#his ass probly can't have kids
ladymarlin · 4 months
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He's debuting his son
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misrich2026 · 1 year
why can't people just let people cry in peace and not ask why like bitch shut up and let me cry if I wanted you to know why I was crying I would tell you and if I won't tell you what is wrong what makes you think i will tell someone i don't know and i don't talk to family because i don't really know them and if I'm crying don't start crying because you don't kone how to help like bitch if i wanted yout help i would ask i have been wearing the same shirt that friend mom paid for all weekend and she hasn't said anything about it like i got Friday and it is now Sunday she hasn't said crap thank god she works tonight we have 4 more days till school ends and it is going to be an extremely long summer epshaly if she doesn't let me get a job when I get my license she is not going to like me because I will never be herei stay in my room all the time becase when im with yall you pay attenos to me as much as if i was in my room so another resone I dont tall to the family much women is becasue when im old enough im getting the hell out of the stupid town and probly not going to come back and you ake like stone stpends all this time with you and he stays in his room at a frineds house or in the living room alone so i dont being my frinds around becasue they all have crap to do familys or are gay or suicldil and like last time some came over and had an epiode all you wanted to was send them home where it is wores so yeah why do you atomatly jump to oh it is clayton and bitch its not i love him more then i love you and you are bio family like i get stone is your real kid and every thing but you took me in and you get 1400 dollers from the state for me so you can attest anoge i egkoleg and talk to me and satreday you problpy got mor sleep then me fridaynight and after work saterday you came and took a nap bitch if i can go to schooh running off like less then 5 hours of sleep you will be fine to sit and talk at the stupid mothers day thing and if you would let me pratice drive some i propbly would pass the drivers test and you ask like me takeing drivers ed was such a big deal 10 dollers is all it would take of incusers that is litterly nothing and if you dont start letting my pratice drive im going to do something your not going to like and i dont really care becaue if you are not willing to be there when i need help doing something i will find some who will also konwn as erica regarless if you like it of not and i might have a better chanse of passing the test if you let me practe dive but in order for that it happen you have to pull your head out of stones ass or you own and get out of the bed in 4 days i will be a sophmore and in 79 days i can get my licese and a job and never be home 4 more days that 28 more classes and 32 more hours of the 2022/23 school year my freshmen year is alomst over and im glad but im also kinda sad like a dont want my freind to gradute but at the sametime i want to hurry up and gradute so i can go to collage and move out and get married and to all things i need to do in the life like claen up my beith mothers mess and make one TRUMBONE SECTION LEADER a very happy man parts of my life i woundt frade fro anything then some time i whihs i could kill someone plus i thing im in my taylar swift era so there is that i got necked in the back of my boyfrands truck after tha band banqet becaues it was so hot and the dress was sqineey and it was itchey and it showed more clevge then what i was comfterble with so when we went to mcdonles after the banqet i clumeb=de in the back seat and took it off so we were both eating and i was dressless in the back seat lets just say that was a fun night but the people on the main road may have saw a mostly neked teenage girl and a teenage boy jerking off in a truck in the mcdolnds parking lot but what ever we had fun
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