#his eyebrows are so thick and dark and beautiful im gonna be sick i want that for me
liu-yu-xin · 1 year
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10 notes · View notes
dylanxmin · 4 years
Arranged Beauty ∣ m.yg
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this fic is part of the event that hosted by @ / House of Ddaeng network. 
y/n thought she is way good with being alone and rejects her parents insist on getting marrying with someone they offered, but soon after, she realizes she is not way good with being alone. contrary, she needs that arrange marriage.
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pairing; min yoongi x reader
genre; fluff, angst, arranged marriage!ua, first date!au,
warnings; swearings, mention of sexual association, y/n gets bratty for a second but she’s gonna regret that, soft soft yoongi but also brat, jealous yoongi, they both just stupid,,
rating; pg-15
word count; 8.2 k
a/n; i have no idea what i did. it started as a waaay shorter story, but end like this, asfhas,, hope you’ll love this fic as much as like to write it. im curious about what you’ll think about this, so yes, feedbacks are highly appreaciated!! thank you for reading, lots of love ♡
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That was the age when your parents started to pressure you to have a decent life. According to them, one can call their life as a decent one, if they are married, but they were also okay with a short time engagement. And when you hit the age of twenty-six, they start to bother you, bombard you with their wills to be grandma and grandpa. 
Your mother's daring character even leads herself to offer you some pictures of the men she knows somehow. Lawyers, doctors, and of course the future CEOs of the very important companies. 
At the age of twenty-six, you thought they were going crazy or trying to make you go crazy. Of course, you vetoed every man she offered you, even though your mom can be very, very persistent, you handled the situation well. Avoiding them until they get sick of your stubborn attitudes, and they stop keeping their hopes high. Well, your little sister's marriage had helped you with the issue, but either because of this and that, they stopped forcing you. 
Even though your parents find it highly pathetic, you finally enjoyed winning the constant fight that was going on for years with them. In your single-roomed apartment, all by yourself, and no one there to heat your cold feet in the coldest days of winter. 
And at the age of thirty-two, you start to think a lot. Overworking, and overthinking yourself with the black space in your chest. 
The freedom you loved so much led you to stay single, one night stands, and the dates you go to a couple of times aside. Most days, it didn't bother you that much. Being alone and being all alone forever. Seriously, it didn't bother that much. Until you find yourself in the loop where you watch only romantic comedies, paying a great deal of money for the napkins, as you find yourself crying until your throat goes sore. 
That's how you found yourself dialing your sister's number, mumbling some bullshit over the phone. Throat sore, eyes puffy and red from all the crying, words falling from your lips, and Eunji finds it too hard to understand what you were talking about. She puts you on speaker, calls for her lovely husband he loves so much, and hoping Hoseok could understand what was going on with you. 
''... not wantin' that. Don' want to die alone,'' freshly married couple only manage to pull these words from your mouth, and couldn't clarify the thing you babbled. 
Does it sound completely pathetic? Well, if you have the authority, you can always blame the cherry martini. And if you have to be honest, despite you don't want to, it was more like lots of gin side with cherries. 
According to what you say to them-- you, of course, couldn't remember what you said. And how much they told your parents, you at the age of thirty-two found yourself in a first meeting. With the man you'll be married.
Arranged marriages weren't your thing, but seeing your friends getting married one by one, having children, and happily married in front of you, basically forced you for doing this. Thirty-two years old so-called modern advertiser gets sick of the loneliness she had and agrees to an arranged marriage. And this is no other person than you.  
When Eunji and Hoseok come to visit you and giving you the big news with a wide grin, you didn't think that they would find someone so quickly, but as the rumor says--rumor was no other than your sister--, the very charming neurosurgeon who is only thirty-five couldn't find himself a decent woman to marry. Not to your surprise, your parents get so hyped up with the news, and to your luck, the man--soon after you learn that his name was Yoongi. Min Yoongi-- happened to be the very best friends of Hoseok. 
Without wasting any more time, your parents meet with each other on the phone, both women burning with the desire for a grandchild, even though they already have. And the fathers, talking formally with each other, and saying how being single after the thirties is dangerous for one's career. Deciding the time and place for both of you two meet, and even your parents decide what you should wear. 
It all feels like you are the head actress in a movie, where your parents forced you to marry the rich man for your family's debt. In all reality, there was no debt or force. Maybe there is a little force, but in the end, you wanted them to find someone for you. When you keep thinking about it, guilt starts to creep towards your chest. Questions with unknown answers fill your mind. 
What if the man turns out as a psychopath? What if he has some weird kinks that you can't handle? The more you think everything scares the shit out of you. You cover your face with your palms, you groan while your head falls on the table. How could you be this stupid to agree on what your parents always wanted? Arranged marriage? What time is this? The late seventies? 
In the internet age, you really did agree on meeting with the man you probably were going to marry in a small coffee shop that your parents chose, wearing a blue dress that also your parents picked. 
Is it too late to go back? What if you leave before he gets here? Probably he doesn't know how you look--as you had no idea about his face or body image. A huge knot sits on your throat, making it hard to swallow your regrets. Not that you were giving lots of crap about someone's look, but what if he is not your type? Is it okay to leave after ten minutes of talk? What if--
''Ih-hım,'' before another ball of questions jerk into your mind, a fruity voice cuts you, ''L/N Y/N?'' while you taking your hands from your face and lifting your head from the table, the comforting fresh odor fills your nostrils even before you see the man. ''Y--yes,'' 
Between in your slight nods, twinkling your eyelashes while staring at the man in front of you. Thick blonde haired-man eyeing you above, a light smile hangs on his face, square glasses stand under the button nose. Contrary to your dismay, he is looking good. His smile gets wide, hangs his hand in the air, ''I'm Min Yoongi. It's nice to meet you,'' 
It takes a couple of minutes before you realize that you should greet him the way he did. Even though you try hard not to act like an idiot, you are flummoxed by his sudden appearance. The voice of the chair tumbling to the floor echoes in the shop, causing all the heads to turn towards you when you clumsily get up. ''Oh, I'm so.. sorry,'' you jabbered after your head bumps to the man's when both of you try to fix the chair. 
''I'm really sorry,'' you utter in agony and guilt. Probably you look like an idiot, rather than only feeling like it. He smiles and waves his hand like it's nothing after adjusting your chair. ''I'm not going to suffer from it, don't worry,'' he chuckles, eyes staring deeply. Even though he isn't much taller than you, his soft but scanning glares made you feel smaller. He put his hand in his pocket, flexing his shoulders while standing inches away from you. Before your mind works properly and offers him to sit, you keep watching his sight. Eyes wander, settles on the others without landing on you, glancing up to the ceiling. 
''Oh my--Please take a seat,'' you plead, gesturing the chair across from the table. His brows raise with your high pitched voice, but the soft smile takes its place without wasting time. He nods, taking his seat in front of you. The reason why you act like this is both caused by how attractive he is, and how nervous you are. Either way, you feel dump while sitting across from him. 
After you take your place, long silence arises between you two. So, you take the advance from this silence by scanning him. From head to toe. 
He is wearing a dark blue sweater, a black coat on top of it, with black pants. The only colorful thing was his blonde hair, and it surprises how he looks so good with it. One glance and anyone could understand how important he is and the job he does. He is intimidating, contrary to his small smile on the corner of his lips. When your stare meets with him, you understand that he is scanning you the same way you do. Were you looking good? Does the dress look stupid in this weather? Despite his coat and sweater, you were wearing a blue thin dress with black spots. You wonder if the cut on the dress is too low or not. Not that you can do anything about it. 
''So, you are a doctor?'' his eyebrows rise with your statement. It was stupid of you, but the bizarre silence only causes you to grow more anxious. Yoongi places his hands on the table, holding his laugh on the back of his throat. He feels how anxious you are, and he enjoys how your expression changes when you think you said something stupid. He finds it cute. He nods and smiles while your face goes pink. ''Neurosurgeon, yes.'' 
''Cool,'' blinking your lashes, you start to nod in small. You didn't know if he is interested in you or the opposite, so you didn't want to make, or say something weird and scare him away. So, when the waiter came and took your orders, you thanked him mentally. Because you were at the edge of asking how much money he makes, and looking like a total gold digger. Aish... why can't you act like a normal woman for a minute? 
''And you?'' the husky voice of the semi-stranger made your heart flinch and gathered all of your attention to himself. You tilt your head and he sees your glazed face. ''What you do for a living?'' he asks one more time. Rather than finding you oddly idiot, he likes the way your cheeks go pink. ''Ah. Work. You mean... my job,'' he nods, the smile bigger now. ''I-I'm working for an advertisement company... yes,'' normally you would find your job highly amusing and cool, but with him, you feel small. Like the job you have was nothing, as he touches brains every day. Oh... you feel like an idiot. A real idiot. 
''Oh. That's cool,'' he smiles, nodding his head the same way you did. And he enjoys the way your cheeks blushes after his little tease. 
And you couldn't understand why he was acting so... kind. Contrary to all the things you did, which they were very stupid, he didn't mind them. Rather, he looked like he enjoyed them, and this literally made you feel uneasy. It was strange. Yes... strange. 
''Really?'' you tilt your brow, ''You think that's cool? Or, are you trying to insult me?'' his eyes went round, blinking them a couple of times. 
''Did I sound like that?'' he lifts his hands up, fixing his posture to emphasize and look sincere to you. ''I didn't mean to sound like that. I'm sorry and of course, I am not trying to insult you nor the job you do.'' you nod, expecting his apology. It was your time to enjoy the way he looks dumbfounded. 
''Iced americano,'' when the waiter comes with your orders, you hear him release a long breath under his breath. The way he takes a sip from his cup, and not knowing where to look kinda warms your heart, and you feel bad for mocking him, but still, you were having fun with this. 
After a couple of minutes of silence, you decide it wasn't fun to mock with him. Instead, it killed the mood and now Yoongi wasn't talking, probably too scared to talk with a psycho like you as you just accused him something he didn't do like some hebete. And the way you found it funny, left its place to regret while you were playing with your mug, chewing inside of your mouth in guilt. 
''H-how did you met with... Hoseok?'' yes, you know it is a lame question to ask but the stupid awkwardness was eating you alive, and you want it come to an end.  
''College,'' he pressed his lips together, eyes carefully sizes you up as he doesn't want to say something to offend you. And you were sure that was going to be the last thing he said, and probably leave after drinking his coffee in rush. But he surprises you with the sudden giggle. ''In the first year of college, we decided to go to a Carnival and I still don't know why we decided to do it. But in the roller coaster, suddenly someone held my hand and never left it until it stopped--''
''Oh my... don't tell me it was Hoseok!'' you jerk your hand to your lips, very amused by the new information he gives. 
''Jackpot.'' he doesn't even try to hold his smile back, nodding his head cutely. ''I had to take care of him for the rest of the night. Because he was so frightened and needed someone.'' both of you start to laugh with the memory of him. Even though you would never think Hoseok would do that, somehow you could imagine him doing that. Somehow that suits him well. 
''Yoongi, you gave me the best card ever against him.'' you chuckled, wiping the tears from your eyelids. ''He will feel remorse over setting this meeting,'' your stomach starts to ache a little from the laugh you share with him. And you were glad that he didn't let go of this date and made you laugh like this. 
Yoongi waved his hand while leaning to take a sip from his cup, ''He will probably kill me for telling you this.'' the corners of his mouth turned up before he talked again. ''You should protect me from him as I share this with you.'' you exchange looks with him. The playfulness of him surprised you and how he changed the mood so smoothly. 
You nod with a smile on the corner of your lips, staring at his eyes. ''Of course. I will.'' 
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After exchanging the memory of your mutual friend, the bleak mood left its place to a warmer one. There were a couple of good jokes, more questions to get to know each other better, and you almost forgot that this was the arranged date and you had so much fun rather than you assume. With the timid glances, leaning each other to hear better, and the way you two get closer in time felt like a real date. Not a date your parents arranged. 
Now you know about his love for music, and one could never doubt his passion for it. The way he talks about it causes your heart to hum, seeing how his eyes go all shiny while showing you his carefully made it playlist warmed your chest, you can't lie. Seeing someone getting this enthusiastic about the thing he loves brought the memories of how you liked to paint at one time. Getting all dirty while trying to achieve your goals, nose went numb because of the smell. You loved it. 
Somehow, the blonde man finds his way to your heart, and you had no objections to this. 
''Okay, tell me yes,'' you tear yourself off from the memories, and adjust your focus on him. Hands up in the air, eyes gleaming in anticipation. 
''I will,'' you said in a curious tone, seeing the corners of his mouth turning up, ''If, I know the reason,'' 
You giggle the way his eyes going round, he looks like you betrayed him. A thing about him always finds its way to make you feel relaxed around him, and it was like you knew him for more than three hours. ''After all the things we share, all the laughter and all these minutes. I thought you would say 'yes', but I guess I'm a fool,'' 
''Uh, if you are going to be this dramatic, then yes. For what is in your mind,'' you can't ignore the gasp that escaped his mouth, hand wraps his heart, shushing to fix the broken pieces of it. ''We were thinking about treating her with the best chicken wings in the country, but she decides to act rude. Every cloud has a silver lining, huh?'' he pouts, faking an attitude. 
''Oh. Pardon me and my bad mouth.'' you decide to continue the game he started. ''From now on, I won't have a second doubt about saying 'yes'. Promise.'' his mouth curved into a smile after you lifted your pinky finger in the air, and without wasting time, he wraps his around yours. 
''And tell me more about those chickens,'' you say, stealing a laugh from his chest. 
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''Oh my--god.'' your hiccup interrupts you while laying yourself on the back of the booth. You lick the sweet chilly from your finger, having a food baby in your stomach never felt this good. It was the best chicken you ever eat, and you almost started to cry after tasting it the first time. The sweet chili sauce and the crispy cover on the chicken wings just blew your mind and took your mouth with it. If you could, you would eat a dozen of them. 
''Right!'' Yoongi voices with pleasure, takes another bite to fill his mouth, ''This brings heaven to your mouth. No less.'' your laugh cuts in the middle as a cramp finds its way to your stomach. You really ate too much. 
''You were right, but I guess I'm going to faint.'' opening the little packet, you start to clean your fingers with the wet wipe, the sharp smell immediately fills your nostrils. You did enjoy every bite, it wasn't a lie. But you could feel the heaviness on your stomach from all the eating and the drinking. You were over thirty and there was no point worrying about eating too much or drinking beer on the first date. 
To be honest, you would worry about this if the date was not with him. But with him, with Yoongi you don't feel the need for acting differently. You like the way you can do whatever you want to do. 
''What about another round?'' his eyes gleamed with a mischievous hint. It was triggering the ache in your stomach, and as every sensible human being, you should say no. But the sweet taste lingers on your teeth, numbs your tongue with its savor. 
''You are inviting me to sin.'' you wipe the corner of your mouth while trying to lean towards him, but the body feels like a ton. Despite the ache and the handicap on your way to breath, you reveal a big grin. How could you say no while he looks at you with those bright browns? You couldn't. ''And I'm happy to participate in this. Course you need to pay for my hospital expenses,'' 
He lets out a choked, husky laugh. Holding his stomach while serving you the best gummy smile, and looks deep into your eyes after adjusting his posture. ''Believe me,'' the way he licks his bottom lips just does something to you. Levitates your stomach, sticks your breath on your throat. If someone would ask you, you would gladly accept to watch him sit in front of you. That's something you are sure about. ''You won't regret eating too much of this. No one can.'' 
He holds his hand up after tearing his eyes from you, calling the waitress for the second round. A grin stuck on his lips, you stupidly believe him. You would believe if he said he is the president of the world, and that was stupid. But you didn't mind, as your heart never filled with this much joy for so long. 
With a wiggle in your stomach, you feel heavy on the heart. Overwhelmed by his actions, the way he affects you. The way he has the cutest, heartwarming smile made you angry as he had no right to look like this. With the blonde hair, smart-looking glasses, and the round button nose that you just wanted to boop your finger. 
It was enough to catch you on his spell but too much for your poor heart.
You know that you owe a big thanks to Hoseok for arranging this date-- you didn't know what this was, to be honest. Was it a date that he agreed just for fun and not calling you in the morning, or is he thinking this is more serious than a silly date? You didn't even know what or how to think about this. Yes, you agreed to an 'arranged marriage' thing with your parents, but were you going to marry the first man you date? Were you going to decide after one date? 
Whether deciding it after the first date, or the first man, you only know one thing. And that is the amount of joy and happiness you feel heavy on your chest. Only watching him while he is eating chicken wings in extreme delight was enough to change the speed of your heartbeats, so you had only one thought. Letting him decide. 
Your judgment wouldn't be clear or sensible, you know that as the heat on your chest won't stop growing minute by minute you spend with him. 
Letting him decide if this is just a one-time thing he just agreed for his friend's sake, or he would consider marrying you. You didn't know if handing the ball in his hands was being selfish or the contrary, but you just want to enjoy the moment and not overthink it. Or about him. 
No lie, you liked him. Maybe even too much for the first date, but screwing this up the last thing you want as you always do. Selfish or not, you choose not to make a decision. 
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''Can I open my eyes, now?'' 
Everybody would like a little excitement in their life, as well as you. But you never imagine that excitement would be like this, taking somewhere on your first date with a blindfold. It was much more likely a napkin from the place you ate the chicken wings than a blindfold, but it didn't change the result. 
Yoongi decided to take you somewhere you could burn the calories you have been whining about. Probably you wouldn't come up with an idea about the place, but as you were almost walking for almost ten minutes, it should be close. Thinking and trying to guest the destination was useless, as you never came here before. 
One second you were worrying about marriage, but now, all that worry turns into losing your lungs. If you could stop being dramatic, you trust Yoongi enough that he wouldn't do such a thing, but would you ever stop? That is trickier than taking away by a blindfold. 
You hear Yoongi's sigh, very likely getting sick of your questions, as you never shut up asking questions. But how could you stop exactly? How could you expect him to hold you by the wrist, covering the napkin on your eyes after handling the check and saying he knows how to burn those calories. He is not resembling a creep, but who would do and say such a thing? It is suspicious. 
''Okay. You would probably slap me after finding out where we are, and the unnecessary act of cutting your sight,'' he pauses to let a giggle, hands of him leave your waist and wrist, ''Either way, prepare to defeat Y/N,'' 
Before his fingertips find the hem of the napkin and free your eyes, you collect the latest clues about the place and the thing he said. A couple of boy's voices reach your ears, shooting and directing each other. The very last hints you could get before the lights dazzle your eyes. 
''Ow,'' you whispered, covering your eyes to protect them from lights in a reflex. 
Yoongi stands there, waiting beside you while you blink your lashes in the cutest way possible, watching your eyes go between him and the basketball court. The corner of his mouth quirked up, enjoying way too much with how you look at him with wide eyes in awe. ''So?'' he holds his arms in the air, makes a circle with his body, and stops after turning his face to yours once again with a proud smile on his lips. 
''So?'' you repeat, tilting your brows. Seeing the three boys playing basketball on one of the hoops, the other one is empty, waiting for you two to play on there. There was another couple of people who were sitting on their portable chairs, drinking from their cups, and laughing. It was them and the boys who were too caught up with their game but even thinking to play in front of them made you nervous. It was duskily illuminated, but still, you had worries to play. 
''What, too scared to play with me?'' pale blond lifts an eyebrow, seeing the timid look on your eyes, he leans over, brushing his shoulder to yours, ''You know you can't beat me, don't you?'' a sheepish smile stands on his face to tease you. Yoongi didn't know about you too much, yet he could understand pushing your legs would pay. 
''Tch, please.'' just the way he thought, your ego beats your anxiety. ''I could crush you with my amazing triple shoots,'' you stick your tongue out, can't help but act like three years old while challenging him. The way you act, causes him to burst into a laugh. When he thinks you can't look cuter than before, you stand in front of him, sticking your tongue out. He must have done something so good to have you in return. 
''Well well, then you should show me those 'amazing' shoots,'' while you tilt your brows for the second time today, he leaves you in surprise, turning his back at you and starts to walk away. 
''We don't have a ball to play!'' you try to remind him, yelling at his back but he turns around, grin on his face. If he tries to look cool, you know he won't look his butt on the ground because walking backward isn't cool, or a sensible thing to do. ''You think?'' he shouts back, the mischievous glow could be seen from where you stand. 
What does 'you think' mean? You don't have a ball to play if he didn't plan this before and take one with himself but to your knowledge, you are not blind. Because one can see the orange ball-- You could go on the debate in your mind if he wasn't talking with the boys you notice before, taking their ball after having a small talk with them. 
Yoongi walks over you, bounces the ball, swirling it around his body. Basically showing off, trying to surprise you with the moves he made. You watch as the wind messes with his hair, how he grips the ball, and bounce it like a professional. He is good at what he does, and you could understand that with a glimpse of look, but also you can catch the way his eyes follow the ball, lips curled up with the delight he feels. 
You cheer for him when he passes the ball between his legs, without paying it much effort. You didn't know he was this good, as he never mentioned his interest in it, but seeing it with your bare eyes rather than just mentioning is way better. Well, little did he know you haven't shared the same interest with him. 
''Okay Jordan, pass me the ball,'' you wave your hand, directing him where to stand after he throws it. He giggles the name you call him, blessing your ears while waiting for you to make a shoot. 
It's only been a day, yet you feel like knowing him more than one day, way too comfy around him while talking, eating, or acting. You don't know if this is one of your dreams, where it affects your subconscious because all of the romantic movies you had watched too much in depression. Or simply, this man who makes you do stupid things like eating dozens of chicken wings is just a wizard. And you are affected by one of his spells, can't make proper decisions, and probably he isn't this good looking. It is all because of the spell he did. 
His eyes are not this bright, his cheeks are not that cute and tempting you to squeeze them. Or his lips are not that mesmerizing and you only want to taste them every time he smirks just because of the damn spell. You are old enough not to charm by a hair, yet all you want to do is bury your fingers in that velvety fuzz. 
''Are you gonna show me those shoots or too scared to move?'' his mouth twisted, pale skin peeking under his sweater and the coat he is wearing, glowing shamelessly. You nod, plastering a smile on your lips, can't get enough of his teasing. Even though you want to see his face after the shoot you are going to, retarding is more enjoyable. 
So when you throw the ball with a false effort, causing it to fall inches away from the hoop, you hear the squeaked laugh you never heard before. Apparently, it was too funny for him as he almost kneeled in front of you from laughing, holding his stomach while his shoulders shake. ''Well, we can say that wasn't the amazing one so far, huh?'' he teases while wiping his eyelids. You could offend by his actions if this isn't all an act, and in reality, he is the one who should laugh at. 
''Trying again? Okay, I can teach you the right way after that,'' you want to throw the ball to his head, his cockiness amazed you as you bite your lip to hold your laugh behind. The popular neurosurgeon was nowhere to be found when you eyed him. And you like the way he leaves the maturity aside, having fun with you and the time you two spend. You could easily say after spending enough time that he wasn't acting, the laugh that leaves his throat is real, as well as the shine in his eyes. Part of you doesn't want to wreck his mood or turn off the cocky light in his eyes but on the other hand, you desperately want to see his face after you stop acting and shoot a real basket. 
You bet the blonde prig won't be expecting you to take an oh so good shoot, and the cunning side of you wants to wipe that smile on his face. You want it so bad and can't help the way your body moves to the right corner, dividing your strength equally to your legs and arms before taking a shoot. With a light jump, you send the ball right into the basket, it takes two turns on the hoop before passing through it. It wasn't the best triple shoot, but you only played it in your free time with your family, yet you know that your body reveals that you played basketball very well. Much to his dismay, it was a perfect basket. You turn your head as you want to see his face, putting your hands on your waist and serving him a big grin. ''How about this one?'' the hint of your laughter can clearly be heard by him, not that you want to hide. 
He stares. 
And he stares for a long one minute, not talking nor giving you an idea with his expressions. After fixing your posture, your lips quirk in a pout, brows furrowed as you can't understand why he hasn't said anything or did. A knot sits on your stomach, you want to say something but your mouth goes dry with the uncertainty. While the deep silence takes over around you two, finally he shows a feeling on his face. 
A line appeared between his brows, a beam flash past in his eyes, and he started to walk over to you. 
Was he angry? Because you can throw a ball? Yes, you wanted some reaction, but anger wasn't the quite close expression you expect. With every step he takes, the hair on your body stands on end as you didn't know what to say. So you try to ease the nervousness you felt, ''Not so cocky after seeing this girl can play, huh?'' you mock, pointing yourself with your forefinger, wiggling your brows before he stands in front of you. 
Way... way too close. 
He stands so close that you could even see the little mole on the left side of his face, right beside his nose placed cutely on his cheek. The tiny whiteness on the same side of his lips, breaking the proportion but adding him another sweet flaw. You even pay attention to his facial line on the side of his nose, only to abstain from his eyes. Abstaining from capture by his lovely, velvety browns. And when he starts to speak, you can smell the chili sauces mixed with the beer he drank. 
''Can you wear my coat?'' with a mouth that slowly opens, you stare at him without blinking. He tilts his brows slightly, it was tiny and almost non-visible, but you catch the twitch on his jaw. 
''I'm sorry but, what?'' you baffled, obviously not expecting him asking that, and can not put it on logic. Under his bashful stare, you hear the sound when he takes a deep breath between his teeth. Cocking your head aside, you try to evaluate if you are cold or not, but you know that you haven't done anything for him to take as a hint that you are cold. Darting your eyes at him, your stomach flips over after realizing how good he looks under the slight street light that illuminated the court, the shadow of his eyelashes falling on his cheeks, mesmerizing with every blink. ''Y... you want me to wear your coat. And that's why? I'm not cold if this is what you think--'' 
''It's not. Not because you are cold,'' you watch him slipping his fingers on his hair, ruining the straight strands with a pout. Yoongi opens his mouth, but the weight of his words feels too much, he closes it again. He is thirty-five years old and should be mature enough to press this puberty feeling, and not want to cover you with his coat so no one can see the way your dress moves, expose the skin you covered with the same dress that betrayed you. And also, he knows he is not in the place to tell you what to do, or get jealous the way the others who size you up. But the first time after he gets mature enough, Yoongi can't find control over his emotions. ''I thought... thought that you could feel uncomfortable with the... dress,'' 
''Oh,'' you bite your bottom lip after getting caught off guard. Not that you are irritated or think it's possible, but is he just jealous, or is this just your mind playing games and causing you to think the impossible one? 
''But you don't have to. I mean if you are okay with your dress. You just don't... don't have to wear this.'' bubbles of laughter fills your throat as he stands stunned with wide eyes, 'o' shaped mouth is enough to melt your heart and spread heat to your chest. You bite harder your lip to hold your laugh, bend your head staring your shoes. ''Is it too distracting for you to beat me, Yoongi?'' darting over your eyes at him, you open them wide, rolling his name on your tongue only to tease him more. Getting even closer to his face, you talk in a pout. ''Do you think it's can affect others just the way it does to you?'' 
An almost unhearable whimper leaves his lips, shaky breath hits your cheek. A shade of embarrassment crept towards his cheekbones, increasing his cuteness. He stares speechless, you could only catch the loud gulp from his throat and you know it is enough of teasing him. 
''Okay, I'm admitting.'' taking a step back, you pat his shoulder. ''I'm a little cold, and it looks cozy.'' you lie while pinching his coat. His dull expression slowly fades, the corner of his lips tilt in the shape of a smile. Eye bags puffing up, face lines appear only to puss his soft cheeks on his cheekbones. 
You are not going to admit this to him, but the way your heart flinches under your chest, the way his soft smile cuts your breath, and the way your fingers physically pains to touch his cheeks just unbearable to hold on. At first, you only thought that his lips were in a good shape, can be even called cute but right now, they were just tempting. It was almost aching how your feet itch to take a step closer, and closer until your breaths can mix with each other, and the so imagined taste meets with your lips. 
''Here,'' he acts, taking his coat off of him swiftly to wrap it around you, and he does gently. Helping you to pass your arms in its sleeve, patting your shoulders after he links each button, as he looks way too pleased with the gummy smile that pinned to his face. ''Better now?'' he asks sincerely, wanting to make sure of your comfort, so you nod in appreciation. 
The heat immediately rushes over to your body, you thought you were joking before but after feeling the relaxation on your muscles, you surprise how cold you were. Wearing a dress in this weather without any coat was a big mistake, you noted. 
''So, if there is nothing you can object to, can we go on and play? Or, are you too scared?'' he scoffs at your playfulness, tilting a brow. Yoongi does not know how to react the way you wiggle your brows, the way you dare him with the buffoon smile. Luckily, he has another plan on his mind. ''So eager to taste the defeat, huh? All right then, I will give you a lesson.'' 
''Hah. Bring it on--''
''-But, before you get all moody, I want to do something.'' in return of his sparkling browns, your lips curl into a pout. Not expecting him to cut you off like this, even though he didn't do it without having any kindness. It only takes two seconds for you to realize what he was up to when his palms cover your cheek, timid touches of his fingertips on your skin. Is he going to kiss you in public? In your first time? Should you object? Between trying to ease the chaos on your mind, and understanding if you want this or not, hot breath already stands way too close to your lips. It was not a lie that you were thinking about kissing him a minute ago, but when this happened as a reality, you stand there like a deer in the headlights. 
Before you can choke yourself with overthinking, his whisper cuts it. ''Can I?'' he raises his brows, asking for your permission one more time before going for it, making sure of your emotions and thoughts about himself. Eyes of him scan yours pleadingly, as he was trying to emphasize his intentions. You were so nonplussed by what he was up to that you couldn't even move a muscle, only blink hard enough to capture the moment, face turning scarlet with the heat just crept towards. Feeling your heartbeats on your cheeks, under his fingertips. Every loud hammer brought your heart over your mouth, mouth dried completely. But you manage to voice, almost inaudible. 
When you met with his lips, it wasn't soft as you expected due to his dried lips, but soon after it changed. After you part your lips to capture his bottom lip between yours, a ball of warmness just explodes. Reaches till your fingertips from your chest, tiny mewl slides by you with the strong rhapsody you have inside. 
It was palm pulling, lips trying to deepen the kiss kind of keenness you both felt for learning, acknowledging each other. Soon after one of his hands left your cheek to pull you closer as your fingers weren't enough to do so. The others were long forgotten, it was just you and him. Everywhere was clouded, protecting your intimacy from others. 
You were only tasting, knowing, and capturing each other. 
When the kiss broke out as both of you needed fresh air in your burning lungs, you were shocked by the way you carried away by your desire. You, probably Yoongi too, was feeling the same way, find this very immature, unwisely but the thing you feel, and wish that he was feeling the same way you do was beyond your imagination. The attraction was between you from the first time you started to bond today, but you could never think that would be this euphoric. 
Between heavy breathing, and adjusting the moment you just shared cuts off by his hoarse voice. ''Was this highly good or is it just me?'' you snort at his silliness, slap him by the head before he can react. 
''You'll get your answer if you can beat me,'' tearing yourself apart, you take the ball despite his whines. But as he sees you won't step back, he sends hair-raising glares at you. 
Soon after, the contest loses its solemnity and turns into something where Yoongi chases you with the ball to throw at you. And you found yourself giggling, running away while screaming in tiny. With a glance at you two, and no one would believe you two for being over thirty but it felt so good to act without caring for anyone. You almost forget the feeling of happiness, cooing from joy, and having someone not minding your bullshits even on day one. 
Of course, you accept how the kiss felt 'highly good', holding your palms up in surrender, before laying on the grass. Not that you lost the game, more likely from winning the better prize. The blond neurosurgeon, at age thirty-five was your prize. To be honest, he is the best thing that happened to you in ages without any exaggeration. For all you know is that maybe arranged marriages were not that bad. 
Frankly, you wouldn't dare to lie and say you still object it while watching the man beside you. He gave you more than you expected. The comfort, happiness, and tickling bubbles on your chest. And you hope that would last long enough to the day you knew each other like an open book. As you wanted to know and more about him, every little detail, and every tiny mimic he makes. 
And you will see that day if you are lucky enough.
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''We are out of rice!'' you flinch with the loud voice, take a big sigh at the view you see in the mirror. Lipstick extends along to your right cheek from your lips, as the outcome of hearing the thick voice without any warnings. ''And the last toilet paper just finished!'' tsking audibly, you take the wet tissue to clean the mess you made. While wiping the ruins of the lipstick, you hear the whining voice once more, closer this time. 
''We don't have any toothpaste, either. God, why don't we have anything? Aren't you supposed to take care of the grocery this time? It was your turn,'' the man is nothing but in black sweatpants and a white shirt appears, constant grumble on his mouth trying your patience. ''You have lipstick on your cheek,'' he points his face to address where the stain is as you lock your gaze on him by the mirror. 
''You don't say,'' lifting the brows you watch him narrowing his eyes, scoffing at your answer. ''And I was thinking why I have wet tissue on my hand. Thank you, babe.'' he rolls his eyes, sighs while ruining his hair. Black hair flies in the air, every pinch falling another direction and it warms your heart. Your husband dyed his hair black from blonde after having a white hair crisis and deciding to dye it for good. Not that you didn't like the blonde hair on him, but black was something different. It gave destructive charisma to him that you adore so much. 
It is the greatest thing since sliced bread. 
''When you say they'll bring Hoseong and Aera again?'' after finishing the cleaning, you turn to your husband who asks nonchalantly but the light in his eyes says he is happy. ''They'll be here any time soon. Why?'' 
He shrugs a shoulder, acting as he is not interested. ''Just curios. I'll adjust my appointments so,'' you nod, giggling as you decide to reach him. Leaving your bean bag chair, you take a two-step to wrap your arms around his neck. 
Brushing your nose to his, ''You love to hang out with them, don't you?'' you ask, mentioning your nephews. Even before he admits, you already knew that he adores them. Hoseong at nine and Aera at seven years old buck of happiness for Yoongi, and you can see it in his eyes. The way he plays with them, caring for them always puts a light serene in your heart, but you two never mentioned having a child. Soon after you are scared to open it as you are afraid that he doesn't want to have kids, but the love he had for your nephews always confused your mind and heart. 
''Well, they are fun to hang out,'' he tears his eyes from you but you catch the attempt to hide the smile he had. Lips forcefully stay flat but gaze full of bubbles. But when you tilt your brows, staring at him with a pout, you break him. ''Okay, okay... I love those chubby kiddos. You know how smart they are, don't you? Aera asked my opinion about Pluto, whether it's a planet or not. Can you believe it?'' 
''You are so whipped,'' you let out a laugh that wrinkles your eyelids. His enthusiasm over your nephews made your day, a bolt of laughter spilled by your lips over and over again until you managed to ease it. ''such a cute man,'' wiping your tears away from your face cut by his hands when he grabbed yours. 
''Y/N, did you... did you ever think about having a child? I know we never talked about this all these years, but I guess... No, I know I want one. Yes, I want us to have a child to raise together.'' his eyes burned with determination. It was enough for you to know he really serious about it. There was nothing for you to obligate it if you look. Both of you get paid well, had a nice home and big enough even for two kids, moreover, both of you love each other so much and you know that you two will love the exact same way if you have a child in this home. ''What do you think?'' 
Taking a deep breath to ease your thoughts you eyed the man you adored so much. His keenness sparkled in his eyes, waiting for your answer to be the happiest man alive. Even if you wouldn't want a kid in your life, you couldn't break his heart by saying no, but fortunately, you want this as much as him. 
''I would love to have a baby who has the same gummy smile you got on there,'' Yoongi, your husband coos after what you said, holding you by the waist and twirls your body with himself. He acts like you just said you are pregnant, but you laugh and kiss him back when his soft one finds your lips. He thanks, swears that he will be the greatest dad and husband for this family. 
The ring on the door cuts his words, tearing himself apart from you, he leaves to open the door wiggling his body in great joy. But you believe him. You would believe him even if he hadn't sworn and put his heart on it. He already was the best husband ever, and you had nothing to worry, frighten for. He will be the best dad in this world, as you know because he said so. Just like the time, he said you two will make a good couple after he took you home on your first date. As he said, you took his heart and his last name after four years. 
Never regretting for one second on agreeing to go on an arranged date. And you knew that you won't have any other regret in the future, either. Not with the sweetest neurosurgeon you love so much. 
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London Adventure: Belle and Cill
Annabelle: Annabelle was excited to finally hang out with a dear friend of hers, the two probably hadnt hung out in a while and she wasnt sure why she didnt make more of a effort but at least now they were here in London. She had her hair straightened out, trying to figure what to wear as she couldnt go to done up after all they were suppose to be exploring. She figured she would go with jeans, sneakers and a off the shoulder white t shirt. She tossled her hair a bit before hearing the doobell as she finished touching up her make up before grabbing her purse and opening the door. She smiled brightly before pulling Cillian in for a hug. "Hi!" she let go finally as she closed the door locking it behind her.
Cillian: Cillian couldn't wait to see Annabelle. There was something about her that always made him feel at ease. A simple smile, a knowing "Oh Cillian," or a pat of the shoulder could bring him back into perspective. He slipped on dark jeans, a white t shirt, and propped up his black, thick raybans on his puff of dark brown hair. After knocking on her door, Cillian waited, tapping his foot to distract himself. When she opened the door, Cillian broke out into a sort of shy smile, moving into her welcoming hug. "Hello, love." he chuckled, hand pressed against the middle of her back before she let go. "You look lovely." he commented, giving her a quick glance over as she locked the door. "I'll drive us to the nearest pub." Cillian offered her his arm, gesturing to his black car with his head.
Annabelle: She couldnt help but feel the little butterflies in her stomach this always happened since the first day on set when she knew she would be working with him. Still do this day she couldnt stop them. She slipped her arm around his as they walked back before glancing off to the distance. "You really just want to get me stupid drunk so i can start singing stupid songs and make you laugh to you cry huh?" she laughed as she gave him a light nudge.
Cillian: Cillian was softening up already. Annabelle always had a warming effect on him, even when they were still getting to know one another. "I'd love to hear you sing. You have a beautiful voice." he reminded her, opening her door for her before going around the car and getting into the driver's seat. "I'm going to be laughing, no crying allowed. This isn't a sad pub night, my love." Cillian winked, backing out and getting on the road. "So, how much did you miss me? Tell me all about it." he teased her.
Annabelle: She got in as she immediately messed with the radio, she didnt know why but it was something she loved doing when she got into a friends car as she buckled up. "You say that now but just wait, im not sure if you have heard me drunk sing before but i feel like this adventure is slowly becoming a pub crawl." she laughed looking in his direction. " Mmmm not as much as i thought, i mean i figured i would be crying your name in my sleep but i havnt so far." she teased back.
Cillian: "I'm ready for your drunken singing!" he exclaimed, taking a turn. "Nothing wrong with pub crawls, love, but I'll be sure to make it a real adventure." he promised. "Not used to women /crying/ my name..." he cut himself off with a smirk, shaking his head and preparing for a slap on the shoulder. Cillian couldn't help himself, she had set it up so perfectly.
Annabelle: She shook her head as she looked out the window in front of them. "Yeah if you dont i will drag you along with me till i get some adventure!" she spoke before feeling her face go red as she slowly turened to him before putting her face in her hands. "Oh my God CIllian!" she couldnt help but laugh. "Okay im just gonna open the door and end it here." she laughed. "Oh god i hate you." she spoke smacking his arm.
Cillian: Cillian rolled his eyes at her fondly. "Oh, I know how stubborn you are. Won't give up until you bloody get what you want." Cillian glanced over to catch her blushing cheeks, grinning with pride at his ability to do that. "You've faked sex with me, darling. You should know," he continued, "you don't hate me, you adore me, and you think that what I just said is funny!"
Annabelle: "Very true, im glad you listen also probably why you will never get rid of me." she gave him a smile as she shook her head. "You are the death of me, you know that? But we both know if those scenes were real it would be the other way around." she had to redeem herself. "I dont adore you, i tolorate you.A big big difference." She laughed looking at him.
Cillian: "I wouldn't dare get rid of you. I think you're the only woman, besides my own mother, that puts up with me so well." Cillian pulled into a parking spot, placing the car in park as she made the second comment. His eyebrow shot up, his eyes cutting over to her. "If those scenes were real, you think I'd be...oh, love, you have no idea who you're talking to." he chuckled, getting out of his seat and walking over to her, helping her out of the car. "Follow me into the club, Ms. Annabelle?"
Annabelle: "My life would be too dull with out you so i gotta put up with you." she winked giving him a hard time. She shook her head reaching for his hand as she got out of the car following him in. She looked around as the vibe was very firmilar she had come here once or twice before but never with him as she nudged him to a spot for two. "Are we going in easy or full force?" she spoke looking up at him.
Cillian: "Very true. Your life would be miserable!" he played along, taking her hand and keeping it as they walked in, knowing how rowdy some men could get starting at this hour. Cillian was protective of those he cared about, even if it was doing something little like this. "Hm, I'll leave it up to you, Belle. What would you like to do."
Annabelle: "Order me whatever you think i would like i wanna try different things tonight, live a little." she smirked patting his hand."Im gonna run to the ladies room while you order up." she smiled letting go of his hand as she walked away, she could hear the whistles and smart remarks as she looked over her shoulder to Cillian. She didnt care about any of it honestly. When it was just them two she forgot the world. As she entered she looked into the mirror fixing everything making sure she still looked presentable. After a few moments she walked back out seeing the handsome devil himself as she smiled to herself. She took a seat grabbing the drink as she sipped it. "Bloody hell, that is um something." she spoke the sour look on her face. "You know what?" she spoke looking at him dead in the eyes, waitng for his response.
Cillian: Cillian watched her as she walked off, his own cheeks turning a bit red at the whistles thrown her way. Why were men so disgusting towards women? It was degrading. It also made Cillian sick with worry. After she entered the bathroom, Cillian sparked a conversation with the lad next to him as he ordered drinks. When she came back, he laughed as she took a drink. "Sweetheart, that's his drink." He pointed to the land next to him, taking the drink and sliding it to the man. "I got us Guinesses, babe." He handed her the real drink. "No, I don't know what. Tell me, what."
Annabelle: Annabelle felt embarrassed as she held her breath. "I am so sorry!" she spoke as she looked at Cillian. "Im gonna get us killed i know it." she laughed a little taking the acutal drink as she sipped on it before approving. "Much better." she laughed as she looked at him.  "You know if we were in another life i would of dated you, and we would of gotten married after a year because i would of known from the start that i was gonna marry you, and we would have three kids, two boys and a little girl, because she would be daddys girl no doubt. In a house in Ireland, because thats close to your home and i know how much you like home and for me its not problem because where you are i am home."she spoke taking another drink. "Yep night hasnt even started and im already crazy." she laughed. "So tell me about that precious kid of yours? " she asked her head laying in her hand.
Cillian: "You're already ruffling feathers, darling." He chuckled, pulling her close as he sipped his drink. The way the men were looking at her made him uncomfortable. As he listened to her, he couldn't help but smile at the thought. His eyebrow was raised slightly, his thoughts following along with her story. It was a nice thought, a beautiful thought, the two of them whisking off to Ireland to have a family. "Not crazy. It's...well, you'd be a beautiful wife." He grinned. "Smart, accomplished, dedicated, wordly. If I had met
Cillian: you sooner, I think we would be married by now." He gulped down his drink at the brutal honesty. "My son and Tom, I'm assuming? They're both great." He laughed. "My son is at futball camp."
Annabelle: She raised an eyebrow as she listened to him. She drew circles on his hand as she contnued to listen.  "Ive already married you once, and i got killed so i would hope a second chance i would actually get to enjoy it."She laughed her eyes looking in his. "You are not so shabby youself. " she laughed. "Oh dear Tommy, he is a character i say, no wonder you two put up with each other for so long.  "How is he enoying futball camp? Does he miss home yet? Are you two going on holiday when he comes back?"
Cillian: "I know it's three times the charm, but maybe for us it's twice." He smiled, wrapping one arm around her waist as he ordered another beer. "Nursing your drink, Wallis?" He teased. "
Cillian: Tommy is a character, but I love him, I do." Tom really was his best friend. He was never going to lose that friendship. "He loves it. He wants to be a soccer star, American style. He doesn't miss home because he is having so much fun, which is good, but I miss him. I want to take him on holiday, but his school starts so close that I don't want to mess him up, you know?"
Annabelle: She scooted in closer to him as she looked at her drink. "2 is one of my favoirte numbers only because sometimes the underdog takes the win." she spoke."Hush you, i can handle my own beer, i just wanna drag this night out as long as possible." she winked bringing his free hand up to hers as she played around. "Im a good beer pong partner ill have you know. Jared taught me all i need to know." she spoke mentioning her best friend. "Awe bless him, im sure if he has his fathers dedication, he will achieve anything. As for tom well i think he is doing quite well for himself. Im so happy for both of you honestly." she smiled. "I completly understand but hey if you ever get to lonely you ACTUALLY have a key to my place so you are no bother what so ever." she smiled.
Cillian: "Are you saying I'm the underdog in this scenario?" He gasped, faking shock just to mess with her. Normally, Cillian wouldn't entertain this sort of conversation, but he couldn't stop himself with her. "Drag this night out? Looks like someone really wants to spend time with me, hm? I won't name names, don't worry." he winked, his throat warmed by the beer. "If Jared taught you, then you probably are good, I'll need you for any beer pong teams I may find myself in." Cillian said. "Thank you, that's so kind of you to say. You're the sweetest, Belle." he cheered. "I'm going to come crash at your place all the time then. If I've got the key, why not use it?"
Annabelle: "Ofcourse not, your number one." she nudged him joking with him. She knew this would never happen, he probably had his eye on someone else as he should, she was just a tornado and the last thing she needed was destorying her friendship with Cillian. "Why in hell would i wanna spend all night with you, I mean fuck i definatly dont wanna cuddle you up or anything thats just obsured. " she scoffed drinking her beer. "I miss him i need to plan a trip to L.A to visit. Have you been yet?" she asked. "Your more than welcome too love, ill make sure the guest bed is set up." she winked.
Cillian: "I better be number one." Cillian tilted his head to the side, staring at her for a prolonged moment. "You don't? Are...you sure?" he asked, brushing his lips against her ear as he spoke, before pulling back and taking a sip of his drink. "I've been to LA a few times, spend a week or two there before coming here. You should definitely go." he shrugged. "Oh, the guest bed? How fancy."
Annabelle: "In this case you better win." she spoke finishing the rest of her drink it took some doing and nearly 45 mins later but she passed it up as she ordered one more. She froze a bit, he had to have known what he did to her but she wasnt gonna play nice either. She gulped as she looked back at him. She looked him in the eyes her hand gently placed close to his face smoothing over his cheek.  "I defintly dont wanna bring you home, and take you to my nice king size bed, slip your shirt off and trace circles on your chest, thats definatly not whats on my mind Cillian." she smiled pulling back.  "I think i will, did you go see your gilfriend?" she asked studing his face for his answer. She honestly didnt know if he had one or not but this was her way of knowing for sure. "Only the best for you babe, ill make sure to tuck you in."
Cillian: "I'll play my hardest, then." he replied back, watching her finally finish her drink. He wanted to let out a laugh, but figured he would want to time those more appropriately. Licking the rim of his cup, so the beer wouldn't drip out, Cillian watched for her reaction, only to be caught off guard as she pressed her hand against his cheek. "You don't? Well, then I guess I don't want you to do that to me. I wouldn't want you to bring me home so I could hold you against my chest. Definitely not." At her next statement, he almost choked. "I would have, if I had a girlfriend." Now he laughed, the thought ridiculous. "Bless you, you're a fucking angel."
Annabelle: "Thats all i can ask." she smiled clearing her throat. As the bartender brought back the drink she took a long sip licking the foam off her lip. "Good cause i wouldnt want any of that." she paused as her hand made it to the back of his head as she leaned forward kissing the top of his head." Excuse me im gonna go play a song." she smiled as she got up her hand slipping off his chest before looking at the juke box trying to find something, When she did she walked back taking her seat.  She only nodded. "My horns keep my halo up." she bursted into laughter as she ordered two shots. " We are going big Cillian can you handle it?" she questioned.
Cillian: Cillian rolled his eyes as she kissed the top of his head, catching on to her little game. "I'm sure you'd want none of it." he finally replied back to her, taking a deep breath as she walked away to play a song. He pressed his lips together as he waited for her return, only to hear her order two shots. "Oh, I'm plenty ready." he scoffed. "I think the real question is...can you handle it?"
Annabelle: "I dont think i can, but we are gonna see anyways, im a terrible light weight!
Annabelle: She handed the drink over to him as she counted to three before cheering. "What did you think?"
Cillian: Cillian took the shot at her go, swallowing the hard liquid. It wasn't the best taste, but he swallowed it with ease. "Not the best. But, if this will do the trick, then why not?" he ordered them a different shot this time, smirking as he handed her the shot before taking his second.
Annabelle: Annabelle was a super light weight and to make things worse one shot and she was done but two you were asking for party annabelle. After dowing the shot she shook her head before grabbing the other one. "I hope this one is much better, cause i cant pick for shit." she laughed taking the second one before looking at Cillian. "Do we dare do a third?"
Cillian: He couldn't help but laugh at her loosening up after her shot. The second was a doozy too, and he knew he needed to cut her off. "One more, then we're done. I'm worried you can't handle it." he patted her head, before getting their last round of shots, taking hers and placing it against her lips playfully.
Annabelle: She took a deep breath preparing herself before laughing as she waited for him to tilt the cup back. "whooo man. I want to dance can we dance?" she asked pleading him.
Cillian: Cillian tipped back the cup before he took his last shot, then held his hand out for her. "If you want to dance, we'll dance."
Annabelle: She smiled taking his hand as she pulled him to the dance floor, luckily a slower song came on as she held onto him swaying back and forth.  She looked up at him as she whispered in his ear. "I hope you know i havnt forgotten about our adventure." she smiled.
Cillian: Cillian could have laughed once again at the slow song, but instead, he followed her lead. He wrapped his arms around her, swaying to the rhythm of the song. "I haven't forgotten." he assured her. "What have you got in mind?"
Annabelle: "The next bar we go to we have to use fake names, I know cheesey but   ive always wnated to do that, go on a date as two completly different people." she looked practcally feeling his eyes roll.
Cillian: "That's what you want? A new identity?" he thought about it for a moment. "Hell, why not." he concluded. "When would you like to leavE?"
Annabelle: "lets leave now!" she grabbed his hand as she pulled some cash from her purse handing it to the bar man before taking Cillian again. She knew he would throw a fit but she figured if she would catch him off guard it would be okay.  As the two walked outside she walked to his car waiting for him to open it. "You know what else i want to do, go to a haunted house." she spoke looking at him.
Cillian: Cillian was lucky he was a heavy drinker. "Okay, if we drink anymore, it'll need to be at my place. Any more, and I can't drive." he advised her, opening her door before slipping into his own seat. "You..want to go to a haunted house? Don't know if there is one nearby."
Annabelle: "Theres one on garner road! Ive had a few cast mates talk about its abandoned, lets go check it out before your unable to drive and we have to finish up our adventure passed out on the couch." " she spoke buckling up her seat belt laughing
Cillian: "Oh bloody Christ. You want to see an abandoned house?" Cillian was fairly religious, he grew up Catholic. He wasn't one to dance with the devil. "If that is really what you want." he gave in, turning the car on and driving.
Annabelle: "Im not gonna make you do something you dont want to." she spoke taking his hand. "you can take us to the next bar and i can bethal ." she laughed shaking her head.
Cillian: "Is this really what you want to do? To see an abandoned house?" he asked. "I'd be willing to go there. Go in? Probably not. But we can drive there and look around."
Annabelle: "I really do but im not gonna make you go in with me if you are scared. I can do it any other time. Lets just go to the other pub!" she smiled at him reasuring him she was okay with not going.
Cillian: "No, I promised you an adventure. You'll get one." He looked around, found Garner road, and took a turn. "Point the house out to me."
Annabelle: She wasnt sure if it was the alchol taking over her because she was more excited than scared but that all changed when she saw the beaten down house as Cillian drove up to it. "Fuck right there." she pointed. She took a deep breath as he pulled in, before looking over at him. "Okay if im not back in 15 mins just know i love you okay." she took another breath as she grabbed her phone openeing the door before walking off.
Cillian: Cillian didn't feel right about her walking off by herself. Against his better judgment, he scrambled out of the car. "Annabelle, come on." he jogged up to her. "You can't go in alone."
Annabelle: "Im not denying your way into heaven, go back in the car, ill be fine!" she nudged him.
Cillian: "You're drunk and being super weird." he chuckled. "Why don't you just look? Don't go inside."
Annabelle: "Im going inside you can come or not."she looked at him letting his arm go before walking through the door she used her phone as a flashlight trying to look around before seeing something move. "Ahhhh" she screamed jumping back as she fell to the floor. Once she got back up she notice it was just a cat . "Oh my god im gonna die." she whispered to herself.
Cillian: Cillian rubbed his head as she went inside. Why was she so insistent on this? When he heard her scream, he rushed inside, finding her getting up. "What's going on? What happened?" he asked breathlessly. "Annabelle."
Annabelle: "Yeah no im fine come on lets go." she spoke leading him outside again back to the car. "that was enough excitment for one night.  "You choose the next place." she spoke looking at the house than back at him.
Cillian: Cillian grabbed onto her arm so he could keep her nearby, walking outside with her. "Good choice. Let's go somewhere else." he agreed, nodding his head. "Me? Well, do you want to drink, or?"
Annabelle: "Im down for whatever this night is for fun, so im good with drinking but if you dont wanna drive then we can go back to either yours or my place." she spoke looking at him.
Cillian: Cillian got in the car, turning it on so they could leave that hell hole. He thought for a moment. "Would you like to..come to my place?" he asked.
Annabelle: She was still catching her breath before placing her hands up. "To Cillians place!" she yelled a bit. " Okay that was loud im sorry love, those shots got me... are you disapointed?" she asked looking at him
Cillian: Cillian happily began driving. "Disappointed? About...what?"
Annabelle: "that im a lightweight?" she frowned.
Cillian: "Oh, no. It's actually very funny." he commented. "You're entertaining."
Annabelle: " I can be, also what is in your fridge I need bread and beer." she asked.
Cillian: "I have...both. Why bread?" he couldn't help but ask. "That's probably not your best bet."
Annabelle: "I need something to soak up this or else im gonna attack you and we can not have that no sir." she spoke . "Wait why not?"
Cillian: "Attack me? I mean, that would mean two different things." he pointed out. "Bread isn't the best soaking mechanism. I'd found that nuts really do work. And pasta."
Annabelle: "The bad way Cil the bad way." she laughed as she twirled around one of her strands of hair. "Do you have either of those?" shestoped herself shaking her head. "Dont even answer that
Cillian: "The bad way? Hm, fine." Cillian huffed. "I have both of those...why didn't you want me to answeR?"
Annabelle: "Dont huff at me. "she joked. "I figured you would use this as another way to get me with a joke." she looked at him.
Cillian: "If I had stopped at nuts, yes. Pasta? Nope. Can't do anything with that."
Annabelle: "Just drive , before i walk myself into any more puns."
Cillian: "I'm driving, Christ." he rolled his eyes, before finally pulling into his driveway. Getting out of the car, he once again went over to her door and opened it for her.
Annabelle: She didnt know why but picking on him was another hobby of hers as she got out following him to the house. She imideatly went to the fridge grabbing two beers before popping them open as she handed him one. ""So thoughts on the  night so far??" she asked leaning agaisnt the counter.
Cillian: Cillian ran his hand threw his hair as they entered his home. Knowing she'd go straight to the fridge for beer, he settled into a bar seat, elbows digging into the little island in his kitchen. "Exciting. Company is a drag though." he teased, winking at her.
Annabelle: She sat next to him as she took a drink setting it down. "You are such a ass you know that?"
Cillian: "Am I? Must not be too bad if you're still here with me." he paused. "You did talk about what your life would be like married to me, so you must like asses."
Annabelle: She looked at the bottle and back at him. " I did didnt i? NO different than being married to thomas shelby just letting you know im not taking no shit either." she laughed.
Cillian: "You did. Well, I'm not too much like Tommy. I'm...not a PTSD ridden World War 1 veteran." he started off. "I'm not cruel and sometimes heartless. I'm a normal lad."
Annabelle: " A normal lad with a big heart a cute kid, beautiful blue eyes a hug that never makes you want to let go." she spoke before reazling she was rambling. "Whoops sorry rambling here."
Cillian: Cillian's lips parted, jaw slightly slack in surprise at her words. "Well, thank you. You...humble me, you really do." he smiled, taking a beer finally. He took a big gulp.
Annabelle: She tucked her hair back as she looked off. "Do you want to watch a movie?"
Cillian: "Sure. Go scroll Netflix and pick what you want." He stood up and handed her a remote. "I'll get some nuts for you."
Annabelle: "Your such a doll." she rolled her eyes as she got up heading into the living room. She removed her shoes crawling into the couch as she grabbed the throw over the couch wrapping herself up before scrolling through the options.  She decided to go with a comedy as she waited for Cillian to get back.
Cillian: Cillian grabbed a bowl and poured some almonds inside. He walked over to the couch, slipping off his shoes, and planted himself next to her. "Here," he handed her the bowl. "Enjoy."
Annabelle: "Thank you love." she grabbed the bowl placing it in her lap as she pressed play. "This one looks funny, so lets hope!" she spoke looking at him before reaching over to put the remote on the table.
Cillian: Cillian settled into the couch silently, eyes glued on the TV in anticipation for her pick. It was nice, having this alone time with her. Cillian enjoyed peaceful moments like this.
Annabelle: She took a few almonds as she popped them in her mouth before finishing up and placing them back on the table. Slowly she decided she would just go for it as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Is this okay? she asked looking at him.
Cillian: Cillian could hear her pick up a few almonds, smiling to himself because he had convinced her to eat them. It felt like a victory. He felt her head  on his shoulder, taking in a deep breath. "It's fine." he assured her, patting her hand gently. "You know I don't mind."
Annabelle: She nuzzled in before focosing on the show. It actually ended up being a pretty good night, a night she needed. And the fact that Cillian spent it with her made her even more happy.
Cillian: Cillian readjusted her so his arm was hanging around her shoulder. His back relaxed into the plush of the couch, he closed his eyes for a moment. "Did you mean it? What you said about your other life where you'd marry me?"
Annabelle: She blinked a few times  before looking up at him as she took a deep breath. She never spoken her feelings for him, not in a serious term where it was just them two, and she was serious about it. "I really would, idk what it is about you but i just feel so at ease so happy. I didnt get that kind of happiness with Chris. And believe me i was happy i really was but with you even just hanging out on set going over lines and idk. I know we dont have a chance in this life but i just cant help but wonder what if  we did meet sooner you know?" she spoke.
Cillian: Cillian swallowed hard. "I wonder about that too. I mean, look at me now. Divorced. One child, a child I love with my entire heart and would die for. But you know.. I wanted at least two." he sighed. "You're great, annabelle. Too great. You deserve an amazing man."
Annabelle: She held her breath befoe choosing her words. "Cillian i wish you could see how great you are you tuly are. I really dont understand why you dont see how truly amazing you are." she huffed a bit.
Cillian: "Don't take me too seriously. It's just one of those things you accept in life." He ran his fingers up and down her upper arm, finding a soothing rhythm.
Annabelle: She lightly giggled leaning closer into his body as she looked at his arm. "Well if you ever do decide to take a chance on my than you know where ill be and you obviously know my answer. However we all have flaws, but its just a matter of who you dont mind seeing them as well." she spoke tracing a freckle on his arm.
Cillian: Cillian furrowed his brows. "Wait, are you serious? You're saying...you would be with me? Like, dating and all that shit?" God, they must be drunk. "Anna, be careful."
Annabelle: She leaned back as she was looking the older male  over. " Well i assume that is what one does before they get married. " she looked at his hand than back at him. She took another breath. "I really like you Cillian not in the brother sister  good freind kinda way in the i really want to kiss you right now kinda way. I have for so long. But i know that you musten feel the same but  yes to answer your question i would. I really would."
Cillian: Cillian scratched his head for a moment. "This is a lot. We've been drinking, this isn't a conversation we could be having. Too many...other factors involved." Like her recent breakup with Chris, which could possibly cause her to act out. Could it? There was that, the alcohol, their time apart that made everything much more sensitive. "I want to kiss you too...but I can't. I have too much respect for you to drunkenly do something with you."
Annabelle: She reached for his face as she held it in her hands. "Cillian.. breath. I know what i said, and i will happily tell it to you tomorrow when im sober.  Whether or not you want to here it is another question only you can answer. Im not asking anything of you, i promise im not im just telling you my honest raw thoughts. I broke up with Chris because i knew i had feelings for you but thats not fair to him, i cant be with someone i cant give one hundrend percent of my heart too. I just couldnt." she finally let go as she took her seat back. "Im not asking of anything Cil, i just want you to know and now you do." she spoke softly looing at him.
Cillian: Cillian could hardly process what was going on. He went from being a sad and alone single divorcee throwing himself into his work to...Natalie, Mila, then Richard, and now Annabelle. Annabelle's was the most shocking, though. "Oh Christ...I broke up your relationship?" Here it came. Cillian locked his jaw and looked past her, Catholic guilt filling him to the brim. "Fuck, I'm so sorry. I...wow."
Annabelle: Annabelle shook her head as she got up. "Im sorry ive clearly fucked this all up, please please dont fell bad okay please. Um  Im just gonna go. Im so sorry." she spoke slipping on her shoes as she made her way to the kitchen.
Cillian: "Annabelle, don't be ridiculous." he stood up. "It's late, you've been drinking. Stay here." he grabbed her hands. "Please? Please stay here."
Annabelle: She took a deep breath. "Fine, ill be in the guest room if you need me." she gave him a light smile.
Cillian: "Are you upset? I didn't mean to ruin the evening. Please believe me." he felt ridiculous. "My emotions got the best of me. It's not you, okay? Please."
Annabelle: "Im not upset with you im upset with me, but if i didnt say those things they would of come out eventually. I just wish you would believe me." she looked up at him.
Cillian: "Would you believe me if I said it was all too good to be true?" he asked, smiling softly down at her. "I just...don't want to lose you."
Annabelle: "Darling you cant lose me, im one of those pest who never leaves." she crossed her arms. "So can i ask one question?"
Cillian: Cillian took a deep breath. "You can ask. Who knows if I'll be able to answer."
Annabelle: "Whos the lucky person?" she asked looking at him. "Dont say there isnt one cause i know there is , because when i hear the line i dont wanna lose you, i hear i dont wanna lose you but theres someone else."
Cillian: Cillian rubbed his eyes. "Honestly? You. Mila. Everyone at this fucking point." He placed his hands in his pockets. "It's not about me wanting someone else. It's about having quite a few people express feelings for me and it's overwhelming."
Annabelle: She was a bit shocked as she had just spoken with the girl ealier, now she felt like a total fraud. "Im- uh " she run her fingers through her hair as she walked to the fridge grabbing a water bottle. " she looked at it than at him as she walked closer. "I really dont know what to say to that other than im sorry for adding more stress. And because i care for you so much, im not gonna be selfish, so just forget what i said, there are absoulty no hard feelings we can just pretend this never happened okay?" she took the top off taking  a long gulp.
Cillian: Cillian bit his lip for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he let one hand drop from his pocket. "Come here." he mumbled, extending out his hand.
Annabelle: She wanted to fight him on this but instead her body walked foward with out her. She took his hand letting it lead her to him.
Annabelle: "I mean it, i promise not a word."
Cillian: Cillian pulled her close to him, wrapping his free arm around her. "SShhh. Ssshh, love." he murmured. "Don't."
Annabelle: All she could do was wrap her arms around him burring her head into him thinking what a fool she must be right now.
Cillian: Cillian moved both arms around her now, holding her close to him. He rested his cheek on top of her head, just living the moment while he could. She deserved a better man. Someone unlike him, someone who wasn't damaged goods like he was.
Annabelle: She pulled back slightly as she reached for her water bottle. "Im gonna go to bed, sleep tight love, ill talk to you tomorrow." she smiled as she walked away making her way to the bedroom.
Cillian: "Goodnight." he called, sighing.
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