in the area as saffy’s, is a beach-themed dive bar a few miles from ucf’s campus. opened in 2010 by a ucf grad who never quite got over his senior spring break trip to cancun, it’s known for its cheap drinks and lax security, making it a favorite among college kids and young adults. saffy’s features over ten bars inside and outside, a shot wheel, and a large man-made “beach” - an outdoor area covered in sand with a few “lagoons” throughout, where you’ll find mermaids pouring shots thursday through saturday. no one would ever describe saffy’s as quiet or clean and the service most nights is questionable at best, but it’s developed an almost cult-like following in the years it’s been open. people love saffy’s for what it is - a place to see classmates (or old classmates), drink $2 beer, and make questionable decisions without judgment.
hm? is this based on my two favorite bars bc i don’t know if i’ll get to go this summer? mayhaps!! but in any case, i’m looking for a group of co-dependent co-workers who contribute to the charm and the chaos that is saffy’s. 
JACK / owner (first last, 32+, played by name) — founded saffire’s lagoon sometime after his college graduation in 2010 - whether it was a quarter-life crisis or a lifelong dream, the story changes depending on who asks. big time peter pan complex, could stand to do some growing up, just might for LAURA if she would ever give him the time of day. may or may not be the reason that the whole “never trust a man whose name starts with j” trend started going around, but he takes excellent care of the people he employs. despite his carefree attitude, saffy’s is his baby, he put blood, sweat, and tears into making it what it is, and he continues to work hard to ensure it’s success.
LAURA / front bar (first last, 30+, reserved for del) — has been working at saffy’s for as long as it’s been open and is almost as integral to its success as JACK is. the two of them are as close as one would expect after working together for ten years, although LAURA refuses to acknowledge that time they slept together after the infamous Holiday Party of 2015. she’s got the patience of a saint, usually the one left to train the new employees and ultimately decide who makes it working here or not. a tough love kinda gal, but always willing to lend a helping hand for the greater good. good at her job, dammit, just don’t try to pry into her personal life.
CALEB / beach bar (first last, 25+, played by name) — CALEB is LAURA’S younger brother (or cousin or bff, utp!!), something the rest of the staff figured out quick because his behavior would never have flown otherwise. like, LAURA once caught him and RILEY doing coke in the bathroom during one of their breaks but let it go. also sometimes drinks on the job when he feels like it. lazy, but well-meaning, no one can find it in their heart to stay mad at CALEB for too long, even when they have to pick up his slack. prefers to spend his shifts flirting with JACK, too preoccupied looking around to see where he’s at on any given night to notice that ANGEL has been trying to get his attention.
ANGEL / beach bar (first last, 22+, reserved for jenn) — despite being hired around the same time as RILEY, MARA, OLIVER, and KYLE, no one knows much of anything about angel. but it’s not for lack of trying. it’s gotten to the point where the co-workers make up stories about her background and place bets on who can get closest to the truth, if ANGEL is willing to confirm anything in the first place. it’s not that she don’t want to share anything about herself, she’s just quiet, and it’s become kind of fun being the mysterious one in the bar. unbeknownst to the rest of the group, and without even realizing it himself, CALEB knows ANGEL better than anyone else.
RILEY / shot wheel + mermaid (riley emerson, 22, sydney sweeney, played by alex) — applied to work at saffy’s because her boyfriend at the time, KYLE, got an interview. they broke up (for the first time) shortly after, but she decided not to quit bc she really liked the attention of bartending. they’ve been off and on for the majority of their time at saffy’s, though in the last year or so, they broke up for good. RILEY is easygoing and friendly, usually the one found playing therapist to drunk girls at her bar. sometimes acts without thinking which has gotten her into more than a few sticky situations. trying to be more responsible now that she’s a college grad, which finds her turning down all of OLIVER’S advances.
MARA / beach bar + mermaid (holly mack, 24, kristine froseth, played by maddie) — MARA’S got a rep for being kinda mean to customers, but she’s so pretty that no one has ever complained. lives with the RILEY, but whether they hate or love each other just depends on the day. they had a 3-way with KYLE after the aforementioned Holiday Party of 2015, which continues to be the butt of many jokes among the staff. went on a date with KYLE shortly after that, but felt guilty bc of his relationship with RILEY so she made him swear to keep it a secret and she keeps him at an arm’s length to this day.
OLIVER / bouncer (first last, 22+, reserved for bribri) — something of a celebrity in the bar - there was once an entire instagram account dedicated to “saffy’s hot bouncer”. the attention mostly goes over his head, but JACK is happy to have him outside the front door most nights to bring business in. OLIVER’S a good guy, level-headed and patient enough to break up fights and turn away drunk people without anything ever escalating. he’s had a crush on RILEY since they all started working together four years ago, but kept his distance out of respect for KYLE. now that they’ve finally broken up, the two of them have been getting a lot closer, but he can’t tell how she actually feels about it.
KYLE / shot wheel (first last, 22+ reserved for derek) —KYLE is the resident himbo. pretty harmless because he’s so dumb, although like RILEY, he trends towards impulsiveness more often than not. KYLE’S the one behind some of the more chaotic practices and themes at saffy’s (i.e.: hawaiian shirt night). only got put at the shot wheel because they needed someone tall enough and strong enough to be able to spin it. he’s been trying to get moved to the beach bar so that he can spend more time with MARA because he knows that he can charm her if he can just get the chance. 
ok so! this is just a list of co-workers that riley is closest with, but i am completely open to other staff members as well! they can be intermingled with the core group i have listed if you have ideas, or they can just be begrudging witnesses as they try to go about their job. i’m also open to other positions besides bartenders/bouncers, like bar backs and cooks, or the more administrative side of things, like marketing managers or operations. just let me know if you’re looking for a job for your character and what you have in mind, i’d be more than happy to squeeze as many people in as possible! reply here or add me on discord (alex???#0019) and i’d be happy to chat. thx for reading :)
first last, ##, owner, played by name
riley emerson, 22, bartender, played by alex
holly mack, 24, bartender, played by maddie
first last, ##, bouncer, played by name
first last, ##, bar back, played by name
+ etc.
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