#his real emotions he felt back then and v important details... to assuage his guilt over how badly it ended with Claudia and Lestat
shivcodedkendall · 2 years
Something about how Succession never shows flashbacks so all we have are fleeting references tinted by a character's different perspective on the past. Like I feel there are better examples but the one coming to mind is how Kendall and Connor tell Roman they remember putting him in a dog cage bc he liked it/it was a game but Roman vehemently disagrees and says he doesn't remember it that way at all...but his siblings remain adamant that their version is "correct"... IWTV actually using flashbacks but still kinda doing a similar thing (not really) with Louis telling Daniel that Claudia couldn’t burn Lestat’s body when it was really Louis who couldn’t and he who choked Claudia as a result…the past isn't real...just stories we use to convince ourselves we didn't hurt the ones we love...idk is this anything probably not...just loving this odyssey of recollection...
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