#his ct is simple but it's his own talent and broader perspective that allows him to grow at incredible rate.
yuuji2032003 · 2 months
Sukuna's cursed technique - a theory
So, I got to know that the word he used for fire was hearth/furnace which was not really surprising to me as it correlates to him being chef theory, and i thought of this. We know that his ct name is shrine which is associated with storing sacred things and imperial kitchen too. And we know interpretation of ct matters a lot..
I believe Sukuna's real ct is storing things and cooking is the interpretation of his technique. kitchen equipment like knives were shown in manga to explain his cutting attacks, he uses a furnace to cook his opponents with fire and he eats them then..This would explain the frequent uses of cooking slang and comparing his opponents to fish... Not to forget his love for eating ...
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The things he stores can be cursed tools too. Although I believe he stores them in the curse realm or maybe equivalent of it.. I find it difficult to believe that kenny knows about the curse realm but the strongest sorcerer does not..
We know that in the last chapter sukuna points out yuji's shrine is different from his because of his interpretation and him being born in a different era than sukuna.. This means he is old AF. So his equipment and interpretation is influenced by the era he was born in. Todo also uses the same analogy to explain yuji the taste of ce.
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Another aspect that we can't ignore is him being associated with a deity.. Yorozu met sukuna in an event/ritual that is famous for honouring the deities by offering them the newly harvested grains.. Sukuna was invited there as a deity.. Although nobles(I am not sure who they were)were not happy with this and were complaining as to why they should offer the crops to him and I believe sukuna was the reason the crops were in danger in the first place. I am inclined to believe he must have used fire to destroy them before. Solidifying his title as natural calamity...
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Not to mention the title of the fallen, his four hands similar to eastern gods, his association with king yama through his Enmaten seals. His cursed tools are based on two eastern god's weapons.
All these symbolism made me consider that the fire he summoned was of divine nature which he used to exorcise evil cursed spirits. This might be the reason why he said the cursed spirit might not know as it's holy and he was born in modern era Or it's possible he was talking about the furnace as cursed spirits don't need to know about making food. although I prefer the former one.. As it's cool..
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