#his milkshake brings all the boys and gals to the yard
This Man was Born Sassy
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He can't help it.
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He's a diva.
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Milkshake 5
The First Shake
The year was 1976 and it was the summer of love. The school year just started for the new college students. The summer was dragging on as the first months past but the temperature was staying high. It was nearly October and most years they would already be dressed in coats and sweaters but many were still wearing loose thin shirts. The girl was sweating in her dorm room when her gal pals popped in, “Hey, we just heard about a groovy party down at the boys dorm. We should go.” The girl groaned, “but I have to study,” she argued. She was more concerned with what her parent would think if they caught their daughter at a boys party. “Come on. Don’t be such a square!” they berated her. The girl did want to go and how were her parents going to find out about 1 little party. “Fine, fine, I’ll go.” The girl changed into different clothes that were more fitting for a party.
Once getting to the party, most of her pals separated and found a guy to talk to and hang out with. She was unsure of what to do, so she just got a drink and stood next to the wall, slowly sipping as she watched her friends dance. “Hey, bunny. What are doing over here all alone?” The girl jumped at the sudden voice pointed at her. There was a man standing next the her. “Me? I am just watching my friends,” she blurted out, not knowing what she was suppose to say. The man laughed a little, “Calm down. It’s just a party. Why not dance?” The man said. The girl whispered out, “I don’t know how. We never had this kind of music at home.” “What never?” the man reacted shocked. The girl just shock her hear. “That’s bogue!” He said, “well don’t worry. I am the groove master and I’ll teach you.”He took her by the hand and lead her to the dance floor. She quickly got the hook of it and the 2 danced the night away until almost everyone else had left.
“It’s late and I need to head home,” She said. “Can I walk you home?” He offered. She nodded. As they walked back to the dorm, they set up a second date. “I know this one place in town that has the best milkshakes. They are out of this world!” The girl laughed at how enthusiastically he was, “that sounds lovely, I’ll be there.” She gave him a peck on the cheek before going into her dorm. Her pals were there, waiting up for her, all ooh-ed and aah-ed at her. “who was that?” they pried. “A boy from the party. We are going on a date next week.” The gals screamed with joy and all began giving her tips on what to do before the next date.
She met him at the place next week. It was big place that had a dance floor but also tables for people to eat. They sat down at a booth in the corner. They ordered there meals and talked for a bit. “So are your parents total squares?” he asked at one point. She nodded, “Yeah, I guess. They only listen to the oldies and think most things are evil.” The boy laughed, “Well they would hate me then.” The girl raised her eyebrow and the food arrived. “Why would they hate you? Just cause you know how to groove?” The boy shrugged, “Well that and I can do magic.” The girl blinked confused and laughed, “like card tricks?” The boy shook his head, “a little more impressive than that. Watch.” He whispered under his breath and made the silverware floated of the table a few inches and then floated back down on the table. The man remained silent, letting the girl take it all in. “How did you do that? Is there strings in the roof?” The man laughed and shook his head, “no but that would be easier.” The girl grabbed his hand excited, “show me more.”
They ate some food and danced the night away. He drove her back to the dorms, “you want some more magic? Something that can’t be faked?” The girl nodded. The boy rolled down the window and put on some music. They got out of the car and began to dance, “this is very magical to dance with you,” she said, trying to flirt. The boy grinned and again begin to mumble quietly. They began to float up to her dorm as they danced. Once landing the girl looked around. “how did we get up here?” “Magic,” is all he replied. “Well maybe you can teach me some on out next date?” The boy smiled big. “Not a problem.”
They went out on a few more dates and she quickly learned how to make her own spells. The only problem was, the more she learned about magic, the less she learned in her classes. One night after a date, as they begin kissing in his car, the girl heard her name be screamed at her as a flash light was shined at them. “Get out of that car immediately, Missy! You are in so much trouble. We are not paying you to go to the fancy school just to you can make out with some beat nick hippie,” her parents yelled at her. “I got to go,” the girl explained, “those are my square parents and they are raving mad.” The boy nodded, “Go and I’ll see you tomorrow after things have cooled down.” The girl nodded and gave him one last kiss and ran to her parents.
The boy returned the next day and knocked on the door. One of the pals answered, “Hello?” The boy waved, “Hey I’m her for…” the pal cut him off and shook her head, “She doesn’t live here anymore. Her parents pulled her out of school this morning and transferred her.” The boy panicked, “where did she go? Where was she transferred to?” The pal shrugged, looking defeated, “we don’t know. We tried asking but all that they would say is that she is far away from us. They think we brainwashed her or something.” The boy rushed back home and began doing every tracking spell he could think of but nothing was working. He didn’t have anything left behind to track her. He just needed a new plan.
The girl sat in her new house. It was across the state with her aunt. At first, the girl was just upset about the whole situation, unable to think. She was zombified, just doing the bare minimum to get by as normal. As the year came and went and a new summer arrived, an idea hit her. She stole the aunt’s blender and did a spell on it. She made it where any woman making a milkshake in the blender will have all the boys come to her yard. She thought that way, she can try to bring the magical boy back to her. The years went by and every summer she would created milkshakes but the boy she wanted never showed. She eventually gave up. It has been 40 years. She guessed he probably found someone else by now anyways. That is probably why it wasn’t working. She decided to have a yard sale. Sale off some of her old things and mix the blender in too. As the day went on, almost everyone didn’t even look at the blender. Those who did, didn’t want it cause it was too old or they already had one. Until a young girl came by. The girl asked if the blender was strong enough to make milkshakes. The woman smiled, “it’ll make milkshakes so good, it’ll bring every boy in town to her.” The girl made a confused face and bought the blender. The woman smiled to herself, thinking, “I was never able to find my love but maybe now I can help others find their love.”
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