#his rambling his bread cheeks his bunny teeth he's so cute
bevioletskies · 11 months
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tinn & gun + favorite moments (in no particular order)
“Is it good? I ordered the special for you.”
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lokislytherin · 4 years
euphoria // vampire!jungkook
pairing: vampire!jeon jeongguk x human!reader summary: you’re scared of vampires - until one saves your life one night. word count: 1988 + 1808 + 
chapters: prologue / chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / epilogue
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The next few days are mostly uneventful.
Taehyung visits and shamelessly beats your ass at Mario Kart when he steals Seokjin's DS, only to have his older brother return and beat his ass in an act of revenge.  Taehyung begs for rematches, and the amount of times Seokjin wins is alarming.  That day, you learn that your roommate is surprisingly competitive when it comes to Mario, games, and Mario-related games.
You also meet up with college student Kim Namjoon, who has kindly volunteered to tutor you in math.  In the span of your one hour-long session, Namjoon manages to misplace both his wallet and his phone while rambling on about trigonometry and Greek mathematician/philosophers.  Thankfully, he finds both in the cafe booth you've been studying at.  You bear him no offense, but you're glad for the distraction your new friend's disastrous luck and tendency to babble offers you, if only for a short while.
Even though he tries not to show it in front of you, you can tell that Seokjin is still suspicious about what happened - or rather, didn't happen - the other night.  You shut your own worries down, telling yourself firmly he's better off not knowing.  If he found out that you met a vampire, he'd flip out and pitch a fit, or have a heart attack.  Perhaps he'd do both, and proceed to lock you in your room and never let you out without him being by your side.  He's never been good with horror films, but again, neither have you.
The next time you find yourself alone, it’s night-time again.  All your friends are busy – most of your friends from school are already asleep or being insomniac gremlins; Taehyung is doing some last-minute studying for a test the next day; you're not desperate enough to contact Namjoon, and not familiar enough with him either; and surprisingly enough, Jin is on a date.  Despite your initial irritation at him ditching your movie night, you’re happy for him – he needs to get out more, and his good looks deserve much better than to go to waste with him being a bachelor for the rest of his life.
You sigh as you attempt to brush out the tangles in your damp hair, envying Seokjin’s effortless beauty.  No matter what he does, he's flat out gorgeous, and he knows it, even if nobody else notices.  But you? You're not exactly society's image of 'drop dead gorgeous'.  All your previous relationships have gone to shït, even though you will admit that it was not your fault.  You glare at your reflection, and the girl in the fogged-up mirror glares right back at you.
You turn around, sick of looking at your messy, knotted hair – and scream.
There’s a boy.  In your bathroom.  A boy with dazzling blue eyes and gleaming white canines, a boy that doesn’t appear in the mirror.  A boy that clearly can't be human, no matter how much his other features almost lull you into a false sense of security.  
He grins.  “Hi.”
Did I mention the boy is in your bathroom? Had he arrived a few minutes earlier, you would've been naked.
You scream again, right in his face.  It’s the bloodsucker from several nights ago! You quiver upon realizing that his fangs are even sharper up close. He cute though, the voice in your head supplies helpfully.  It's not wrong. He winces, immediately clamping a hand over your mouth.  His skin is cold, cold as ice, whereas you are warm, face flushed with terror and mild embarrassment. Enclosing you in his arms, he carefully pulls you away from the mirror, setting you down on your bed.  Your eyes are wide, brain frozen in fear, body unable to move of your own free will. You seem a little less scared of him than he is of you as he pulls his hand away from your face, but reflexively presses a finger against your lips to shut off another scream from you.  You go cross-eyed at the contact.  Is he trying to kill you, or flirt with you?
Boys are confusing, you decide.
“Sorry if I scared you,” he says quietly, almost bashfully, “I keep forgetting I’m not a human anymore.” If he were human, he’d probably be blushing, but he’s not, and his face is pale, without any sign of a flush.  He looks a little paler than he should be, but that’s it.  He carefully sits down beside you, leaving a large gap in the middle.
“Thanks for calling me cute, though,” he says, incredibly forward but somehow even shyer than before (and shït, Y/N, you realize belatedly, he’s not supposed to be this cute! He’s dead!).  He doesn’t meet your eyes.  “You’re not too bad yourself.”
You finally gain control of your tongue (and your brain).  “I don’t mean to be rude, but who the fück are you and what the fück are you doing in my house?”
You know it’s probably unwise to swear at an undead being who could drain you dry of blood and life in less than a minute, but right now you’re too angry, scared (and honestly a little turned on) to care about that.  Besides, the vampire boy doesn’t really look like he could hurt you. “I’m Jeon Jeongguk, and I’m a vampire. I won’t hurt you; I swear.” You narrow your eyes.  The primal instinct inside your head still screams at you to run, even as you see how he looks a little lonely, a little sad.   “You’re still scared of me, aren’t you?” You nod, and he pouts.  Eyebrows knitted together, he closes his eyes in intent focus, and you watch in fascination as his fangs retract into his gums to reveal normal human teeth.  “Again, I’m really sorry for scaring you the other day.”  
He cracks a wry smile.  “I’m not me when I’m hungry.”
To your surprise, a giggle escapes your throat.  “You’re a vampire.  How do you know about Snickers?”
He looks wounded.  “Why wouldn’t I know about Snickers? I'm not too big a fan myself, but I still know about them.” He sighs.  “Believe it or not, I was human too.”
You resist the urge to hug the stranger upon hearing the sadness in his tone, instead just softly patting his arm.  “How old are you?” You blurt curiously.  The question’s been on your mind for a while.  He looks young, not much older than you are.  But how old is he really?
Jeongguk pouts.  “I hate it when people ask me that. I’m so shït at counting.” He tries anyway, counting with his fingers and looking confused.  “I was turned a year ago? I was twenty-one, but I haven’t physically aged since then. So, does that make me twenty-two, or am I still twenty-one? Am I supposed the years I’ve been alive for? But I should be biologically dead, because my heart’s not beating anymore and I'm fueled by blood and magic-”
He stops and sniffs the air.  “Actually, I think your roommate’s back.” He closes his eyes, sniffs a little more and promptly looks disgusted.  “He doesn’t seem very happy.”
You cock your head. “Emotions have scents,” he explains, “irritation and self-deprecation smell the worst.” He wrinkles his nose with a small pout.  “Werewolves can distinguish scents better, though.  They're like dogs, especially near the full moon.”
You coo inwardly at the pouty look on his face, and jump when you hear Seokjin's key twisting in the lock.  Your room is further away from the door than Jin's, and if Jeongguk can smell Seokjin from here he must have one hell of a nose.  Briefly, you're tempted to pull out some garlic bread.
“Well, that's my cue to leave.” Jeongguk smiles so brightly you're a little dazed.  He looks like a bunny - adorable - and it's so cute that you're squealing and dying on the inside at the same time. “Bye!”
That said, he jumps out the window.
You almost scream and throw yourself out after him, only to remember he's a vampire with far better reflexes than you.  You see him downstairs, a blur of black in the shadows.  He stops and waves goodbye, like an energetic puppy of sorts.  With a light blush on your face, you wave back.
You flinch away from the window as the door creaks and swings open, hearing a disheartened looking Seokjin stomping in. You hope he doesn’t notice the lingering blush on your cheeks.  You'd feel bad if you snagged a cutie and he didn't, after trying for so much longer than you have.
“I take it that the date didn’t go too well?” You ask, testing the waters as you walk out to greet him.  An angry and heartbroken Seokjin is never a good Seokjin to deal with.
Seokjin mumbles something unintelligible, and you hum to get him to clarify.
Seokjin throws himself onto the couch.  “She ditched. She didn’t even call, or text! I waited for an hour.  Alone. In the dark.” He sniffs, pouting.  “These dates are so stupid. I feel so stupid.  Why do I even bother anymore?”
You sit down beside him, patting his shoulder reassuringly.  “Oh, darling.” He’s a little older than you, but he’s used to your fond nicknames.  “You’ll find the perfect one for you soon enough.”
He huffs. “You say that every time,” he retorts bitterly. “Well, maybe you’ll find someone who appreciates you.” He sighs heavily, barely giving you time to move your arm before he flops backwards dramatically, almost boneless.  “I hope so too, Y/N.”
Seokjin switches on the tv, mindlessly flipping through the channels.
“Still up for movie night?” You suggest.
Your roommate nods gratefully.  “Hell yeah.”
You take the remote from him, laughing.  “Good, because I’m picking the movie.”
He groans dramatically.  “Oh, what a nightmare.”
You move to flick his forehead, but he ducks out of the way.  “Just for that comment, we’re watching Twilight.  Now get the chips.”
He obliges, albeit grudgingly.  Neither of you are big fans of the vampire movie franchise - or the books, for that matter - but your sassy jabs at the characters never fail to make Seokjin feel better.
You won't tell him about your ulterior motives - after a vampire named Jeon Jeongguk barreled into your life, you've never related to Bella Swan so much.
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moastays · 6 years
-eggs and vampires(f)
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vampire! hyunjin x reader
summary: you never expected your best friend of 4 years to be a vampire.
warnings: little mention of blood (not really), violence (a lil) , didnt proofread
you didnt want to walk to the convenient store that night at all. you were already snuggled up in bed reading a fanfic when your mother yelled at you insisting that you get her some eggs so she could bake some cookies for her bingo meeting. you pretended that you were asleep but that didn't work on her and she quickly yelled again that of you didn't go get it your phone privileges would be taken. so here you are in some gray sweatpants, a black crop top, your best friend hyunjin’s over sized jacket, and some fluffy bunny slippers walking to the convenient store. 
you walked quickly to the store, it was only a good five minutes away but you got an eerie feeling from the area tonight. you put in your headphones as you blasted some music walking down the street. 
you made it to the convenient store quickly and walked through the door. your mom needed eggs quiet often so you came here a lot so it wasn't a surprise when your normal cashier, chanhee flashed you a big smile. “hey y/n funny to see you here again, let me guess what it is this time is it.....bread?” he said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. “ha ha ha very funny you know why im here.” you yelled while picking up what your mom had asked for. you made your way to the cash register and chanhee began cashing you out.
you looked around and saw a guy in all black sitting at one of the tables near the front of the store.
“ hey whats up with mister badtz maru tease behind us.” you mumbled (a/n badtz maru is an all black saniro charcter if you dont know skksdhkhsk) as chanhee snickered at your joke. “i dont know hes been here for a while now but he was looking at you walking around the store, maybe thinks your hot under your trash ass outfit.” he said making you glare at him.
“you an asshole.” you retorted back.
“your total is 11.87″ he said with a devious smile as you handed him the money huffing a bit. he gave you back your change and you waved goodbye before walking out the store heading home.
as you were walking you felt a presence behind you as you walked home which cause you to pick up your pace slightly. when you made it around the corner you began to full blast run home getting scared that you were going to get attacked.
but that didnt help quite much.
you were aggressively pushed against a wall a few seconds as you began to run. you groaned at the sudden attack.
“hey beautiful.” the boy said in a low voice as your heart rate began to speed up. you tried your best to stay calm and stand tall as you struggled against his tight grip.
“hey asshole, can you let me go? this isnt a very great introduction.” you said tried to break out his strong hold.
he brought his face closer to your neck and sniffed it completely disregarding what you said. “you smell so good” he said in a mischievous tone. you heart began to race at his strange words.
oh my god im literally going to die.
you tried to fight against his strong grip but everything halted when you saw two pointy teeth coming out of his mouth.
“those are some pointy teeth you got there.” you rambled not quite sure what to do.
you tried to run away again but just ended up cutting your cheek on some sharp object against the wall. the all black emo guy’s eyes got a bright hazel color as you gulped slightly.
his face came close to your neck as you began to cry.
he’s literally a vampire im literally going to die because of some STUPID EGGS? you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes. “this will only hurt a bit love.” he said making you start repenting your sins.
but, when nothing happened you opened your eyes and looked around. you saw mysterious guy in all black tackled to the ground by some other familiar boy. they began to fight which meant this was your cue to run. you pick up your probably broken eggs and ran as fast as your legs could take you.
“im gonna die im gonna die i-“ you kept chanting until some grabbed you by the waist and covered your mouth.
“y/n dont scream its me.” a voice said which you quickly recognized as hyunjin. you turned around and faced him with a smile of relief. but when hyunjin quickly grabbed your face causing you to look into his very unfamiliar hazel eyes and licked your cheek where you were bleeding at, you could say your smile diminished.
so now you and hyunjin just stared at each other. his mouth covered in shock at what he just impulsively did and your mouth dropped to the ground as your face became redder and redder.
“y/n dont freak out let me explain.” he said as your mouth got even wider looking at his tiny fangs protruding from his mouth.
“oh my god your frickin vampire my best friend is literally a vampire HAH HAH HAH oh my god wow this is great what are you gonna suck my blood too-“ you said before he covered your mouth quickly and picked you up bridal style.
“you talk so much sometimes.” he said.
“oh bite me.” you retorted back.
“maybe soon.” he said smiling at you causing you to shut up immediately.
i guess you could say hyunjin used his “vampire speed” to get you both back to your house because you were there in seconds.
“sorry that im late mom i had to fight off a bunch of vampires before i made it home.” you said in a sarcastic tone causing her to laugh.
“yeah i’d pay a million dollars to see that if that were the case.” she said back causing you to mumble “well that was the case..” under your breath.
“hi mrs.______” hyunjin said before walking upstairs so she would see his bruises from his mini fight.
“hi sweetie!!” she said absentmindedly.
you went into your room and sat on your bed as hyunjin went into your drawer and pulled out some clothes he had left over here.
“care to explain yourself hwang.” you said he began changing causing you to cover your eyes.
he giggled at your cute gesture before sitting in front of you on your bed.
“well i guess yeah i am a vampire. i have always been one since i was little and my parents are also. vampires arent like how they are portrayed in movies; we live normal lives we die at a normal age and everything but we are just kinda sensitive to sunlight and we do need blood to survive kinda.” hyunjin said scratching his neck nervously.
“i hope this doesnt change anything between us im sorry i kept this from you.” he said quietly grabbing your hand and playing with it, like he usually did when he was nervous.
“no jinnie even tho is the wildest shit i have ever seen youre still my best friend and i love you.” you said causing him to smile. hyunjins heart raced at your understanding words. he grabbed your face and held i close to his.
“thank you for understanding i love you too.” he said before pulling you in for a kiss. your eyes widened at what was happening but you quickly responded by kissing him back causing him to smile. after a few more seconds you both broke the kiss and looked at eachother.
“well isnt this just a night full of surprises.” you said softly as he giggled.
“you could say that.” he said
“can i touch your fangs?” you blurted out making him giggle again.
“if you let me bite you sure” he said with a smirk making you blush.
“umm maybe another time lover boy” you said while rolling your eyes. you continued to lay down with hyunjin for the rest of the night, the kiss you shared racing through the both of you guys minds.
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