#his name is Ramón btw
moonchild-in-blue · 6 months
GUYS!! Guess who got the big Blåhaj shark from IKEA for Secret Santa??
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Me. I did. 🥺🦈
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hastalunes · 2 years
✰ dating Ramón Arellano Félix would include ✰
a/n: Hi everyone, this is my first HC, so it can be not that good but I hope you guys enjoy!
PS: neither english or spanish are my first language, so if you notice some mistake, please let me know
enjoy Xx
pairing: Ramón Arellano Félix x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and violence
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alright, so first of all, Ramón is a fucking exhibitionist, he just loves when he has all the attention, then of course he LOVES to show you to everybody
just imagine you two getting in Roxanne, both dressed to kill, his hand around your waist and of course he has that convinced smile on his face because he just knows that all the eyes are on him and his reina
still about your club dates, he also loves dancing with you. He gets hipnotized by your body, and the way you're smiling to him just makes his heart melts
món is intense as fuck, so he is always giving you expensive big ass gifts, always saying how wonderful you are, this mf will do everything to make clear that HE LOVES YOU, you're his diosa, his reina, his amor, if something happens to you, he can kill everybody without even blink
he is also very affectionate, like I said before, he just can't take his hands away from you, cause he needs to know that you're there with him, you're always his wonderwall
sometimes when he is too tired or too stressed, he lays on your lap and close his eyes, just enjoying your company while you run your fingers through his hair
when you guys started dating, Dina was unsure about you, because even knowing that Ramón can take care of himself, he still is her hermanito, and she knows how hard it is to Ramón to emotionally open up with somebody
but then she saw how happy he is with you and how you love each other
of course everybody got kinda surprised when Ramón first told about you, cause y'know, he's such a fuck boy
but this mf had those hearteyes and couldn't stop talking about how you are smart, pretty and everything
now you're part of the family, cause Ramón was right, it's impossible to not like you
even Dina loves you, she trusts you and in your love for her móncito
you also get very along with the narco juniors, they call you patrona btw and sometimes they even fear you more than Ramon himself
even being well protected by Mon, you also know how to take care of yourself
once you were dancing at Roxanne and when Ramon needed to leave for a moment, a guy tried to mess with you
when Mon came back, he saw the guy going away from you holding his bleeding nose
he never felt so proud of his cariño
Ramon says you're the best part of him
this man is deeply obsessed in love with you okay, he wants you all the time, he'll come crawling to you if you ask
he loves to please you
but he still is egocentric af, so yes, his goal is always to make you scream his name and let very clear that he's the only one who can make you feel this good
he worships your body, always letting bites, kisses and so many marks everywhere
it's a secret of you two that sometimes he lets you take control and that makes him crazy everytime
he would never admit but one of his favorite moments is after sex, when you two are sweaty, your eyes are shining and you have that sweet sleepy smile on your lips
that smile was what made him fall in love
since the first time he knew he wanted to see you smiling to him like that for the rest of his life.
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 years
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You know who was really cool in Bleach and doesn’t get a lot of love? Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio. He’s just got so much going on with his design that I absolutely love, but I think a lot of it is easy to miss in his fleeting appearance(s).
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The most obvious is his devilish and classic villainous hair, taken from classic “el diablo” aesthetic, but is itself taken from various depictions of the character Mephistopheles.  But it plays right into Kubo’s Spanish language gimmick with the Arrancar.  His appearance as the start of the real Los Noches fight marathon for team Ichigo was also a real “Welcome to Hell” moment for upping the stakes on this new conflict.
His kind of laughably long name btw isn’t random, it’s a reference to classic American actors and their typecast role of The Latin Lover that was prevalent in the 1930s-40s.  It was basically the film adaptation of the literary “tall dark and handsome” trope, epitomized in Spanish, Mexican, and sometimes Italian foreigners; smoldering, passionate macho seducers.
It wasn’t actually meant to be a particularly harmful character type originally, but taking the creative reigns on “male lover” character writing away from the women pining for him, and putting it into the hands of men who were prone to being existentially threatened by him, resulted in them being morphed into predictably moralizing cautionary tales against white american women fucking darkskinned foreigners… because that’s just what this shit always turns into…  
Anyway…  Point being is that some of the big names in this type were men like Rudolph Valentino, Ramon Novarro, and Gilbert Roland, all of which were working names for the silver screen.  Their actual names were, Rodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filiberto Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguella,  José Ramón Gil Samaniego, and  Luis Antonio Dámaso de Alonso, respectively.
Then there’s his flamboyant posing, his high collar, chest pulling at the “buttons” of his uniform, tasseled sleeves, long hip sash (i don’t know why Kubo chose the weird fluffy looking fabric for it tho…) and his metal plated shoes(some sort of combat tap shoes) all of which pull from Flamenco dancing.  Although the posing isn’t used very accurately the broad sweeping arm motions and the fingers together hand gesture make the reference pretty clear.
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Then there’s his Resurreccion, which I’ve talked about before, but it bears repeating…  The name Giralda is the Spanish word for “weathercock” a weathervane obviously shaped like a rooster.  It’s why his release cry is “whirl” and his Resurreccion is bunch of whirling tornadoes with bird beaks, and the spinning motion is also a reference to the Flamenco dancing again.  But there’s more!  The rooster theme is also spun into a reference to cockfighting, which is frankly kind of a broad reaching practice but has some notable history in Spain, by proxy Mexico via colonialism, and Thailand.
I mention Thailand because Dordoni’s kick-based fighting style seems to have some strong kickboxing and/or muay thai influence behind it.  The cockfight theme generally falls back on kicking because, obviously, roosters fight largely with their talons, often equipped in cockfights with razors to expedite fights. (Pokemon knows what im talking about)  But the muay thai fighting style is also known for its use of elbows and knees, and that lines up with the Flamenco high knee poses already in use for Dordoni.  It’s a super fun mix of aesthetics, and a really fun way to turn Dordoni into a dance fighter.
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And then just as a tiny little cherry on top, when Ichigo kind of earns the respect of Dordoni and Dordoni tells Ichigo to leave while he handles the Exequias, we get a little Spanish bullfighter tossed in there!
He’s really just got such a cool character design going for him, and Kubo clearly put a lot of careful thought and bits of research into it.  It’s more than he seems to put into a lot of side characters, so it’s kind of a shame that I don’t think that effort gets particularly recognized, and he’s not exactly a fan favorite.  He feels to me almost like Quilge does to the Sternritter, where if someone had to be THE poster child for their faction, it’d be them.
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blocodibujo · 4 years
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New warm up sketch about DC’s latinx and hispanic heroes and antiheroes, this time with Armando Ramón, aka, Hardline, aka, Reverb, aka RUPTURE.
RUPTURE is Cisco’s brother. In the old continuity, Armando Ramone had the same power set as his younger brother, but wasn’t a hero at first, instead was a member of a gang and kept his powers a secret. After Vibe’s death, he decided to honor his brother and became a hero under the name REVERB, working with Booster Gold’s corporate sponsored team, The Conglomerate (it was a rival team to the JLI led by Maxwell’s Lord ex-wife). The team was short lived, and even though it resurfaced with a changed lineup (including Armando, now calling himself HARDLINE), it never stuck.
Armando disappeared (his only appearance was a cameo in a 2009 issue of Teen Titans), but then resurfaced as Armando Ramón y the new 52 era. Once again Vibe’s brother, he was thought to be dead following the same accident that gave Cisco his powers, but actually he was transported to another dimension, where he became RUPTURE under the command of Gypsy’s mother, Mordeth, who brainwashed and tasked him with finding his daughter (who was trapped by Amanda Waller), cause she wants to use her powers to invade Earth and from there control de multiverse. Of course he eventually returns to his senses and help his brother save the day.
Vibe’s series cancellation spelled the last appearance of RUPTURE so far, and, if Cisco doesn’t return, it’s unlikely that he will.
This drawing, btw, is based on the new 52 version (who of course was more edgy and stuff, I mean, dude had a scythe that he used channel his powers and  breach dimensions), mostly because it’s more visually distinctive (pre-reboot version was just a dude with sunglasses and a leather jacket).
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ssttitdramon · 5 years
More Random SSTTITD Headcanons
-If you haven’t read the first set of SSTTITD headcanons, I suggest you do so to avoid any possible confusion when reading this one :) 
-This one ended up being pretty long, sorry about that. Same old note tho: Everyone is back, safe and no one’s registered for the war.
-There’s a bit of IT x SSTTITD crossover at the end- which includes a small reference to a scene from IT Chapter Two, nothing major but I’d still include it as a minor spoiler just in case
That dog from last time? After the gang walked him around town all day and asked everyone about the dog, they just couldn’t find the owner 
They still put up Found Dog posters around
Chuck wants to let the dog stay at his house in the meantime but his mother won’t allow it
Chuck rants on the walkie talkie for three nights in a row about how he’ll never get a d-
“Chuck, just go to sleep already- he’s safe with me.”
After a while, Ramón decides to keep him for good
That dog follows Ramón everywhere now
The owner of the animal shelter is a sweet old lady who lets Ramón bring his dog to work and hang out with other dogs
The gang still argue over a proper name for the dog btw
“I’m telling you guys we should go with Galactus.” 
“He’s too much of a sweetheart to be named after that purple horn guy, he looks like a Max.”
"Let's name him after a month like our boy here, how's December sound?"
"Haha very funny."
“Well what about Chip? From the night we met him…”
“You want to name him after the cookies you burned?”
The gang go stargazing sometimes
They're all sprawled out on a blanket in a field
Stella talks about what she can remember about her mom
She's an exhausted mix of sadness and anxiety, some anger too
The boys just listen and offer support while she gets teary eyed 
She also talks about how scared and worried she was for Chuck and Auggie when they disappeared
Neither boy wants to talk about what happened when they were gone yet
But they reassure her that they don't blame her for any of it even if she might for taking Sarah's book
They all promise each other to always protect each other
Chuck then admits he worries about his sister more often than not
Whether she actually gets the love and respect she deserves from the guys she dates
And he's noticed that his mother can sometimes be too critical of Ruth which actually upsets him
Ramón then tells them about his older brother
His older brother who passed his car down to Ramón
His older brother who told all sorts of stories whenever their family stayed up talking in the kitchen
His older brother who would let him tag along when he'd sneak out to hang out with their cousins
Ramón didn't even notice he was crying until Auggie hands him a napkin and then sits up to offer a hug
Yes, there's a group hug
They're all crying at 3 a.m. in a dark field but they're hugging and promising each other that they'll be okay
Ramón's nameless dog is licking their tears away 
The moon is full that night which inspires Auggie to suggest they name the dog Apollo
After the moon landing on the summer of '69
They all actually agree with this one for once
I was inspired by @rabbitkind idea of IT x SSTTITD
If they had all been born around the same decade- both groups meeting as kids would be awesome
Yeah, the four of them would still be older by a few years, but that wouldn’t stop everyone from hanging out anyway
Chuck, Eddie, and Richie? That's three chaotic brain cells hard at work
“You’ve got double the dorks that I deal with.” -Stella to Bev at some point
They would totally be up for a fight against Bowers and his cronies if they’d see them start harassing the Losers
Omg the Losers piling into the back of Ramón’s car tho
There’s elbows and knees flying and many threats of being “sent to the trunk if you don’t just sit on my lap already.”
At some point Auggie and Stella have all seven of them get out, work it out and sit back in the squished order they can all agree with.
Coins were flipped on who was sitting on laps: Eddie, Richie and Stan lost
I do love the idea of the gang in their late 30s finding ways to defend/protect the Losers Club tho
Like… hey guys, lets pretty much adopt seven kids while we fight off this clown
Be the guardians they needed when they faced their monsters back then
But like… imagine Pennywise getting to them
Whether they're adults or kids (idk maybe Pennywise decided to travel to Mill Valley in the 60s)
((On that note: AU where Sarah wrote Pennywise into both towns :O and Stella would just *UNO Reverse Card*))
((Ok that's not the point of this hc, just wanted to throw that out there))
Pennywise taunting Stella about her depressed dad and making her feel guilty
Showing her Chuck, Auggie and Ramón being tortured
Auggie is just making soup and the clown crawls out of the pot
"Why don't you add a pinch of salt and some toes there, son?"
Haunts Chuck with the idea of being doomed to hell in the twisted form of his Christian mother
Also shows Ruth being torn apart by giant spiders
Toying around with Ramón's memories of his brother- seeing his brother's head crawl around à la Stanley's head coming out of the fridge
Or if we're talking adult Ramón and don't ignore canon this time: knowing Ramón is a veteran with ptsd, Pennywise makes him relive his Vietnam war trauma :(
Pennywise taking the form of an angry, demonic Sarah Bellows who lurks in dark corners and chases the gang around Mill Valley
That’s what makes Stella angry the most, “I literally just got rid of Sarah and this clown wants to play around like this?!”
Ok but the gang going to Derry to track down Pennywise’s origin and teaming up with the Losers Club to take It down??? That’s eleven badass kids in the sewers, half-scared to death and half-pissed off with the motivation of keeping each other safe and alive
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camelottree638 · 4 years
Random Manips (Part 2): Chloe/Alonso Family - Christmas in Norberg
Carmen and Juan, the OC children of Alonso and Chloe, heirs of both Norberg and Cordoba. Thank you very much to @this-gurl for suggesting Carmen! Though in canon Norberg is based on colonial North America, I imagined it as a Norway-like kingdom for so long before the canon appearance, I just HAD to use the Frozen Christmas backgrounds… :D
I have chosen Juan and Carmen for their names because of Alonso’s initial Don Juan stereotype and because Carmen reminds me of opera and over-dramatics (I have no idea what the opera Carmen is about btw…). Both Alonso and Chloe have dramatic/enthusiastic personalities after all.
Alternating between Cordoba and Norberg, this year Alonso, Chloe, Carmen and Juan spent Navidad at Norberg with Queen Abigail. Alonso is there a bit early, already spending time with the children when Chloe and Abigail arrive. Abigail is very affectionate with her grandchildren, a fact they both are a bit overwhelmed by but endure it nonetheless. Their mother has given them their share of Norberg hugs throughout their childhood and they are used to it.
Juan Ramón is also there for a visit. Finally, he has a chance to be proud of his and family and the responsibility he has come to carry. Chloe teases them how great it is to make friends, remembering the hard time she has had connecting with people other than her mother, a situation opposite to Alonso and his father.
Being in Norberg, Ambassador Nathaniel is a guest of honor, conversing with Alonso, who has finally started to take his royal training seriously. Meanwhile, Juan tries to catch the spotlight while juggling an apple while Chloe watches her family proudly.
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