#his adopted argonian family is how he primarily develops his sense of performing vigilante justice via freeing slaves
kinghlaaluhelseth · 6 months
i kept meaning to post my ideas on natavi's new backstory on here
-he is an orphan, his mother was an ashlander wise woman of the erabenimsum tribe, and a descendant of alandro sul, his father was an altmer scholar studying their culture who fell in love with her
-his altmer relatives disapprove of the relationship because of their heavy prejudice
-when they find out he had a child with an ashlander, it sets them off. they have both of natavi's parents assassinated, he's sent to an orphanage as an infant.
-eventually runs off as a teenager, is taken in by an argonian mage of house telvanni who also had his own daughter, natavi sees them both as his family and is very close to them
-im still keeping his poison immunity but from a different cause, he basically practiced mithridatism to see if he could pull it off and be like his dad and sister who are immune to poison as argonians. pretty much only the most vile of poisons can have any sort of effect on him. magical poison does nothing. this makes it ironic when his grandson is born under the sign of the serpent and becomes a skilled poisoner.
-when natavi is imprisoned it's from directly defying imperial lawmen. the emperor knows what he is and his destiny from his Old Bitch Visions and decides to be an asshole and muscle this half ashlander guy into cooperating with the empire to try and make the nerevarine prophecies benefit the empire. he didn't consider the fact that natavi would kill all of the blades agents he's found after caius was of no use to him. and that he'd become archmagister of house telvanni.
-massive fucking whiplash finding out his true heritage and daedric nature. oh so that's why he sometimes gets visions of the future. fuck.
-he is not literally nerevar incarnate, he's simply taking up his mantle of godkiller, he is able to wear moon-and-star through his bloodline. exacting revenge on dagoth ur and the tribunal is his birthright.
-this dude can fit so much magic in him
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