#his science theories. as much as i dislike him. i can admit they're pretty cool
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Honestly the only times I ever enjoy matpats work is when it's less "story/lore theory" and more like a "science/logic behind theory". Probably because it's harder for him to completely miss the point or obvious evidence when dealing with stuff like, how much force would you need to actually crush a child's skull with an animatronic's mouth.
YEAH! i also really enjoy those, because they're fully just. based on science. you don't need to have media comprehension skills for that. like the one about steve's diamond armor? FULLY based in science. you don't need to understand the intricacies of minecraft lore to do so. it's just the second. the SECOND. he's forced to do any critical analysis of a piece of media. the second he has to look past the curtains being blue. it all falls to shit
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clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
Forging ahead with 52. #19 to #38. It's so much.
The Evil Skeets plot is great. According to the omnibus it was a very late change away from a generic broken-time story, and I can kinda see that with how some of the earlier evil Skeets behavior doesn't seem super purposeful, but it all works for me.
Mostly spaceguy plot that I don't care much about. The fight's cool at least.
I have no idea what fan speculation was like at the time but the idea of Supernova Jason Todd conspiracy theories is extremely funny so I support the intentional red herrings here.
I keep changing my mind on which storylines I like more as I go. How could I not love Natasha?
Dr. Magnus is back! I wish him being bipolar was handled more sensitively, the whole "oh the medicine keeps me from going ~crazy~" thing is :/, but I'm willing to read it charitably as his own perspective because I like him. He's a psychotic DC character who's heroic and not spooky or magical, just a guy who really doesn't want to have another depersonalization episode and has some internalized sanism about it, it could be so much worse.
I like that Vic's more jaded to the horrors he can't stop than Renee is. He's had a lot of time to get used to the idea he can't save everyone - back in his own book he would've thrown himself in harm's way just like she wants to, but he's gotten better at not starting fights he can't win.
Hate to give Geoff Johns credit for anything but "What the hell are you doing?" "Seeing if it's contagious." is really good.
"We were both guilty of ignoring Ted" Pretty sure Booster nearly died because he dropped everything to help but okay.
Osiris is just a kid...
Introducing a First Nations hero just to kill him off and give his stuff to a white dude sucks.
Alan's out of the spaceguy zone and doing his own thing.
Almost halfway and the threads are still only starting to link up.
I cannot get enough of Vic and Renee being friends with the Black Marvels. It's very sweet!
Tot my friend Tot :)
This is just a nice moment for them.
I'm very into how Evil Skeets is drawn. He manages to be expressive despite having no moving features, it's a good trick.
Ohhh no it's now. I thought I had another issue, but no, this is the turning point.
THE QUESTIONS!!! Love how they're heckling Kate together.
Kate is so cool.
Oh right, the spaceguys are still here.
The way the mad science island handles mental illness generally sucks, but it's almost hitting at something interesting with Will being forced off his medication for the sake of "creativity".
Get out of here Bruce.
I am going to cry!
I don't even dislike the spaceguys really, but cmon, more of Ralph or Nat would've been better.
Ralph's still a detective even at his lowest! Strong foreshadowing.
Uh oh, Ralph.
Ohhh Charlie.
Him hallucinating Myra? Only able to admit he loved her at the very end?? It takes me out!
Almost all of his dialogue is straight from the O'Neil run. Rucka describes rereading the entire run just to write this issue because he had to get this right, and it shows.
There's a reason I consider O'Neil and Rucka the essential Question writers, and all the other takes to be interesting sidenotes.
The kids aren't doing so well.
Hands you a picture of Nat. Hands you a picture of Nat. Hands you a picture of Nat.
Lex is the best villain in 52 and it isn't even close to a competition.
Fuck dude! Nothing coherent to say here! Look at them!
Wild emotional roller coaster for me as I go from Renee agony to cheering about Booster. My first read of this was a Time.
It's such a fun mystery. I can confirm it works if you know nothing about comics and are just along for the ride, and it comes together so well on the reread.
Mayor Ollie!
"I'm afraid of who I'll become without you..." How am I meant to be normal about this!
I had to read this in two pieces because it made me need to get up and pace. It has done this every time I have read it. I am physically incapable of being normal about this.
Head in my hands. Comics are good and worth reading actually.
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